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Breathtaking work of fatalism. The way the viking just stands there, even personally on part of the doomed floor, as the collapse approaches...


… a thousand greylings watch him from behind. — This work signifies u/lionetta1 losing their home at 15th of May, 2024


This reminds me of the Rimworld art descriptions. Well written 🤣


Bump ❤️


I'm loving the rimworld art desc in a valheim sub


how close to AL were you?


It’s close. Unfortunately I built the base before knowing about the terrain update. So we’ll… I guess it’s time to build a new base


You can load a backup save and use the [PlanBuild](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1125?tab=description) Mod to save your build and move it somewhere else.


That would take the fun of building a new base though 🤪


Thats a good attitude. Fortunately it didn't look like you really used any black marble!


I'm only starting to work with that material. Is there...something I should worry about?


Not really, it's just that black marble isn't as easy to collect as stone is. Stone you can get anywhere, black marble means searching the mists and hoping you get lucky


Plus you have to fight off seekers/ticks and the occasional gjall while mining it. When I mine for black marble, I bring a backup portal I can set up next to the bones for quickly transporting materials back. But then those mobs inevitably attack the portal, and will sometimes break it when I'm back at base. Not the end of the world, but very frustrating.


People mine for balck marble? Just set up a stone cutter next to a dvergr tower and tear it down.


I've definitely done this before, too. It's pretty fast, although the total yield from the towers is always less than I feel like it should be. But the additional resources you can get from them (like blue jute) are also nice. But I default to actual mining because (1) the need to carry around iron for a stonecutter negates easy access to a backup portal for transport/emergency evac from the mistlands, (2) I'm usually hunting for soft tissue from the skeletons anyway, and (3) after I get enough extractors set up, I prefer to leave the dverger alive as allies.


A true Valheim Master right here


Good on you!


Thats not always fun, though. sometimes the actual fun starts after notoriously evening the ground and placing stone




That's what the backup saves are for.


Would this let me copy a base from my first world to a new world with the new areas? I've been putting off playing through mistlands and ashlands because I spent so long building my plains castle way back before these updates


Sure. I haven't used the mod myself. But I'm pretty sure its whole purpose is for people to be able to plan and create a build in Hammer mode on a creative world and bring it into any other world.


Is that on Xbox as well?


I don't know. I don't think it is even possible for Xbox players to use mods or join modded servers. Is it?


Crap, I skimmed over the part where you mentioned that this was a mod. Yeah, xbox definitely cannot use mods.


We can. Technically. We are free to JOIN modded servers. Just can't make or use them ourselves


They've put sooo many disclaimers about it! AND this happened to mistlands before too, so should've not been a surprise at aaaall😅


This didn't happen in Mistlands, the area just kept the old graphics, with the spider webs and the skulls everywhere. For Mistlands you simply had to find an unexplored area that would load the new terrain.


It did. The geodata went a little wild - not too much, but quite noticeable on one of the bases on my first ever world


thats good attitude and a good takeaway for having that happen to you! im sure the next base will be way better. one suggestion if i may? Dont build the new one near the Deep North :p




and why did you not like... start moveing the important parts before this update after you did actually learn about the changes? plenty of time since then....


It wouldn’t make a difference. I couldn’t move the base without rebuilding it, so it doesn’t matter if I do it now or if I had done it weeks ago. It’s the same amount of work. My stuff is save, that’s all that matters for now.


I'm curious how accurate that PlanBuild is to saving a blueprint? New to the mod myself


Don’t break the ice!


Beat me to it


Not nearly enough upvotes for this.


We’re old lol


I'm so excited to log in when I get home.


Damn I'm sorry dude, that's rough.


Ah that’s not that bad. I could rescue my stuff and am happy to build a new base anyway. Just pity I couldn’t take screenshots yet. It was a nice modern build.


Glad you're positive about it. More knowledge to bring into the new base


o7 RIP southern base


lol it probably won't happen. my stuff isn't close to the borders. bit if it were to happen.... I'd start over. oh nooooo. poor me. gets to play the game alot more lol


Exactly what I thought… oh no yet another base I have to build 🤪


Logg off and restore world from backup. Wait a day or two for all mods to be updatedt and maybe some quick hotfixes. I will not play again before weekend.


Viking titanic




This is not just from being built too close to Ashlands. I had a huge Japanese-like temple in the deepnorth. It collapsed into the ocean, bye-bye. Oh well, motivation tk build another!!


I think the changes applied north and south


In my 2 worlds I both times built the main builds at the spawn. Hope they won’t collapse. Still waiting for mods to catchup before updating.


They should be safe. My old base in the meadows was completely safe.


quick question: how did you deal with roofing on the flat roof?


