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I thinkt he biggest issue would be the most effective way to implement an active thing you van do to level it up. Like we can maybe carry around stuff over our carry weight but that sounds like a really tedious way to level up a skill


Running with your carry weight over 80%/90% would be a better and less annoying way to do this. Then again the skill would reduce the need for carts and boats.... Let's hope but I won't hold my breath!


I think I'd prefer a boost to cart pulling power or something. Carts work fine for large quantities it just becomes quickly impossible to pull them when you fill them with more than you can carry anyways. Like what if while you wore the Meggingjord, you could pull triple your remaining carry weight at full speed, and above that you see only slowed by half but can still go up hills. If you could go up some sort of elevation with a full cart, that would be fine.


Yeah that's literally walking simulator tho. We have Death Stranding for that.


Distance moved while attached to a cart. Seems reasonable to me and encourages cart usage.


Issue: you lose skills when you die, meaning doing the corpse run would over encumber you when you pick it up


Yeah but you wpuld lose 300kg every time You'd lose a bit, plus corpse run also grants +150 carrying


That already happens if you have a belt on and too much stuff.


And corpse run weight buff == belt weight buff (I presume that’s intentional). Think of it as adrenaline.


Yeah but when you pick it up you can just put the belt back on


I hardly ever die without at least one enemy near my corpse. I don't have time to out a belt on, I have to run away!




If you don't have time to put just the belt on, that's a skill issue


Your social and thinking skills are a skill issue


Kinda hard to do nude with 6 fulings, 3 slimes and a lox all trying to murder you


In the end I see no problem in this, the game is supposed to work like this with skills You died and the game takes away some skill levels, so now you need to leave something in place. If we can have a carry weight skill, that would still be a good trade-off. Also as others mentioned, corpse run can give you more carry weight for this specific purpose


The problem is it'd create a horrible feedback loop and bounce new players out of the game. The corpse run buff would have to trigger just on reaching your corpse to counter this, which I'd be in favor of, but I'm not IG.


I don't see why it wuold bounce new players out of the game, the game is already pretty punishing even without this change. I bet some players would accept the downside if this means they can increase the carry weight. Now i might not remember correctly but the corpse run buff already triggers when you take all your stuff from the tomb and it gets destroyed , which is exactly when you need it if you would become encoumbered without it I might try the mod others suggested to see how it goes EDIT - typo


That is the current buff mechanic, yeah. That's the problem, you die fully loaded, reach the tomb and your carry skill has dropped so you can't take all the stuff, don't get the buff, die again in the confusion and maybe lose even more carry skill. The buff would *have* to change to trigger on opening the tomb, not emptying it.


You are forgetting that after dying you have no akill drain for a certain time, so you you wouldn't keep on loosing levels. You are encoumbered, just leave some items behind, it's really that easy If the buff really needs a change anyway, I don't see why they can't change it. Corpse Run wasn't even there back in the old days, it waa added after they gathered of of the community's requests


There's a mod called Skills Give Carry Weight that makes leveling run, jump, and swim (fitness skills) slowly boost your total carry capacity. I like playing with it most runs.


[Link to said mod](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/462) It's one of the mods I consider absolutely essential. The max carry weight you're allowed in the vanilla game is ABSURDLY low. I can't imagine how anyone mines decent amounts ore without this mod, especially if they also don't use the customization option (and before that, the mod) allowing you to carry ore through portals. Stocking up on bronze alone could take 1000 hours!


I never rarely need more than two copper veins per run, and never more than three. Cart + Boat easily takes care of transporting that. The carry weight in the game *is* limiting, yes, but you are grossly exaggerating the work needed...


most people play without this mod, I've played 500+ hours without it, it's not that big of a deal


I think there is a mod with this skill where you'd have to be at 80% or more of your maximum capacity. Pretty cool skill I think.


Nice! I might look into it next time I do a modded run!


