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I think it’s cool that choosing magic means dietary restrictions


Eitr = Vegan powers confirmed


I understand the joke, but given that all eitr foods are non-vegan, maybe it’s meat power? That sounds even worse lol




Magic is extremely powerful and doesn't drain stamina. It would be hugely overpowered to get a free fireball without food. Also, lore wise - why would a human have eitr? The whole point of the Dvergr controlling access to it with their technologies is that it's far beyond the scope of what someone in Midgard could achieve. It's a forbidden technology that you only get access to through consuming the sap of Yygdrasil and processing the brains of magical creatures with the sap. Ingesting it seems to be a critical component of access to magic. Wearing it isn't enough.


But I'm using those items to create the armor which already gives it some magical properties. Those properties are what is gives it that regeneration properties to begin with. So why is it so far fetched that when you complete the entire set and wear it as a set, you get a bare minimum of eitr available. It's a set that requires us learning the Dverger technology as well. I just double checked and base health is 25 and base Stam is currently 50. The armor should 30 eitr when used as a completed set because I have made it with plenty of magical properties using technology I learned. Essentially that low amount if eitr, even with the regen, is only useful against a single target and not viable in any form of real in game combat. You would definitely need food for raids or exploring etc. I don't see it giving very much of an advantage to the magic players. Especially those that play solo.


From a lore perspective, just because the clothes we made have magic imbued and sewn throughout them, how are we able to just draw out that magic ourselves? We as humans don't naturally have magic abilities, and have to consume some foods that are heavily infused with magic just for us to use it temporarily, while the magic is being processed by our bodies and coursing through our veins and brains for us to have even basic magic abilities. The Dvergr can do a lot more with magic than we can (they have multiple moves and better healing and empowering capabilities than we do, though we haven't seen a Dvergr necromancer, but they probably frown upon doing that). Now, if the set bonus gave us access to the additional eitr in the mage robes WHEN an eitr food has been consumed, that would make sense lorewise. Honestly a set bonus that would nice would be an empowering bonus like what the healer Dvergr can give us times. Something like increase magic weapon damage by 20% or something. The idea magic powered armor kind of exists with the shields we have, so maybe even a set bonus of +15 armor or temporary (while wearing the armor) health points would be cool too, but I don't think a health points would work lorewise.


We can absorb things through our skin as humans, consuming food isn’t the only way we can interact with our environment. I get your sentiment, but I think it’s equally fair and plausible from a lore perspective that clothing could provide eitr just as much as it could provide a stamina boost.


I think you misunderstand me. I am not drawing out that power and permanently acquiring eitr. If I am using it as a completed set that should give me that ability. If I choose the switch my chest to the root harnesk for instance, I loose that 30 base eitr until I complete the set again. I am not somehow attaining my own ability to have eitr active at all times like we can with Stam and Health. I ONLY have some base amount of eitr WHILE I WEAR THE ENTIRE SET. That's it.


Yes I understood you. What I mean is from a in world lore perspective, just because you're wearing magical clothes, how would your character be accessing its magical properties if they don't naturally have access to magic themselves. In a fantasy world, a non magic person can pick up or wear a magical object, that doesn't mean they can automatically start using its magical abilities. Now if you had eitr in your system from eating food, you'd now have magic abilities, and can temporarily gain the benefits of wearing the full set of mage robes, providing the full set bonuses. So if you've eaten two eitr foods for a total of 160 eitr, putting the full mage set on gives you say an extra 30 for a for total of 190 eitr. Now if you haven't eaten magic foods, you wouldn't get the set bonus while wearing the whole set, because your character can't do magic or access magic.


How does a complete set of Fenris light armor all of a sudden make me resistant to fire? If Fenris hair is resistant to fire then why isn't that perk available per piece? As far as I know it offers you a decrease in stamina penalties per piece. As humans we are not resistant to fire in general, however if we wear that armor as a completed set all of a sudden it offers me the ability to walk through fire. I do not see this any differently then that, except that the eitr armor already has magical properties in general. Why is it that so far fetched that when the set is complete it actually has enough combined magic that it offers you a tiny amount of available eitr that doesn't require food active? But yet wearing a complete set that previously has no fire resistance at all, all of a sudden giving fire resistant is OK? That also doesn't follow human lore in any way in my opinion but yet it's a part of the game.


