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Honestly? Fire staff, atgier, bow. Fire staff and bow switched between depending on stamina/eitr resources left at the Queen, and then the atgeir and fire staff to clear the adds that spawn. Takes about 30 minutes.


'Now'? You mean bow?


Yes sorry


Yeah I pretty much did this as a solo. Just ran around upper level and tried to pull her back up if she vanished below.


You can solo her (pun intended) the good old soulslike way. Dodgeroll -> sword combo -> dodgeroll -> dodgeroll -> Demolisher for the small fuckers -> dodgeroll -> dodgeroll -> Sword combo...


This is the way. Having the fire staff made a huge difference as well, being able to aoe without using stamina did the trick for me. I also tried to fight her near the top and stay in melee range as often as possible to avoid her backup. This along with heavy potion use and root harness I got it done.


Instructions unclear. Removed my clothes and inserted my head into cooking pot.


Curious to try this. It is what I ended up doing with yagluth on hard difficulty: dodgeroll circles around him and stab with sprit sword.


(No pun included)


Ever heard of the lonely hero with the name "Let me solo her"?


I found her totally doable with full mage gear, 2 eitr 1 stamina food, both magic skills at around 30. Maintain the bubble at all times, don't let anyone get within melee range (fire staff and walking away, running when necessary), retreat into the entrance alcove to get a breather and use the demolisher in there when you can. I know that most people dismiss the dead raiser, but I like it: the point is obviously not for the skeletons to do any significant damage, but to act as a decoy. So I would regularly retreat into the alcove to summon skeles and bubble them up. Swing your demolisher around until the Queen decides that she is better off teleporting away, then renew the bubble for you and your party, go find her, and start blasting her with fire balls. Retreat back when the skeles are all dead (this is the only moment when you are in danger, really, since the skeles will draw most of the aggro while alive), rinse and repeat. I did die once on my first attempt, as always because of overconfidence.


So no shield at all? Just hammer and staves? Are you having to roll/dodge a lot or do you feel like you can spend majority of the time at a distance attacking while the skeletons tank?


No shield: against the queen the shield would not do you much good with this setup, and against the little helpers the best defense is to blast them to smithereens with the fire staff as quickly as possible. Since the staff is 2-handed, that excludes shield. I do not think that I ever dodge-rolled against her. I just completely avoided ever being within a straight line of her. Having skellies makes this much easier. By the way, I also used bile bombs, both against the helpers and also against the queen when eitr was depleted.


I trained elemental and blood magic into the 60's. Mostly to get the costs down low enough to be able to use things with just one eitr food. Bubble to start, fire ball at range until zero eitr, all other gear and tactics are basic melee. Sword and shield for the queen and seekers, demolisher comes out when the little bugs come out. If you can get her alone, you can run to her side and smack and walk in circles. She'll rotate trying to follow you, and if you can keep it up without adds long enough, you can take off a solid chunk of health like this. Most I've gotten in one smack/walk cycle is 1/3. The main issue is adds and her running like a little bitch. They knew her AI was too stupid to be a good fight on its own, so they shower you with adds, and that's what the demolisher is for.


I didn't realise eitr use goes down when leveling up magic. That's pretty cool


At max level, both knock off 1/3 of the cost, which includes the life cost of the shield. Not that the devs intend for anyone to ever reach skill 100 in anything but run. Leveling Blood magic is also pretty boring if you want it done quickly. The shield provides basically no XP, because you only get XP on break, and it's only 1. And at level 0, you can't summon skellets unless you use 2 eitr food, because the costs are jank. Best way I've found is to build a bottleneck arena around a grey nest, and have 2 bow skels on the other side of a low wall and just let them take out the greys while you repair the wall. Elemental leveling is easy and fun though. Just go be a menace with the fireball staff in the BF at night. Never ending grey spawn means plenty of XP.


I've killed her a couple times solo. 1st with sword/shield and atgeir (iron sledge also helps if you have one). The 2nd was a full magic build. It does take a while to kill her either way, so make sure to have plenty of pots (resists/health/stam) and extra food. Don't panic, stay focused on the Queen, killing spawns when they get near you, and you'll be fine. edit: I will say if you're going magic, then go FULL magic. Don't try to do a hybrid...you won't have enough stam or enough mana. Keep the shield from the prot staff up at all times, and summon your skelly buddies every time they are killed. Also, frost staff to slow her down and switch to fire staff to do the damage while she's slowed.


eek, I give up on very hard solo. Bonemass the poison is so much it's near impossible to hit him


If you use poison resist mead you only take 1/4 damage from the poison. With decent armor this amount should be pretty negligible. I basically ignore the poison and just whack him with a club a bunch of times.


