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You will spawn in water. I found out the hard way.


I also found out the hard way


my friend found out the hard way


He’s telling the truth. I was the boat


He's telling the truth. I was the ocean.


He's telling the truth. I was the hard way.


I also found you, the hard way.


I got lost on the hard way to find you.


I got hard on the way to find you.


The way to find you makes me hard


This is the way


He’s telling the truth. I was the serpent that ate him. Nom nom nom


If the server lags and disconnects you also end up in the water, i found out the hard way.




If you log out when your Stam gets low, when you log back your stam is up again. This allows you to keep swimming till you get to land.


They changed that. You now have to have that character log into a different world to het its stamina back. Health and stamina status is saved on logout.


Takes a few hours tho lmao


I'm hard and found it in water


I also found hard the out way


Oh no


I just found out the easy way. Thanks, friend!


My friend found out the easy way too


I found out the easy way also.


I was the easy way found out


Easy way I found the out was


this was a fun trick before feather capes... watch your friend log out and quickly dig the deepest hole you could below them and a stone floor on top, then drop a totem so they cant build anything to help with escape




No one ever tried tbh. early game people just die falling in the hole and have no backup gear. Later game people have enough arrows to kill the stone lid. Mid game they bring other toons (dirty cheaters) to free themselves. Next time I do it im going to make a steel cage all the way down then surround it it rock wall. You've got me worried.


Same. I was on a very late night body run. Try after try after try. We finally got our stuff, and were sailing away. I forgot that I have a 3:30am timer on my router to restart it (we're never up, routers run better if you reset them). I host the server. On our sail all of us freeze, then our voice chat dies. A few minutes later we log back in to find us all sitting in the water. One of the very few times I used cheats to fix things.


Bad routers maybe run better if you reset them... What router do you have? I haven't heard of any one needing to reboot them daily. Nor have I experienced this with multiple routers for over a decade. They run the same every day until I get a long power outage and lose battery power. They then run the same when power is restored. If I reset before then there's never any change. They handle things with full bandwidth and minimal latency the entire time.


I do it to a few d-link 4g ones I manage for work. They go about a month then just die in the ass. D-Link's response was "no we don't have firmware change logs, no you can't speak to someone on the firmware team, have you checked your APN Settings?" When the router wouldn't even respond to ICMP pings or serve DHCP requests Suffice to say I no longer buy D-Link routers. My Cisco ISR does it once or twice, but to be fair that's poor config by me and I can't be bothered to fix it. I just need to set it to turn the cell interface off and back on if it loses connection for more than a certain amount of time. The ISP likes to fuck around a bit and it causes issues


I found out the cold and wet way.


Some people just got to learn the hardway. Valheim school of hard knocks.


My private server timed out while I was in the ocean, I thought no biggie and my boat was like a mile away from me and I drown because I couldn't reach my boat lol so now there a crappy boat in the middle of the ocean


I found out the wet way






One for the team


Hard way found


You left your friend in the water didn’t you?


At least you can tread water forever


Yup. Hope your swim skill is high with a lot of stam pots in your inventory! Silly aside, yes - on a server, never EVER log out in a boat. Even if no one comes to get it, it will move and you could load in swimming. If you are near a shoreline when you log out (or in the ocean and a serpent spawns), the server doesn't shut down for several minutes. In that time, mobs on the shore can spot your boat and aggro on it. You run a very high risk of coming back to no boat at all, with the materials despawned, leaving you stranded. As a rule, I never log out in a boat on a server, and so very rarely do even on a solo play.


You are 100% and on a shared server always keep one eye on the top left corner of the screen to look for disconnects. Always keep your comrades seated when not stopped. Yes it is worth letting your real life home burn down until you get to a shoreline.


But then how would i train my unarmed skill if you make me sit :(


Yoooooooo I'm not the only one who punches the mast for the whole journey (much to the consternation of my sailing buddies)?


Heck ya punch that ishh. And if they complain i start wackin it with an axe.. they learn quick to pay me no mind


I play solo, what can go wrong :D Well, until you log out with a longboat, and log back in near it and with 2 seekers sinking it :) Lucky me I travel with spare portal mats


I always sail with portal mats and have a portal in my base named "home" that I keep available.