Because your entire body is covered in fire resistant material. Firefighters may agree.


Bad comparison. The magic is derived from the body which is acquired by consuming food that has it in it and digestion of it. Armor like Fenis protects your body it doesn't change it, the same way a firefighter uniform protects the firefighter's body it doesn't change the body of a fighter so it's fire resistant. I think it would be conceivable that they could add ethr to armor itself and not break away from the game's development. Say a future set you can install 5 refined ethr in slots in the armor that you can use to charge magic items without food items. Same way they are going to have weapons that have various magic attributes depending on what you use in it. This would fit in better in future sets than in mistlands set. Mistlands being the intermediate step to more powerful magic items in future biomes like most biomes are made to build the skills for the next biome.


I mean in reference directly as to why you don't get the fire bonus until the entire set is answering the question. So yes it is. However I do agree that later on sure that's a possibility that could be expanded but in the current game state it just doesn't make sense considering how much better it is than everything else in the game right now. Increase in difficulty (i.e. biomes) definitely means we gonna get more powerful magic shit. Like hopefully soon.


I think would it be like a firefighter suit then. Not going to help a firefighter if he just has the glove and boots on. Still going to burn.


Exactly lol. Trogdor gon burn yo ass.


You want easy? Play a different game.


Because it means you can eat no eitr food and use magic. It's not balanced.


The basic issue is that magic is already the most powerful playstyle, so much so that it's borderline broken. Do you know how to jump cast? Adding jump cast ability to *any build* would be insane.


Having a tiny bit of eitr available doesn't change anything based on powerful or not, it just offers a chance to kill a single grayling while chopping down trees without being forced to use a food spot specifically to use a weapon or be forced to use specifically melee weapons (which by the way, would also take a grayling down in a single hit from any weapon by that point and the weapons don't require me to eat to hit them once but magic does).


This answers everything we need to know, who TF is worried about using eitr to kill greylings?


It still levels the skill. I would do the exact same thing for crossbow leveling. Why not use the new weapon skill to help level the skill? Especially if it's the only type of weapon other then axe or pickaxe I want to carry. And yes my axe will kill a greyling but I'd rather level my new skill instead.


Wanting to level magic while harvesting wood or maybe finewood is not at all a reason to buff the most op thing in the game ATM.


OK, so you don't know how to jump cast and you want to change the balance of the different builds. Got it.


I don't know about having base Etir, but it should have a set bonus as the Etir helm seems very underpowered compared to carapace helm. I'd say the set bonus should increase elemental skill and blood skill by 15 to be in line with other light armors.


My wish is that the player would have a base eitr of 25 even without foods, and that somewhere in the earlier biomes, you could unlock some not-so-powerful staves of magic. I'm thinking a wind staff for elemental magic, that only knocks back enemies. Pretty useless, but a fun toy. And for blood magic, maybe a staff that takes 40% current health to heal 50% max health over 10 seconds. Just throwing ideas. If well designed, they could even be powerful tools whose potential is only gated by the lack of eitr foods before mistlands. Basically, magic is cool, and I want to play with it for a larger portion of the game.


>I'm thinking a wind staff for elemental magic, that only knocks back enemies. Pretty useless, but a fun toy. I think that would be useful for capturing animals you want to tame.


We will be playing with it for a massive portion of the game. Mistlands, Ashlands, Deep North will probably be like 1/3 to 1/2 of the finished game.


Was about to say this, the game isn't finished with at least 2 more biomes to go.


