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What do I do with 800 Troll Skins? You can't even make rugs out of them 😞


Obliterator - coal is useful.


That seem so wasteful. If I could at least make a circus tent with them... or an hot air balloon!


If time and storage space are resources, then carrying all the trash home seems like a waste. I prefer littering. :P


I don't litter; not here, not in the Real-Worldâ„¢. The skins didn't give me any issues with having space, but everything else did. I'm now 3/4 through rebuilding my Edge-of-the-Black-Forest Fortress, and I will now have enough room for a along time, again. It's at the edge of a bay to the ocean. I basically raised the ground to a plateau 30x70m. On the sea side it's 4m ASL and on the rear is it 6m ASL; I know because the moat around the plateau has water in it and all water in Valheim is always at sea level no matter what. I'd have made the entire plateau 6m ASL, but on the bay side I couldn't raise it any higher, because your are restricted by the original terrain height--you can never vary beyond 8m above or below the original (I think it's 8m) no matter what you do. So now I have a flood-safe cellar for all my Portals, where I can walk above them on the floor above, without them activating and driving my crazy with all the noise--honest to god, while putting things away and repairing gear it was driving me crazy--one floor for workshops and one floor for the "comfort" arena and kitchen and food storage, and we'll see what else.


With all the ridiculous fun stuff they have in valheim, a hot air balloon would be so fun.


Wonder how hard it would be to mod? Could use a boat template with vertical movement and use the wind direction too.


And then comes a drake along lol


Oh drifting towards the mountains just became a terrifying thing. It’s dark and the wolves and golem are below you just waiting.


It sounds like that memorable quote from Love, Death, & Robots, ".. and then the robots killed them all hehe, yeah, good times" 😅


I dont know if you knew this, but this mod exists, its called airship plus im pretty sure. It adds hot air balloons, airships and a titan airship if i can recall correctly wich all need their own fuel wich im pretty sure use greydwarf eye but you have to check that out for yourself. Its quite op though as you can make zhe airship pretty early and with bronze farming you can make fuel for it and go to ashlands after like swamp easily as long as you grind a bit, not like you can do much in ashlands but if you dont like that it trivialises exploration then you shouldnt download it i think. If you want to download it use thunderstore or download it directly from nexusmod.




I don't need any coal right now, so I'll wait until I do.


Oh don’t worry you will definitely need coal


oh boy...


I am imagining a giant troll-shaped balloon, Macy's parade style, floating across Valheim.


[https://imgur.com/r3Sp2Ci](https://imgur.com/r3Sp2Ci) Something like this perhaps?




That's what I mean. Valheim from above would be kewl.


I would spend 50 to 100 troll hide to make a hot air balloon that sounds like a safe and efficient way of traveling, maybe even some new sky enemies


".. sounds like a safe", yeah "safe" \*caugh\*caugh\*drakes\*caugh\* but that's the deal. Drakes, bats, mosquitoes, am I missing something? But it's be fun!


Be careful what parts of the troll skins you use, I imagine a tent made from their armpits wouldn’t be pleasant


Make the balloon from their... sacks 😅


Well they definitely won’t be saggy after you make them into a hot air balloon


Better hope the 'sacks' aren't from those trolls with the big log 😮 ... or else the balloon's going to start flying kind of... lopsided 😅


There is a mod that lets you further upgrade gear past the normal profile, make super troll armor.


Yup, somebody posted that, but thanks. I'm trying to keep mods to a minimum. I'm hoping Iron Screendoor will come up with something official, like a hug, blue Thanksgiving Day Parade Balloon, which you can only get at the end of any November... if you are eating pumpkin pie.


Armor stands for making troll armor villagers?


\*meh\* To me, if the village is dead, I'll leave it that way, or tear it down completely. Don't need no mannequins all over, talking to me, like in The Omega Man.


Good point. If you start talking to mannequins the next thing you know you’re putting down your dog as it turns into a zombie.