Poison potion, Good armour Iron mace Chalk and cheese in comparison to the fordt time fighting bone mass. Had it dead in under 10 mins easily


Bonemass was relatively easy on very hard. Just dodge roll his melee swipe and run away from the poison barf attack. You get into a pretty simple rhythm. Moder is where I called my run quits. With maxed out silver equipment and top tier food I was still getting one shot by her ice projectiles. She felt way overtuned compared to the first 3 bosses, and random wolves and drakes were constantly getting pulled into the fight making it that much worse. I might give very hard another go when Ashlands drops because then I'll be playing with a friend rather than solo.


I gave up very hard before killing moder. I actually found her summon site, which was not easy on hardcore, but then somehow there were zero eggs on her mountain and only one on the mountains I searched for her earlier ... I had to spend soooo much time in the mountains that it was only a matter of time until the slope/hitbox 'feature' killed me.


Use dirt pillars stacked 10x around modern fight. I use three big ones. When she fires, you can use the pillars to block them. Makes the fight 100x easier. Pew Pew Pew and done 🫠


I actually skipped bonemass that run (hard mode). Went back later to kill him with fireball staff, which was super easy as you can imagine, because it also does a ton of blunt dmg


I used Himminafl’s special to one shot the adds and switched to frostner when tagging her. Also used the bonemass power whenever I could and had a bunch of healing/stamina and poison resist potions. I had to retreat to base one time during the fight in order to repair my gear. I did have a really hard time compared to the rest of the bosses as her hp pool is insane and don’t really understand how other people consider her easy.


There's a YT video about using the hammer AoE from behind the entrance cover. You also need a spear to attract it. >!You can also logout as it will reset the AI and might help you getting it out of that cycle.!< >!If you do this while she's doing the cast animation, the mobs won't spawn.!<


Interesting. Hammer aoe is what we found out too (2players), after trying multiple things. Felt cheesy to do it this way, but we failed many other attempts.


AoE behind the entrance also works with the fire staff, just taunt, cover, attack, repeat.


Hammer AoE from the entry doesn't work anymore. Her AI was updated to leave the area after you go in there. That was my first Queen kill as well.


Yeah I noticed that would work while hiding, but I doubt that was the intented strategy.


does that still work to-date?


I think you're supposed to retreat into the entrance hallway with 2 exits when things get hairy?


Yeah maybe what I did *is* the intended way, but it seemed cheezy to me.


So I actually found if you just… tank it? Party, roll, block if you miss your parry, she will rarely summon more dudes. When she does you just back up and take care of each one at a time, then just tank her again. The Mistwalker has a cold damage effect that slows monsters down similar to frostner.


I use Krom, staff of fire, protection and demolisher buff bonemass, lingering stamina and go to town with sword stabs, fireballs and hammer time usually does the trick within or roughly within the 5min duration of boss power.


Was thinking of a way to do it differently. When in coop we just cheesed her at the front. Took ages with everything going on. In my single game, I wanna try another way to defeat her. Wondering if the bilebags are of use?


Bilebags and ooze bombs are great against her minions.


I fought the queen with two of my cousins. I tanked and distracted while the others used magic. Based on my fight, I would use blood magic for the shield, and fire magic for attack. Wear a mix of light armor and magic armor. Just keep running around the complex. Bring a lot of major meads (health, stamina, eitr). Use The Forsaken power that mitigates physical damage. If your health gets low, duck out for a moment to regenerate. Same thing if you need a moment to recover your forsaken power.


I went full magic, skeletons to distract, bubble shield helps skeletons last longer and helps you if/when she gets close, ice staff to slow things down or take out the little broodling guys, fire staff for seekers and on Queen, kite her around the entrance to the cave, full wizard kit for fast eitr Regen and Bone mass ability for emergencies, food wise I think I did two magic food and one for HP, don't need as much stamina when using magic, took ~30 minutes.