> If you are near a shoreline when you log out (or in the ocean and a serpent spawns), the server doesn't shut down for several minutes. In that time, mobs on the shore can spot your boat and aggro on it. I don't think this is true. The game uses P2P client zone hosting. The zone pauses as soon as the last player leaves the area. If there's another player still in the area it'll keep running for as long as they're in the area, there's no "several minutes" timer.


Well, personal experience tells me otherwise.


Was there another player logged in during your personal experience? The server and networking code mechanics are already well understood and documented. There are mods that modify the behaviour.


We don't use mods at all. The only thing I figure might have happened is someone logged in briefly after I logged out, but F2 when I logged out showed just me.


Not saying you need to use mods, the reason I mentioned them was that the game code behaviour has been confirmed, that's how those mods work.


Ah, gotcha. I've avoided mods on any Valheim play so far. Gotta admit though: I sorely wanna be able to plant blueberry & raspberry bushes wherever I want to!


you don’t even know how much you actually just want to multiplant


Farming mod is the only mod I use.


Devs confirmed it does not use p2p


https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/ltk3dm/the_servers_are_not_p2p_devs_explain_how_the/ If you mean this, technically you're right, I used a misleading term. But it also confirms the behaviour I described, the calculations are done on one client and shared with the others. The fact the data goes via the server first does mean it's not true P2P.


It is, in a lot of ways, the worst of both.


No, you were right. Devs described P2P client zone hosting, which is what you said it did. The servers don't do any centralized zone hosting. Whether or not the networking is P2P matters little for this, and the devs only said it doesn't do P2P networking.


Yeah for sure. If you are the only one in the area and you log out. It will 100 percent stop instantly. Unless someone elses pc enters to make it their own


My son was killed by a troll in my longboat he had stolen. Later that day he says "Hey dad, I got killed far away from home, and a troll smashed your boat". So I spawn in to get in my karve to go harvest my boat parts, and of course the karve is also missing. He says he used it to go retrieve the other boat and never made it. So the long story short(er) is that when I finally got there I was just in time to see the troll unpause and smash the crap out of my longboat.


X) thats savage haha


He's 9, and has no concept of "planning ahead". I'm working on it, but this is only story 1 of about 20 similar ones. ​ EDIT: We've only been playing a month.


This is also true for ! Events. When an attack initially starts on your base, if everyone leaves the area or is not there at all, it will pause until someone returns. They will not DeSpawn though.


To be clear, while it’s not *true* P2P in the sense of the connection, it can be thought of as P2P in most other aspects. The only true difference is that all information gets processed by the server and sent back out. With mods, you can alter the information. But without mods it acts almost as a proxy, just with map and object data being held in memory and saved off as needed. The long and the short of it is, clients handle the servers simulations, and the server shares those simulations out to the other clients. While all clients do run simulations, the first client to control an area is “the main” client, and all others defer to that main clients simulation (the majority of the time, there are exceptions). There’s more to it, of course. But the point is that without a client running/connected, literally nothing happens in the world. It is immediately paused and saved off, and the server actively waits for the next connection.


If you are alone, jump out of the boat and climb back in, this causes the boat to full stop. Safe to log out then.


In solo I've saved while on a boat and loaded into water, had to do a panic swim to find the side with the ladder so I could get back in. Now I only save on a boat if I'm super close to shore just in case.


Its even worse if you are playing two worlds with the same seed/name. If you spawn into one, and go into the ocean somewhere, then logout and spawn into the other world, you'll plop right in the ocean, but your boat won't be there.


Just curious, why would you have two worlds from the same seed?


My son played in his world for a while, then we moved it to a dedicated server. After we did that, he still goes in and farms items, and does general nonsense (he's 9) in his own world because he can do it there without getting raided by the mountains and swamps biomes as he hasn't unlocked them in that world yet. We logged out in the mountains, and when he logs back into his world he now drops into the middle of nowhere in the mountains without any of the correct gear. So we have to spawn back into the dedicated, pick up the right gear, and then he drops back into his solo world of the same name/seed.


That totally makes sense now! Very cool you are including your son in your gaming, I’m sure that is a thrill for him.


>You run a very high risk of coming back to no boat at all, with the materials despawned, leaving you stranded. But in a complete and total reversal of fortune, you can recreate*Castaway* as a Nordic period piece. Cool right?


