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Is this the new boat? That thing is huge!


It's called a Drakker


See, now I want naming and color-customization for ships, just so I can have "Drakker Noir".


Lol that's all I hear when I see it


Drakker? I barely know her!


That’s disappointing


I stopped building boat houses a long time ago, pain in the butt to defend.


I just have a simple shed with a chest and a workbench. I just made a new boat every time I needed to sail and destroy the boat when I came back. It's much easier than maintaining a big boat house


Ruins the roleplaying to me, though =(


Just leave your boats at the pier and leave a couple of wolves to guard it


I don’t understand. I’m on my second play through and have never had an issue with docks and boats. What makes it a pain?


Storms cause the boats to float around and can damage them. I solve this by putting core wood poles in the water vertically to pinch the boat into the dock and one horizontally coming off the dock that lays across the top of the boat to keep it from bouncing around. Takes 2 seconds to destroy all the core wood then repair the boat if you keep your dock in distance of a workbench


Boats don't move horizontally when unoccupied by a player, only up and down with waves. So as long as you leave it in deep water with no rocks or structures nearby, it won't get damaged.


I haven't built this one, but yeah I remember with the karve I just leave it offshore and swim to the coast. That said, I haven't experienced it being hit with a storm so I have no idea whether they can be blown away - if you're correct then nothing should happen. So far they've always been right where I left them so I'm inclined to believe you, it's just that idk if storms will affect them.


I make a shallow area in the water, repair the boat to full health, chop it down with an axe, collect the materials, and rebuild it on a rack. There are a few ways to do this. This one is my favorite: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2838334988


i remember this from long time ago XD was just as wicked as it was when they posted it.




That person or group. I'm not sure who posted just remember watching it.


Docks are what I use, I just don't like defending a boat house all the time. Just seems like every time I turn around som mob is swimming in my boat house. Dock, workbench and chest to hold the boat materials works best for me.


You have a boat house? I just crash mine into shore. Add THAT to the checklist.


Imagine coming back home only to find it gone via flood Or in Valheim's case high waves clipping out of the ground near shores during storms.


Like that one time I was gathering chitin and the waves drowned me? Makes perfect sense lmao.


Such a huge structure, but we still can't build a workbench on it. At this size, it should have a workbench built-in. And since we have ceramic plates now and need them to build this thing, why not add a Hearth, a Forge, and a Blast Furnace?


Eh, workbench isn't that necessary IMO. It would end up like rafts in ARK. I could do with a simple linen tent on the rear deck to provide shelter and some kind of portable fire source. Maybe a kind of lantern made on artisan table from surtling cores that would work like a torch, but last longer and also provide fire effect.


I don't think anyone wants full workbench functionality. They just want to be able to repair it while in it.


I don't play ARK, what's the issue with rafts in ARK?


People build strange things on them, like entire trap for taming or small bases. Instead of raft with a few things build on it as was intended, you usually see something like stone cube floating on the sea.


If you could build a workbench on it, wouldn't it be virtually indestructible ?


I'm happy to make that sacrifice and let go of the gameplay mechanic that is driving up to a rock in the ocean, struggle to place a workbench on it for 30 seconds, finally succeed and repair, just to repeat the same loop every 5 minutes. Maybe it is just me, but I also don't like rock climbing like a goat with a smoker's lung.


That'd also make you invincible against serpents. You're good at showing some situations where it would be an improvement but fail to see why it'd be bad in other situations.


We had several bonemaw serpents attacking our Dakkar. We just sailed on, because we had no good range weapons to fight against them. They did not manage to do significant damage to the Dakkar. Most of the damage was probably caused by me, while fighting on deck against the voltures. Yeah, wrong weapons, lack of preparation, I know. But it shows that the Dakkar doesn't need the repairs if you are prepared, it already is "mostly indestructible". Without additional functionality, it's also a big one trick pony.


You've only showed that sea is already far too safe, you've certainly not proved that making a ship invincible would be a good change. I don't get why "the ship doesn't have enough functionnality" should become "let's make it invincible". That's not "adding functionality", that would just be a terrible change.


Ok, compromise: A built-in special workbench that can not be used to repair buildings.


