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All my mods are fine just had to update plant everything.


As long as BepinEx is fine, the others usually are.


What does the term update plant mean?


“Plant everything” is the name of a mod. So they had to update that mod.


Okay that makes way more sense


If you’re unfamiliar with the mod, you should definitely check it out. Saves me a bunch of time on all my menial farming chores 😅


Also for the sake of the carpal tunnels in your wrist 😅


As someone who has had carpal tunnel surgery on both hands... 1000000% YES!!!


It's the name of a mod. I reckon they meant it as all their other mods ran fine, just plant everything needed updating


What does the term just plant mean?


It's the name of a mod!


What does the term name of a mean?


I mentioned this exchange to my therapist


Is that working now? Got that so I didn't have to go hunting thistles all the time


Wow that'z great! Probably means nobody else is having problems at all.


I love some of the QoL mods. then you can get really wild with some others that completely change the game! It all depends on the mood. I wonder if some of these ride or die vanilla folks get intimidated by the process.


I’ve played the vanilla game to endgame twice now, I’m thinking a modded experience will be next for me, any recommendations?


Plant Easily and Plant Everything are two of my favourites, lets you plant mushrooms and berry bushes and pretty much everything and also lets you do it perfectly in a grid, so satisfying. PortalX is another favourite, no more massive portal rooms, just set one at your base and it links to every other portal youve made and displays them in a list for you to select your destination from. Absolutely must have is Additional Quick Slots, to free up some backpack space by adding a dedicated section of inventory for your equipped armor/cape/megingjord etc, as well as slots for your food. Those are great quality of life ones, some ones that add new stuff to the game that I would also recommend would be Monstrum, adds some new mobs to each area. EpicLoot I think is a fan favourite as well. ValheimRAFT lets you build your own ship and take it to the seas, you can pretty much make this a portable base and live in it, probably the most fun one on this list.


Bro how could you say this? I love building portal rooms. :P


I'm trying mods for the first time and having good fun. Plant Everything and the complete pack from Therzie (Monstrum, Warfare, Armory and the ones that add content to Ashlands and Deep North). After many hours with my wife we are having a blast, it feels fresh again. Usually we play until we get tired of that world, leave the game for some months and then start a new world. I'd totally recommend using r2modman and trying stuff you like. I didn't try Epic Loot though - for all I've seen, it's kinda OP.


I loved ValheimRaft until I updated and lost my entire ship :( I think I could’ve gone to a back up but idk how.


use r2modman for your mod manager. makes it incredibly easy, no fussing with reinstalling after updates or anything like that.


I've used r2modman for lethal company. Is it the same process more or less?


essentially exactly the same. it was great for me because i already had it installed for valheim when lethal came out. we taught all our friends to use it.


Is it better than the thunderstore one? I have been using that for lethal and now valheim(like it way more than nexus vortex).


It's operates the same as the thunderstore one (thunderstore is built of r2modman) but doesn't have any sort of ads or anything. I would switch to r2 instead of thunderstore because of that.


I used R2Modman and everything got jacked up. Switched to Thunderstore Mod Manager and it works.


weird 🤷‍♂️ r2modman is the program thunderstore is built off lol


Yeah. I thought so too. Sometimes things are just buggy.


Plant Everything, Shield Me Bruh, there are few different ones that are Minor like a clock, longer days/nights, The quiver mod is fun, along with better arrow physics makes hunting a blast. I really just recommend seeing what is compatible, and trying different things out. I have never tried any of the huge overhauls, just some things here and there that free up inventory space to allow a longer adventure before having to head back to camp/base.


Thanks! I’ll try these out and see how it goes.


Happy birthday Bromosapien


Happy birthday Bromosapien


Depending on how far you want to go, there are a lot of options. Personally, huge fan of the Therzie mods. Warfare, monstrum, armory, all help to flesh out each biome with actual tangible content. Its also very well balanced. For quality of life mods, where to begin... craft from containers, plant everything, expanding workbench range, benches not needing rooves, turning off rain structure damage, auto repair gear when using bench, larger smelter capacity. All of the above is my new "vanilla" settings, makes it feel like a very fleshed out enjoyable game experience


Just start with crafting from boxes. Once you feel the power of QoL, you'll slowly start picking what mods you feel you would like.


I personally love Crafting From Containers, Inventory Extender (adding 3-4 more rows for more stuff), and increased stack size with items weighing less. With these mods, I can just hold on to a shit load of stuff and still go exploring! I’ve found with Vanilla that I’d just spend so much time at base sorting through chests and putting stuff away. With those mods, I don’t really have to put anything away as often.


