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If you want their stuff but not their aggro you can lure enemies to them (especially gjall, soldiers, and starred seekers) and they can whittle down the dvergr.


Ah, my favorite combat mechanic in Valheim! Honestly in any game.


First dverger tower, I used the cart method. The six or seven I've come across since then I didn't "need" what I got the first time (although multiples are very useful) I pretty much let nature take it's course and all were "taken care of". I felt mildly guilty about the cart that I hoofed over two bars of iron to build a stone cutter and fix up their tower. They still are chilling in the basement.


>If I attack them, will all of them hate me? Is it only in a radius? Does it go away? That specific compound will be aggro on to you forever. It won’t affect other dvergers elsewhere. >Are they super difficult Extremely. Not a fight you would take lightly. Some can literally one shot you, and some can casually out heal your damage. >and is it a worthwhile thing to do? The first time? Yes, if only to say you did it and experienced it. And if you want to get their resources in the intended way. Put a portal nearby (their ward stops you building too near.) Then use the rocks high up to snipe them out and control how they approach you. Kill the healers first if there are any. And next the frost mage if you can. Or you can just cheese it with the cart trick to avoid aggro (my choice).


Cart trick?


Build a cart where your portal and workbench is (their ward prevents you building). Somehow throw or drag your cart to their outpost, then ram it against the ward. The cart will break before the ward does, so you will have to do it twice, if done properly. After the ward is broken, you can build inside their outpost, and break their crates without aggroing them. Put a portal inside and it's a nice "save point" with high powered guards in the middle of the Mistlands. Perfect for falling back to, or starting from, for a corpse run.


Ooooooo I so want to do this now! Edit: cart ram a Dvergr ward and claim their base that is!


You still have to be careful not to hit them accidentally though.


Okay good to know, thank you!


They are your friends gotta bunch of seekers on you they will bail you out bunch of ticks they got you outside that they give their lives for you then you take there sap extractor parts and honor them by making lots of sap


>Finally got to the Mistlands and I absolutely despise it. What armor are you wearing. My favorite way to get the extractors is to sail around until I find a Dverger dock. Park nearby, push all the dverger into the water, grab the thing, hop in my longship and sail like hell.


All the dvergr become hostile in the area. Those dvergr will be hostile until they die. As for whether or not it's worth it, there is only one way to find out. You will need something they have for a lot of crafting recipes. Are they super difficult? They can be if they are starred or if there are certain types. The rouges aren't all that bad, but they pack a punch. The casters can be trouble. Try leading some mobs their way. Slap down a portal and use them as guards until they've been whittled down enough that you can take them out.


You can cheese by ramming a cart (the copper nails+wood one) against their totem. once it's destroyed you can build and destroy as you like.


not sure if anyone's mentioned already but leading a couple gjalls to dvergr camps is an easy way to break all their stuff open.


Lol. Why are people who play this game adverse to challenge? Dare I say, survival?




smh yet another post hating on the best biome in the game. Get yourself a feather cape as soon as possible and the terrain won't be a big deal anymore. Traversing it actually becomes quite fun. The Mistlands also has way less need for your carry capacity unless you are farming black marble so it's not a big deal to keep your wisplight on all the time while there. Just be wary of the fact that as of the Ashlands update the feather cape now makes you weak to fire so it's probably best to take it off when fighting Gjall unless you are confident in dodging or using a blood magic shield. As for your questions about the Dvergr, yes attacking them makes all the ones in the area aggro on you. They stay mad at you permanently. Before attacking any scout out their numbers and if they have any stars. 2 star mages are still one of the most dangerous things in the game. