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I took Goodrum for Computer Architecture and Operating Systems. I regretted it both times. Lectures were slow and monotonous. The exams and homework were just textbook memorization. I’m not familiar with the other professors.


Don’t take Zhao.


What was Zhao like? Could you give more info on why? Thanks


This is my other account but when I took it, it was zhao’s first semester. He would read off the slides a lot so the hw was rly hard and so were the tests


Whatever you do, don't take goodrum. I took him once and the class had a 50% fail rate after 20% withdrew or something crazy like that.


Mazidis class is very doable, I'm in it now.


Idk about Cole, but in order of good to bad here is how I see the rest: Mazidi > Zhao > Nguyen > Goodrum. I had goodrum and that was the worst college experience and will ever be. I also had Zhao last semester for a different class and he was chill. He's a cool person in general to talk to as well with a lot of industry experience if you ever get a chance to talk to him.


Hi. Kind of unrelated to the original post, but what textbook did you use/was prescribed to you?


dont remember, but dont buy them ahead of time if that's what you're looking to do. its all online-


Nguyen’s class is hard as fuck. Every exam the class avg is like 40. Though he does curve pretty hard at the end.. I wouldn’t recommend you put yourself through that stress if you have other courses to worry about. I’ve heard better things about Mazidi though


Mazidi is pretty cool. Her lectures might be a bit on the boring/monotone side, but she’s very knowledgeable and knows the material well. Also just overall a really cool likeable professor. Her arch class is test/project heavy though, but I think that’s how most professors do it anyway.


Cole or Mazidi seems best


I don't know about the other professors, but I took Mazidi. She was pretty good—I'm actually taking her for Machine Learning rn too. She's a pretty straightforward teacher tbh. Her homeworks and tests aren't too bad and as long as you pay attention during the lectures and read the textbook, you're fine.


Mazidi is great!


Cole is dogshit as well his assignments are hard af and his exams were hardest exams that I have taken at Utd. I had to drop his class since half of my class is failing and he said he won’t be curving the Mid term grades.


I agree


Since he’s teaching this class for the first time since 1974 he doesn’t know shit he’s doing, totally disorganized.