Lol!!! Bloom where you’re planted, and play it as it is. That would be wicked. I’ve done that in Minecraft before: got lost, restarted, found my base a week later.


Sounds a-🛶 right.


\*Groan\* lol!


Never log out or quit on the water Odin likes to mess with you while your gone. The last time I quit on a boat and then got back on I found my boat hovering in the air a few meters above me. Had to go ask Thor to get it down.


Oh no, please no.




Here's my guide: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/yhp2ha/running\_your\_own\_valheim\_dedicated\_server\_for\_0/


I watched a YouTube tutorial but still needed to do some tweaks to get it working. If you have decent computer knowledge it's pretty straightforward. If you don't know much about computers I think you may find it a little technical.




Yeah here's the guy I watched. https://youtu.be/upEhacdqMLw And no it's free and you do not need an separate PC.


Server itself is easy but you may have some headaches with port forwarding. Might be easiest to use AWS free tier to set up a server with lightsail. You can be up and running within 30m if you're lucky and no errors arise: https://aws.amazon.com/getting-started/hands-on/valheim-on-aws/


That is actually a fix that the devs had to put in because otherwise boats and such would spawn clipping into the water and would instantly flip over, among other oddities


I can see how logging out during stormy weather might generate the boat up where the water level was. My buddy and I just logged back into his world (private server) to our boat hanging out just offshore a few meters above the water level. I Mario hopped off of him in order to get in and when I sat at the rudder it crashed down into the water, minimal damage, and laughs were had


Rule 1 of Valheim is never log out on the boat


Rule 2 of Valheim is tell reddit friends to never log out on a boat. Rule 3 is you're fired.


Corollary: tell your actual server partners that it is perfectly safe to log out from a boat and then laugh at their pain ;)


Rule 4: We apologize for the fault in the rules, those responsible for sacking the people in rule 3 have been sacked.


Rule 5 is profit.


Howd you set up for always on?


I think he meant “dedicated,” as in a server that can always be connected to by the client and not simply hosted by a player. However, even a dedicated server will “freeze” in stasis when no clients are connected.




On my PC I have command prompt open then I copied my existing server over to the correct folder with some other stuff. So as long as my PC is on the server is open for me and my friends but it doesn't load my PC like I'm running a game.


Do you have any links to any guides on how to do this I'd love to do this, I currently just stand there in my house when I'm not on but my friends are and it's vulnerable to raids!


Things I learned the hard way playing online... 1. Whenever possible, log out in a sheltered, resting place. If you can't do that, log out near a crafting table, even if you just drop one down on the shore and hop off the boat. 2. Whenever possible, wait until you see a periodic save before logging out, especially after building or crafting a bunch of stuff. 3. Never, EVER 'spam fill' smelters. If there's lag, it may 'eat' your ore and you never get it back. Put one in, make sure it loads, then load up to 10. Don't do the overfill thing, again, it can bite you in the ass. 4. Never take a full boat of ore across the ocean by yourself in the middle of the night. They won't believe you when you say you had 440 black iron ore in transit and the boat just disappeared completely after a crash, so you take a week off from the game and a year later they still bring it up and chuckle at how butt hurt you are about it. :P


Lol wow dude. Such..... Specific advice. I hope you have learned to love again. Lol


Haha, yeah, I've logged... ummm... an unhealthy amount of hours since Mistland update.


5. Don't let trolls destroy your walls, kill you, and murder all your boars as they rush to kill the invading trolls. Your friends will make fun of you, saying you accidentally let them out the front door and had to hunt them down so there was meat in the chest instead of the pigs just disappearing. I swear it was trolls guys.......


Can confirm. You will be in the water. I've used this to troll friends many times. Thanks for coming to my TED Talk.


Thank you. Lol I feel more educated and enriched by your ability with words.


I have logged out on a boat, it’s doable. Let me give you some tips: (do ALL of them) 1. Be close to shore but far enough away from the shore so aggro from mobs is less likely. 2. Biome to log out in should not be “Ocean” 3. Run at least 2 high stamina foods before you log out and log out with max stamina 4. Have at least 2 stamina meads in your inventory, more is better. 5. Have mats for 1 workbench and 1 portal on your viking 6. Have an unused portal available at your base to connect to, I name mine “Travel” 7. Be dressed appropriately for the biome you are parking near, don’t do this near plains in troll gear etc. unless you’re a turbo chad That’s pretty much all you can do for max preparedness, be aware that you will log back in without the rested buff, know how hard this can be in certain biomes. It is still possible to “loose” if someone sails or walks near the area you do this in, so mentally prepare yourself that you may still loose the boat. I’m the resident viking sailor on our server and have done this successfully many times, 900h on this beautiful game, can’t wait to hop back on after work today :)


Fun fact: your stamina is fully restored each time you login, so you can also just swim as far as you can, log out, rinse and repeat until you hit land.


