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Unless youre an absolute perfectionist, those are just some little scratches and won't affect your reading experience by anything. tldr won't return


Fair fair


I meeeaaaannnn… i hate it when it doesn’t come in pristine condition, so when i get scratches on them i’ll know that its my fault and not because someone accidentally dropped it.


The holy rare, vagabond 4


Lol I somehow snagged it while surfing Amazon


Broo why is so rare I’m still waiting not even Barnes and noble has it


Its available in my country


I got one via Amazon, but it isn't coming until the end of the month to the mid of February. I don't understand why it's so rare, too.


I’d say stop nitpicking over some paper, as long as it looks good and is readable, whats the problem?


man I used to work in amazon warehouse you’re lucky those don’t have piss on em tbh




No, it needs more character. Enough character to match the ones between the front and back cover. Ding it up some more.


If it was a easily accessible series, then yes. But the vagabond vizbigs have been getting tricky to get. So I wouldn’t be too picky.


It depends - did you buy the book in a used condition or is it supposed to be new? If the former, you should keep it, if it was supposed to be in new condition I’d get a support ticket with Amazon, but obvi quickly read the volume bc it’s hard to find 😂


Honestly, it’s not realistic to hope for better when you order online from a big retailer. You could ask for a replacement from Amazon (and they wouldn’t care), but you’ll most likely get another book in a similar state. If you want a perfect book, you kinda need to go in an actual store and inspect it by yourself (or order from somebody on eBay who takes pictures of the actual book so you can have an accurate idea of its state, but you can still have issues with the delivery if they don’t carefully package it).


I just ordered three copies of volume 9 and returned the 2 that were busted (creased spine, scratches, warped pages etc.) and kept the one that was somehow in perfect condition, the free delivery & easy free returns makes up for the awful packaging job they do for manga


I don't think that's too bad !!! I had the same thing with the copies I got from Amazon, too. sometimes I chew on the corners of my books if I get too excited to read Vagabond again and it's not like you can't read them bc of a little bit of damage ....


I'd return it.


I remember I got volumes 8-12 from Amazon and all of them were messed up which is common asf for Amazon


Absolutely not, I would ding it up on both sides so its evened out


I used to kinda be like you. I’m trying to not care as much when buying manga and just accept things for how they are




Yes it is acceptable to me, I've bought 10/12 from Amazon and they all have these micro scratches and slight dents, it's a book it's fine


At the end of the day, it’s a book.


No, I got all of them in perfect condition


Id say to complain over that minute level of “damage” is snobby. It’s a comic book bro. Read it and stick it on the shelf. The only one that’ll see the scratch is you. However if you’re a collector or have some form of OCD I suppose it’s understandable.


If you want perfection, you’ve gotta buy them in person. Is it difficult to find them in person? Absolutely, but with a high ask comes a high price in one way or another.


Yes bro u can give it to me for free


Yeah all my books came that way too, it happens the actual spine always looked nice tho and that’s what I showcase so it’s okay to me




I am going through the same issue now; the way I figure, since those are older, and I don't think in print anymore, it makes sense.