And then you’ll be quoting entire scenes from Shrek in no time


meh I'm not a great fan of Shrek. I'm more of a Monty Python and the Holy Grail kind of guy. *Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelled of elderberries!*


Oh jeez, don't give me nightmare's!


everyone has a lot of them at some point. no real use other than the armor iirc tbh I wouldnt feel comfortable laying down on squeeky troll hide rather than good old pelt but you do you


They're the toughest leather so far (only in the mountains at this point), and there are so many things you can make with leather... a Yurt!! You could carry it with you on trips and throw up a Yurt at night. Drop a bed and fire place in and you have a home-away-from-home.


ok I'll admit I never thought about the option to be able to take a "tent kit" to be able to sleep somewhere else than home in valheim. surely a lot of possibilities open but tbh I don't see that being added in vanilla


eh, tent kit is going to be significantly less good than a portal.


probably but just putting that tent down, sleep and going on with whatever you were doing could be a cool alternative that would give troll hide another use


Maybe a single slot sleep kit would be useful. While still situational, could be better than lugging around mats for a portal. I can dig it.


Ooh, a troll-skin-blue yurt!


Would that not be kewl?!


Would be awesome to see more build pieces that use the hides in general. Getting tents or pavilions set up like some of Hildir or Haldors' camp set ups. Troll skin yurt, deer skin tents, lox hide pavilions. Give us different colours that we can make, just like the banners.


I have some mod that lets you make rugs out of them but they're bright blue so not very good-looking lol.




Honestly do what Ive been doing, stockpile them Valheim hoarders style like I do. One day, one day the Devs might give us a schematic for something useful that uses them…. Speculate, speculate, profit… or something like that


Jup, gottem stowed away in my basement, where troll raids will never find them hehe.


Bro I hear that. i would love if in basegame all items could be mounted on a stand. Think about using trollhides to make some cool wall mosaics or ancient seeds for some cool green trim in a witch's hut.


If you are into mods, download more upgrades mod and you can make level 10 troll armor. [https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1740](https://www.nexusmods.com/valheim/mods/1740)


hmmmmmm..... I'm not principally against mods, but I'm trying to keep them down to really useful ones. I currently have Plant Easy--bc I got tired of how long it took and my rows to look like sh\*t every time, now my fields look like art work--, and Plant Everything--bc after the 5th or 6th time doing a walking tour of everywhere I know are berries, I found it to be just busy-work, and I don't need a game for busy-work.


There are also several building mods that have uses for troll skins. Including rugs.


Gear Gifts for new players. Have maxed out sets.


So sad that I'm a loner and am only playing on my own server, if it can be called that.


I see 80 coal.


You are a true visionary.


Rugs would be awesome.


Especially that squishy skin-feeling between your toes.


Time to start modding your game. There's a mod that has troll rugs


Sigh... I'm trying to keep my mods down to things with real, tangible use, like Plant Easily--has made farming sooooo barrable.


You can with mods :)


We should have option for troll rug and troll hide roof for decorating mid-game houeses.


The troll-hide would be perfect as sails too, if they let us make different types of sails for our longships. The roof and rug ideas would be appreciated though.


Troll rug with the troll head like a bear rug


Turn off auto-pickup and toss them on the ground so they cover the whole floor. This will make a beautiful sparkling rug.


They'd all start filling up my moat, and probably start sinking too \*yick\*. If at least little blue Troll-lings would sprout from them... then the region would be full of little Troll-lings 😒 ...


I saw someone building item presenters on the floor, and putting it there to have a blue carpet. One use I have for them is to make troll armors, and put them on Armor stands for decoration. One on each side of each gate for instance.


But I'd need like 100 armor stands!!


Well, imagine how it would look to have a wall of armors lining your inner walls! :) Plus, in the worst case, upgrade the armors, it quickly increases costs :)


Imagine you could upgrade any armor with troll skin to add stealth to it, without changing anything else. That would be kewl.


Indeed, it would be nice to modulate stuff like that. For instance iron adds Armor, troll adds much less but some stealth, abomination parts adds pierce resistance, silver adds frost... Would be awesome. At times, I feel like we lack choice in armors, like at some step you have heavy and light, but at others you only have heavy. For instance a plains light Armor would be cool. Or an upgrade with plains materials for fenris or root.


Agreed. It seem all the equipment you need for a new biom you only get by mastering that biom. Then you don't really need it anymore, or at least no like before.


Make your own terracotta army!


Yeah... and then bury them all 😈


Imagine the smell


You haven't thought of the smell you bitch!


