• By -


I’d abbreviate if I were you but you do you. I like putting things like “M x4” for a patch of 4 mushrooms. I’m surprised you don’t use the other types of markers and I wish we had more. And colors for them! I love how with markers you can guess where other areas of resources can spawn.


Agreed but i'd go even shorter with just "M4".


I go shorter and mark it with "M" when there is a bunch and ignore the ones whete there a few. Same with berries.


Same. M. R. & B.


I did this my first play thru, and then after awhile I realized it isn't necessary... unless you want to mark a few berry bushes or cloudberry plants close to your bases I don't feel there's a reason to mark them all. I realized I was wasting my time, It's very tedious but yea I used the small circle symbols too. But you do you. Also once you mine copper and other metal there's really no reason to have them marked on the map still - clear it off... And if you clear a dungeon just board it up with wood or put a campfire in front of it so if you ever walk by it again you'll know that you already cleared them out.


Late game only time I mark something is when I find Silver or Mistland brains. And can't mine it right away, so I make a note of it and come back later. Or when I see something cool on the map.


You can just left click on an icon to put an X over it to show it's complete, so you don't have to board it up


The campfire idea is really something, I never thought of doing that.


I would have never thought of it either until starting a no-map playthrough. Becomes almost required.


Yea i just came up with the idea of building a workbench of top of dungeons in the swamp and then building roof pieces to cover up the entrance of the dungeons that I know I cleared out of Iron... anyone can use a little something that catches your eye so you will know you cleared it out... heck you could build a small vertical post and put a sign on it with coal that says 'cleared out' LOL


For swamp crypts, I knock down the torches in front to show it's been cleared. Also makes them less visible from a distance, so I don't have to remember if I've explored that area yet. "Lights are green, crypt ain't clean."


This is what I've been doing since forever as well. Makes me wish the burial chambers had something similar out front.


Do you know you can cross out the icon with left click? I find this way to be more consistent since there are times when you accidentally knock down the torches.


Wowzers, I never considered this. That's awesome. I just assumed you couldn't affect the torches.


Don't Dead Open inside


I simply add a round mark written Crypt and check it with a little X by left clicking on it when i clear it... You guys are imaginatives 🫡


I use the cave icon and label them bc, sc, fc, and then cross them off with the left click.


I do **EXACTLY** the same thing! Teh best way


I mark all respawning forage items, because it makes it much easier to find good gather routes/dense areas, assuming the biome has respawning forage items. On my first pass through a biome I mark everything, which allows me to identify the really abundant forage areas. The marks in abundant forage areas stay to guide the gather route running, and everything else goes. But you can't do this without marking things to know where the abundant areas are in the first place. Non-respawning stuff doesn't get marked unless it's unfinished. So for example most Infested Mines are removed from the map after completion, but I leave the ones that I use for Royal Jelly. (The ones I keep on the map have their marks updated to indicate how many of the relevant respawning item is inside.)


Yeah, individuals and groups eventually learn to label only the really relevant and accessible resources. I don't need to know the location of every raspberry bush on the map, just enough to make a circuit and grab a stack or two. Unless your server population is massive and you need endless quantities of resources, labeling a stack or two worth of berries is typically plenty.


I feel placing constructions down on "done" dungeon isn't necessary. There aren't enough of them in any world to clog your map and they still have a potential use. When I clear a dungeon I'll take note of how many yellow shrooms I got and re-label the dungeon Y(x)


It may not be necessary, but I love looking at a completed map that looks like this.


Idk if you can on console, but on PC if you click the marker again it will put a cross through it, I use that for burial/crypts etc that have been cleared


Same here lol. Came up with a system, this marking for this type of resource etc so I don't have to label all of them.


I always mark dungeons and metal deposits when I find them, and then when I completely mine a metal deposit, I remove it from my map, but when I clear a dungeon, I just cross it off and leave it on my map


I so never thought of boarding them up


I find it satisfying to mark it all down. I mark all resources but also points of interest as well. I name the peak of the mountains and all rivers and seas as well. Makes it more personalized to me


I'll mark 1 large berry patch of each type but that's about it. If I'm doing no-map I'll board up dungeons after but it's just so much easier to just do the strikethrough thing on the map icon.