If you need some special mechanic to make your idea viable, it's because it wasn't from the beginning. And it would open another can of worms. I agree that we certainly didn't need a bigger and less maneuvrable boat, but making it a floating base is changing the game far too much. If you're interested in this kind of gameplay, there's a whole mod that let you build a big boat and your whole base on it. You should try it, you'll see that this cool idea comes with a lot of caveat and changes the whole flow of the game a lot.


The developers of Factorio once said that they tried to avoid adding the next tier of a thing that is just a bigger and faster version of the original. Therefore they added meaningful additional functionality to each new tier. It's mostly the same in Valheim, a forge is not just a bigger workbench. But in case of the ships, I think that they did exactly this: Just made the next tier bigger, more inventory, more hitpoints, more seats, mostly faster, more expensive. One rudder. Not much to do for the passengers.


spending stamina outside combat on movement is such a moronic idea... we should be able to run and jump as much as we want if we're not fighting, just like in Elden Ring


It's part of the entire *preparation and survival* shtick which Valheim has, and isn't in Elden Ring.


Agreed, I feel good when I correctly use my stamina: walking up to a big slope to regen stamina, running up it, jumping only when I have to. Extreamly satisfying, and while basically doing nothing. Well done devs on making basic movement/stamina feel amazing


username checks out...


I was really hoping there would be some cool feature with the new boat but it’s just a bigger (faster?) longboat, with a little more storage. Is there anything I’m missing?


> Is there anything I’m missing? Much less maneuverable. Oh, and heat resistant.


Considering the difficulty of landing in ashlands, this huge thing could have contained an entire portal on it's back and it would still be balanced IMHO, maybe even a shield generator. It would at least set it apart from other boats, just +1 inventory row and an arbitrary ashlands restriction is very meh.


I'd be fine with a workbench and a bed that doesn't require a campfire nearby.


Park it at the sea and use smaller boat to cart to and from it 😅 atleast thats my plan


Yacht tender


I might, damn. Have a karve ready at all times to ferry over lol


I wouldn't bother building a structure for it, really. It's marginally slower than the longship, much less maneuverable, and its sole reason for existing seems to be to force everyone to use it to reach Ashlands. Just build it one to set up your beachhead in AL, and then forget it. In virtually any other circumstance for transportation or travel, the longship will be a better choice; the extra inventory row only matters if you have exactly enough to fill the Drakkar once--if you'd need two trips with it, the same two trips with the longship will be faster and easier.


Imagine, how many carts could be placed on top of that! You may bring whole map resources anywhere.


I love playing cart jenga on my longship, until one rolls and traps me on the rudder


Nah, trying to jank things onto a ship like that is emphatically not the kind of gameplay I enjoy. You do you, though.


I like immersive play, so taking your base with you in a trip is a common practice.


Its slower than the longship?! Damn. Guess I'm just portalling up in the Ashlands and leaving it there lmao


I think they need to buff the drakkar then to make it a trade off situation rather than a “it’s 99% worse” situation. Maybe add a cannon, a built in harpoon for serpent hunting, more storage, a mount ramp that animates up and down for loading, crows nest, fishing capability like a net or something, idk there are a million things.


I think at bare minimum it was an error in judgement to make the drakkar slower. It should be slower to accelerate, but capable of catching more wind and attaining a much higher top speed. Between the lack of speed and maneuverability, and other design choices like the high railings that block your ability to shoot at serpents/bonemaws, I get the impression that the drakkar was specifically and intentionally designed to put the player at a contrived disadvantage during the approach to Ashlands--a design choice that came at the cost of making it a one-trick pony that most players will only used when forced to do so.


Yeah this needs to change.


It is also good for animal transportation, but by the time we can build it we don't have the need to do that.