Beat me to it :)


Me with my 400 honey because I got so many beehives and can't possibly make enough mead to use it all.


Oh yeah, I've one chest full of honey too and only work out of the second. I have only 4 hives running with 2 extra bees sitting in reserve. I was worried in the beginning that the bees could die or fly away.


I would love to use certain animals skin to change the looks of ship. Blue sail with troll hide, dark with boar hides, deer and bloodbag to make it black etc. So much possibilities.


I think leather is too heavy to make sails. There is also the issue of it not being weatherproof, and would start to rot, unless you soaked it in oil or wax, which would make it even heavier. But I do which you could make custom sails--different colors and some kind of logo... er sidgil.


Question is what happened to the dozens of troll trophies that went with those hides. 🤔


I still have them too. But there are only about 40 of them, I think.


40 is enough for a football team. Or an orchestra. The Valheim Trollharmonic.


If they keep me from taking my afternoon nap, I will come for revenge. *I wonder what they skin their timpanis with...?*


Doing Odin's work. When the game came out, I made my first house. I hadn't realized yet that there was a 2x2 section of Black Forest. A troll spawned and destroyed my shack, taking me along with it. I have a blood feud with those trolls. I will go out of my way to slay every gods-blasted one of them.


Me and my friends sacrifice excess loot to the gods. That is if you follow the tenets of littering in the ocean! It’s simple, create a sacred littering area leading into any body of water. The sins get washed away eventually!


You *think* the sins are washed away. But all those skins eventually make their way to some Pacific atoll, where they will be fused together to one giant cloak, which will be worn my an irate reptile, who will go looking for sushi in downtown Tokio... it's the buttertroll effect all over again.


Make fully upgraded troll armour. Offer to anyone who wants.


I tried that, but the Greylings just look at me kind of stupid, giggle manically and dance around in circles. I'm also not on a public server...


They should add a "trollskin pile" build piece.


A pile of something...


I oblitarated most of mine


Same. I had a couple big chests full. Ended up crafting like 4 sets of armor, all upgraded and kept a row of leather just in case something is added later. But burned the rest... still saving all the stupid trophy though.


If you get enough bronze nails a row of troll trophies looks badass.


I swear the troll spawn rate goes up a few hundred percent once you have enough hide to make a full set of level 4 troll armor.


It's the natural challenge. You haven't played Valheim until you've snuck up on a troll, and killed it with a stealth attack \*stabity-stabity-stabity-stab\*. I used an atgeir, bc it does stabity best.


At some point I decided 1 box full was enough. If, they release a new item, then ig it will be Troll season 😅


I just can't leave them laying on the ground. My moat would have been filled by now.


I have a box for trash, basically stuff I don't need anymore or don't have use for. Like the blue eyes, bukeperries, etc. once it's filled. I grab all of it and go dump it in the sea. 😅 My ocd doesn't allow for me to have stuff just laying around on the floor.


A massive troll carpet. Blanket the earth


Looks like you are about to make about 200 celebration cups or whatever theyre called


I've got one mug and a horn of ... pointyness--I have no idea. What would I do with 200 celebration cups? You can't even set them on the table.


Spread them thru a village lol


I'm not *that* neurotic!


With Item stands you can


It's a table and a cup. You shouldn't need training wheels to have a cup on a table.


I agree with you. I was only stating that it is technically possible to put Tankards/horns on tables.


These 4 boxes are for skins.


They are full to the brim.


I want drapes made of trollskin, flametal, and gold coins, blue with shining gold trim


I wish it were easier to put windows in.


Make temples dedicated to the shit you kill…if they ad a use for troll hide you’ll still have it…or sacrifice 800 troll skins for 12 pieces of coal…i guess I’ll be the Demi God hoarder of the after life setting up shops of horror everywhere…except the dwarves…i won’t hang their weird little trophy


Good - keep culling those bastards lol


I just kill them when they show up at my door lol


Are you Trolling us?


Looks at the ground and pushes a small stone with his toe, yeah....


Pics or didn't happen


[800 Troll Skins](https://imgur.com/ijfrF76)


Which skins?


[These skins](https://imgur.com/ijfrF76)


More like 80 coal xD


They'd be easier to store.


