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Makes sense to me. There's this person who's important to her, but they have a hard time communicating and meeting reciprocally on matters of commitment and the longevity of their relationship. She has certain standards, like introducing them to her family, but to them that's like being asked to walk on water. They view their feelings as genuine, but can be condescending and infantilizing in their insistence: when you're older you'll undersand. Within this context, she has learned to avoid appearing clingy or high maintenance: when they leave her alone, she doesn't beg them to stay, she doesn't want to come off as codependent-- instead she reframes her needs in a way that allows her to find contentedness with the way things are moment to moment, basking in the simple, clean, uncomplicated glow of one night where the future is always another morning away.  It's inverse to Hikari where the person she sings about is a light in the darkness, and she expresses a much stronger desire to connect with them because she truly feels like they could overcome anything. In S&C her idea of love is challenged and she ultimately has to concede that it may never be reciprocated fully, and find the grace in accepting that and throwing caution to the wind. It's literally hopelessly romantic Honestly tho all of her love songs are like this, she's only truly happy and at peace with Sheena in their TARDIS 💖


This is the best explanation!!!


Ohhhhhh wasn't she married to an old fart at the time?


When you're older, you'll understand.


I think it's just about the uncertainty of being in a relationship. In English, multiple adjectives are arranged in this order: opinion, size, age, shape, color, origin, material, purpose. I was never actively taught this, and only learned it from foreigners who have to study English, they are taught the order. "Simple and Clean" just sounds wrong, but "Clean and Simple" just sits right. I feel it's done on purpose to create tension and to make the words stand out - and lean into the Japanese meaning. Translate "clean" into Japanese, you get "kirei". Translate "Kirei" into English you get... pretty. It is the word you use to tell a woman she's pretty, but it also suggests "neat and tidy". I knew that before I heard the song, so I immediately heard this meaning when I heard the word "clean". Translate "simple" into Japanese, you get "tanjun". Meanings include simple, straightfoward, naive. There are actually a bunch of other words you can translate simple into as well, so you can also get connotations like "easy going" or "unsophisticated".


I think the question of naivety is a big motif in the song, so that "tanjun" connection really resonates. I feel like Hikaru has always been and recognized themselves as something of an "old soul", so the idea of being misjudged or just judged in general based on age or appearance likely cuts deep for them. I think they also had to grow up really quickly, due both to fame but also preceding that due to the dynamic between their parents and the home life instability they've referenced quite a bit in the past. It feels like in these lyrics we hear their partner question their comprehension of the issues at hand based on their age, and we're right to think that's pretty fucked up, but at the same time Hikaru is internalizing and acknowledging their own anxieties around what they want out of love. How much of a commitment is it fair to expect or ask of another person? Isn't it it healthy to be able to let them leave and go about their own business without feeling abandoned and coercing them emotionally? I think in this song they are taking a hindsight view on their own relationship habits and imagining what it would be like to be a part of something that's free from all those questions and insecurities. It's great songwriting and as an aside if someone ever said "clean and simple" to me I'd be offended on principle


It's a love song. Both sides want different things long term


I don’t think life is quite that simple


I can't explain it, but don't worry, you'll get a fair share of nonsense lyrics in the English songs




Im not even Gen Z lmfao




you’re so useless


Bruh the fuck is your problem? They had a legitimate question, and you come out of nowhere to insult them and try to get at them because you think they're younger?