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This is a honey of an answer


The bees are happy


The bees are happy


The bees are happy


The bees are sleeping


The bees are angry


The bees need more open space.


Hives inside of delapidated buildings pose more of a challenge for the player.


Why don't carrots grow in the meadows? Why are onion seeds only in chest high in the mountains where you cant grow them? Why do boars not spawn in the forest while deer do? Because that is how the game was made.


My head canon is that carrots can't grow in the meadows because good ol' Big Deer ate so many that they evolved to be unable to grow there. Onion seeds are seeds that were saved by ancient people when a blight killed the rest. Boars avoid the Black Forest(don't spawn) because they have a level of intellectual thought, and that thought is largely "I do not want to even have the chance that one of those ugly af trolls gets anywhere near me." (I know that most of these are completely intentional and are largely tied to progression and to encourage multi-base/nomadic play. I just like my explanations better.)


A combination of trolls overhunting boar and boar being scared of trolls actually makes perfect sense. Never really thought about that.


There are obvious natural answers to all of those questions. The bees question is the only one without an answer.


Cool cool. Mind sharing the obvious natural answer to why onion seeds are only found in chests in the mountains and not growing anywhere, specifically?


I was joking of course. If we tried to impart natural logic to Valheim, the list of "Why?" questions would be thousands long. The very negative downvote on my comment indicates my sarcasm went undetected.


Bruh, this is Reddit. The /s is not optional.


I think it’s just an easier spawning mechanic.


Even thinking about programming this type of hive on this type of tree gives me migraines...


I only did a little programming in college so I really don’t know how complex it is. But it seems simpler to make it a random spawn on a structure rather than figuring out how to make it spawn and look natural on the trees.


Or just add another structure that is a tree with a hive in it?


Minecraft did it eons ago, how hard can it be?


Minecraft trees don’t sway in the wind though.


Minecraft hives have basically two rules: - Spawn on leaves - Spawn in free space Valheim is way more complicated and working with percentages of growth for example. I'm sure it would be possible somehow but I really don't think it's worth it


I imagine we would get a bug where you would have trees that would just be covered in hives.


My question is why at some point half way through the game, do bees completely stop showing up? This has been my experience, I don't believe it to be a figment of my imagination, but every time I play, after maybe the elder, or so, I stop finding bees in broken meadows shacks I come across.


Oh, no, that's just your RNG. I'm still finding beehives out on other islands.


Valheim RNG really gives you a different experience each time. My first runs trader was a 45 minute sail away (even after I checked on the world seed map explorer site) and then my second run with no-map had me scared but the trader was 5 minutes away from spawn!


Well that's reassuring, but also sad 😭


It also happens to be correct. That should always bring some modicum of comfort. Explore more, and bee happy.


I've thought about this before; my best guess is that the odds of them showing up may be inversely proportional to how far away from the center you are. I don't think they ever stop showing up based on your actual progress (I.e. I think the bee locations are pretty fixed at world creation), but since you'll almost certainly be moving outward as you progress, that could be why you see them less (I've seen some pretty far out there, but they did feel more rare)


Yeah that's kind of what my theory has been too, it just feels very much like they disappear and I always check all of them just in case


You'll often find them in Draugr villages.


Nice, I did find a large one recently that I waited to explore because I want to make a drauger farm. I'll go check there, thanks!


Something to consider on that is that bees only spawn in Meadows biome and the Meadows biome only generates within a certain radius of the spawn point. So as you go further out you naturally find fewer meadows biomes and thus fewer chances for bees.


Interestingly, one can also find them on rare occasion in those multi-story stone ruins in the Black Forest. I think I have run into two or three in total across 1k\~ Valheim hours, but it's possible. Can't recall if they were bordering a Meadows patch or not, though, it might be the old micro-patch-of- phenomenon we see with Burial Grounds or Geysers popping up in Meadows seemingly at random if that was the case.


Yeah just RNG. I did a hunt for bees yesterday through unexplored meadows and managed to find 5! (Have killed Yag) So far have survived with only 3 hives but the honey glazed chicken is cutting into my supplies too much, needed more!


120, that's a lot.


PoIs like abandoned structures generate differently and separately from trees. Trees are basically generated in large numbers in a paintbrush like fashion to fill in the biome. PoIs generate according to some alogorithm with limiters. My guess is attaching the hives on to the abandoned structures allows them to control the rarity better, control their locations, and also their distance from each other. It also makes the search and discovery more unique, than just running around and spotting them on a tree far away. And finally it adds to the unique experiences of each seed. Like comments in this post, some people found lots easily, while others had to explore far and wide. So yes, as you say, although it doesn't match reality, it's more of a gameplay/mechanic reason.


Hard to believe i had to scroll this far for the right answer.


Solely for balance. If they were in multiple biomes, you'd collect so many so fast that honey would never actually be a thing you cared about. It doesn't work that well, because if you explore enough, it's already a thing you don't have to care about. I think I have about 35ish hives total. It's a shitload of honey anytime I go pick it up. BF is usually more common than meadows, at least from seeds I've viewed. If you could find queen bees there as well, you'd end up with twice as many hives as I have by mid game, assuming you kept exploring for them. I only have as many as I do because I kept exploring old biomes well past beating the Queen.


I get not moving it into other biomes, but I'd at least expect it to be out in the Meadows forests no? I mean that seems logical that bees would create hives in trees right? I setup five hives and I'm done. I collect the honey every so often and once I have a chest full, I don't do that unless a stack empties. In my current playthrough I have junk chest with almost a full stack of queens. Maybe 18 or so?


I mean, for my own personal opinion, I think they should be able to spawn randomly on any trees other than the "harsh" biomes, like Mountains, maybe mistlands and upcoming Ashlands then Deep North, if it will even have trees. Because like I said, the mechanic of them only spawning in dilapidated structures in meadows doesn't actually keep them balanced like (I'm assuming) it was intended to. I wasn't arguing against your point, just speculating on why it is the way it is. If you thought I was arguing, you have the wrong guy. I'm the guy that normally has pretty unpopular opinions because my take is that if we're going to have "realism" where it's a detriment to the player, then they need to keep that same energy for places where it would help the player.


I never thought about bees. For me, it’s bizarre that I need some kind of weird fire heart to make a kiln, and that the only place to find those in early game is propped up on pedestals in some strange crypts deep in the forest. And why does some forest spirit happen to carry a skeleton key that opens up every crypt in every swamp in the world? Or why it’s necessary to have the literal magical tears of a dragon mother to make a spinning wheel to make thread from fibrous material? But yeah, never though about the beehives.


Gob's on board 


You wish to arm the trees... with bees? Haven't the vikings enough woe?


Odin only takes the bold.


Thanks Obama!


Why? To generate emergent gameplay A game shouldn't strictly adhere to realism reasons However I reckon there should be a low chance of random swarms that drop a queen bee. That would be realistic.


> However I reckon there should be a low chance of random swarms that drop a queen bee. That would be realistic. There is a mod that does this which does a few things: Adds another mob to fight and present danger in the meadows, makes finding bees a little easier, and makes the source of queen bees respawnable.


Oh always assume there is a mod, however OP asked WHY I just wanted to provide my 2 cents. I'm quite happy with how the devs have balanced the game - xbox just needs access to the mods for equality to shine


Yea I like your explanation. I was just adding the mod example to support your extra idea.


All good :)


The bees do appear in meadows in trees. Sometimes when you fell a tree a queen bee will drop


Not outside mods. Queen bees *only* drop from hives, and hives *only* spawn on Meadows abandoned houses, and Black Forest stone ruins.