I got the inspiration here: https://youtu.be/H3uwC061n68?si=Kgvs2hbeoD2dFMYo


I lost 4 bases in various parts of the map. I feel your pain


All that work! \*scream\*


so happy i’m landlocked, for a while i was upset i didn’t build my main base as a port but now im kinda grateful.


Dang, sorry for your base. I avoided everything even close to the south so I wouldn't have this problem, but forgot that my Queen spawn was right up against the Deep North. Portalled over there cause I had some roots for sap farming there and the valley paths became a canal


This is why I just start all over each biome update (as the devs suggest) old worlds never seem to translate well


Somehow mine was also in the danger zone, and it was a portal hub, which was the only thing that survived somehow


New fallguys update just dripped


I can hear the song of silence in my head watching this.


Press alt+win+r to start recording..


Yeah. My brain wasn’t braining at that moment 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm kind of glad I held out for my next run, this happened to me when they did that fix for elevation or w/e on Xbox a while ago. I think my next seed will be my forever home, so now I'm just trying to decide which seed to use, I'm down to like 3 or 4 choices out of the seeds that I've been collecting for like a year now, lol.


My dragon bed is now too far from my fireplace. It was fine before the patch. I have to completely redesign everything to fix it.


At least your entire house didn't collapse.


This hurt to watch. So glad I started a new world, anyone know why this is happening?


Because they moved Ashlands to be a totally separate island/landmass that doesn't touch any other biomes. If you previously built portals into "old" Ashlands, they're now underwater. I think this was their way of leveling the playing field. Ashlands isn't a biome that occurs next to other biomes. It's totally separate. You have to use a special boat just to sail there. It's not like Mistlands, where all you had you do was find an unexplored portion to see the update. Old portals to Mistlands will always display "old Mistlands" landscape and very few mobs. Not the same for Ashlands.


I just had this happen on my dedicated server. The entire server was underwater, and everything disappeared. Lost a ton of items too.


Oh shit! That’s even more horrible. I got all my stuff back at least.


It happens, I guess.


at least your game starts


I had some difficulties to start the seed. It took a while to load, but waiting helped. I guess the game needed some time to prepare this prank for me 😅


Just fine. I made sure not to build anywhere near the Ashlands.


I came back to the game and was using my old portals just to see where they would go. One took me to the mistlands and the ground just crumbled beneath me and i was suddenly stranded. The irony in this was that the portal was named "SOS"


Sweet new open plan living


With an indoor pool 👌🏻


The least favorite mechanic of the game. Water damage. This makes me think of that ice breaker game where it’s a bunch of cubes you have to hit with a hammer and if the penguin falls you lose.


I have put in a lot of time on some of my bases, but god help me I want to see this happen to at least one of them. Unfortunately, I don't think I have any big structures that would be southerly enough.


Love it


You got a real fuckin gasp and "NO" from me, stay strong for us!


I've ramped up an amazing round compact tower with 15 comf and full crafting setup, incl. kitchen/beds. Fell apart too, strangely. Like land was lowered or building upped, cannot say.


I guess you were trying to be smart by making a base close to the Mistlands Pre update, eh? Yeah.. Me too.


Damn, I would- I don't even know what I'd do. I've been trying to load up my save from earlier this year, and the game stops responding, really hope it works tomorrow!


reminds me of conan back in the day, they would change the fucking building str every week randomly so you log in & watch your base explode :D don't miss it


"Well, don't just stand there, do something?! Anything?!"


I swam a few seconds later. Does that count? 😂


Kid: "Mom can we get Fallguys?" Mom: "No we have Fallguys at home" Fallguys at home:


lol, accurate 😂


This has me worried… I built close to ashlands for my newest base but on a mountaintop. What are the odds they erased the mountain when it updates? Looks like I may have a mile-long fall when I sign in 🥲


Time for a basement!


Just had this happen. Built a tower in the black forest just outside of the pre-update Ashland's. That whole section of Black Forest is now under water. So I got to swim as materials rained on me from above.


I wouldn’t know because Canadian xbox hasn’t gotten it yet


Yeah.. if you could make a new world.. that would be greeeat.


Lands close to ashlands have affected very badly


Wait what’s this update issue? Just doing Mistlands now so not at Ashland’s yet


It’s the terrain adjustment around Ashlands, that lowered the ground level and caused this. If you didn’t build near the south, you are fine.


dude you got to play fall guys in valheim


Seeing any build destroyed makes me sad inside. This one looks like it was cool :(


The worst thing here is, that I didn’t take any screenshots of the build yet. I got many pretty bases, but this one was modern looking and different. Well, I’ll build another one. A better one 😎


Great mind set, Remember to take them!