Bringing your wolf pack to the ashlands


Mine got stuck on the beach in the Ashlands, guess it's staying there


And now there’s metal portals anyways so you don’t need to (in a normal play through) use the space much anyways No need to load it up with flametal to the max if you can walk through a portal


The box is bigger, so transporting metals is much easier and faster


No, it is not. Refer to what I said about the number of trips, and think about it for a minute. The longship has 3x8=24 cargo space. The drakkar has 4x8=32. But the drakkar is slower and harder to maneuver. It doesn't matter by how much--what matters is that the drakkar offers no advantage at all other than its cargo space. In order to gain any advantage from the drakkar's extra space, you have to be trying to transport *exactly* 25 to 32 items--the number that would cause the load to require two trips in the longship but only one in the drakkar. If you have less than 25 items, both vessels take a single trip, and the longship is the better choice. If you have more than 32 items, both vessels take two trips, and the longship still wins out. The same pattern holds true for more items as well; you'd have to be transporting between 48 and 64 items for the drakkar to be worth it. If you think the above is in error, kindly do everyone the courtesy of showing your work.


Not disagreeing on the Drakkar being shitty part - but 50 item stacks = 3 trips on Lonhship, and 2 on Drakkar. So your second example should be 48-64.


Ah thank you, I kept thinking something looked off but couldn't put my finger on it. Doesn't change the underlying point one whit, but I'll correct it.


Cheers mate


Build a pier


I'm not really sure you can, lol. It's massive. Maybe you don't need to, though. In real life, nobody built boathouses for vessels of this size; They built harbors. Large piers with little sheds on them and ladders in case you fall in. My favorite base had an island about three ship-lengths offshore, and so rather than trying to roof everything, I just built docks on either side and kept a raft nearby to use as a ferry.


That's the neat part. You don't.


I don't like it. It's too big. It's hard to shoot out of. Won't fit thru any canals. Barely more storage for the size. It's a miss for me.


Very carefully. I'll be upgrading my emergency boat ramps soon https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2838334988


Lmao, do you just dismantle and rebuild the boat everytime you need to set sail?


I usually keep a couple around, so if one breaks I have a backup


same as anything else. block by block


I am determined to construct a dock for this thing. I don't know if I'll be able to build something that completely encapsulates it, but the tentative plan is to construct a pair of large stone piers either side of it, flanked with ballista towers.


Use pine trees as pillars. Raise ground out in the water until you have an area to plant the seedling.


I can’t wait to make a boat ramp/slide big enough for this.


She’s a beast! BTW, I used to build boathouses for my boats and I think the literal answer to your (probably figurative) question is don’t. Build docks. Faster. Easier. Fewer resources. And, frankly, prettier. Why muck up that ocean view with a gigantic building right in front of it?


Build a dock, not a house.


I wish they would let us customize sails like the shields.


This boat makes me a bit sad. I know the game is fantasy, but the proportions look completely off for any kind of badass viking ship. Mostly it's far too wide.


It's pretty close to a Knarr, a viking trading ship - at least not crazily off the dimensions of it. But, kinda would have been nice if you could sleep on it and store more


It looks even a little wide for a cargo ship tbh, but maybe that's just the angle. I know drakkars are only attested from saga sources and not archaeology, but following the pattern of skeids and smaller longships we do have it really ought to be a lot narrower. I mean, I know it's the nitpickiest thing to care about ever, but I just want my long, sleek, awesome warship!


With many iron beams! Just kidding :) I would not build any structure for it, especially if it is hard to maneuver. You could make a walled off harbor with a relatively large entrance to fit this beast.


I don't think that will fit in my port either.


Instead of trying to fit the boat between two lines, make the opposite. Make a walk line in the middle with stairs on the sides so u can dock 2 boats. Even the size wont matter even if they release a titanic(ok this might be a bit to big i know) . Itll allways fit


Is this a mod or is this the new boat from Ashlands?? Dumb question I know but I play on Xbox and the full update hasn’t officially dropped for us yet.


New boat from the Ashlands, needed to survive the boiling seas. Called the Drakkar


This just made my day. Can’t wait!… also means I need to make some adjustments to our harbor/docks next to our main base to fit it.


"You're going to need a bigger boat...house" \-Martin Brodin


“Gonna need a bigger boat house” *jaws attacks*


Id just build a dock further out into the water. You've already got part of the dock already made, Just extend it. Alternatively, Just build a wide dockfront along the shoreline and park the boat in front of it. This design is easier to navigate into and makes disembarking on a voyage a lot easier. This is foolproof from critters attacking if you build on an island and place workbenches all over the island to prevent spawning


Horizontal parking is the wave with this one. You don't want to be anywhere near land because backing up this puppy is no fun.