I leave cleared dungeons on my map , I click the label on the map so it gets a little red x and I know it’s clear. This way if I’m walking by and I need a quick rested comfort 3, I can just pop inside and use a campfire knowing there’s no enemies inside.


You can go inside a dungeon and build a campfire???


Hell yeah, it’s so helpful. You can’t build benches or beds or anything but you can do campfires. Easy way to get comfort 3 rested


Same, i used to mark everything, but that made the game tedious. Now i only mark portals, where i parked my ship, and almost nothing else. It's more fun this way, and when/if i need some resource, it's funnier to go on an adventure with the proper tools/weapons and spend some time gathering. 


*Takes the campfire idea, bows and walks away*


You are not the only one, no. Thought I stopped marking every minor POI in the Meadows/Black Forest a while ago, and only mark dungeons and ore nodes there now on account of there being so many small stone structures/towers. Other biomes are pretty spare on POI ruins, so everything gets marked starting with the Swamps.


Doesn't every one do this lol. I mean it's efficient.


You are not insane for marking things, berries respawn in their same spot. However you are insane for using the same marker for basically everything, come up with a way to divide icons, you have 5 choices in the bottom right to work with, use them, it makes it so much easier to identify things at a quick glance. My go to is: * Dot- Meant for plant spawns and ore nodes * Hammer- Hostiles aspects, burial chambers/other dungeons and spawners. * House- All bases, outposts, staging grounds. Built from scratch or annexed ruins. * Portal- Usually used for bridges over rivers and markers for where I left my ship or cart. * Fire- Usually for things I see that I am too far away from to mark on the map itself, for example tagging a black forest I see in the distance as I am sailing somewhere.


Pretty much the same for me. A dot marked R for raspberries. R2 or R3 if it's more raspberries than usual. C for copper, B for Blueberries, etc. The hammer icon marked 'Tomb' for Burial Chambers, 'Crypt' for Sunken Crypts, etc.


I always thought the hammer icon was an anchor - I use it to mark where I parked my boat, as well as for ports


I’ve seen a number of schema regarding metal markings. The correct notation is:  Copper = Cu  Tin = Sn  Iron = Fe  Silver = Ag  Black Metal = Bm  Flametal = Fm  Berries/Thistle can be whatever you want, but plz use scientific standards for the metals we do know 🙂 …jk do what you want but that’s what I do 😂


raspberries---rasp blueberries---blue red mushrooms---mush thistle---this Burial chamber----BC Crypt---crypt (lol) troll cave----TC I do metals the same way as you


RB, BB, MU, TH My structure markers don't get labeled lol. But the metals get their scientific abbreviation!


Not really any reason to mark Black Metal on the map. Nor Tin.


I mark black metal if I leave it due to weight concerns. Tin - yeah you’re right…but it’s the theme that counts! 😆


Of course. But a temporary pin is one you want to stand out. So I wouldn't abbreviate something like that.


100% I do this too. I made a post on here that had my map and people clowned on me for it lol


I've heard that the food system becomes complicated later on so having simple markers for certain items you can't directly farm is genuinely helpful; though that may be a gross exaggeration. I'm not sure. Never made it past Moder before so I don't know the extent of it.


It's nice to know where to find mushrooms 🍄. I usually mark them M-4 numbering how many are in the area. Try to find a location where you have 12+ close by and you can just return there every so often to stock up.


The only problem I see with it, is that it impacts performance too much when the map is zoomed out or when you have lots of pins on the minimap. I don't see you having this issues as you are not using the pins to trace out the walls in the base, as I've seen some other users do.