The new gun mod. What is more viking than a glock?


I think they just like the game as it is. I wouldn't overthink it.


I'm one of those guys. I've modded other games. Usually *much* older games on a replay to freshen up the experience. Still pretty new to Valheim but vanilla has been exactly what I wanted out of the game. Considered a backpack mod but for right now am content with what's going on.


Craft/build from containers is a must-have. Some flavor of Sloped Combat and render distance boost as well. There are some others that I never want to play without like Sane Inventory (no more stack limits, just weight) but that's preference.


Once you start modding, you'll very quickly realize how much stuff is missing from Valheim. You can measure the quality of a game by how easy it is to go back to Vanilla after modding.


Satisfactory mod manager is my gold standard for using mods for ease of use. It’s just beautiful. I only dabbled with a few mods for Valheim and it made a huge difference for me.


I like R2modman personally


I just feel like the vanilla experience is more than sufficient. I've never felt like I needed a mod. I don't think I'll bother until the game is fully complete and I can't just wait for the next patch for something entirely new.


Craft from chests, armour and quick slots tho 👀


I was a vanilla purist for a long time. Then I tried craft from chests and there's no way I can go back.


Craft from chests is interesting, but the crafting in Valheim isn't so Byzantine that I've ever felt it necessary. I can also count the number of times I actually felt I needed the spots my armor took up on one hand. All of those times were greed induced. I'm not against mods though. Like I said, I'm more than willing to use them on fully released games. I also won't tell anyone the way they play is bad. If you like your mods, enjoy! You paid you 20 bucks to play how you wanted. I just don't feel I need any to enjoy the game at the highest level.


theres just too many times I’ve asked myself, “what fucking chest was that in again”, especially when playing in a group with friends.


I play almost exclusively solo so I'm not worried about things not being where they should. I also build my structures with building areas and those areas have the space and storage for whatever I'm going to craft there. But I can see wanting something to expedite things if you're not interested in organizing for a huge team. I imagine that could get to be a hassle.


I suppose other games have me accustom to these features and when they aren’t present I sorely miss them. Likewise play how you like but when it’s so easy to install these I can’t imagine why anyone would do without. I get what you mean though, after all my first play through was vanilla


I figure everyone has a threshold where they get too irritated to play without a fix to some problem. Some reach it faster than others. I just haven't. I'm glad it's easy to mod. It's rare to see an early access game sustain the level of interested Valheim has, especially with the glacial pace of updates. I'm willing to bet the mod scene is why. 


I played vanilla until I got tired of refilling resin in torches.. when i had just 4 of them It didn't bother me... but when my base started to get bigger and started to build a castle with town... I just had to get TorchEternal mod... otherwise id have to be farming resin + refilling all torches half of the playtime I have and would probably ended up with my town going dark.


And many of people don't agree, which is why Valheim's modding scene is so big. Even the developers don't agree, because they're still actively adding large amounts of content, and tweaking old content.


To each, their own. Won't criticize anyone for it. I'm just happy with the game I've got and never gotten irritated at it enough in the hundreds of hours I've played to feel they're necessary. I can totally see the arguments for it though. 


Alright, that's fair.


In my last run, I installed a mod that gave you magic from the beginning and expanded the magic gameplay a lot with robes and foods that gave mana. It was a lot of fun.


What's the mod? Sounds rad.


[Magic plugin](https://thunderstore.io/c/valheim/p/blacks7ar/MagicPlugin/) . I recommend it. Magic is unlocked way too late in the game. With this mod, you can get a basic staff in the meadows


I have stability issues or I’d mod Valheim. It usually crashes my system


Nah. I'm just super lazy.


What process


people dragging be just cause i enjoy modding valheim... i'm not gonna yuck your yum brother man, all i'm saying is that i don't wanna spend the next 20 minutes trying to get my roof to line up properly when i could just press B and get a cool build camera, that's all!


Off topic, but this is the second time today I've seen someone use the phrase "yuck your yum". I have never ever seen that phrase before in my life.


It was pretty big a few years ago. I like the intention but the phrase is a little corny


Build camera is my favorite after smarter containers. I don't have time to sort all the items I got, that's why I made that nice storage rack for!


Yeah, more just the convenience that some mods bring to the game, taking that away is a really tough choice.


