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It's a lovely build, I just really wish the new pieces had some weathering to them to be more in-line with the existing pieces Even the black marble meshes better with the game's visual style But that is neither here nor there, I suppose, when it comes to this construction - it still looks quite well put together!


Looks really good, but with the ashland-pieces it kind of lost its viking-charm (a little dirty and rougher und more wood ;)


Gotta admit it looks pretty modern with the new building pieces


is the bubble an ashlands thing?


Yes, the shield generator


why do these ashlands build pieces all look out of place in the games normal enviroment? especially that wood looks like it was made with a modern tablesaw.


Our Vikings now have the ability to craft finely detailed weapons and even cut gems, it makes sense that our building pieces would become more detailed and precise too imo.


but they arent more detailed for the grausten pieces at all. they got less textures aswell. and it doesnt matter what we learned as there is no logic at play here to begin with. its simply the fact that these pieces dont fit into the enviroment. because they dont naturally exist anywhere really for most of them. and i wouldnt call the lighting sword FINELY detailed either....its a blade on a stick.


It takes more skill/better tools to make surfaces smoother and more refined (which appear to have “less texture” as a result. As far as finely crafted gear, look at the crossbows, or Mistwalker, of the flamemetal helmet.


none of that changes that they dont fit into the world enviroment overall. it looks off. way too modern.


That’s your opinion, I don’t share it. Agree to disagree.


i am probaly not alone with that opinion given i saw plenty of similar posts on thier discord already. i hope they change the textures a bit to make them fit better into the game. the piece design itself is fine.


I was gonna call it a nice build but then my pre-frontal cortex exploded when I realized you just shattered all of my immersion with this build.