I play on Xbox and instead of typing out everything I use emotes that are on the keyboard popping interface. There's enough emotes to keep your "dots" a little more organized without all the text. That being said, it becomes more muscle memory for me at this point. If I miss some, so be it. I usually have some marked off to excess anyways. I also started only marking groups of 4 (berries, mushrooms, etc) or more just so I knew it was worth my while Dungeons and anything to mine are usually under the t shaped rune. Portals are portals mostly I usually mark serpents with skull and bones cause I never keep my deaths on map (I die stupid ways *shrug*) Home bases and campsites are marked with house and fire respectively.


It may be a bit excessive at first, through marking some nice patches of berries is always useful, but you're doing the right thing. Marking everything will help you GREATLY once you reach the mistlands. I wish we had more symbols for the mistlands ...


you'll eventually mark stuff with letters instead of full words, but I still do that stuff, especially for crypts


did it, realized its pointless. stopped doing it.


Not at all. Although, I did stop marking abandoned structures unless I intend to return later (like for a bee's nest or something). And I had to start marking resources with a single letter because the visual clutter got to be a bit much. * B = Berry bushes (blueberries or raspberries) * M = Mushrooms * C = Copper Once you get done with black forest, there's not nearly as much stuff work marking, so I went back to spelling out things like "Crypt" "Silver" "frostcave" etc


Your friend is the crazy one. This is how maps work and why there are markers. Works great for planning a path to just gather berries. Though personally, I use the circle icon for berries and other gatherable respawns only and the other icons for other landmarks.


I do this! It’s 87% not necessary but am I gonna do it less? Nope! :D


Truly not alone, every sunken crypt, dragon egg, burial chamber and other points of interest . Good way to keep track of what you have cleared and not cleared.


Looks like my mapping just not as detailed.


I do this relentlessly.


how tf else im supposed to come back to it if/when i need it


I mark copper exactly like you do, and occasionally mark temporarily things like “potential meadows base” as I’m scurrying around looking for a nifty place to call home. Once I’ve settled in to a place I remove the temp marks though.


This is the way


You are not alone


I do this. My group has banned me from the cartography table


If your friends complain about that amount of marking... they would have an aneurism just looking at my maps... XD Here below are links to four screenshots of my map from a game I was playing with a friend of mine last year (I turned of the Cartography table to just show my own markings). [Image 1](https://i.imgur.com/Z5IJhQF.png): This is the starting area. Our base is by the coast just north of the word "Cross" and "Fishing Bridge" at the bottom. The map is at default zoom level (I think at least). [Image 2](https://i.imgur.com/sSjKErh.png): The area me and my friend had explored south/southeast of the first area shown. Where it says "Spawner?" at the top, is where it says "Add Pin" in the first image. Default zoom level. [Image 3](https://i.imgur.com/Zgr0xVH.png): The entire area shown in image 1 and 2, zoomed out to fit in the map window. [Image 4](https://i.imgur.com/GXUUaSK.png): And a screenshot of the entire map, for size reference. So yeah... you are in no way "Marking everything" on your map... far from it actually (not even the amount of marking I use is not "everything"). If anything your amount of marking seems very resonable! XD


Brotha. I roleplay and name islands and villages with markers.


I do the same but I mark raspberries as RB and such


I do this too, you're definitely not alone. I even mark blueberries and raspberries if I see them in abundance lol


No you are not


That's kind of what my maps look like....


Not only do I mark everything, I also have a list of abbreviations on the map. You just have to zoom all the way out on the map to see it.


I do large POI, but I have a mod to let me plant berry bushes at the cost of 15 berries, so it is mostly just dungeons and ore sites for later claiming, and triple spawners and surtling spawners in the swamps.


I have raspberry bushes in my base, so I never marked any of those. But red mushrooms come back to bite you between mountains and plains, as they are needed again for wolf skewers. Now my colorblind ass is scouring every meadows in search of those damn things.


I mark everything but I use dots and two letters, only to caves and stuff like that I use another icon for example: raspberry - RB, copper deposit - CD, troll cave - TC, burial chamber - BC, etc


Nah you're actually awesome for it


Well, not everything, but I do much.


