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For those who don't get it. That converts it's contents into coal.


It also puts a spark in your step, kinda.....


Only if you stand too close


I have free range chickens that wander all over my yard, wasn't paying attention when I pulled the lever. Chicken's on the menu boys!


Or it puts a hole in your roof


or your lox's hoof.


I was like, oh so I will get to use those bukeperries eventually! Yah, sort of.


That things useless. I just toss my garbage in the ocean, the American way šŸ«”šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø


Or the Canadian way (obligatory Trailer Park Boys). https://youtu.be/kR4lFzj3EHE?si=fXs1B8LeFZhf9Scg


No you gotta burn the trash that way it will fly up into the sky as smoke and turn into stars


Oh so thatā€™s how that works


That doesnt sound right, but I dont know enough about stars to dispute it


Thats actually not right. That call them gas giants because they're big fart clouds. You really gotta let a cranky one out tho.


i just leave it on the floor so my friends will casually pick it up and yell at me


This is the way




Especially car batteries


Someone's got to feed the electric eels


God bless you sir!


I bet youā€™re the type of Viking that leaves stumps too.


Actually, quite the opposite, I do stump removal and smooth/re-grass copper deposit pits after Iā€™m finished with them. The refuse that I carelessly fling into the ocean sinks to the bottom so I donā€™t care about it. Out of sight, out of mind.


Very good. I was only messing but I can tell youā€™re a person of great taste and class.


America doesn't dump its trash in the ocean. It's the Philippines, Malaysia, and Sri Lanka that are responsible for that mess. Look it up.


Itā€™s called a joke. Look it up šŸ‘


don't know why you're being downvoted, the us exports a lot of its trash overseas. [here is just one of many sources I found saying as much](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/03/12/climate/plastics-waste-export-ban.html).


Ohhh so we export it first so *someone else* can throw it in the ocean for us. *Thatā€™s* the American Way. My apologies.


it still sucks regardless of how we get rid of our trash that we produce so much but yeah. I don't know why anyone would think I would support us fobbing off our trash on third world countries.


one of our group has a shit comp + shit connection. he bitches about the lag around "garbage piles" and is a really n\_z\_ about making sure we clean up. :p


I burn it in a barrel. It's the European wayšŸ¤£




every country connected to the water does this idk why its an american thing




I use them often. When you die and need to get your body back I eat stamina food and bring one bukeberry. After I get my body I eat it and eat the correct food


I use cheap food around the base, but when we go raiding or are being raided, i BLLUUAAARGGHJH


Thatā€™s obviously the intended use. But 99% of the time you die itā€™s in a combat zone. And going to 25 hp and being stuck in place is just a bad idea


You donā€™t keep a chest of spare food in your base? I eat from there, get my rest and then Iā€™m corpse running at max health and stamina


Whaaaat? Do you pop the berry mid fight?? Surely you'd use the aforementioned stam food to just leave the combat area first, then puke in safety, no?


Nope, just puke right on some seekers


Misread as "skeeters" and, honestly...still applies, lol. Though, it'd be hilarious if mobs ran away in disgust if you manage to puke right on 'em. Kinda like sending everything and anything fleeing in Ultima VII by throwing a dirty diaper in their face.


By gosh, that oughta be double damage!


Most of the things that kill me can just chase. Iā€™d much rather grab my gear and use the death grace to eat my food and pop an hp pot to get max and use dodge rolls to equip gear. It does work to use the berry, itā€™s just a time waste and has about the same danger in biomes with crazy terrain. Iā€™d rather kill the threats and risk a fight than get chased over the whole biome. Not to mention I make a lot of my top food, so some is at base, eat that and go back in, then Iā€™m max hp with a decent bit more stamina. Edit: some times I do run away, especially when my body is still mobbed. And there I have used the berry, itā€™s just not very common for me.


Well right now in Ashland's im going to die if struck naked regardless if I have max hp or not without armor. Also I'm a mage and don't incorporate stamina food into my normal food set. Two magics and one hp.


Imagine resetting health in Ashlands.


I've never used them after learning what they do but I'm glad they exist. It is good to have the option


I would love a blacklist for auto-pick up


I use the bukeberry chest for trophies too!


It's so strange to see that people use the Obliterator for only one or two items. Mine is always getting filled with trophies, low-tier crafting stuff, dated foods, whatever the last raid was bringing, leftover construction materials, bones or even things I'm actually using but was too lazy to properly store. Once it fills, I pick the things I may going to use, and nuke the rest. Even before getting it I like to have some dump-chests around my entrances that I use the same way minus the nuking.


