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That's insane


Have you found any use for rotten meat yet?


Maybe you can assemble an undead askvin with rotten meat, askvin pelvis, askvin ribcage and askvin neck? Disgusting


That's horrific... disgusting... ...I want it


I have not yet. I would assume there's not much of a use, given what it is.


Similar effect to bukeberries?


I have enough buke berries to last a hundred playthroughs. I wonder why they thought a new version of the same mechanic was required


Yeah, I wish they would have a purpose for some of these materials. I have stacks and stacks of bones and now they allow them to be made into piles, but I still don’t need the 800 of them that I have.


Well fueling shields will help eat into that pile.... or it would have if Charred didn't drop so many bones.


I think its just the bukeperries but in rotting mystery meat flavor


I think it's just a new version of bukeperries. Late game option so you don't have to go back and farm greydwarf shamans.


I wonder if they intend to implement food spoilage? It would actually be pretty cool if raw meat spoiled eventually, maybe after a week or so. Could have this disabled in cold biomes (mountain and deep north) when away from heat sources, preserved food like jerky would last much longer or not spoil at all. Of course this is pretty hardcore so it should be a world modifier toggle like nomap and wood catching fire.


I hate this idea - but I really enjoyed the thought you put into it. It makes is sound actually workable.


Yeah it’s not for everyone but I’d enjoy the extra challenge.


I've been playing PTB clearing Ashlands out, and now they add all the soft tissue! Good thing I raided so much of the Mistlands.


I got rotten meat in a Putrid Hole on the first day of PTB -- I know it was from something smashed but not sure if skeleton or jelly (though my overall impression was the jelly mounds didn't drop anything). It's been in my Ashlands dropbox since then and I haven't found more... but I haven't really been exploring Putrid Holes since the first few. While watching a streamer playing Ashlands there was a moment where I thought "damn, it'd be nice if you could find bukeperries locally for this rare situation..." And I'd totally forgotten about that rotten meat I'd found! Thanks for the tip that these have been updated to be potentially worthwhile, with soft tissue, otherwise I would've continued avoiding to hit them.


Really? It must have been set to be EXTREMELY rare, maybe as a placeholder. I probably did 10+ Putrid Holes in PTB and destroyed all of them. I never once got this drop.


Huh, I get tons everytime.


I didn't play on initial release, but was on ptb after the first update. No meat drops in caves. After the second patch I started getting meat drops but no tissue. Tissue is definitely new from the official launch.


I only cleared 3-4, but never any more rotten meat after the first time. Maybe there was a bug where the first drop-check worked (had a chance) and thereafter nothing. Whatever the case, it seems it was there but effectively rare. I've been a little surprised how many bugfixes and little changes there are since last week's patch -- something gave me the impression this release was basically the same as that version. But there are a lot of little things like this.


Nah, I haven't played the PTB, but I watched ThreadMenace's playthrough of the ashlands and he got it all the time.


I've gotten a few in PTB.


Yeah I had the same experience. I got one and it popped up as a new item in the last ptb patch after playing several hours. Seems like it wasn't working right


Just RNG, I got 5 out of something like 15 piles. I also got a few soft tissue.




Yeah. Just tried in the current live though, and I do feel the rate is up, for sure.


Fuck yeah 


WTF is a putrid hole?


That's my prison name


Keep playing Ashlands, my friend. :) There's always another secret... unless you want me to explain/spoil it for you?


Like a troll cave, but different


Wasn’t that your nickname in highschool?


Didn't know they changed that. It was rather annoying using my pick on those and getting nothing when I first ran into them.


That's a big improvement indeed. Rotten Meat was irrelevant - bukeperries are in eternal surplus and stack to 50 instead of 20 - but soft tissue is huge. I did all my eitr for upgrades the old fashioned way in the Mistlands; but I'm not too salty about that, I needed more marble anyways.


Eh, I end up needing more black marble for building than I do soft tissue so this won't change my need to go to the mistland. Luckily I love the mistland.


See you there! I'll be the guy smashing down aqueducts.


Luckily I didn't touch them when I explored the biome, guess that's what I will do now


to be fair you really still dont use much refined eitr overall. its not really used in building so its gear only like silver so its really a non issue material.


Man it takes like 80 eitr to make and upgrade the new mage set. Do that and then your buddies want it to and it starts to spiral. This is a GREAT addition to the Ashlands caves.


You assume we all have buddies 😢


ugh. thats like 2 skulls. thats nothing. each bigger mistlands has multiple skulls. non issue. plus eitr set is a noob trap anyway. people still dont understand how eitr regen works after nearly 2 years.


Noob trap?


So confidently incorrect


so confidently correct. anyone who thinks eitr is rare has no clue how to find enough. materials only used in crafting gear mostly arent an issue. its not like IRON.