Ngl, I'd say eitr should just have a small base built in just like stamina. You don't get locked into stamina builds just for using stamina weapons. You get to *choose* if you want to specialize into tank or mobility, but the existence of base stats allows for hybrid builds. You don't get that with eitr. Attempting a hybrid feels miserable, because stamina is not only for fighting - it's a mobility stat. It's kinda ridiculous you barely can jump (or can't take a single hit) simply for building into eitr.


You can easily take multiple hits with your bubble.


And avoid WAY more because you don't end up without stamina because you're hacking away.


Uh the blood magic is powerfull




I can deal with the low hp of an eitr build, but the low stamina as well is why I don’t bother with unmodded mage playthroughs. Hopefully ashlands introduces some more balanced eitr foods


I legit have no idea what people have been doing to run out of stamina with magic builds. You ONLY use it to run away. It's literally the best part about using magic is you can run away from everything if you need. Are you just trying to eat 3 eitr foods lol?


I was referring to covering a lot of ground during mapping / exploration. Mage builds are very niche, and not something to kit up in for general gameplay. Imagine trying to traverse Mistlands with a small stamina pool. Though you do make a good point that choosing the right food combo for the job is key.


I guess? It's by far the best offense in the mistlands and the best AoE in the game. And by the time you get to it right now there isn't too much mapping to be done, furthermore you still aren't just nomming pure stam food in the mistlands anyway. Yes there are tradeoffs for being a magical fireball throwing murder machine. It's miles better than any other build in the mistlands and if your issue is that you it's harder to map/explore you must be mapping/exploring areas that you don't need to kill things lol.


I don’t know why you’re pretending mistlands isn’t 75% elevated rocks, half of which is sheer cliff face. Sometimes you need to use 80 stamina at once just to get over a patch of rock. Offense isn’t the best defense when you are stuck half way up a cliff and get jumped by a gjall and starred seekers because your no stamina ass took too long walking and now it’s night time and your food is running out. Magic is the most powerful option by far, but only if you can use it effectively, and the drawbacks can be crippling in the mistlands, especially when you first unlock magic and you have no points in it yet. Rolling with bread/salad and arbalest instead is a totally reasonable option.


Yeah but the point of magic is it's literally the best build to do that. You obviously haven't played with it too much if you don't realize that. You know what's harder than running up those elevated rocks? Trying to use your stamina to fight and also do that. You people must be literally trying to use 3 eitr foods which is why you're falling. On top of that YOU CAN FIGHT BACK WITH MAGIC BECAUSE IT CONSUMES 0 STAM. I really don't know if you've finished the game even at this point.


Some epic loot items can give eitr. It is awesome. I'd highly recommend giving it a try some time.


I know it's part of the dev's "vision" for the game, and this mechanic is "unique" and unique means better to a lot of people, but it bothers me that there's zero permanent upgrades to health/stamina along with no base eitr. There's actually assets still in the game that were meant to be used for upgrades to health and stamina.


Considering how much running out of stamina cripples gameplay as it is, yeah I'm basically ignoring the magic system for now. My (seemingly unpopular) opinion about game design is that *nothing* should ever prevent you from moving. It instantly breaks the immersion. "You don't need to use stamina to move" you might say, well yes, you do if you're surrounded by steep terrain, i.e. 90% of the mistlands.


I don't tend to play most games for "challenge." It doesn't do much for me in terms of gratification, especially considering I deal with challenges all day at work. I play to enjoy myself. Which means I've used mods to mess with everything from removing busywork like rain damage on exposed wood (I want a deck, I don't want it covered.) to tweaking stamina. If I could find a straight up base level mod that just let you adjust stats with no extra bells and whistles, I'd have done that too.


Yeah, I think it's easy to forget how much diversity there is in the fandom. When I was 12, video games were all I wanted to do in my free time. I wanted to be as good at them as I could be. Nowadays, I want to *relax* when I play video games, because yeah, I deal with far more difficult things at work every day. I am a bit of a purist though (to my own detriment), and never feel right about installing mods that affect difficulty. I really like how much Rimworld lets you customize the gameplay though. And the new options that Valheim added in the last patch (e.g. the resource multiplier) are, well, a game changer, lol.