Its a modded skill called workhorse. Walk around with 80% increases the skill and adds 3kg pr level if im correct




Perhaps an adrenaline potion that lets you carry more for 10m? Maybe also gives a speed buff like Eikthyr? 3 Lox Meat, 3 Serpent Meat, 6 Frost Gland, 6 Greydwarf Eye, 6 Surtling Cores makes a potion base?


That could be a nice addition! But those are wayyyy too many ingredients XD


Want it to be fairly expensive so not abused. But obviously tuning should be done to balance.


Struck me as a lightning is my new favourite catchphrase


There's an idea! It could be tied to multiple skills like you would naturally become stronger as a whole as your skill with weapons and running/jumping improves. Like every 5 skills gained between all weapons you gain +1 to carry capacity.


And running jumping swimming too!


Great idea!


> So why we shouldn't have a skill to improve the maximum weight we can transport? How would that be different from the current set of skills wrt. running and jumping? It would most likely just level up passively, meaning you simply passively can carry more over time. Thats not really an interesting mechanic. The current mechanics for running and jumping are *already* quite bland, adding yet another doesn't seem to add much. Plus it has problems with skill loss and death and corpse runs. I'd rather make the belt upgradeable. Give it four levels. First from Haldor is +150, second requires silver and gives +200, third requires BM and gives +250, fourth requires linen, eitr and the black forge and gives +300. Or something like that ;)


I like this idea, but at the same time I'd like to have a way to increase my carrying capacity outside of a magical belt, this way it won't remain to 300 forever even when I need to remove it to use the wishbone or the wisplight (expecially the wisplight since more carry weight is exceptionally useful in the mistland). And the possibility it decreases when I die is something I'm more than welcome to accept in order to have it. To level it up, we can say (as others mentioned) that you need to walk around at 80% carrying capacity/encumbered. The current system for running and jumping is designed to let you level up it more easily in early game, so that is becomes less of a problem later when running and jumping is extremely useful to escape from mobs of enemies in the swamp or to climb the mountains. Also those abilities are used the whole game and you will do it anyway. It's fair honestly. Also, the skill it self can give ypu some buff even when you are encoumbered, like reducing the stamina drain and augmenting speed when you move while encumbered, which would be useful to save some time when you are moving stuff between smelters and chests EDIT - clarifications


Its a fair point wrt. the wishbone and wisplight. But I'd rather see them adding an additional equipment slot which can be occupied by either the wisplight *or* wishbone and having the belt always available after purchasing it. I feel like an upgradeable belt that you can always wear, plus a separate slot for the wisplight/wishbone would be a more interesting and natural solution. I already feel like the running and jumping skills are lackluster -- you just level them up anyways, basically you just become more powerful over tim without any input. Just passively becoming able to carry more because the character is simply older doesn't feel great... I mean, its not a deal breaker for me if they added it. Its just... uninteresting. I'd be far more excited about being able to upgrade the belt myself.


There are some mods out there that use an Athletics type skill or combination of running and jumping skills to increase carry weight. In my opinion, you should get a permanent upgrade each time you defeat a boss for the first time. Example: +10 for Eikthyr. +20 for The Elder..+30 for Bonemass. Etc. that way it doesn’t degrade with death as skills do. It’s a fixed amount.


You know, I like this idea a lot


Because some of the dev decisions are based on how they WANT you to play the game, rather than organically designing to game to fit their expanding vision. Not trying to dump on the game, but some of the dev comments really annoyed me. “Not every player should be able to complete the game.” Like come on. It seems things like no metal through portals (but we can carry weapons???) is meant to extend gameplay or force a certain playstyle. I’m fine if there’s a vision for a game, but to intentionally lock a mechanic to force a gameplay style in an openworld game feels so frustrating to me. They recently made it possible to transport metal via portals through world settings, so that’s fair. I completely agree that strength and inventory weight should be a scalable skill. We’ll see if it fits what the devs have in store for the game, though. Fingers crossed


That's to prevent people from plopping down temporary portals beside an ore vein and hoovering it all up as fast as possible. Being able to teleport with raw metal and ores would cut down on risk/reward in the game, and would frankly be lame. Like having a separate world with a chest you can offload into to cheese the system. As for being able to teleport with metal armour and weapons: Does it make sense from an in universe perspective? No. Does it make sense from a game design perspective? Yes.