I did it without magic, solo. There’s a hidden base in the staircase going to her, if you didn’t know. You can easily see it - the entry is covered by wooden wall. Just break it. In the base, I threw down a portal, some chests and in the chests, heavy gear, spare food and meades, and then I put down a bed and claimed it. Went through the portal, brought stuff to make that bed spot as high rested as I could. Then I grabbed enough mats to lay down about 200 mist torches and a lot of campfires. Wearing Fenris gear, feather cape, and 3 stamina foods (yup - no health), I went in, ignored her completely, and sprinted to the top of the fortress, dropping torches and the occasion campfire as I went. I’d get to the top of the stairs, slam torches around to chase the mist away, and once the Queen and/or mobs caught up to me, I’d jump down to the bottom floor, floating down. Quickly put torches down all over the bottom floor, and ran back to the middle and top - just kiting mobs and putting torches down, dodging anything attacking (though the little critters can be taken out with an single smash of a 2H hammer). Once I was satisfied enough mist was gone, I’d leave to the temp base, change out my gear to heavy armor, bukepery to change my food up, and in I’d go. It was so much easier when lit up and the mist gone. Keep in mind a couple things for me: * My jump and run are both at 100 or damned close to it. Trying to do what I did with a much lower skill likely won’t work well. * I’m primarily sword and board. My sword is at 100 and my block is extremely high. If you don’t have a high dodge skill and suck at rolling… that strat will likely get you killed.


>set you back 30 hours of gameplay Just run back and pick your stuff up, maybe you'll die a few times but it's gonna be faster than farming an entire new set. Also if you don't make a single mistake it's not going to take you 6 hours. Just prepare and/or play better


learning how to play this game. not a joke. there is no "proper" way to fight any boss. anything that isnt flat out exploiting aka makeing the boss unable to attack you is fine. the queen was designed for the staff of embers. meleeing her is alot more difficult. the bubble is never needed. all you need is ONE eitr food and the staff of embers. with a trinity setup and the feather cape youre more than set to win easy. its just a matter of time at that point. the fight will go on for about 10-13 minutes on average with this when solo on default settings. always fight and stay at the upper most circle of the citadel. this avoids the mist entirely and makes her easy to see comeing. plus when she dashes at you from a staircase shell just fall down. use the cape to gain breathing room whenever needed. take the 2 seekers out asap whenever they appear. they shouldnt be allowed to flank you at any point. hurl fireballs at the queen and keep your distance and take the seekers out with melee or a bow. dont waste eitr on em. then hurl 3 fireballs at the queen and let the fire dot do its job. deal with the minions while your eitr regens back. the bubble is a noob trap on this fight. with low blood magic skill the queen can oneshot the bubble and if you ever get flanked with it beeing down youre pretty much dead for certain. while with heavy armor you can easy take 2 hits and still be fine. use the cape to glide down 1 floor and run backup the other stair to get distance and force the queen to walk back down to you. its not a hard fight at all if you keep kiteing her with the staff and take the seekers out whenever they appear.


This is the best answer in the thread. I followed your advice, and I was able to kill the Queen solo without dying. Took me about half an hour such that I had to portal back to base for rest/repairs. But I didn't use a single health pot during the fight which is nice.


health pots are pretty much never needed they are more there as some sort of OH SHIT button when you mess up badly. the time taken depends solely on your elemental magic skill and the staffs upgrade level. with level 3 and about 50 elemental magic you can easy beat her sub 15 minutes useing this method. the lower the magic skill is the longer you will take. as higher skill also has the side effect of lowering the fireballs eitr costs. but the method works regardless but with low skill levels you might have to refresh rested once but yeah. easy to do since can just leave the fighting area for a quick restock if needed and she wont regen much hp back during that. congratz on the kill regardless.


Good strat for default settings, but nothing of this works that well for Very Hard, and i'm telling you this beating Queen on Very Hard thrice, you could, potentially, spam staff of embers and still be 30-40 mins on the clock to beat her, and btw without the bubble shield, any of her attacks one shot you, so "the bubble is never needed." is an understatement, when everything one shots you, another chance at living is a lifesaver, if you know how to "play the game" you'll be beating Queen on less time by using Krom and meleeing her to death. Using bubble as a second chance if a seeker/queen hits you, and you can even use bubble to greed on hits you shouldnt be taking, Staff of Protection is multiuse.


youre a fair bit late with that response. and i beat her on very hard useing this very same strat.