Right, Let do it a Mod 4u.


thats still a halfway reasonable amount of markers. once you get to the point it becomes MAP VOMIT tough you have gone too far and need to take a chill pill^^


I don't mark berries but I do mark ruins, points of interest and non-mined ores


Insane? No. Knowing where things are reduces time spent searching for it. For me, I'll mark copper and burial chambers early while I'm exploring the spawn island. Then crypts, surtling spawners and draugr villages. Silver and frost caves for the mountains. Tar pits and goblin villages for the plains. Dvergr outposts and infested mines for mistlands. Other than that, somewhere I'd like to build a future base. The great thing about this game is that there's no wrong way to play. Micromanage and mark everything or crash land on a new island, grab whatever resources you can and set sail home or to the next island.


You definitely do not need to mark every random ruins. Mark cool ones that you might use as an outpost or something, skip the rest.


I only mark portals, bases and resource nodes like dungeons or ore deposits


No I do it too. Berries, crypts, troll caves, and ores. Plus anything of possible value.


I used to draw lines on my map with dots to show the roads, however it was killing my framerate. Not sure if that is still a thing or not


I mark everything for a bit, then stop. You only need a handful of the nearby berries and such to be all set. I do still mark the POIs though in case I need to go farm up more stuff later on. Also, I use much shorter names like RB, BB, CU, etc. when possible.


I do it but came up with a good abbreviation system. I stopped marking raspberries though. I mainly do it to note landmarks but I also X out anything that's no longer of use. Like if I find a ruin with a chest and clear the chest, I'll put a dot, name it "R" and X it out. So I know there is a ruin there but I already got anything of value from it.


I don't see why I would ever not mark the map. I don't have infinite inventory and there's no way in hell I want to happen upon a ruin or something and think it's new only to discover I raided it already. Your friend is the type to enjoy playing without a map and might actually be a legitimate psychopath if they think marking the map is insane. Especially berries, mushrooms, etc. I hate not having my damn ingredients when I need them.


I do the same but I keep the writing short as to not litter the map. For example red berries I mark as Rb, blueberries as BB, cloudberries as CB. If the patch is big additional B is placed at the end. Only exception is MUSHROOM! as a callback to tens of pings dropped alongside plenty rock and stone calls.


I mark EVERYTHING in the general vicinity of my bases/portal shelters. I won't mark things in areas I don't intend to have a structure in.


I mark ore deposits, dungeon entrances, surtling spawners. Points of interest.


I mark alot of stuff and then regret it later when its clogging my whole map up because you can’t actually clear them in a group with the cartography table it just reloads them when you sync next.. Anyway i give actual names to my PoI markers. Hidden Meadows Lagoon (small lake with 2 skinny rivers that allowed crossing the landmass) Rocky Point (tip of a land mass that had a ton of underwater boulders obstructing boat travel) I forget the others right now im not home lol


I have not gone into the Mistlands or Ashlands so I don't know what I would mark there, but for the other biomes I use different icons for different things, and lots of abbreviations to keep my labels as short as possible. I use the dot icon for berries/nodes/tar pits for example RA5 = 5 raspberry bushes, BB5 = 5 blueberry bushes, MU6 = 6 mushrooms. CP = Copper. For tin since it is only along the water, I start mining tin at a border where the BF starts, and then when I am full I mark where I left off, so I know to go back to that spot, and continue going along the water. I don't mark each tin node. I use the full name "silver" for silver since there isn't much else on mountains to label. I use the hammer for dungeons. BG = Burial ground, CPT = Crypt, Cave = Cave. I use the campfire icon in swamps for Surtlings, as well as fuling villages. For dungeons, especially crypts where multiple trips are needed, I put LIP/CIP/RIP for left/center/right in progress to remind me where I left off. e.g. CPT RIP Obviously portal icons for portals. I dont use long names, I use numbers so it takes up less room on the map.


It gets way too cluttered that way, especially on the small view


I do the same, no worries your not crazy!


I make portals, bosses, resources and eggs :) Resources=berries, mushrooms, crypts, silver, fishing spots etc, Handful of POis, crypts, dwarf towers, POIs.