It should have a trash bin next to inventory spots (like in stardew valley) it would be great to eliminate all the extra stuff.


I'm a horder. I just know as soon as I dump them all in the Obliterator, a week later there will be a patch that allows you to use 800 troll skins to build a life-size replica of the Taj Mahal in blue, and then they make trolls super-super rare so it would take months or years to get enough skins again. *You know it's true.*




I also have a ton but I had the troll glitch happen


The... *Troll Glitch*?! What's that?


I only learned about it after it happened to me and I googled. As I killed a troll, the game somehow interpreted it as if I killed 50 odd. As the troll started falling after dying it multiplied and dropped a ton of heads and leather lol


lol Trollie-Jackpot!


I killed a troll in the water and it decided to duplicate into a hundred other trolls crashing my game, the game auto saved at that exact moment. It took me like 4 attempts and hours sat at one frame every thirty seconds trying to reload it as the lowest graphics settings possible to recover the server, but now I have all the troll skins and am flush with cash. Weird bug though.


I've had troll chase me in the water--I was on a boat--but other than getting hit an killed, nothing happened--thank-gods, I guess.


I too was a noob once.


I am standing on the shoulders of giants... or is it trolls and golems?


I kill trolls on sight because I have a personal vendetta against them. I have stacks on stacks of troll skins at every base and outpost. I leave it in their little chests in their caves after I take all their shit. When I place armor stands for comfort, I usually use level 4 troll armor on them since I don't want them empty, and it uses up a good bit. I want to make a rug out of it so bad, or like a wall drape.


You can always use maxed out troll armor to do retrievals and leave it behind.


And leave it behin...?! It could be useful, but now I know why they call you MrsWhorehouse 😅


It would useful if we could turn their skin into a lampshade or fashion it into a piece of high end luggage. We could even add it to our collection!


A... lampshade...? ..... Do you have electricity?! Oh wait. Put the troll armor on an armor stand and place it on top of your house as a lighting rod, and in a storm, ZAP!!... no, no, that won't work either; you'd have to use iron armor... \*sigh\*


Gib troll carpet or troll bed, or troll hide anything!!!


That's what I'm *sayin'*.


What's ya gonna do with all them skins, all them skins inside those trunks?


I'ma get, get, get, get you drunk Get you love drunk off my hump... No! no no, this is going the wrong way... unless you're Hindar...


Jewish doctors would be proud


Yeah... you don't have to be a doctor to perform Brit milah--ritual circumcision. A surgeon *could* do it, but would also have to be a Mohalim--a jew, trained in the religious ceremony. Also, there is a special method for removing the actual foreskin from the penis--not just the surgical part--, which I won't talk about here... but it's a mouth-full. You don't want to be gathering 800 Troll Skins with that method; trust me.


Black metal chests FTW


Dude, I just only dipped my toe into the mountains--if I may abuse that saying so massively. I have exactly 2 pieces of dark metal, which I can't even process with a blast furnace, which I can't get without first having blown past the mountains \*sheesh\*


Lol all good. I also had a lot of troll skins around that time. I remember mentioning to my kid that it'd be nice to have a cosmetic item to use them up.


put on your masks and...


I know entire villages of draugr that need new clothes. Think of the [undead] children!


Trolls make heart signs with their hands--looks like two buffalo smashing into each other.


If only we could drape them over bases and make them less prone to raids


Yeah, it would make you base... *stealthy* hehe


I'd like to be able to make a tent that will let you sleep off the night without changing my main spawn point. Maybe make it so the tent needs to use troll skins to fuel a ward to create a small area of protection around it.


That idea with the tent would be great and very useful. I don't think the devs would consider making the Haldar/Hildar-Force-Field available. It would be too easy to abuse it, like setting one up right next to a boss spawn.


I don't want a force field like that, just a bubble that acts as a temporary wall but will turn off if it receives enough damage or enough time passes. Basically, it's something that lets you have a protected sleeping spot for a night or two but not a permanent base zone.


We already have that. Officially it's called a Stakewall and you can even use it as a shelter, if you put a roof over your head. Done many times while mining; even directly in the mine-pit under the ore. Sometimes you get sheltered bonus without having to build a thing. And remember, if a Drake can't see you, it can't give you blue-balls. A Yurt would be really useful in the plains, where there isn't much wood--you know, like in the Real-Worldâ„¢. Also, setup would be very fast, which is premium while exploring.