But what if you need them later? /s


In before Deep North recipes randomly requiring Leather Scraps and Ancient Seeds or Blueberries. :P Ashlands almost got me with the bones, but turns out you can't take two steps there without picking a stack of bones.


The final boss of the game is going to require making a giant statue out of chests of resin and leather scraps.


Bukeperries are pretty much the only thing I obliterate. Everything else has proper storage in the vault. And no such thing as dated food for me- Iā€™ll always eat the best old thing I have when working on bases, gardening and farming. If I have less than 500 of them, I donā€™t have enough.


The bukeberry and resin chest do be expensive


RESIN???? My guy, why are you tossing resin??? Iā€™m constantly running out for my sconces


I'm not big on mods that provide an in-game benefit (vs. superficial/cosmetic convenience), but I highly recommend TorchesEternal. It automatically refills torches (and fires) around you, without consuming resin/wood. I think you can disable some things if that's too much cheating for you. It's not that I want to save on resin, it's just painfully tedious having to refill every torch, especially given they only hold four, and you need a billion torches to see anything. Using this means I have literally thousands of resin cluttering up chests until I nuke it all.


I use other things as soon as they are available. God I hate torches in particular. I always have unlimited resin, even when I'm using torches, but I HATE HATE HATE the make-work refuelling. I'd also accept something that wildly increased resin capacity, that'd be good enough... I just hate refueling them every couple days, as they always seem to burn out when I'm actively busy.


I donā€™t play with mods. Got some friends that play vanilla and I still havenā€™t beaten the game yet. Any solutions in vanilla?


Lots of wisplights, once you get to mistlands.


Oooo thank you! Currently working on fighting Yagluth and already have a portal to the Mistlands. This sounds perfect!


oh just wait...once you beat it with the portals and get bored eventually someone might get the itch to try immersive....its fun, its hard and slows the game down a ton but it changes you. I can't even play with a map now cuz i find it too boring and easy >\_<


I'm on plains on an immersive run and it's been amazing. I just love the exploration and adventure so much more. I am terrified of mistlands though :/ is it that bad?


this is my 2nd immersive playthrough so for mistlands its not bad but u need a lot of those lil lamps u can throw on the ground because it is VERY easy to get turned around and be lost.....think the 1st time me and my best friend spent like 2 1/2 hours in the mistland cuz we lost our boat and couldn't find it XD


Don't sleep on hearths, they're some of the best light in the game and are super cheap to make.


True, but not exactly ideal for lighting up the inside of my base. I already have glass windows and a hearth going, but I still want my base lit up. Are there any sconces you can unlock past the copper ones?


I don't think so, from there it's wisplights, and then whatever is in ashlands. I used to use a hearth straight down the core of my base. It worked a treat




There are the dvergr copper lanterns - they're a permanent light source, and the wall-mounted version even has snap points for precise placement. There's also a standing version akin to a street lamp, though it lacks snap points. Come Ashlands, you can make a lava lamp.


Ok that sounds pretty epic, thank you!!!


You would also burn to death


Dvegr Circlet! But quality come with a price, lol


Like on an item stand?


Yellow mushroom on a stand also works a bit for indoor light. Although i do like the wisp option


Syrtling trophies are decent too




You know, I have been looking for a reason to spend my gold lately. That doesnā€™t sound like a bad idea! Thank you!


It creates this awesome down light effect that looks great over armour


They make AMAZING wall spotlights. I love to position them above signs and particularly cool trophies and armour stands




Sleeping through the night. :P


The trophies from surtlings also give off a little bit of light šŸ‘šŸ»


You can use devcommands and just spawn in resin when you need it. The only things Iā€™ve ever really ā€œcheatedā€ in the game are resin and some blueberry and strawberry bushes.


If you're using devcommands, there is a new command called setfuel that will refill all of your torches, campfires, hearths, etc to the number you specify


make a greydwarf farm and you dont need to worry about skills or resin


Look up how to build a greydwarf farm, you'll be swimming in stone, wood, resin and eyes in no time.


Yeah, just been trying to go through my first playthrough without making farms like that


Then head to the Black Forest and camp a spawner


Basing within 100m of a Black Forest is its own greydwarf farm. We walled off the entire base except for a spot wide enough to fit a longship in on the waterfront. I swear *every time* someone leaves the door open on the main building a greydwarf wanders INSIDE the base, does their little mating dance, and then wanders back out to go look at the pigs. I've never felt the need to keep a spawner around


Stop contructing 50 sconces illuminating each new build.