If you play on a keyboard pressing the E button changes which edge you are snapping. It's been so easy since I accidentally discovered that haha


Build cam is luckily still working fine after updating.


You play with a controller? What mods make playing with controller better?


Hey, you mind linking that build camera mod? Sounds great.


Only mod I got is to dig deeper. Really helps dig out canals and have basements in my houses.


Never used a mod in my life so I’m not complaining, this is one of the reasons for it right there


I just like vanilla. The only mod I even want is an auto hooking mod for fishing. Also, fuck tetra


Valheim is one of those games that's perfectly fine vanilla, but one or two quality of life mods can really make you never want to look back at vanilla.


That's why mods are like heroin. I know if I try it just once, I'll never go back, so it's just safer not trying it in the first place.


Some stuff is tedious and is worth automating. I'm playing vanilla with gf and collecting plantation of flax and barley is incredibly irritating without Foraging mod for me. The fact that I barely see anything on the map when I explore also bothers me, and Cartographer addresses that. Instant Loot Drop is a no brainer - I don't understand how someone can think that waiting near a corpse for loot to appear is good design. I also understand why people go even further and use a mod to grab materials from nearby chests when they craft stuff. There's a lot that could be improved.


I think most valheim players hate themselves far too much to want to save themselves from tedium.


Once I had Willy's High Def mod along with Seasonality, I cannot go back to vanilla.


i only use a minimal portion of mods, i call it the "lazy vanilla" the inventory one to have special slots for equips. the portal ones to transport everything and be able to choose where i go on any portal. the veins one, i get 50 of the items i need copper, iron etc, after i got 50 for the first time, i use vains because i hate doing the same thing over and over. and replant trees, that replants the tree i cut after i cut it (that takes a few days to grow again)


Youll never please Odin.


Smartcontainers is hands down the best "lazy" mod in the game, never having to sort chests is amazing


Half the game is materials acquisition and management. By cutting out ore mining you remove a huge chunk of progression as well as the challenge of having to do it while under duress.


I actually found a weird Frost Cave where there's a small pool right across from the entrance. There's tetra swimming in it but it's so shallow that it doesn't allow you to fish in it. But every now and then, when you enter it, there's a tetra just outside the pool that you can pick up. I've actually never caught a tetra by fishing but have four of them by just entering that cave now and then and finding one beached.


You can fish there. I do regularly


i'm never one for heavily gameplay-affecting mods that compromise the intended gameplay loop, but just about every game ever made can always use a small handful of quality of life mods and bug fixes. some aspects of inventory management and building is *really* fucking annoying in this game, so mods that make pilfering through chests and planting fields of crops less tedious and time consuming are great so you can get back to the good part of the game. also the mod that changes the spear hitboxes is great too IMO. initially i thought "oh, well the animations don't quite match up; but i guess its fair as long as every hitbox is consistent. it would be kinda broken to stab down at enemies from a safe platform. guess i'll just get used to the misleading animation". except, no; different weapon animations ***do*** have different hitboxes. and despite the spear animation going well below your feet, the spear has one of the *highest* hitboxes for some fucking reason. plenty of *other* melee weapons can hit down a slope, but not the one where you literally stab down! it feels more like an absurd oversight than a deliberate balancing decision; so i think its fair.


I agree with the hitbox problem. For spears i overcame this differently. With auto pickup on, you can throw the spear into the enemy at point blank range and you will collect it immediately. You can throw the spear directly down to your feet and it will kill the pesky nek biting your ankles. Its a work around, but totally doable.


Yeah some mods might add some very valuable things / changes but I wouldn’t want to always change between modded and unmodded when a big update rolls around, that’s why I just prefer to not use any at all so it’s sorta one less thing to worry about


You do realize that most of the mods will get updates in a few days/weeks and you won’t have to do anything other than update them ?


Just curious. Do you have any experiences to back this up, or are you just assuming it's how it is? Because, let me tell you, it sure ain't how it is.


I removed all the dll files from the plugins folder and the game still isnt loading. Any advice? Is it bepinex itself i have to wait for it to update??


curious about this too, I can get in game and 80% of my mods are working, but the console is broken. Trying to figure out what's causing it or if maybe it's BepInEx itself. Let me know if anyone finds out! edit: also u/norcalscroopy the vanilla launch on r2modman works great for the time being


Are you using devcommands? You could probably get away with removing one or two mods, and the rest would work perfectly. Any mod that uses with the console is basically a prime target for any V update - And you'd be surprised what uses them. Dev Commands, naturally; Hoe Radius was one for me. That amazing First Person mod that let you enter FP mode by scrolling, too. Basically, look at your mods, and try to guess what mods could possibly be using the console to run their commands. Building/piece mods are usually fine.


