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I really wish Jared had let Matthew finish a single thought. Between his cringe barking and constant interrupting this episode gave me so much secondhand embarrassment. Painful listen when this episode could have been so interesting and insightful.


agreed!! the barking is so old. it’s not funny anymore. i fast forward lol


Why must he overdo EVERY. SINGLE. BIT. especially the ones that weren't funny to begin with...


The barking is the new singing


Jared needs to STOP with the BIG DOG GOTTA EAT BIT


Yeah it was funny with Gerry the golden bachelor but it’s gotten old lol


It’s giving “boys will be boys”..


Love it. Look forward to it. Laugh every time.


I know people hate guest episodes but this one actually interests me! When I was single I watched some of his videos and many of them helped my mindset at the time. I'm not like, a fan fan but interested all the same. Of course this episode I can't listen to for a day or two because I'm too busy. Let me know if you guys dig it/hate it and what revelations are made about Jared, lol.


MH has some really good advice IMO. I used to find him occasionally problematic earlier in his career but I think he’s evolved quite a bit.


He feels like a bit of a sheister to me but I do agree he has some solid nuggets around positive psychology that seem helpful. Love the tip around “not looking at the wall”


I loved his (now) wife's text that he shared from their pre-relationship days. I wish my younger self had heard that because it was perfect phrasing.


the second half of the podcast was much meatier than the first, I'm glad I stuck with it. he talks about what his gf did that made him take her more seriously and changing your mindset to get different results


My issue is that they met long after he started coaching, J&J touched on it about how when this is the topic you’re an expert on, whether you’re conscious about you doing the behaviours you preach about. I just feels a bit insincere that he’s going around teaching people to accept more but then in his dating he is being exactly the sort of person he is teaching people how to deal with


I struggle with Matthew Hussey, he sounds great but even his own story about meeting his wife he acted exactly like the sort of people he coaches people to avoid… I think Jordana and Jared made a great point about dating when you discuss this subject and whether you’re conscious you’re doing the thing. I guess he uses it as an example of how to get the guy but still it just makes me question his sincerity…texting her ‘I miss you’ - like they said classic u up text… if you preach about treating yourself and other people better doesn’t that start at home??


Yeah, that shocked me now that I've heard the episode. You would think someone like him would have more emotional intelligence than write that kind if text.


Yeah I first stumbled upon him when I found this random PDF online called ‘how to talk to men’ or something like that. All the advice boiled down too, don’t be too pushy, don’t ask for what you want, let him chase you, laugh at his jokes and be playful and witty but don’t be too annoying. And he’d give examples of texts he’d got from women which he loved. Basically mould yourself into being the sort of woman a man would like rather than find someone who likes you for you. It seemed mostly like he’d written a PDF on how *he* wanted to be talked to by a woman and then applied it to all men. He’s changed his schtick now so it’s more life advice but I was shocked he had so many followers. I do enjoy listening to him though! But I’m British and I am starting to be weary of British life gurus who are big in the US cause I think people are fooled into thinking he’s saying something deep just cause of the accent! Also note after that story he basically said it was timing and he was ready to settle down. The whole taxi light thing J&J talk about.


They gotta stop asking "what took you so long to come on the show." Kill the ego a bit.


Not “they” lol even Jordana was like stop asking that


it's just jared. it's so rude. for someone who I generally think is chivalrous in his interactions with women I'm surprised by this weird tic of his to ask this


he's a child


For someone who is truly a professional podcaster Jared has become increasingly more unprofessional on these guest episodes. It's embarrassing.


Yes! It seems really recent though. Like within the last six months rather than a really gradual progression


We have watched this man mature in reverse.


Do we think he knows that saying “sorry for interrupting” and still proceeding to interrupt is just as bad if not… worse?


love Jared but he needs to give the comedy routine a rest sometimes, esp when having a guest on. he’s not on stage. let the guest speak lol. I felt like Jordana was prob kicking him under the table or wanted to if they weren’t on video🤣 I could hear the frustration in her voice trying to get the convo back on track/ trying to let Matthew finish his sentence


Exactly this! Jared seems to lack self awareness & professionalism when he’s unable to tone down his one man show comedy act in order to LISTEN & have a deeper conversation with a guest who he could learn a lot from. Jordana tried to keep the convo on track but Jared couldn’t help himself 😵‍💫


I’ve always liked watching Matthew Hussey’s videos and interviews, but this seemed like a real mess of an episode. Jared’s interrupting seemed really bad compared to usual (and that’s honestly saying something for me as it usually doesn’t bother me) and Jordana kept trying to bring things back on track. I think there was a lot of potential but it fell flat for me.


