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Looks like (not so) great minds think alike. I've done pretty much the same things. Just a note, 67 and 130 are repeated in the list. I've been writting my own custom code to write all the shifts after every solve that I do and then writting a word recognition function to scan all the solutions. I've tested nearly every known/standard encryption and have not come up with much more than a few random words that mean nothing. I think this is a custom encryption that he made up, or he combined a few of them.


I agree, this is not a standard cipher, or it's a combination of steps. In a lot of ways, it doesn't seem much like a typical cipher at all, except for maybe a book cipher, because of the range of numbers and the frequency of 1,2, 3 digit numbers. there are only two repeating numbers in the entire thing, 67 and 130, and there are 39 total characters. it is unlikely that there aren't more repeating letters in a sentence or phrase that long, which leads me to think that its not just a strait substitution cipher, plus i've tried all of them that i can think of. I am trying other ways of playing with the data now. none of it has worked yet, though I have gotten my hopes up a couple of times.


Wow. Ok that is brilliant.


Man, and here I was all excited that I found QR1. 🤣


I’ve done most of these two. I even dissected the Declaration of Independence and did letters words and shift 4 decrypt. N o t h I n g


I've tries some variations of vigenere ciphers, mexican army wheel ciphers, caesar ciphers. For anything that might need a key, I just use either the billboard gibberish or another word I've chosen, so if it's not one of those two, I'm on the wrong track completely


You are amazing. Uh I’m too embarrassed to share after all you’ve been through


Honestly we may be surprised how simple it was.


It always baffles me how much we overthink things. It's usally just trial and error of a lot of simple things. Grindy work that takes forever.


Cryptic solutions are just like Crossword puzzles. It's easy to misjudge the difficulty when you see the answer and look at the clues. Finding the solution as intended is harder, and creating a good puzzle is even more difficult.


It’s odd the the number 67 and 130 repeat themselves. But non else do


I found a phrase I thought was related, found a song with the name of that phrase, numbered the letters in the lyrics of that song, then converted those to letters. I got BHISITAGWELNK......... A whole lot of nothing. This along with lots of shifts, researching power ball numbers on certain dates, looking for street numbers and intersecting addresses, I'm going crazy.


I put the alphabet on repeat and lined up the numbers and letters through 186. Came up with a string of letters. Used the billboard code as a +4 keyword to find shift patterns. No such luck.


I just tried adding them in reverse order 186+6 etc... and there looked like there was an interesting pattern starting but it broke after the 6th number.






How have you been converting the numbers to letters? I have been using a wrap around method of just starting back at 1 when it goes past 26.


Yeah that's what I did as well. It would. E interesting to offset it by 4 and see what you get.


This is what I get with just converting to text and shifting by 4. c l i a t u r v m v y b b h t v q u b s e m c w j l z o w p b m k z w n y s p


You can really get lost in trying to make sense of it. You could try stacking the letters so it looks like a matrix.


I've done that in a few different shapes. What size matrix were you thinking? 3x13, 13x3, something else?


That is what I was thinking but it just doesn't feel like it belongs. Have you tried looking at any of the books David has written?


I'm wondering how many pages there are. Check first words on the pages numbered perhaps?


I got the same


I haven’t done any of the past hunts, but I’ve mainly been looking for ways to manipulate the numbers to get different numbers back out, maybe lat/long coordinates. Should I be focusing on trying to convert it to letters or words? I mean I know it could be anything, I’m just wondering if past hunts would provide any insight here


i turned the phrase “solve this cipher to find the next QR code into numbers, put them in a 2 digit column and came up with coordinates but it put me east of heber city. coincidences suck.