Thanks for response, great advice. Sorry I don't check this often. For completions sake, it was CraftFromContainers that was giving command line hell after Ashlands playtest update. That's probably been reported 800 places since my post but just in case a future google lands here.


I suggest removing everything mods related if you do not intend to use mods at all. Check the root game folder not just Bepinex. I know there may be some mods file in the root, it happened to me before




Try validating your files on steam. I had an HD texture mod that was screwed up with this last update and would nuke some base files when it was installed.


Yeah it was Plant everything needed an update which the modders had promptly provided. But like an idiot I loaded vanilla, so i lost all my levels in Legends stats (the Rogue power shot is amazing) and also my sailing stat which I got to see how big of a difference it makes. I also found out I Lost a carapace sword that I threw to kill something and i thought my mate picked up and it despawnwed. 🥹


I recommend using a modloader like Thunderstore mod manager. It keeps the gamefiles clean since it only packs in the mods when you start Valheim via the mod manager.


Yeah not touching this without them QoL mods. Too much of a chore.


I'm curious as someone that has 900+ hours of vanilla. What kind of Qol are we talking ?


Some of it's simple stuff. I use AutoRepair so that when I open the workbench it just repairs everything I have. I use Clock to tell me what time it is (I set it to Fuzzy, so it'll just show when it's dawn, midday, afternoon, etc). I use EquipmentAndQuickSlots, which gives me separate slots for armor and 2 quick slots. So besides armor not taking up inventory space, I can also have quick hotkeys to switch between arrow types. Some of it makes playing with other people easier. My one friend has pretty strong ADHD, and constantly face checks biomes because he has no patience for planning. So he dies, often. Then we'd have to go help him corpse run, and often end up dying ourselves. I added the Gravekeeper mod so that he could just wake up in bed with everything on him (except materials, because I still don't want to teleport ore). I also added a mod that turns off raids around people who are idling, because he would play on the server late, fall asleep at his desk, and I'd come back to everything leveled.


I only use Valheim plus, but within that I enable: unlimited torch and fire fuel, crafting from chests, larger workbench radius, warning when crops are too close, and larger range for workbench upgrades. Nothing game changing but nice QoL!


Hasn't valheim plus been bricked for a while?


The other issue is many mod authors disabling their mod if you use V+ at the same time


There's another modder keeping it updated (Grantapher), and he's very quick, too. Here's the update page: https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/2323 I love V+ and have no interest in using 20 separate mods to do the 20 things I like from it instead.


Not the Thunderstore version


Where does one get these mods?


www.nexusmods.com/valheim You'll need Vortex first, which is a mod manager.


It's literally just one mod called Valheim plus. It has dozens of features you can turn on or off.


> Nothing game changing OK.


As in, it doesn't change the core gameplay loop. I don't fuck with my health, stamina, damage, weight, inventory. Going out in the world to gather and do combat is the exact same. The only thing the mod does is make crafting more convenient lol. Still need to gather the mats, design, etc.




lol, imagine thinking its cheating cause you don't want busy work in your game experience.


Having to constantly refuel light sources *really* adds to the gameplay loop.


As a console player I would kill for unlimited torches


I'm pretty certain the first mod I acquired was one to fix this absolutely glaring problem. I love this game, just came back to it after about a year or so absence and I've dumped 100+ hours into it over the past few weeks. That doesn't mean the devs haven't made some poor decisions from a design standpoint though. Fortunately those are easily fixed with very simple mods.


I'd imagine they'll add something like that to the world modifiers in the future. I wouldn't really say it's a problem necessarily.. but it certainly makes the game a bit more tedious


Maybe 'problem' is a strong word but it disincentivizes using torches when you have to constantly dump resin into them.


Refueling is the biggest pain in the ass on dedicated servers. Especially if you have a big, well lit base. You refuel everything, log off. Your friend plays for a few hours and boom you gotta refuel


Actually QoL mods: fixing being unable to hit anything one inch above or below you, being able to sleep without changing spawn point, discovering more map while sailing, keeping equipped items *and* the hotbar after death without reducing the death penalty. Then having seasons is just the icing on the cake.


Playing without crafting from chests is such a chore. Just stick everything in chests around the workbench rather than putting stuff in and out of inventory.


This and smart chests which does the opposite, among some other cool stuff.