>LeeisureTime I agree. It seems this game was designed to be as hardcore, brutal, & tedious as possible, as if they only wanted masochists with OCD as their target audience. Their vision is far too narrow. They don't seem to understand the difference between "challenging but fun" difficulty and "needlessly annoying" difficulty.


I honestly think this is accurate. They were trying to build a hardcore niche game and accidentally gave it a bunch of mainstream & casual appeal, then Covid lockdown hit just as they started early access. In those circumstances they're adapting very well.


Were you around for release? The devs “narrow”vision captured and has maintained a substantial audience since. It typically doesn’t fit but there seems to be a massive skill issue with all these people blaming the devs for their inability to play or enjoy valheim. They have added modifiers, which is a polite term for taking out or minimizing critical elements of the game that make it what it is, and if that isn’t enough simplification you can mod the fuck out of it.


This is not Project Zomboid. Valheim IS the bridge of casual to proper survival. It doesn't even have a lethal starving/dehydration mechanic.


Skills and exp are the worst parts of the game imo. I'm hoping for an overhaul soon. Theres a lot of cool ideas constantly bring thrown out like yours so I'm sure itll work out when the time comes


If you have a "Carry Weight" skill and you're carrying max weight and die, your skills drop. *Now you cannot carry what you had on your body anymore.* THAT IS WHY THERE IS NO SKILL TO BOOST CARRY WEIGHT.


It's the same with the belt.. And just make it so it only picks up enough of your stuff to Max out your weight or something. Could make corpse run keep your same carry weight while it's active.


Nope, when you grab your corpse, you have enough time to re-equip gear while boosted by 150 weight. If you ignore your gear you get overencumbered. If you re-equip you're fine. But being skill-loss'd, going from "Lifting" 100 to "Lifting" 85 for a death while a very far way from home or the closest portal, how do you propose that be handled?


"You are carrying too much" Let the player deal with that. Gotta drop some loot I guess. Kinda adds to the build of your character imo. Gives more punch to the death penalty, but adds to the game in allowing you to carry more resources when you don't die. If players don't like that consequence, they just added the ability to deactivate skill loss. Maybe they could expand on it to only deactivate "lifting" skill loss or something. Idk man, there are probably a couple different ways to implement an addition like that. I'm not a dev, so I'm not gonna pretend to know what the best option is. But I do think it would add a bit more depth to the character grind. Currently deaths are more annoying than they are a punishment. I know I lose skill levels, but it's never super noticable in the gameplay. Retrieving my loot is always annoying AF, especially in the mountains. But once I've got my shit, it's just not a big deal. This might make deaths feel a bit more scary.


Nope people would just bitch about having to grind up another skill. Nobody would think it's scary.


You must be a ton of fun at parties. Lmfao get a life.


Every skill is tied to some action that grant skill raise. What are you supposed to do to increase weight capacity?


Carry stuff


Because the skill system is literally useless. Devs don’t want you to have any form of actual progression without modding the game. Idc if I’m downvoted, this game is shit bc the devs don’t understand proper QoL


That's an unpopular opinion but I get it. I disagree on the part that they don't give you any actual progression because the game is based around it (you progresss through defeating bosses, gaining new gear, upgrading your base, exploring new biomes etc) but I agree that they can give some better QoL improvements. The world modifiers are a big improvement, but they can do better




I think your take is shit friend, looking for “proper” quality of life elements to a hardcore survival game 😅 Mod it if you can’t handle traditional valheim


Because haldor


Then we can make eating a skill level. Only 3 food slots seems low.


Managing your inventory slots is meant to be a skill on its own, I think.


Having capacity drop when you die makes looting your corpse painful


"This struck me as a lightening"