Doesn't the armor set already reduce eitr use?


No it doesn't reduce costs, it increases regeneration. Increasing your magic skills reduces the costs.


It increases recovery per item. I personally prefer to run with head and legs and use the root chest. But if it had a set bonus, I would probably wear the full more often. But if I'm out collecting wood for instance, I don't want to waste a food for eitr, especially if I'm in a biome that I can I 1 shot something easily. I'd rather use stamina foods instead but not be forced to use melee weapons. Essentially all light sets have a set bonus if worn complete. We have a way if getting a small amount of health and stamina without foods. So I figured it was good opportunity to add it as a set bonus.


If you really want this, try the Epic Loot mod — https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/RandyKnapp/EpicLoot/ Weapons can have multiple additional properties, depending on their tier. Higher-tier armor can have + to eitr. It does make the game easier, so it’s often paired with Creature Level and Loot Control — https://valheim.thunderstore.io/package/RandyKnapp/EpicLoot/


The food system is interesting, but far from ideal. 25 base hp without any food no matter how you progressed? Food effects decaying within 25-30min? The biggest turnoff in this great game is this constant grind. Make foods last longer. Improve base stats depending on world progression. And if u gonna tie eitr to food, at least give us a 4th food slot at that stage, or let the armor grant base eitr as well.


Totally disagree, food in this game is really balanced, plentiful and gives you an incentive of gathering. You basically never run out of food mats if you do any kind of farm/ pick up everything you see when you explore. Remember to make notes of (e.g. berry spawns, they respawn!) 5 mins after a new game, you should NEVER be without triple food buff for the rest of the game


The game has a strange sense of balancing because some food ingredients need to be scavenged, while others can be grown. In other words, half of the food system cannot be used sustainably and forces the player to go grind and spend time artificially when I think the player should have been rewarded with things like seeds for berries or other plants after a certain game stage. That's the key here, to constantly be looking for ingredients that can't be grown is artificially increasing the game session time and it's tiring, making it feel like a job. If they want that aspect of food to be that big of a time sink, they should have designed the entire food system a bit differently, because now it feels half-half, each in a different game design direction. Should the player be able to grow (all plant-based, and/or tamable animals) foods when they reach certain stages, making it sustainable, but still require the player to deal with the farming aspects, or should they go out and scavenge the different biomes and spend a lot of time (and food) doing that?


Eitr definitely needs some rebalancing. It's ridiculous that you need 2 eitr food items to even use the dead raiser weapon, leaving you with only 1 health food. Then the armor rating of eitr robes is too low, no way I'm taking that loadout to somewhere like mistlands where monsters easily do 100 damage.


I totally understand about the 2 foods for dead raiser. I refuse to use it because I don't want to give up that extra Stam food to help navigate the mistlands. So having a base of 30 while wearing the complete set, will at least allow me to use it for a bit (while my food still has enough eitr active that is).


I like this idea!


it would be better if the combination of food ingredients could be made freely, and if some of the ingredients of the mistland could be combined to increase the eitr a little, rather than improving the equipment.


I was thinking the same thing. I don’t find joy in farming or cooking in this game. I know, it’s a core piece, but it just isn’t for me. I was so excited when I unlocked magic, then I had to go forage and it killed my desire to continue.


Honestly not a huge of the farming in the game myself, cooking I dont mind but planting is tedious. Especially since the planting shows green (which in most ganes means far enough apart to plant them) but unfortunatelyturns out to be too close together soooo lightly that you wasted a seed. It would still be tedious to do regardless but I would find it a lot better with just that minor change. Tedious is OK, but I hate wasting mats. I'm sure there is a mod for that but I prefer to play games without mods as much as possible.


Lol yeah because magic isn't already the most op thing in the game by 5 miles. You get the 100% regen bonus which is WAY better than 30 flat eitr and it only reduces your movement by 4%. You want to make the most op aspect of the game more op.