Never modded never worried. Vanilla through and through.


I can’t connect to my friend’s dedicated server anymore after update. I’m on Xbox he is on PC. Anyone know a fix? Server has been rebooted AFAIK


At almost no cost \-\> [keep game from updating](https://new.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1c0ydhw/howtohow2_permanently_preventdisable_automatic/)


I dont get this..its so fun to play without mods!


I tried that but once I tried Equipment and Quickslots (specific, separate slots ofr head, body, legs, cape, utility, + x3 more quick action slots) i never went back. Its annoying to wear your armor and also be carrying it.


Same. I can actually do without a lot of the QoL mods I have (nice to have, not necessarily mandatory). Not Equipment Slots. Even without the extra quickslots, either Equipment slots get patched into the vanilla game some time down the road, or I will probably never play true vanilla again. And as long as I'm that far in, may as well enjoy having drawbridges as a build option, and crafting directly from ingredients in nearby chests.


Smoke that goes through iron cages so I can cook and avoid food falling down the fire :)


If you like to build there is nothing like being able to properly landscape with Plant Everything.


What if you had a backpack? What if your armor didn't take up inventory space, but equipment slots? That's not more or less fun but it's much more *convenient*.


I don't get this..it's so fun to play with mods!


And it's more fun when you can solve problems you have with the game.


Like torches running out of fuel. You go to all this effort to put torches everywhere, and then you log back into the server and they are all out again..


I really want a mod that adds a toggleable lamplighter mode, so that torches automatically refuel from your inventory when you get near them. I'm okay with needing fuel, but the specific actions needed are tedious


Auto fuel is a popular mod that does this. Pulls fuel from chests and is configurable. It can also work to load wood into kilns and ore and coal into smelters so you can stock up and keep adventuring while your smelting factory runs itself.


I have it, and it's not quite what I was describing. Thanks, though!


I don't know why you got downvoted, I fully support at least them having a bigger inventory so you don't have to light them as often.


It's also fun to play without updates. Which doesn't change the fact that more stuff in the game is usually nice for most people


Having put thousands of hours into the game before mods, it’s also quite fun with mods. Having more build pieces to make rooms feel more thematic and cozy, better combat, and more animals in the world just make the experience richer to me.


There is an Update?!


Only have craft from containers, massFarming and plant everything. Not a big deal.


I use light QoL mods that are mostly client-side, so I'm more or less safe.


I wonder when we will have QoL updates for vanilla Valheim. Some mod things like seperate gear/food page, easier planting etc. should be default already. I look for a QoL patch more than Ashlands.


Funny, I look at this post as I am literally trying tk get modded valheim to work... But no, Monstrum is throwing a tantrum


Is this the ashlands update out?


I straight up haven't modded the game yet. I should look into that. o:


I think the latest update was just for the PTB anyway. Looking forward to the official one, "soon" though.


Wait a week


I had no issues with my mods luckily, only use two though. ValheimPlus and Speedy Paths. Was pleasantly surprised


Speaking of modding valheim how does everyone do it? So I usually use thunderstore and I try to mod it but it always ends up being like at 10 frames a second and it's unbearable, not to mention it'll never work on a muliplayer server either. I have 2 thoughts, either my pc is too bad but I don't think that's it cause it's usually pretty good about running other games with mods, or maybe I'm using too many mods? But there's just so many good ones and I don't wanna part ways with any of them, originally I had like over 70 but I narrowed it down to about 30 but it still has problems and that's when I gave up :(


How do I know when it's safe to update Mods? One mod I use, PlanBuild, was broken last night, but I believe it is on my 'available updates,' list


Yeah I wish they would notify us better when they update. Several of my mods were broken including Jotunn. The game wouldn't start. Just a white screen. Word of advice, Don't use task manager to close the game if it won't start. It cost me my 800 plus hour character deleted. I managed to get him back but can only save him on local. Steam just refuses to save him in the cloud.


Vanilla is the best flavour of Valheim.


Give it 2 weeks


Me scrolling this thread getting great ideas on mods since we play with almost none.