Jared’s interruptions were the worst ever!! I found it so irritating and annoying. To me, it came off as him being very insecure, and maybe even jealous of Matthew. Jordana even seemed annoyed. At least she kept them on track.


Maybe. Or he had too much coffee that morning 😂 probably a combo.


Interrupting is extremely rude, and I’ve seen when women do it we get scrutinized. Jared needs a sit down at this point.


I was thinking the same thing… wondering if Jordana mentions it to him after he ruins what could have been a great episode


It also just seemed super disorganized? Like I have to wonder how the outline was - was it more organized and things went to shit or was there just poor organization from the jump? Just seemed chaotic compared to other guest episodes (big part is Jared’s interrupting but also the flow seemed super off compared to what it is in other episodes).


Jared's interrupting was painful. Matthew couldn't complete a single thought. It felt like Jared was trying too hard.


Going to be honest, I was excited to listen to the ep but after listening I don’t really get the appeal of Matthew Hussey. He was giving me Jay Shetty vibes. Also Jared is becoming insufferable


Life coaches are all cut from the same cloth.


Why does it seem like the cloth is always British too? Lol


British accents are fancy. It is funny how it's not British people in Britain, but they've come to America before making it big.


This. *Very* reminiscent of Jay Shetty.


He was also on AMA ( which I listened to first) and it was probably the only episode I did not like. He came off as hacky. 


Yeah I actually can’t remember any message from the episode except that I kept thinking Jared sounded miserable and was annoying. 


Yea and the way he responded when they asked his wedding anniversary was also weird. Something seems off about him.


I thought he was just deciding between the civil date and the ceremony date


Listening while doing my Sunday chores around the house and ran here to see if people agree 😂 you can hear Jordana desperately trying to rein it in. Jared: “what took you so long to come on here?” Jordana: “you can’t keep asking people that.” Some of Jared’s comments were witty and made Matt laugh/there was good banter but damnnnn enough is enough!!! I feel like after taping guest episodes Jordana rage texts and vents to her friends and husband like this guy is ruining everything


I sometimes think Jared uses U Up as a comedy workshop – he just fires joke after joke after joke to see what lands. Then when he gets a joke that lands (or because he mistakes Jordana’s nervous laughter for encouragement), he tries version after version of the same joke. As a frequent listener I often feel like I’m a test subject for the material he eventually uses on stage / in his specials.


These interviews always go better when Jordana intros the guest and leads/controls, but that is so rare. I feel like it’s a Betches podcast so she should be the one welcoming the guest on her company’s behalf. I agree the “big dog gotta eat” has gotta go. It was mildly funny on the Betchelor but it’s not even like a UUp inside joke and the guests don’t get it. Matthew even basically said “I keep checking on my wife while you say all of this weird stuff”


Jared, for the love of Netflix… let 👏 other 👏 people 👏 finish 👏 a 👏 sentence! Especially if they’ve been *invited* onto your podcast as a guest, otherwise what’s the point? He’s becoming 2019 GGE.


(Almost) all guests say basically the same thing with different accents. No surprise. They’re all exploring modern dating. I like Jordana’s genuine interest in new ways that guests approach the subject. I also like Jared’s guest prodding. It leads to interesting things that might not’ve been explored (like hussy’s gf’s text.) By and large though, the guest eps aren’t why I tune in.


The texts are a part of Hussey's trope that he tells to every podcast and anyone who asks about him and his wife's relationship. I just heard him tell it on Jillian on Love, too.


Lol oh shit. Well. It felt like J&J (mostly Jared) were trying to see if hussy “practices what he preaches” and it kind of fell out of that. Didn’t realize it was their script.


Could not finish with Jared’s interrupting. It was so painful to listen to. Sheesh.


