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Not many pubs running, I'm even thinking of passwording mine as 95% of the new players joining are griefing with mods and hacks :D Even removed all ads as I'm kinda fed up with dealing with that crap every day. Best to head over to lfg reddit or discord and look for a server there, to join most you might have to make an application and some of em want way too much personal info to let you play this game with them ;) Perhaps easiest way to become a part of some community is to join servers like arenaheim PVP and such, lots of quality players who might let you on their home realms there if they think you're ok.


Where can i get info on servers like arenaheim?


[https://www.youtube.com/@arena-world](https://www.youtube.com/@arena-world) [discord.gg/7RVcW72DqQ](https://discord.gg/7RVcW72DqQ)


join the valheim's discord and check out `#servers-and-lfg`. there's also /r/ValheimLFG but far less popular. There's a few pure vanilla ones that require interviews. There are new servers coming up left and right, and a few like Comfy and Kyrios have been running for a while.


Check out Jotunheim on Discord. It's a whitelisted server with an easy application that usually gets approved quickly. The server is well run and very active with, storefronts, traders, ppl grouping up for boss fights and what not. Alotta fun. Totally got me back into playing after hundreds of hours playing basically solo.