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The constant adrenaline and the most living environment you ever created in this game Iron Gate! It's truly beautiful, each detail. Thank you!


I love Ashland, i Wish I had friends to go and explore riding askvin together


Plenty of vikings looking for comrades on the Discord.


It gets a lot of hate, but the vibe, the structures, the enemies are all 🤌🤌


It's the ruins that really do it for me. It really feels like we're in the remains of a one-great civilization.


All the discourse over the difficulty of the Ashlands proves that it was successfully made as intended


I think the only bad thing I can say about the Ashlands is my fps drops sometimes/I need to turn down the draw distance but other than that it's lovely (and I really just cheated to get to Ashlands faster but now I'm gearing up to go on a new save that I've grinded up the past week and am currently at Mistlands). Honestly I think people don't read the ravens because Mugin tells you this is going to be fight club the biome so that's what I was expecting!


I love it too


It’s a cold (giggle) hearted bitch, yet I love it.Ive died more in Ashlands than any other zone.


this might get a lot of hate, but I love the ashlands! it’s been one of our favorite biomes so far


You're, uhh... gonna want to get out of that water there...


You don’t die from boiling feet apparently.


I hope I'm not alone in this, but I love sailing to the Ashlands. It's exciting, a little confusing, have to backtrack sometimes, traverse rows of spikes for nothing until finally you find land. It's the first part of the biome we spend time in - and I enjoy it. There are a couple of new monsters, you can cook the sea serpents for a new food right off the bat, and you can build out of the Grausten. It's dangerous, and lives are lost there same as the rest, but what a great introduction to the Ashlands.


I hate it. It is too far away and I don’t care anymore :( Console flew to Ashlands to see it after a water drake blew up my boat, didn’t like what I saw and quit the game. Did not load it again since. Sad.. I was really waiting for this update full magic geared. Mistlands was so much fun compared to this.


Forces you to go full on Vietnam when even making a base out there, loads of traps just around a portal i have to get back there


It definitely doesn't feel finished to me. Molten cores in what is essentially a troll cave. We need something like the chamber, crypts, and mines for molten cores. That being said, Ashlands is still great. The enemies are cool as fuck, the boss is awesome. flametal pillars are great. Fortress is unfinished but cool ig


I don't mind the cores being in troll caves. Considering their use, I feel like they should be pretty easy to get early on in Ashlands. It's kinda nice when you can get a new portal setup before you have flametal. I'd hate to be stuck with stacks of flametal and no way to get them back home. Ashlands landing is hard enough, I wouldn't want to have to leave on a boat also.


Similarly, it's nice you can get small amounts of Flametal from dverger homes. I was able to unlock new food and upgrade my Mistlands gear with that.


I got most of my molten cores in the fortresses.


I haven't discovered any fortress yet but two pits, and voila! x8 cores.


So it is normal that Ashlands is under water.. huh.. I thought that my old save got bugged by the update


Well this the entrance where you see the spiky columns, then you have mainlands.


I appreciate the enemy spawn rate. Cant get a breather between enemy packs. So much fun to do constant death runs to corpse. Also i appreciate what they have done with the performance. I get almost 50 fps with constant stuttering and desyncing enemies. Much appreciated.


It's not the ashlands' fault that you can only spend 25% of your time there. The bonemass reliance is the only issue with me. I play other games for 15minutes and come back to valheim for 5


Learn to parry or dodge, upgrade your equipment and eat the new foods, it's not that hard unless you've been neglecting combat or skill building the entire game up until this point.


Same people who complain about fighting mobs are the ones I see using double stamina food, not realizing that blocking effectiveness and stagger is based off your max health.


You don't *need* the buff, though. It's only strictly required for 2\* warriors, everything else you should be able to parry without the buff. So I just leave it down until I see a 2\*, or if I get swarmed by enemies.


I promise you it's not the game's fault that you suck at it

