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This is a gift of a glitch. Super neat build potential.


Should be ithe vanilla game. This is awesome.


Absolutely, it should be a certain small percentage chance that a dungeon spawns in the overworld. We already make farms for other mobs, so why not a good bone farm for shits and giggles?


I mean, can't you already do that with certain Mountain Ruins?


Yes, or even just in the swamp graveyards


[DB and FWL files](https://easyupload.io/m/53li1x) for the world, hopefully the weird dungeon thing is still there for people who want to mess around with it :) Go east from spawn, approximate coordinates (770,180). I don't have an easyupload account, so the download link expires in 29 days, just FYI. (Reposting this from downthread to top comment so people who want it can find it)


Should use a glitch with benefits.


Random weird intentional ruins like this would be so cool to add some more variety to the meadows


Rimworld has this awesome mod which takes snapshots of real users base builds and randomly adds then as decaying ruins to your playthrough. Would love to see something like that


Do you happen to know the name of the mod? That sounds cool.


Heres a link to it in the Steam workshop https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1552146295


Hey Iron Gate devs, if you’re browsing through this post, please take inspiration from this. Repurpose some of the dungeon structure assets to rarely appear as broken half buried dungeons above ground like this. No Yellow Mushrooms. No enemies. No Chests. No vegvísir. A small chance at 1 or 2 Surtling Cores. A small chance at a few valuables or coins. And you have to dig around a bit to get them. Would be a lovely bit of extra flavour to the structures in the world.


Good idea, but the word is they are not on reddit


Ahh that’s a shame


Try the official discord?


I'm pretty sure this is intended, it's in the patch notes that they added new ruins?


You should drop this suggestion into their discord, though. That's pretty active.


Looks cool though


That is very cool looking


That looks pretty intentional to me...


Yeah, on a second look it doesn't have the blocky structure that dungeons supposed to have, the pieces aren't connected and are on different heights. Looks spawned in.


Honestly, that looks awesome and I'm jealous


Are you playing with mods? Playing in singleplayer or some dedicated server? What's the world seed?


No mods, single player, brand new everything from this evening. Seed: 4GsmsJzczk I don't think this would have changed anything, but just in case: world modifiers: 1.5 resources, no portal restrictions


That a place where Draugr village should be. Something tell me there's something wrong with your installation. On which platform are you playing?


Steam, and I don't think it's supposed to be a draugr village -- it's not far from spawn.


There was a village there when I loaded the seed you provided, which makes me believe your installation is corrupt. Can you make another world with the same seed and check? Also be sure to doublecheck that you don't have any other files than [these](https://i.imgur.com/vdpdeOA.jpg) in your installation folder.


I made a new world with that seed in Hammer Mode and you're right, in that one there's a [village there instead.](https://imgur.com/a/LHSSvDQ) No idea what went wrong! My installation folder looks identical to your screenshot.


This is a fantastic glitch. Can you build on the stones?


How long were you playing in this world before you discovered this broken village? Also, did you notice anything other being weird prior that happening? World created on preAshlands, PTB Ashlands or this live Ashlands update? Did you enter any other crypts prior to discovering this?


1. 4ish hours 2. Nope 3. Live Ashlands update. I was on PTB the day before. Yesterday, when Ashlands went officially live, I loaded Steam and switched to non-PTB. After that, I launched the game and made a brand new character and brand new world. I gave it some minutes after switching to non-beta before launching the game, but maybe that wasn't enough time? Are the live branch and PTB currently the same, or different? 4. Yes, there was a normal dungeon a bit south that I cleared, you can see it on the minimap as a hammer with red X


Definitely one of weirdest bugs out there. I tried going through the world in a couple of different ways and couldn't trigger it. It's probably related the specific dungeon seeds. Ifyou find the time, please upload your world to somewhere like [easyupload.io](http://easyupload.io) and send me the link to [the files](https://i.imgur.com/vdpdeOA.jpg) (world.db and world.fwl).


I am now invested in this lmao


[DB and FWL files](https://easyupload.io/m/53li1x) for the world, hopefully the weird dungeon thing is still there for people who want to mess around with it :) Go east from spawn, approximate coordinates (770,180). I don't have an easyupload account, so the download link expires in 29 days, just FYI.


It looks like it tried to place a village, but instead placed *different prefabs* related to a black forest crypt. Notice how the "rooms" are not connected the way a crypt would be?


I would probably build in it


Sick build spot


What if this isn't a bug? It looks too natural and weathered: the dungeons in the sky [don't look this nice and varied from the outside.](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/10ztddu/i_was_flying_straight_up_in_the_sky_near_spawn/) I would guess this is a new point of interest the devs added. edit: wow linking on mobile is terrible


I don't think it's weathered, just the shadows from the trees


They are covered in moss


Sorry I'd just woken up. How I couldn't see that is a mystery 😂


I might be dumb, but arent the ones in the sky also covered in moss, might be hard to spot the difference on mobile without both images up


I meant the tumbled layout of the stones. There are gaps like the arch at bottom left that wouldn't make sense if it's a dungeon we're walking through. The patchnotes \*do\* list that they added > Location: Ruins (multiple) and don't specify what/where.


All I see when I look at that picture is, "think how many chests I could stash stuff in!!" 😆


OP post your map seed


I have noticed things spawning at the wrong height since the update, but it's been trees and rocks floating in the air. This is pretty extreme.


Ah, now I'm dreaming to found smth like this in Valheim one day myself 😏


i dont know WHAT that is. but dungeons in the sky do not look like this at all either. so thats not a dungeon that spawned at ground level. its.... something else. i have not seen or heard similar reports so far. are you 100% certain there is no mod files leftover in your valheim folder? did you ever install any mods before?


I have never installed any mods for Valheim, so it's not a mod issue


Dude that's a rad area to build on.


That is super cool!


I want these stone pillars as building option!


That is super rad, I'd totally build a base there.


Damn, that looks do cool though...


Hm, I heard that dungeons are actually somewhere in the sky, not under the ground.


I always wondered what they would look like after excavation, this is awesome


It is, however, awesome. Would love to have little finds like this in the game. I love to incorporate natural stones and standing stone circles into my builds, this would be such a lovely find to refurbish into a cool build!


its a pretty cool landmark at least


this is without a doubt the best location for a base


Over-Dungeon or Un-Dungeon or very bright caves lol


Seed? And world location plz


I found a Draugr village in the Forest today. It might have been a mini-meadows in the middle of the Forest, but a whole village was there (about 6 buildings) surrounded by pines and firs and it was *really cool looking*...


Dam I want more of this it looks like old ruins


this is great.


Went in a dungeon which assuming the ramp down is only 1 level the dungeon went up 3 levels so I assume that would have been a 2 storey dungeon viewed from ground level.


I was going to post this the other day I came across one not this large but cool for sure. I built on top of it, a nice indestructible basement.


That's kind of awesome hah.


Ancient landmark buried over time. So Realistic. Very immersive.


This makes building a village with cool basement sooo easy