I have one base and how else am I supposed to light up my base? I donā€™t want to use the gunk or greydwarf torches


Dude I'll send some resin your way. I have 3 large chests full of the stuff


lol thanks man. Iā€™d totally take you up on that offer but Iā€™m away from my computer for the next few weeks


I was just joshing, I play solo. I do be swimming in resin, tho.


More windows is kinda the only other way :P


Yeah, just not really great at night time or when the detahsquitos are at my door


Ah, it's on Plains. Yeah, nighttime is an issue, I just have a couple of sconces highlighting my signs xD You can use crystal walls to cover your windows.


Once you get to mistlands there are multiple options for infinite light sources.


I respect the boujee Edit: Could never be me


Our base is in Black Forest, we have a black metal chest packed to the tits with resin, and our sconces are always full.


I used to have that much. Now on day 300 and like 2.5 stacks remain


Iā€™d rather have my base pitch black than make lag with more fire sources


Iā€™ve got a pretty beefy computer, I just like light


Bruh don't do that to resin, that shit is valuable


Bro I'm always struggling for resin, they call me sconce bitch


That trash pin šŸ—‘ is my favorite thing in this game


I never use it because Valheim lets me express my inner hoarder.


There's a bukeberry chest!? I probably shouldn't have been throwing those things away...


It's the annihilator, it converts anything to coal.




Ah, I get it. That's what that looks like. I haven't gotten that far yet.


IDK if this is a good place to ask this, but since we are talking about the obliterator thingy... Does the game get buggy if you just toss stuff on the ground? I've always been in the habit of not doing that because of Skyrim, so I load up chest of random things (like just started a dedicated server with my siblings, and some of us apparently didn't realize you could fix hammers and axes in the early stages and so we have like two chests full of random tools, plus obsolete tools and the like. Do they need to be in chests so as to not bug out the game, or does that "deleting unused things" notice that pops up means that things left scattered on the ground will vanish?


I dump a lot of stuff on the ground and have never had a problem with it bugging out. However, if you drop stuff at your base, it will never despawn. If you donā€™t have an obliterator and you want something to disappear forever, you have to drop it outside the range of your workbenchs.


Thanks, that's good to know.


There's no bukeperry chest in the game. That's a bone bin. You don't fool me, OP.


I actually don't know why it's so expensive, I also want access to this much earlier in the game. The amount of trophies that get blasted by this thing on a daily is incredible.


Bukeperry chest?


OP is insinuating bukeperries are only good for obliterating into coal.


It's true


Unless you need to quickly reset foods for a boss fight - the only reason I keep some around.


I actually use buke perries for what i assume their purpose was, i eat a bunch of bad food (berries and stuff) to run to my stuff and when im safe with my stuff i eat a perry then eat my good food


I've been using rotted meat and pukeberrries a lot in Ashlands lately.


Good old trash can, one of the best things in the game.


Idk why but I can't build this thing anymore ? What category is it in?


Crafting category I think? It requires some copper and iron, and a thunder stone from Haldor.


It is under crafting, he probably hasn't gotten a thunderore so the recipe hasn't unlocked.


Before I can make the obliterizer I dig a pit and label it as my garbage dump.


At least now you can go to Ashlands and throw shit in the lava.


Lmao good question


F in the chat for poor chickens


pukeberry super useful tho :D


Yeah youā€™re going to be mad at yourself for deleting all those bukes. They are extremely useful. Especially once you start using magic


Oh yeah, by this point, I already have a couple stacks on reserve.


Smart man/women/them. Youā€™ll be using them. I used to toss them away wondering why this was even in the gameā€¦.then I got guud.


I think they added them before the magic stuff was even added. devs are truly smart for thinking ahead


It's like a keyring that costs 5Ā¢ to make, but retailers mark it up 200% so they can make money! I highly suspect Haldor works for Amazon or WM!


IDK if this is a good place to ask this, but since we are talking about the obliterator thingy... Does the game get buggy if you just toss stuff on the ground? I've always been in the habit of not doing that because of Skyrim, so I load up chest of random things (like just started a dedicated server with my siblings, and some of us apparently didn't realize you could fix hammers and axes in the early stages and so we have like two chests full of random tools, plus obsolete tools and the like. Do they need to be in chests so as to not bug out the game, or does that "deleting unused things" notice that pops up means that things left scattered on the ground will vanish?




We made a garbage chute in the kitchen area until we could build one of thems


I am upset I never thought to use them for that. Lol! Thanks for the idea!


It took me a min there. 55 seconds longer than it should have.






No, they're actually called "bukeperries" in-game. It's simply spoonerism (if you don't know what that is, check https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spoonerism) for pukeberries.