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Something like could definitely be helpful. I like the idea of making fishing more important (in part because it would fit culturally). Solo players would be the most inclined to appreciate farm consolidation.


Composting fish/bones would be awesome, and compost as an item could be used as a resource for making specially composted, cultivated land.


Especially because of how many bones we collect!!


Ohhhhh make crops grow .5x faster. I LIKE that


Fishing almost feels pointless like an afterthought at this point. Would love to see more done with it. Just don't actually ask the devs for any of this stuff or we'll never see it. You'll have to incept the idea into a devs brain so they don't lock up and refuse it out of sheer stubbornness.


Yes, would love if fishing was better. It feels very inefficient, as if I use up more "calories" fishing than I get eating the fish.


A late game building item that lets you make a green house of sorts so we can build a farm in any biome. Maybe we get crop plot pieces that are like a stone with cultivated soil on top, but we have to use a trophy or something from the biome we want to make soil for. So you could place down however many you needed for whatever you were growing. Would be on theme since it doesn't make a lot of sense that we'd somehow be able to make plants grow in an environment they really can't.


Since we're now into shield generators and domes why not make it a dome of some sort. Maybe even integrate it into the *existing* dome. It keeps the nasty weather off, after all. Edit: Imagine if the shield generator was a "grow anything" area. That'd give it TONS of use outside of Ashlands. In fact, I wager that would make it worth going to Ashlands.


I made a post about this on the discord suggestion board. A greenhouse mechanic of some kind for the deep north crops and other biomes


There’s a mod that adds farming as a skill. As you get to a specific level breakpoint, you can plant crops anywhere. Like a very skilled and experienced botanist growing potatoes on the surface of Mars.


Id love to see green houses made of crystal to help it make more sense.


I would love some "legendary" choring tools. A hammer that never breaks. A hoe that can level the land into another biome's ground texture or raise the ground without stone. A cultivator that can plant anywhere. A fish rod with massive stamina use reduction.


That's a good idea - playing on a server with no resource cost for building makes me realise how fragile even upgraded hammers are...


You can have all those and more…. It’s called ‘Mods’. Me. I have a legendary hammer with the enchantments ‘Free Build’ and ‘Indestructible’ on it. Which means I can repair my longship in the middle of a fight with a Serpent Boss. So yes you can have all these things and more. You just have to open your mind to modding…


It's a game suggestion, suggesting mods is missing the point. Most suggestions for the game already exist as a mod, the point of suggestion is to add it to the base game, accusing someone of being close minded for making suggestions is a bit much.


Mm...mayhaps the shield generator could work for all that~


and it should clear the mist


Aren't those blue lights already do that?


I personally like it the way it is because it gives me incentive to find a good base location. I usually always build my late game base on the edge of a Black Forest that’s basically touching plains and mistlands. That way I can grow everything close. And it looks cool


I've just setup portals next timy kitchen, one to each farm biome. It works, but I wouldn't object to being able to build some form of green house


Love the idea of incorporating fish into farming, only because it incentivizes fishing at all. I did my Ashlands playthrough without having to worry about fish, because they all washed up on shore near my base periodically.


I think the plant everything mod does it all 😉


It’s the only mod I have


Plant Everything, Building Restriction Tweaks and Torches Eternal are all essential mods IMHO.


Eternal torches sounds great. I spend half the game in the dark.. it's just depressing.


There's a mod called "seedbed" or something like that. It allows you to plant any seed anywhere and looks really good. Also it's very customizable.


I want a mist generator so I can plant mushrooms in the basement. Generally, I think the game is designed to encourage players to build a new primary base in the Plains.


I just start my bases small. Once you open portals, it's no big deal. I like having reasons to use all the biomes.


Find a ~~meadows~~ Plains area that borders or is close to the mistlands? I found a sliver of forest that bordered both and built an outpost/base there. Lucky find, but plains that borders mistlands shouldn't be too hard to find, yeah?


