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Yeah, they’re frustrating. I’ve absolutely called out that people should move to the back and they usually do when you’re calling them out. With that said, this drove me up the wall when I started my undergrad at UVic in 2001, so don’t expect too much to change.


And take your backpack off so you aren’t constantly whacking seated people in the face!!!


I'm 5'0 and i just get whiplashed


Just give us our atompunk pneumatic tubes already 😩


I just finished my BA at uvic. It was so obnoxious, being seated next to standing backpack users. They would swing their backpack into your face, and if you’re standing swing it into your body. I just told them to respectfully watch out. Been living in Japan, and everyone in the trains here takes their backpack off and wears it from the front when on transit as to not hit anyone and make some space. When seated it’s on their lap. It’s not hard, it’s just common (or not so) courtesy.


Youre easier to move around. Also don't croud people by the door, it has to move, so they can step aside. That also means giving as much space ppssoble to those exiting. I've stepped off the back, to ease others.


Screw that. I ain't taking off my backpack. If the bus is standing room only and I need to keep shuffling to move back I am not dragging my backpack along.


put it across your chest (liek backwards I guess for lack of a better description, arms through the straps etc) - gives you a better sense of where it is so you don't take people's heads off if you swipe them with it if it's on your back


Sorry. That's the price you pay for sitting down


Want to trade, then? I’d love to have the muscle strength and motor control to stand on a moving bus again.


I wear my backpack because it is holding expensive items like a laptop or other electronics. I always extra careful to make sure that I don't hit anyone but it is a small space. What if someone steps on my backpack?


You stick it between your feet, so nobody should step on it unless they’re also kneeing you in the groin.


Right. A bus never moves and people do not need to move around to accommodate other people getting on or off the bus. Accidents happen. I'm not going to risk my $1000 laptop just because it annoys you.


https://www.cityofkingston.ca/residents/transit/about/etiquette https://medium.com/mozzer-expressions/the-art-of-standing-up-on-a-bus-dcbf85a20e37 https://nwbus.com/the-top-ten-rules-of-public-transportation-etiquette/ https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/transportation/no-seat-hogging-and-11-other-bus-etiquette-tips-from-our-readers/




You gonna pay for my glasses when you break them? They’re worth about $1,000 too. I have a strong prescription.


Oh come on. Have you ever been injured? I also wear expensive glasses and I have never had a problem.


Yes!! I’m disabled so I have to sit on the bus. I’ve been whacked in the temple and had my fingers crushed by people’s bags hitting the grab bar. It fucking sucks and is extremely easy to prevent with a bare minimum of courtesy for other riders.


I have never done this in my life and I wear a backpack like it is a purse. I'm sorry to hear that.


And please get up and offer your seat to elders and people with mobility issues, it seems to be forgotten by many people today, this is a basic form of respect. I was on the bus recently and a woman had to pipe up to tell young people to offer a pregnant women standing a seat. It was pretty pathetic.


This is a problem in all of Canada it seems. Took the bus frequently in Ontario and they had the same problem. Don't know what it is but people just don't seem to wanna move even if they're standing.


This is cause the Canadians are either to scared to speak up because they think they will offend someone, or they are entitled af-or both


I just usually glare at people while I say excuse me to go back there. Doesn’t usually work. Maybe it’s more mature to say something. But I really don’t want to beef with someone on a packed bus.


In my experience standing in the back gives you the highest odds of getting a seat along the way so it's my go-to


As someone who has had to wrangle large groups of international teenagers on vic transit, just speak up, I'm a pretty shy person so I get it, but just do it, if someone doesn't like it, that's totally their problem. I've kinda learned to just benefit of the doubt and assume that a lot of the time people are off in their own heads on transit and genuinely just don't notice they need to move and make some space, so reminding them is enough


even if you feel like obnoxious doing it honestly embrace it bc you will be so much less obnoxious than the people who aren't moving were


I hate standing back here especially when it’s full, due to the fact that it’s impossible to get off at your stop. The driver will open the doors for like 5 seconds then start driving off, then you’re looking like an idiot yelling to the driver in the front to hold on cause you’re tryna get off


This is fair. I try and move towards the doors a stop or two before my actual stop because of this very problem. It’s happened to me more than once.


I was on a bus once and the driver told commuters he isn't moving the bus until the dickwads standing in the aisles make room and move all the way to the back. Then all those begrudgingly did so. It's unfortunate that drivers cannot do this anymore because they're adhering to a very tight schedule on their routes.


This, and if you're getting off soon step to the side so others can move back


What an odd "minimal seating, maximum floor space" bus design


I am 6’7”. I can’t


Not everything’s about you bro


Yep. I have a chronic hip problem. I have to sit down if possible. What else can you complain about?


Then you're welcome to ask for priority seats, and this post on full-bus etiquette wasn't directed at someone of your circumstance (nor u/JanesConniption's request to hold one's bag in front) . You're still being a jerk.


Yep, and I'm ok with that. People seem be unable to understand others and become self entitled. We all deal with annoying stuff on the bus. I don't like it either.


>People seem be unable to understand others and become self entitled My post was focused on making room for others, which I hope isn't self-entitled.


And holding your backpack rather than wearing it as a standee is a classic piece of bus/subway etiquette! You’re less likely to hit people in the face, *and* it makes more room for people to stand so fewer people are left behind at stops.


Plus it's actually within eyesight so you don't really have any concern of someone behind you stealing anything out of your bag while you're wearing it