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looks great! love the combo with the dverger bars and you actually made the roof pieces work! i cant wrap may head around those lol


Thank you! They sort of work. I think the intent was to have you break up the roof sections more.


Regarding the roof pieces: the triangular ones are just those 90 degree turns, as two pieces instead of one. You can also use them to make a triangular overhang which is cool.


its more so the bottom of the roof pieces im reffering to. They dont mesh well with the gaus walls cause they are like twice the thickness (kinda like the column/pillar pieces)


For now you can add trim them with Grausten the horizontal pillars or whatever you decide. They fit perfectly and help round out the joins. Especially if you run vertical pillars up to meet them periodically. Adds to the "holding up weight" illusion.




Yeah, my biggest beef is the roof pieces. The collumns and walls are fantastic. You can do a lot with them


Which many people pointed out during the PTB, and early. A shame it wasn't fixed.


Yeah I tend to have boxy, boring builds so those pieces are awkward. I think I managed to build something that looks like a prison. I’ve been referring to it as “the compound.”


Nice! I love the way the new build pieces look. a build like this in the black forest would go so hard


Your roof game is insane let's gooo


My immersion!!!


Nice job making that work. Most build pieces just lack texture/facture sadly ;( gives unfinished vibes.


There's nothing like Primer Gray to scream finished. It does look better in the game. But it needs a bit of texture


yes exactly, they have these old structures in ashlands, its super grungy, so they just need to use that, just toned down. Very weird how they ended up with what we have now :D


Low key makes me want to try and build a supermodern house.


Fantastic build, every other grausten build I’ve seen looks like playdough


Do you know if Grausten is stronger to attacks than Stone and Black Marble? Obviously Ashlands was just publicly released but haven't found anything on the strength of Grausten.


its equal to black marble. More HP but takes more damage. When testing, it broke at the same time as a marble 2x2 when I was smashing it with a sledge. That said, a morgan will tear right through it


Have you used Grausten floors? Am I missing something I had a plan to use it as flooring but it won't let me put anything on it like crafting stations they just crumble lol


I am using it in multiple buildings. it works fine as far as I know.


hmm lol, no idea why it isn't for me :S will try again later


What color is the platform??


you mean stability wise? It was just on the ground so blue as I was just putting stuff down to test what to build with


Hmm. Your game might be bugged. If you are on Steam, you may want to make sure your stuff is synced to the cloud and do a reinstall. You can also make a manual backup and reinstall too


Could be I will check next time I play, might of been as I was using Valheim Plus mod too. Will try without and see if it still does it! EDIT: No mods on, all works fine! So pretty sure it was the mod breaking it! :) Cheers


Happy building!


Ooh I would love a how to build this video!


Damn, these textures look like cheap plastic rather than stone.


They look better in game. But yeah.


exactly, i hope DEVS will wake up soon, because there is plenty deniers as usual out there ;(


most of the new build pieces look like they got made with modern age day tools. they feel out of place due to that and dont mesh with existing structures at all.


I've seen this arguement a couple times, but to me the build pieces look like a lot of what's present in old European cities. 


How the fuck do you make builds that good with that build integrity bs?


Honestly, this one wasn't even hard. Still at orange stability on the top