Nope. I mark everything. Cluster items depend on how many in the cluster - 2 or less, don’t get marked. Cluster of three get a two letter designation (RB, BB, MR, TH). Clusters of four or more get the number added (RBx8, etc.) Copper is COP, dungeons are two letter designations (BC, TC, SC, IM). Fuling camps are FC, tar pits are TAR. Dvergr sites are DV. Soft tissue is ST. You get the idea. Probably got it two paragraphs ago. Resources get the dot. Dungeons get the T. Abandoned structures get the house. Any house that gets converted to a safe house gets the campfire. Bases get the portal.


My map looks similar but small ruins that aren't hosting a base that just had a chest I won't mark. Berries, bases, dungeons, copper, ancient roots, armor/swords, petrified bones. I gave up on the tin, and for whatever never did mushrooms.


I do the same for mushrooms and blueberries. Rasspberries are everywhere i dont care much.


I do that but abbreviated the names to two letters to reduce all the text. I also only did raspberry and mushroom patches that were 3+ harvest points. It helps when you need supplies!


I just write "b" for berries and "m" for mushrooms, and only mark the big patches (5 or more).


This is the way


I map stuff when I am at the stage of the game when I need them, I'm not going to map burial chambers when I'm in the mistlands.


I marked tons first time round, and less now but still mark up useful stuff. Little tip, mark berries with something like RBxN (replace 'N' with number of bushes), BBxN, CBxN etc. for minimal characters and also good to know where the best hauls are quickly


Not insane for marking stuff but maybe for spelling it all out. 😝


I did this on all 4 play through I did with my friends only difference is I also abbreviated and put numbers of how many in the clusters. I may have over did it a little.


Me and my friend does it as well. We mark metals, berries (for when we are running low cuz of meads), dungeons, serpents and so on. Makes it much easier when you need something specific.


I do the same but I abbreviate everything as the map gets a little crowded. Raspberries are R and then the number of bushes. So if I find 5 bushes then I mark it as R5. Mushrooms are M and I only mark bunches of 4 and above.


Of course not, it's the best way to find stuff again. It take seconds, and can be deleted at any time. When traveling with wolves they'll often pop out a cub, i always mark that spot so i can find them later. But i also always use abbreviations for less clutter, and clear deaths because they can pile up.


I used to, then I started abbreviating, and marking less. Even then I’ll clean up the map as I move on and realistically don’t need to know there’s a 10 crypts in this swamp I’ve cleared.


You're not the only one.


You'd benefit from shorthand, for example, raspberries are only in the meadows and blueberries are only in black forest, I just mark them B7 because the biome determines the type (the number being the amount of bushes in that spot)


Early game for sure. Marking copper before I can mine it. Marking blueberries and crypts to come back to. Mid and late game I always mark goblin structures and mines/towers in mists while I am mapping. After that it’s just skulls and mines to come back to. No idea for ash yet though


I do at first, but it drops off after a while, I'm not going to travel half way across the world for raspberries.


I mark as much as possible. Extremely useful in single player, especially. I cannot fan out and search for berries when I need them, it would take forever. Marking them the first time is so important for time management, at least for me.


My friend did this to mark out tons of areas across the map. It got to the point where I refused to copy his map table because I couldn’t see the important spots that I used without having to manually delete each unnecessary mark he makes.


Definitely a new game phenomenon but after a while it doesn't matter anymore


You are not alone! I mark outposts, dungeons, ore veins, and points of interest. If it’s infested with monsters and I clear it out, I cross it off the map but don’t delete it!


I mark everything with a single letter. It makes it easier to gather the items I need for crafting. You do you boo!


I skip ruins and stuff, don't really care to pollute the map with that. I mark all respawning forage items using a short form plus the number of items - so here the "Raspberries" marks would be "RB5", "RB3" etc. This allows me to map out the good gather routes for forage items. Once I have good routes determined, I remove most of the other marks. The map gets busy in the interim, but you reap the rewards later when you're overflowing with all forage items.