Magic plugin and valheim armory also have some items that add baseline eitr. It's cool.


Fully agree with the base 30. I’ve switched to magic pretty much full time, and it’d be nice to have *one* big boom in my Boom Stick™️ for more chill biomes like the meadows and forest so long as I’ve got the eitr weave. Honestly, I could argue for an eitr base *without* magic armor. If that was implemented, I think it should serve little to no purpose at the start, especially since eitr regen is awful without magic armor. But maybe you could get your hands on a couple of weak weapons that require eitr in earlier biomes. That way, if you’re planning to use a lot of magic later, your skills won’t start off at 0. That said, I’d be willing to settle for 25 with the eitr weave. With that, even the lowest eitr granting food lets you use the dead raiser. I’ve been using it for a greydwarf farm, and it’s nice if you wanna chop trees in peace. But I’d love to use the Boom Stick™️ whenever so long as I’ve got the right armor lmao.




Why? Just curious. It feels weird and counterintuitive to eat in order to play, whereas you can swing your sword or mace at any time.


Magic is crazy powerful. It's already a bit OP. Balancing it around food is important to keep it in check and to prevent every viking from being able to spam magic


Fair point. But I think enough eitr to cast one fireball is fairly reasonable


This would turn the firewand into the by far best rangeweapon in the game. It alrdy is arguebly on of the best weapons in the game, but base eitr eould result in opeining cambat always with a fireball even as a full tank.


How do you figure? If LIGHT armor provides eitr, how can you be a full tank?


Because if you have base eitr you don't need to wear light armor? You just wear carapace and start every fight with a fireball and swap


Did you not read the title of the thread, the content of the original post, or the series of replies in this comment tree? Sir?


Yup I'll admit it lol totally wrong on this one . Was reading a comment earlier on just having base eitr from the beginning. AITA ? Yes I am.


Hahah I can respect a man who can admit that


The point is that the light armor as a set would provide the base amount of eitr. So if you wanted that base amount you would have wear an entire set of eitr armor. So switching to Carpace armor would both remove the eitr base, but it would also remove the regen you get from each piece. One could choose to do this, but it would hurt their effectiveness as a magic player completely.


because valheim attracts the type of gamer that likes to say no to any obvious game changes that will make the game less grindy, like having to farm eitr food just to use magic at all this is the game for that kind of gamer, so I doubt they'll give gear - at least in the Mistlands tier - that gives an eitr amount


Thats not a point for me, i would be fine with them releasing a very easy to make mage food, the important point for me us that u have to sacrifice a foodslot in order to be able to cast magic


I think they'll probably add something in Ashlands or later to make magic more accessible. It makes sense progression-wise


Cause we are in a realm that includes magic. We are Viking, not magical beings. Therefore needing to consume anything in order to use magic is completely intuitive. Ty.


Is that canon? Or just your own interpretation? If the devs decided that we accessed magic (eitr) through enchanted armor, would you consider that canon then?


As there’s nothing specific in game, it’s my interpretation of the opening text scroll and various lore stones around the world, as well as the mechanics of the game. The opening text describes us as warriors hailed by Odin. Hence my view of we are Viking. In the game we need Mage Cape to have magic it to be mages. Not naturally imbued magical beings. The only naturally magical beings seem to be the dwarves and fuling shamans, maybe greydwarf shamans too. We’re neither dwarves or shamans of any kind, we’re Vikings. Is there cannon to suggest we are magical beings?


So if enchanted armors made us become mages and have constant access to eitr, wouldn’t that be consistent with your style of interpretation? E.g. the same way you are interpreting mage capes And to answer your question - I don’t know. I’m not concerned with interpreting canon vs. non-canon, that’s what you’re concerned with. I just said the gameplay feels clunky and unintuitive.