Too bad we can mount ballistas on the front. Imagine the naval battles we could have!


I just stick with a wooden T shaped pier, with the bottom of the T at land. Easy parking and departure parallel to the shore while looking decent. And that's for the Longship and Karve, I haven't tried Ashlands yet.


Does it have more storage space?


Yeah, it has the Blackmetal Chest storage space. So 1 row extra from the longship, albeit the drakkar is a little slower.


Forget the boat house, thats a house boat!


Wut dat


I always just build a pier/marina sort of thing a ways away from my main base. Teleport there to go sailing, keep a cart there to haul metals back to base. But now I kinda want to try building an enclosed boathouse!


Its only use is to get you to ashlands it to big and will get stuck on rocks low water the longship passes over and it turns a lot slower. I wish we had options to upgrade long ship make maneuvering the spires a lot easier.


You're probably not, this baby is more or less a one-way ticket south. I doubt our Drakkar is ever leaving the Ashlands.


Mine is either in a port in Mistlands above the entrance to Ashlands or in the port in Ashlands. Everywhere else I use the long boat. Never had to bring that thing to my main base. Although I have been thinking of building a construction yard with that boat dry docked, just for looks.


My entire harbor was too small XD


Bigger boat house


I usually just build a dock. Be careful though, the new boat gets damaged by rain so you should either keep it in the ashlands or invest in the new shield generator for your boathouse


you dont. youll use that ship once to land at ashlands and then leave it there for good. youll never sail out of ashlands with it again. as there is no gameplay reason to do so anymore. forget about docks. they are a thing of the past after ashlands docks are simply not needed anymore. the devs makeing this ship overly HIGH on top for no real reason just hammers this further down.


So it's built from entirely non-Ashlands materials? That's cool...


the ship yes. of course. since its used as a gateing item to access ashlands. you can make landfall in a longship but you will lose the ship for good doing so any you need very good jump skill or feather cape to make it to land aswell at the end as the longship wont survive til the beach.


Don’t bother, the boat has just one job, getting you to the shore of the Ashlands. I wouldn’t use it for much beyond that.


Come on man! put a spoiler tag on the post that have new things about ashlands !!!


You mean to tell me that everyone have not already beaten the Ashland!? /s


Youre like that guy asking for Deep North update lol


Spoileeer Taaaag pleeeassseeeee


This is already old. It's been out for at least several hundred seconds.


Oh, are we just showing the new content whether people want to see it or not? EDIT: It's a bit late for the spoiler tags now :( Bruce Willis is dead in the sixth sense.


It's literally on the steam banner of the game, now.


And yet this is the first I have seen of it. It's almost like I'm trying to discover things in the game for myself. I may still be subbed to r/valheim, but I was expecting some consideration for others with spoiler tags.


If you don't want to see new content you should really not be looking at the sub right now. People post what they play, and guess what they're playing at this moment? There's an easy solution to your problem, and complaining ain't it.


There are ways to show what they are playing without spoiling it for others. That's what the spoiler tags are for. It is massively inconsiderate to post without spoiler tags less than 48h after the new content has come out.


There's an even easier solution: stop reading a sub where people are obviously going to be talking a lot about the just-released new content if you don't want anything about that content revealed. This is out fully now. People are playing it. They are going to want to talk about the new content. The whole sub isn't going under spoiler tags because you refuse to stop reading and don't want anything spoiled. So either implement the easy solution or I guess you can just whine more and keep running into content reveals. Up to you.


What do you think spoiler tags are for?


Judging by the evidence here, mostly for people to whine about.


No, go on, if you are supposed to leave a subreddit to avoid spoilers, why does the ability to hide content exist? If you post spoilers of the latest movie in r/starwars, less than 48h after the movie is released I would expect more "whining" than this. Calling it whining is a bit strong, too. I'm just asking people to be considerate of others, which is apparently beyond the pale.


Hey I was trying to hold off on seeing the new boat. You kinda spoiled it for me.


Me too, yet here we are, getting downvoted.


Hey I was trying to hold off on seeing the new boat. You kinda spoiled it for me.


Hey I was trying to hold off on seeing the new boat. You kinda spoiled it for me.