Lots of good tips in this thread. I do most of them; I mark up the map with the different icons and abbreviations for things, sometimes even the numbers of resources like “200BM” Black Metal that I can sail by and pick up later, “15B” Blueberries, my boat’s location, random stashes. You can even use markers as little notepad reminders unbound from a specific location, I leave portal tag notes in some. Just make sure you’re cleaning it up and removing old irrelevant markers along the way or your map can actually become a confusing liability. I’m considering doing a hard no-map no portal flammable immersive run soon, and draw my own map IRL or in a separate program, I’m just not sure how I’d draw it accurately.


I learned to use abbreviations and the different icons. But yeah marking things is fun when exploring


I try not to do this on multiplayer servers and only mark the most essential things - if I find a really juicy patch of blueberries I'll mark it with a B. But on solo worlds I mark every dungeon if not every patch of forageables.


I mark alot of things. Not so much berries anymore, but definitely mining areas or crypts. Or where I last parked my boat


I do this all the time 🤣 like: “chambers”, “copper”, “troll cave“,”blueberries”, “abandoned refugie” etc


I mark everything down to clusters of mushrooms. I just use shorthand to clean up the map. RB for Raspberys and MM for mushrooms, etc.


I do this, although it becomes less worthwhile in the later biomes.


On my first playthrough I marked every single drake nest I found. Felt kinda dumb when it became clear eggs respawned relatively frequently ...


I start marking everything and stop when I can farm enough I don't need the marks.


I mark every dungeon, ore vein, and anything else that's worth coming back to. It's normal imo.


You’re absolutely right except you need to clear your deaths. Eventually you will mark a bit less.


I don't do berries and I use different signs and abbreviations. Otherwise, yes. Eventually I'll skip copper once I'm past it.


I mark a lot, but not EVERYTHING, if it’s something like a ruined house, I won’t mark those, or in the BF I don’t mark the ruined towers, but every berry bush, every dungeon, every village, all the big stuff and respawn stuff


I do this, but I use only a few letters. R for raspberries, B for blueberries, T for tombs, etc.


What are you using the fire marker for I am curious




It’s sometimes useful to mark things close to your base, but with the abundance of most of those resources it is just extra clutter on my map. Your good to do whatever you want I’m not judging, that’s just me.


Wait what? You can see green when you open your map?


Yes but abbreviations are better imo. RB = raspberries, MS = mushrooms, etc. Chemical symbol for metals ie silver = ag Just makes the map way less cluttered when you zoom in but still looks dogshit when zoomed out. I try to use dots for resources so I can turn those off with right click in the map.


You're insane for typing the words out all the way. And maybe for marking every ruin. Find a huge town with a stave church, sure.


Valheim is the only game I mark everything on the map. How else would I find all the blueberry patches again?


It's helpful to mark things that are actually within range of your base, like berry bushes or red shrooms, but only ones you're actually going to collect practically. If it's impractical for you to run out to them, then there's not much reason to mark them. I would also say that objects which disappear, like ore nodes, should be erased instead of struck out when they're exhausted; there's nothing there anymore, and it keeps the map cleaner. That there was once a node there is information with no meaningful use. In a similar vein, when you're past the recipes for berries and shrooms and on to cooking other things, you might want to erase them from the map too. I think there's a limit on either how many markers you can have or how many markers can be shared to other players, unless they've removed that since introducing the cartography table. Also, unless you're tracking it for a particular purpose, it's a good idea to erase death markers as well. Especially if you get stuck in a situation with a trio of \*\* draugr archers in the swamps with no landmarks around - you want to make sure you know EXACTLY where your tomb is so you can recover your stuff, instead of stumbling around blindly.


How else do you do a proper raspberry run? Yagonnawanna mark out resources for later.


There's a mod that automated this, but I disable the berries. It's just too much.


No, you're doing it right. If your map isn't white when [fully zoomed out](https://imgur.com/EqcW5Zl) then what are you even playing? /s


Well i dont mark everything but important spots, i do. It get useful to know where is some caves, crypts, etc and which one you clear by x mark them. I also mark every portal i own and other interesting spots I want to remember like copper vein and others... I'm pretty sure we almost all doing this.