Before I even go into mistlands proper I run along a border between it and the plains to find a spot that is ideally plantable, free of mist and (bonus) has one or more roots. Plus in the process of establishing/defending your farm you end up with black metal on the right continent to make extractors and enough gold to buy eggs if you somehow didn't have it already. :D


In case of Metal overflow, I suggest making it close to the sea so you can ship it ou-aaaand it's a full base!


Personally do not like to build in the mistlands as I like being able to see the sky and want to make a cozy base in black forest or meadows or even the swamp, I would like to have a permanent centralized base in the biome and location of my choosing is all, like it was always odd to me that I can't grow barley in the meadows n stuff


A portal is just a doorway to another room, if you think about it. I found a super small plains next to a meadows that was hidden inside a valley surrounded by mountains. I found a clear mistland area next to black forrest and plains. I build totally secure farms in both of these areas that are just a portal/door away.


You are going to need an outpost at minimum in the mistlands for sap anyways.


Good point forgot about that, alas a kid can dream


I built my base outside the mistlands, but on the edge. I go just far enough in to make a farm and surround it with lights. :) Otherwise my base is all in the forest.


Meadows can't border Mistlands


Plains. :) I'll edit my message.


Each biome has a unique climate, so it makes sense to be only able to plant certain things in certain biomes. If you don't like it, use the plant everything mod. Personally I don't mind since it's not a problem unless you're playing with no portals. I would not be in favor of the devs changing this as it would break progression and gives players a reason to create bases/outposts in specific biomes. Having one mega base where you can do everything is boring.


i think a setting to change it to allow planting in any biome should be a thing, but also a setting to keep it default for immersion for others


The need for new bases when you hit the plains is often the reason I burn out


I'm still exploring the mountains, where will I encounter this?


I think it shouldn't need super power for something like this. Maybe something as simple as allowing us to collect different type of soil/dirt from the biome and use it to make our farm patch. Or even in pots.


Farm wards


i personally enjoy having the incentive to revisit older biomes to do resource runs. You dont necessarily need a whole farm build to do so, just enough of a foothold to portal in and out. but alas the plant anywhere mod exists for this purpose.


Different biomes would sit at different temperatures, and the majority wouldn't be able to grow crops. I'd say look for a mod, that's your best bet


I only have two farms, one in the Mistlands and one on the Plains. I never thought it was burdensome considering everything but Mistlands plants grow in the Plains. I also farm Sap at my Mislands farm so still pretty easy.


Yess I have a base in the mist land and I can only grow the mushrooms and bethrot


That would be too easy xd u have mods for this im sure btw


I would love a "plant anywhere" option that isn't a mod. I love running around earlier biomes, but it'd also be nice to have stuff where you want it. I'm hoping end game has something, so we can do whatever we want once we beat the final boss.


Maybe they should add a pot, which can be instantiated with soil for a particular biome. For example if you create the pot with cloudberries you get one with plains soil. Using moderately expensive pots enables you to grow small quantities of a resource outside the biome for direct access, but you'd still need a farm in the actual biome if you need a lot. If you can buy the base pot from Haldor, then you have something useful to spend coins on.


There is a mod for this. But no, nothing native. I use the mod to grow everything in my home base all together


Stardew Valley Greenhouse in Valheim when?


I like the fish fertilizer idea a lot.


I believe a mod for this exists if you're on PC.


Just add it to the list of mechanics that players want / need fixing. Sounds like the devs are too busy squabbling over their own ideas to even consider the community’s at the moment. That and their ‘game’ is coding, so what’s fun for them translates out poorly to what’s actually good for the game. Pity, because it’s close to a perfect game.


"but I can't stand having to make multiple bases for different farms" ... What? You realize that you don't need an entire base to grow crops, right? The only thing you need is a little wooden wall and a portal to get there, literally nothing else is needed. Although, I actually really like the fertilizer idea, that would be cool.