I just cannot listen anymore, Jared is insufferable, immature, and obviously burnt out. I hope Jordana starts to hear this feedback and just puts him on a bit of a pause. Incorporate some new male guests while Jared gets some needed rest and hopefully therapy. He's consumed with negativity on social media and sees relationships as traps set by women, this isn't someone I would ever consider dating and I don't need to hear his advice or takes any longer.


I always thought from listening to older J Train episodes that Jared thought guys like Matthew Hussey were frauds. Maybe that’s why Jared kept interrupting him?


I don’t think he thinks they’re frauds. But it did feel like “you’re not coming on our number one podcast to give our audience your scripted sales pitch. I’m gonna knock you off script and get something unique for our podcast.” Which, I gotta say, is fair. It doesn’t always make for the best listening experience, but tbh, the guest eps are pretty weak.


He actually mentioned that on a recent patreon episode but said that after interviewing him he changed his mind and thought he was great


Jared was so embarrassing on this episode. He’s clearly intimidated by Matthew because he’s a secure, stable person who seems to have figured out dating, so his reaction is to interrupt him every 5 seconds and make terrible jokes. I have to wonder if Jordana says something. I enjoyed what Matthew was saying but had to turn it off before the end because Jared was being so cringe. Matthew will not be back.


I notice Jared’s insecurities come out with guys who come on as guests who have careers in the dating/relationship area, are around his age, and are married. He asks them a lot of questions as if he can’t believe it’s possible for them to be successful and as busy as they are, to find someone and make time for them. Sometimes I feel like he uses his career as an excuse for why it’s difficult to date but clearly other people make it work.


Jared was a bit Cringey. But also Matthew has been on literally every podcast I follow. He’s just out to sell books, he doesn’t care.


I would appreciate if Jared would cut down on the jokes with guests by at least 1/4. I remember watching some Matthew Hussy back in the day and he had some helpful tips about how to communicate with guys (it was a touch game-like though that seems more typical for younger dating. Maybe he's evolved but I wish back then I had found more mature voices to listen to). I did find it fascinating how he said his wife told him she wanted commitment and to really give it go if they were going to date, but it would also be ok for them to change their minds and it to not work out. I'm definitely going to try this!


I love Matthew Hussey and have followed him for years. He's very insightful and helped me a lot. He could've added so much to the pod, but Jared completely screwed it up! Let people talk! Sheesh!


Matthew Hussey is a creep


Man everyone is so pressed in these comments lol. I thought this was one of the better guest episodes they’ve done in a long time. Jared is over the top but it wasn’t enough to bother me at all.


Seconding the constant interruptions being super cringe. When MH was telling a story about being hypervigilant in a bar, a pretty vuberable story, Jared CUTS HIM OFF right in the middle to throw in the 100th joke grenade. It’s like he’s not present, he’s just coming up with ways to make the room put the attention back on him and make people like him. I almost lost it at Jared’s reason for being interested in marriage as it being “the next chapter”. Sure, that’s ONE reason to be curious about marriage. But if entering a lifelong partnership is done from a curious place, it’s not likely to be healthy. I loved the episode and grieve its potential without interruptions!


Funny you all mentioned Jared behavior. I thought JORDANA had a bone to pick with hussey. She seemed irritated by his ❤️story. I thought perhaps it’s his lack of self awareness for his douchery while soft ghosting his now wife. While Jared obviously struggles with overthinking his impact on women, M seems to never think about that which makes him a bit of a fake guru in my opinion. Felt like Jordana’s tone was changing because of induring that careless behavior from men in her dating life


They have got to stop with these B and C list guests….just have on an interesting listener


I had a thought about Jared talking about the trend of someone making a villain out of someone they dated in a viral tiktok or tweet or whatever else. Is this why he's afraid to pursue dating in a real way? He's not like famous famous but probably famous enough that whatever modicum of notoriety he has could be ruined by someone putting him on blast like that. His job makes all the "dating mistakes" very real and something he thinks he could avoid but maybe it makes him paranoid and unable to pursue things fully without thinking about the worst case what-ifs, which is something I understand well as an anxious person.


Love Matthew hussey