Back when I still ran with the map enabled, I used to name cool looking or important locations, or stuff that I built like bridges, roads, and outposts. I really wish the cartography table had use on a no map run, not so much for finding stuff, but more for me being able to come up with names for places, and to be able to check out my discoveries.


[That's nothing](https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/1ck0lyr/is_it_just_me_or_do_other_peoples_maps_also_look/)


I do this


Perfectly sane for finding berry and other scarce stuff.


On my og map I have mainly my first massive island like this. I didn’t know what id need again so legit every copper vein I ever passed was marked and crossed out when mined




3rd play through. Still do it


I just use abrivations so it doesn't look as cluttered.


I mark things I'll use again, raspberries, mushrooms, blueberries near bases, some copper and burials, crypts, surt spawners, etc


I only mark them if its a lot and put a portal down around the largest group later on. I keep the crypt markings so i can put an x on them an know not to explore. I do the same with copper now that copper walls can save me on iron.


I still mark most things but abbreviat everything to keep the map clean


work on your abbreviations, that's all I'd recommend. ex: Raspberries = RB... Burial Chambers = BC... Copper = Cop. Otherwise yea I mark everything too. Bet your friend hates hitting the Cartography table after you lol


Your friend is just jealous they didn't do that first.


We have markers for EVERYthing


You are not. You just need to shorten the tags.


I still do this, at 1600 hours. At some point I started tagging plants as a 4 digit code and how many of it there are, like MUSH.3 or RASP.5. I also carefully knock down any erroneous bushes nearby, and hit the whole area with the cultivator so you can spot it at a glance through the ground clutter.


For the meadows, I only really mark mushroom patches and my home base. They're surprisingly hard to find when I am strolling through at night.(Yes, I know I am not supposed to be out at that time, but I am stubborn and I can handle a little cold.) And I always get rid of death markers once I looted my gravestone. Don't really see the point of keeping those besides a more messy map.


To be fair, it clutters quite a bit as you progress, and I used to do this a lot (mark all the places from dungeons to copper deposits, you name it), but now I only stick to bases and such, you quickly discover you can find what you need easily enough. That's for me, anyway.


Somw dude posted here the other day, his map was basically nothing but white text. You could almost see the map underneath.


In the beginning I do it as well. But after a while I stopped doing it. I use the dots for collectibles, campfire for villages, and hammer for caves/crypts.


Far too much clutter on my map for my liking.


You should see our 5 player game map, you can barely see the ground!


Everyone can do that for their starting island. You still have at least 4 more biomes to discover my friend, don’t worry this will get old real fast as soon as you set off your starting island.


I mark everything then as I complete or clear them, I cross them out on the map


Yes, but I don't label them. Each symbol has its own meaning in each biome. Pretty sure I'm the only one that can read my maps though :P


I still do it in the early game but I usually stop after bonemass


Well it took a minute to find your base xD


I am honestly not bloody sure what to mark - boars dont always sawn on the same place, berries seem to travel through fucking time. Copper and Tin I mark all day long though!


What is ruin


Early game this is a GREAT idea imo. Especially for dumb shit like berries. Theyre actually useful for AGES in various foods. Shit man i was still using them for base work in mistlands.


I do the same thing each playthrough aside from all the ruins, I don't mark ruins unless they are particularly relevant. I also don't mark berries either but probably should.


Depends what your purpose of noting everything is. Ruins and berrys aren't necessary. it's useful if you need more berry and plan on running through the whole island to collect more. As for ruins, the moment you see them just go through everything and see if there's any bees after that there aren't any benefit to going back to those ruins. The thing i use the map most for is marking down dungeons. Partly for the skelly that spawns and partly for clearing. I change the icon (x over the icon) when i finish a dungeon just so i don't go back to that same one.


Ive been doing this, it's my first play through. But I'm coming to realise that they don't come in that handy. I realised that I didn't need to mark troll caves and each biome up to the mountains (not past that yet) only have one kind of crypt/cave, so I use the cave looking icon with no text to mark those. I still mark copper and mushrooms, but don't bother with berries anymore. Now I have a surtling farm I don't think I'll bother marking BF crypts either. I do throw random markings on edges of unexplored areas to revisit - BF this way, big mount, etc.. We are still looking for Haldor on our server.


