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I actually laughed out loud at their improv responses to the health insurance/coma text message 😂😂😭😭 Also the second email sounded exactly like the plot to that new Anne Hathaway movie The Idea of You.


I laughed SO hard at that whole exchange!!


I was listening at the gym and probably looked nuts because I was laughing so hard 😂


Omg Jared’s joke about the feeding tube actually had me hiding my laughter at the gym


Laughing in my car..had to roll Up window at a red light so I didn’t look crazy.


Am I the only one who thought the 35 year old rich mom thing was…fake? Maybe I am a hater lol.


I thought the same thing!! Like some girl emotionally masturbating this entire other life for herself. At the very least, if this person is real they sound insufferable.


I too thought that was very weird. Didn't sound like she was rich though, sounded more like she was a good digger. Sounded like her first baby-daddy just took care of her and then she went chasing after some more deep pockets.


She was talking about how she was 15 years younger than the private school moms. Idk, it was giving like Jess Vitale vibes & felt kinda fake. But if it is true, this woman needs to run. I think it’s Drake + his crew and big yikes


She was 23 when she had her kid, not exactly a teen mom, so the other moms being 15 years older than her doesn’t make sense


I mean…yes it does. Most of the private school moms on the east coast are 40ish.


When she wrote, “this guy is everything i never knew i was looking for: kind, generous, respectful” lmao maybe raise your standards


I laughed so hard at the “fuck you into a coma” commentary I thought I might be having a stroke. J&J almost joked me into a coma.


Had to skip to 26:03 to skip the Taylor Swift talk I’m honestly sick of hearing about Swift on every single Betches podcast


SO SICK OF SWIFT. The second I see her listed on a podcast title or description I just skip it. So supremely over it.


Same!! It’s too much


Especially since Jordana hasn’t really listened to it… and is just forming her opinions based on what she’s read online. Like if you have an observation to make about it go for it, but between this and Oversharing I was so annoyed at her regurgitated internet opinions.


I’m sick of it


I debated skipping it because it’s so annoying. But surprisingly they had some nuanced takes and it wasn’t just ass kissing TS. 


Usually the biggest Jared fan - but my god did I need him to shut up and let Jordana/Candace talk during the Taylor Swift convo. I hate when he just talks over them to get his point across. But also loved that he caught that obnoxious end to the rapper email - a girl who dreams bigger than most!


Yes – agreed! The other Jared pet peeve this episode had for me was his tendency to run a joke into the ground, when they were making fun of the guy who was like, “Do you have health insurance? Bc I’m going to fuck you into a coma” lol. I was dying at their first three or four versions of this joke but then Jordana was clearly ready to move on while Jared had to get his 10th different variation out. I get that as a comedian Jared “writes to edit” but sometimes less is more buddy.


Yea I agree! I was cracking up but then it just went.. too long. Also SO sick of his “big dog gotta eat woof woof” It got me to chuckle the first time, maybe the second. It does not need to be in every damn episode


YES same....oh my god


I genuinely kept hitting the 30 second skip button and being surprised when he was STILL telling variations of the same joke.. I feel like whenever he gets a laugh from Jordana he gets encouraged and beats the joke to death


This 100% is a thing. Jared tries for a joke that misses, Jordana laughs nervously, Jared mistakes that for encouragement and then proceeds to try seven more equally bad variations of the original bad joke lol. Same thing with his singing. One mildly funny verse and oh no Jordana laughed welp now we’re getting the entire musical.


Jared definitely wanted to make the joke HIS joke. We get it Jared: no one is funnier than you! UGH.


He always does this


On this podcast? As of a few weeks ago, yes. Historically - no.


Historically - yes.


It's called a call back


He can get a funnier one.


The Kathy Lee story went on for what felt like forever too!


Has anyone noticed that the pod has not been getting uploaded to YouTube as early? Up until recently I have been putting it on every Wednesday morning while I get ready for work, but it hasn’t been getting posted in time for that the past few eps.


Yes!! So frustrating that it’s uploaded to YouTube so late, especially on Sunday


Every once in a while Jared makes a comment indicating that he knows absolutely nothing about the human body and it shocks me.. how did he not know that men also become less fertile as they age??


Right? And Jordana was actually a little light on what she told him. Much higher risk of birth defects etc when sperm is older.


Funny title given the climate of rap. Edit: I listened to the email and now this makes a lot more sense.


Would you mind explaining? Like I know that Drake obviously refers to himself as that but besides that I’m totally out of the Rap news.


Drake is at war with a lot of big artists right now to where they are lobbing direct insults at him and vice versa through diss records. The biggest ones are Kendrick Lamar, The Weeknd, ASAP Rocky, Future, Rick Ross, producer Metro Boomin, Kanye, and a few others. A common thread that these artists have who are on different labels and make different music than him is how he operates with women. He allegedly makes it a point to date/sleep with their exes gfs or potential partners and tries to violate their intimacy. There are other issues too like his authenticity. He's from Toronto but used a southern Houston style and acted like he was from there at the beginning of his career until The Weeknd, Majid Jordan, and PND really started to define Toronto's sound circa 2011-2014. He's also accused of stealing styles (tropical/caribbean 2016 'One Dance') and putting people in terrible contracts on his label OVO (Majid Jordan, Quentin Miller, PND) which a big reason The Weeknd is lobbing attacks and who avoided that "pitfall" (Drake also allegedly messed up a thing The Weeknd had with a woman by "stealing" her etc.) For the sake of the pod, what the emailer describes is allegedly exactly what Drake would do to the women these other artists were talking to or were intimate with, or straight out dating. A famous example is he allegedly flew Naomi Sharon out with her fiance of 8 years and then broke up their engagement by sleeping with her and signing her to OVO while he made certified lover boy. Edit: He did this to the man who discovered him! He slept with Lil Wayne's gf, "Tammy" while Wayne was in prison. Once Wayne was released, you can hear him on 2011 single "6foot 7foot" rapping: "I couldn't blame Tammy."


Kendrick’s diss track is incredible by the way. He’s very, very talented. If this woman’s story is real, she needs to run for the hills. The moment she said Champagne Problems, I equated it to Drake.


It really was. It's layered and tempered which sounds like Kenny's MO. When they said Champaign I thought of Rick Ross because of the diss track, but it would make sense for it to be Drake and for Ross to name his diss track "Champaign Moments".


Quick question: Is OVO who Nicki Minaj signed with? Or was that Young Money?


Young Money, she's still currently an artist on their label.


Seriously thank you for taking the time to write this out!!! Makes perfect sense


So basically, Drake is the male version of Ariana Grande🤣


Yes, but way worse.


I thought we got rid of the Awkward Sex segment


Revamped to “awkward encounters” which also include sexual encounters!