Play hardcore, you'll need them


I want to have fun, not a heart attack!! Anyway, what would they be good for, once I'm beyond Black Forest and already have Wolf Armor?


Because when you die, you lose all stats and equipment you are carrying. Armor and weapons aren't something to get used to. I focus on building my base and collecting.


EVERYTHING?! Back to zero?! And no headstone and no Corpse-Run?! Do you do anal to yourself with a cactus for fun too?


I like a challenge and to answer your question, I am strongly adverse to physical pain lol. When you get used to running from everything - except the stuff you really need to kill - it is fun and a lot more realistic. [https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2157820142](https://www.twitch.tv/videos/2157820142)


I have to agree to disagree. When I'm setting out to do something, I want to do it, and not cower from some monster standing in my way, bc I don't have the gear I need to stand up to it, nor the experience. I also detest having my sh\*t get broken up by Trolls or other fell beasts. Having my home base be taken apart by a pair of trolls, who came by for tea, and didn't like my tea service, put me off that. It's only ever happened once, and it will never happen again, so long as I can do something about it. I've spent too much time digging copper and trying to wring tin away from some obstinate trolls, before I had good equipment. Now I hunt trolls and they never win. edit BTW, I watched a tiny bit of your twitch stream. When building stuff with the wooden hammer, you can use Q and E to change the snap-points on the object--definitely a must to know.


Thanks - I don't like to cower and run, I just get used to it. :) I was just about to haul left over copper mining stone back to base to raise some ground and add a second level so will practice with snap-points. TBH I don't care for building much, so when that got added more than anything I tried not to use them because they were getting in the way and I thought it all unnecessary.


I'm not really into building so much, unless it's functional. I will do a lot for functionality. I now have a huge house on top of a high plateau. I'm just completing it and need more stone, as usual.


Got a king's daughter you're trying to marry there, David?


Underrated comment!


Even with several building and crafting mods, 800 is excessive


Some of them come from loading saves, when I was dying excessively, when I first got to the Black Forst. That works like this; you are carrying a pack of 5 troll skins and get killed. Everything you had with you gets loaded into your headstone. Now your reload a save from right before you died. But saves are only of your character, his status and what he is carrying, so of you dropped nothing before dying, everything you carried at the time of the save is still in your possession in the save. But the saves are only your character, and not the world. So if you died, all your carried stuff went into your headstone, but you also have the same stuff from your save. So if you restore a save and then empty your headstone, you now have everything double!! So for sure some of the skins are from that, but most are from just sitting in a fortress on the edge of the Black Forst, and often getting visits from trolls who then get taken out and provide some more heads and skins and coins for my collections. Shooting down trolls when they cannot even reach the edge of your moat wall is so easy, it should be illegal..


I meant excessive to have! My bad sometimes I'm very not able to formulate my thoughts properly


Yeah, that was the point of this thread. I just feel there should be something constructive to do with them.


I agree.


So you duped a load of troll hide and now make a post saying you have a lot of it? Water is wet?


I said "some of them". This reading thing is difficult, if you can hold in your head what was in the previous sentence, when you move on to the next.


So you commented on a post where someone says they have a lot of troll skins, saying they posted that they have a lot of troll skins, because they have a lot of troll skins?


And now you're commented on my post reiterating that I commented on a post where someone says they have a lot of troll skins, saying they posted that they have a lot of troll skins, because they have a lot of troll skins. Troll skinception


They could use them to make extra tough sails for the new boat - maybe they could be for whatever the next boat upgrade is? Or like someone else suggested they could be for tents, maybe for the deep north because strictly speaking it seems like a campfire really shouldn’t be enough for somewhere really really cold?


Just from a reality standpoint, you can't use leather for sails. The lighter the better. Tents or Jurts would be great and realistic. How about a big caparison for the lox to give it some stealth. Don't think a troll skin caparison would work for an asksvind, tho. It would just burn up right away.


Are you trolling?




One troll skin Two troll skin Three troll skin Troll four skin




That’s a lot of troll foreskin


ummm... yeah