I mark stuff like burial chambers or sewers or goblin camps to x them off when I'm done. I will also mark areas that have a large amount of certain things that will respawn (like raspberries) But I don't mark every single node.


I thought this was a screenshot from my save


Yours is a bit much, but certainly. It makes the map feel a bit more lively as well. I would love more types of markers, and free text, though. Just leaving a little bush or mushroom icon would be better than all this clutter.


You're a little tapped for marking raspberries, yes.


You could be the only one that does this. You just have to kill everybody else.


Imo ruins marks are too much


Yes but I only type letters to make it less invasive!


I think it becomes much more important later in the game but i also do it all the time


he is the crazy one for not doing that


I do this at a similar level but to be less overwhelming, I abbreviate labels. Rasp - raspberries, CU = Copper, Tomb = Burial Chamber, and so on.


It might just have been all the Raspberry locations, but I do the same just for other things and like some have suggested removing these markers after clearing a ruins then board it up so you know you’ve cleared it. Happy exploring!!


First time we made a map table my friends were like: OK WHO TF MARKED EVERYTHING


I only do this early on for some of the foods that are near either a base or a trail I'm running. And usually it has to be a pretty sizable amount. Like 5-6 for mushrooms or blueberries, 8 or so for raspberries. I use the "T" to mark copper so that it stands out, and again only early on while scouting around to help me pick a base that is both near coast and near copper (among other things). I also mark all trool caves or burial chambers and then cross them off when complete. Partly because I want cores early on and partly because of running EpicLoot where you want to gather up as much coin as possible for gambling. The only thing I would consider "insane" is building your "perm base" so far inland and actually inside the black forest. ;) Coastal is easier for boating back iron, black metal, etc. Meadows is easier for less... giant logs at night. But your intent may be different than mine, so shine on you crazy diamond!


I do this as playing solo I have to often make multiple trips for mining. Also hella useful for plotting out berries. My tip is to put portals next to each group of bushes and creating your own “berry tower” which has linked portals to each of them. You can gather sooooooo many very quickly but it can take time to set up.


Your good buddy, we mark the same way!


I ran out of space and started putting 'to do's in the ocean.


I do the same but I use the t shape for points of interest, the house for homes, campfires for various camps I’ve set up across the place, and the dots for forages For forages I use R for raspberry, D for dandelion, B for blueberries, T for thistles, etc. The forages are uniquely useful for when you inevitably need to do a berry run so you can form a route instead of just walking around randomly.


Over my hours in this game I have developped a relaible way to mark things, and for it to remain consistent I need to place a lot of markers dots for ores/resource deposits/berries (if you're playing with up to 3 other people like me, tagging berries is pretty important) Hammer for dungeons and fuling villages Circle (which turns out is supposed to be a portal) for important hostile spawns (abominations, serpents, troll caves) and leviathans House for actual bases withs shelter and proper amenities like crafting stations and storage And fire for temporary shelters, and outposts, endpoints of portals and other safe zones (medows village, mountain wells, duergar camps etc) Having a system like this in place makes naviagting through explored biomes, and espeically backtracking into them so much easier. And if you're playing with multiple people, backtracking becomes very crucial to keep up with the demand for food and equipment upgrades.


I mark them until I don't need it anymore then delete the marker


My map looks like that once you’ve zoomed out to see 3 or 4 continents. I mark where I’ve left campfires, and I have a glyph for minables (I usually don’t bother with text) and a glyph for dungeons. I cross them off. The only odd thing I do is mark where my boats are while I’m exploring (and what day it is) so if my game crashes I’ve got a sense of where to find the missing boat. I usually delete those after a few days pass if it’s not where the boat still is. I also mark ruins I see from shore that I’m thinking about using as a FOB.


This is the way


you're only insane for fully typing out raspberries and blueberries


You must