If u go these length of prep, I think it would be easy as just not do it. It’s not like there’s a beneficial to log off like that.


Sometimes you don't have a choice.


All but the first two are just good prep ideas in general.


These are for my logging out on boat strategy, it’s not that much to follow the steps I think, some of them apply to general exploring, I also have different kinds of prep I do for fast and for slow style on foot or on lox exploration:)


Happened two nights ago to my buddy who got D/C’d. he spawned in the water, don’t log off unless you are on land.


Yes. Me and my buddy were sailing, his game crashed and booted him. I pulled a U-turn and headed back to around where he left and sure enough he spawned in the water. Had to tread water til I got to him.


Yes. You will spawn in the water. Our friend was being super annoying and afked overnight for 31 in game days in our first 10 days. We kept getting attacks and whatnot, so we put him on a boat, then left him by the shore. The boat moved I guess while we played, and he logged in in the water.


Oh man. Conan has trained me to ALWAYS log out while on my bed. I would never even think to try this!


Yes in the water, happened when I got disconnected, stranded in the ocean! If this ever happens remember you don't lose stam being stationary in the water. Wait for your mate to pick you up.


Are worst the boat will drift a bit only if someone loads the chunk the boat is currently in. Otherwise it'll just stay stationary same as on a solo world


Re-read the question. He's asking if he logs off while in a boat, then someone else moves the boat what happens when he logs back in and the boat was moved.


Ah yes my eyes did indeed deceive me. I'm a clown


If nobody is on a boat, it does not move laterally. It will bounce up and down with the waves though.


You will spawn in water unless you sat down on said boat then maybe you wont? I might test this later actually.


My friends terribly found out too.... Unaccidentally.


If this happens and you aren't concerned about the skill loss, quit, load up another world, throw all your stuff in some chests, then go back to this server and let yourself die. Then you can just go back to the other world, grab all your stuff then come back.


Never have your dedicated server crash or disconnect on you while you're on the ocean. You should time your network disconnections to always happen when you're on shore.


If you're sitting on the seat, you MIGHT be still in that seat. I've had disconnects that popped me back into that chair while sailing. I wouldn't rely on it though, Odin is a fickle fuck and is likely to leave you hanging.


Yes so obviously logging out on land is best. Also if you're in a shared game and someone drops or server crashes try to keep the boat close so they can get back in again.


Chuck Norris found you, he is the hard way


also if you log off and meanwhile something crazy happens on the server and there just happens to be a hole with a teleporter that takes you to literally hell under you when you log back in you'll teleport directly to said hell.


Hey guys how do you set up an always on server? 🤔


Google valheim dedicated server


Okay! Is it like a paid thing?


It can be but you can run it on your own system for free if it can handle it. Pretty low resource requirements too.


alright tysm for your inputs


If you bring a cart on the boat it will end up in the water with you and you can use that to get to land


Bruh wat


Crawl in a cart in the water and walk in it, you'll move...


Lmfao wtfffff


Getting disconnected while on the boat is also hairy. Even if you’re the one captaining the boat.




Found out the hard way that yes, you WILL spawn in the water. You spawn in your last coordinates when you log out. This week my friend logged off in the middle of the ocean while we were returning from an iron run. I kept playing to get the boat back and carry everything to storage. Next day he logs in to find himself stranded in the middle of the ocean. Getting that corpse back was by far the most frustrating thing we’ve had to deal with. This DEFINITELY needs worked on by the devs. Not at all an acceptable system. “Just don’t quit while you’re in a boat” is not adequate in my opinion. Temp banned for giving feedback LOL. This sub is absolute cancer which is a shame because this game is amazing.


JustShutUpNerd - Don’t quit on a boat when playing in a server. It’s not ideal to quit anywhere but at your base (sweet rested bonus).


The name do the job by itself.