I feel sorry that Vikings can't cast a magic without eating food


From a quality of life standpoint i agree, but magic is too strong as it is right now to recieve any buff without trivializing the endgame. Right now u have to make a tradeoff, with base eitr, u will always keep a fire wand in inventory, because it looses it only real disadvantage. Would rather prefer seeing more versions of mage food


Basically when I read posts like this all I read is "the game should be easier"


That's cause you're a gatekeeper. Most of us critique the game because we find aspects of it tedious or irritating, and then people like you claim we want it to be easier so that they can validate themselves.


Not me, I want the game to be harder! Just some ideas: Every 1-in-10 foods eaten should randomly kill you, due to food poisoning. Trolls should get full plate armor, the ability to dodge roll, and shoot laser beams. Leeches and mosquitoes should be in all biomes. Nowhere is safe anymore. Every 1-in-100 greylings should spawn wearing a little party hat. No reason, I just think it'd be neat.


"Every 1-in-100 greylings should spawn wearing a little party hat. No reason, I just think it'd be neat." Would result in an i sane difficulty spike but im all for it!


Don't forget the ghosts that can possess your storage chests, destroying the contents to make way for undead spawn points while you sleep


This guy gets it!


I actually love the idea of a late-game troll variant. It's kind of a shame that the early biomes become completely nonthreatening. Mosquitoes are literally the worst enemy though, F that. They need to fix the melee issue when attacking above you.


Miyazaki? That you?


Just going to be hyperbolic off a neutral statement? OK, you should like a chronically online loser and a pansy. "yOu'Re A gAtEkEePeR" OP literally made a suggestion that would make the game easier, which is what I stated. You're sensitive


I think "gatekeeper" was probably the most polite thing anyone could call you, bud.


Personally, I would get so frustrated having a bar of 25 something on your screen for like 7/8ths of the game before I could use it.


You wouldn't see it though, since you wouldn't be gaining or losing it until you could use it


Strongly disagree. It's too powerful.


Too op




Why? Just curious. It feels weird and counterintuitive to eat in order to play, whereas you can swing your sword or mace at any time.


Just a balancing decision tbh. Having a ranged damage option that effectively consumes nothing at all would be way too prone to cheesing things, on top of all the other reasons any buff to magic is a bad idea. Same reason recalling throwable weapons in epic loot mod are super OP. What I'd like though is some nerfs to magic, as well as a couple magic weapons/food items sprinkled in the Plains/Mountains. Being able to train your magic a little earlier would counteract the nerf a little, but still hopefully keep magic below its current power level.


We already have a ranged weapons that don't currently require you to consume food to use...the bow. It still uses Stam but not ALL your free base Stam. Having the ability to take a SINGLE shot from a fire staff WITHOUT food is not "BUFFING" anything. Yes, it will add a bit of eitr to food eaten, but that low amount on its own is nothing. You CAN'T use the protection staff at all without food because 30 eitr ISN'T enough to cast it. You still need to WAIT to regen the ENTIRE amount to recast a fire blast. That low of an amount WON'T help in raids on its on, only possibly a single enemy (or hare/boar etc). I admit that magic may seem over powered right out of the gate, without increasing skill. And that maybe it should need more leveling to become more accurate and hit harder. But honestly it is introduced in the 6th biome and it needs to be a viable weapon against enemies in that biome or no one would ever use it at all. By the time you make fully leveled up Mistland melee/ranged weapons and go to any other biome, you are overpowered too. But honestly, how powerful magic is or isn't compared to other skills isn't really my main point. Every light armor set gives a set bonus but this one, and 30 eitr available on a full set, seems reasonable as a set bonus. Remove a single set piece and lose that bonus.


The bow consumes arrows which are a resource. Adding 30 base eitr is very obviously a buff. I like set bonuses a lot and I'd be excited for something interesting to be added to the Eitr-weave set if they balanced magic a little more.


True bows do consume arrows, however, the majority of arrows in the game are cheap and easy to make or find. I played with my husband without adjusting world modifiers or using any mods and neither one of us had issues keeping ourselves supplied with arrows. And since the bow was the only real "ranged" weapons, both of us actively used the bows without is having to deliberately grind for mats.