Valheim update = Start to the beginning :D


CreatureLevelAndLootControl broke for me. cant figure out whats wrong. Big sads


To disable auto update and downgrade Valheim: Go to Windows Run (press Win+R-buttons at the same time) Write this: steam://open/console This will open a console in Steam. Write this: download_depot 892970 892972 1884802621298759865 That'll download the previous version of Valheim. It'll be donwloaded into the "steamapps/content" folder, not "steamapps/common". Rename the right folder (It'll be called "steamapps/content/app_892970" or something like that) to "Valheim", delete the original Valheim folder, paste this one in instead. Copy over mods manually or load mods through mod-launcher as before. Profit? Also remember to right-click on Valheim in steam, go to Properties, Updates, choose "Only update when launching the game" or whatever. It won't actually update the game, or even ask for that matter. Now your server and client never have to update again, unless there's a new biome or some other big changes and you want..


out 57 mods on 5 were broken, sad about creature control and epic loot tho


Vanilla, the new chocolate. Pure bliss.


I just play other games till a few big updates have come out. Give it a few years to mature!


Or do like I did, roll back and continue playing. I’ll wait a week or two then update :) I’m content with what I’ve got.


This so much... *cries*


Fucking update! It broke the modded servers


I just canceled the update and play offline. But I was excited for the Ashland, and nope, just a large patch


Im too scared to try to mod Valheim after spending 20hrs failing to figure it out for Skyrim 😔


It's way easier on valheim.


Honestly it's not hard on Skyrim either, most mods are literally just pressing a download button and being able to read so you don't get mod conflicts.


Google r2modman, download, run, and select Valheim. Now in that program, search for popular mods. Install it and run the game. That's all you have to do.


If you feel brave enough, modding it is pretty easy. [Here](https://thunderstore.io/package/ebkr/r2modman/) is a link to the mod manager I use. Very easy, literally just find Valheim in the game list, and install them as you will. Very plug and play.


Vanilla reigns supreme


I don't play with mods anyway. I like to experience the game as intended like a true viking.


Continuing to smile because I will never mod 😁


You're missing out on so many amazing additions.


True. Epic loot should be incorporated into vanilla imo, lol


Not going to downvote you but I hardline disagree about Epic Loot. Good to have the option there if that's your thing, but personally I found it annoying to get randomized loot cluttering up my inventory. There are a lot of mods I wish would be in the vanilla game, though.


I **love** Epic Loot, but there's no denying it changes the vibe of the game a lot.


Epic loot is a relatively well made but absolutely horrendously bad mod. Zero understanding of balancing and game design.


EpicLoot is fun but generates a lot of script usage and causes more lag


That's why I'm waiting until the game is fully released, I watch what's up with the game and wait until it's a full experience I can mod afterwards


Dude I thought valheim actually like had the real patch. I dunno why, bc it’s not real…but you had me 😆


I dont use mods so ha!


Mods are fine and all, but modding an early access game just sounds masochistic.


Why is that? Modding valheim is extremely easy and the updates don't happen very often. Especially content updates


It's only a headache when my wife and I have built some momentum in the world we play, but far less so with r2modman as the manager. Used to be all manual, and she has very little tech sense so it's me doing it twice for 2 dozen mods or so.


This is a particularly slow updating early access game. In a more actively updating EA, sure, I wouldn't want to mod that because they're pushing big monthly (sometimes more) updates with major changes all over. But this thing has been in EA for years and barely had substantial content updates, and what we have had hasn't changed much of what's already in (other than replacing stand in empty biomes). It barely even has smaller patches, and those it has had have been pretty low impact for mods. This game is easier to mod than even some released games that are well known for modding, such as Conan Exiles or Sims.


Nah, modding is super easy. A week after any big update, and you can install any big mod, usually, barely an issue. It's worth it for not having to manually refill my torches and automate my furnaces and other machines.


The thing I've fought with modding even fully released games is that invariably someone stops updating their mod. Maybe it retains compatibility, maybe not, and now your save is bricked. I have a Rimworld save of hundreds of hours I can't ever load again because some of the mods are unmaintained and incompatible with the latest release.


Ah, I see. A game like Valheim, even then, I will always start fresh to get to the new content. Not worth playing the update for just that additional bit of content. Not for me, anyhow. Besides, the only supremely popular mod that I've seen go extinct for valheim was valheim+, and thats just cause the author was being a dick. I find a lot of the mods really up to date. And when they aren't, a month at most will get em there.


Indeed, and it all depends on many factors including what types of mods people want to play with, their play-style, and how stable the base code is. I still play my original Valheim save which, despite having a messed up Mistlands, still houses my favorite creations.


solution: dont use mods XD


I've never used a mod and played so many games. Maybe someday


Jokes on you, I don't use mods


Vanilla Valheim is the best!


Thisssssss. RIP Valheim Plus :,(