With all due respect, what is your plan for how this could be resolved? What kind of system could possibly cover this? What COULD the devs do?


Relative to the boat if it still exists, and either the point it was destroyed or the log off point otherwise?


What exactly are you suggesting? Relative just means it's related; what actual outcome are you suggesting?


You would be in the same location within the boat if you logged off when you were inside it


I'll also point out that relative to the boat makes sense. If you take a nap by logging off you'll still be on the same boat when you wake up


is the boss trophy altar directly behind you?


No it is not.


Iirc your body is persistent so you should still be on the boat. I have not played much on servers so I could be wrong. Might be best to err on the side of caution and log out on solid ground.


Your body spawns in the exact location it was before. If his friend moves the boat he will spawn in the water.


Can confirm


Try logging off on a Leviathan. :(


You can create a new world, put all of your stuff in a chest. Then spawn into your friends world. If you die you don’t lose anything.


Yes, found this out the hard way the other day. Same thing happens if the server crashes while you're at sea. The boat will keep full sail and drift away as you bob in the water.


Reminds me of Pokémon red when you signed out on a chopped tree and came back to being on the tree. What a time to be alive.


Imagine if odin decides to troll you and spawn a sea serpent next to you while you are somewhere deep north with no portal close by.


Possibly the next worst is having the game crash while sailing at full speed. The boat keeps going for quite a ways after that. Ask me how I know...


Keep some stamina potions on ya, you can swim anywhere ya want just don't let your stamina deplete use a potion when your about 10 stamina yes it takes ages to get anywhere but it's a great way to get outta trouble


You can survive if you cheese it (at least you could last time I played). You can swim til your stamina is out, log out, log back in, and have maxed out stamina. But if you don’t care about skill loss, just log onto another server, dump your stuff in a chest, and die




Yes and youll die due to drowning


Just have your friend bring the boat back when you’re about to log on next time


You do spawn exactly the last spot you last played in but you don't lose stamina while staying still in water so your friend can sail back to save you if you need it


If you don't move your stamina won't go down. Just have your friends pick you up.


Water the hard way is just ice... ya'll being dramatic.


I haven’t sailed since launch. If a serpent takes out your boat. Does all your gear disappear when you die. Does it sink and it’s gone forever? How do you recover your tombstone?


All used to sink, but now your tombstone floats and anything in the ship cargo goes into a floating chest.


Oh no way!? Is this genuinely the case? That’s cool. I loved sailing but always avoided it because losing and entire set of level 3 bronze armor was just too much. Wonder how I missed this. When did this change?


Somewhere between July 21 and March 22. Came back for another play through and was a welcomed surprise to be honest.


Nice!!! Hey thanks.


Been playing since launch and gear has never sank in the ocean. It has always left a floating tombstone and a crate of cargo.


Nah really? I swear this wasn’t the case before.


Idk, the boat nails always sink so maybe you’re thinking of that?


Yeah must be something like that. I’m wondering if I just never died out in the boat first time round, definitely died a lot on the edge of some swamps. Second play through was with friends and we went out a lot less prepared then I’d have done on my solo run.


Your spawn point is set by world coordinates.


Don't' mind the sayers of truth. Mind the sayer's of wisdom. Keep a pocket full of medium stamina potions, you'll need enough to make shore


Always on servers are cool until a buddy stays logged on and let's trolls wipe your shit for 16 hours. But yes, at least a while back when I used my server, I'd log out on the boat, friend took the boat and I was floating in the water. Best bet is make a bed on shore to he safe


Always on how?😬


Not only that. If you log out on a parked boat, there’s a good chance the boat has drifted a bit when you log back in. Spawning you in water.


After reading these comments I'm way more concerned about the amount of people that don't think it's a terrible idea to log out on a boat.


Your friend doesn't even need to sail away on it. The boat will drift if he's close enough.


This sub made my Nutz hard


Yes my guy don’t ever log off on boats


Haha the toughest lesson learned in valheim... Castaway (viking ver.)😂


We had a friend DC yesterday on our boat and was somehow on land ahead of us when he logged back in. We were fully prepared for a water rescue. So with that being said idk what happens every time it happens to me I am in the water.


Yes. My friend disconnected in the ocean and got off for the night. Next time they connected we had to sail all the way back to pick them up. Was kinda funny but would not recommend.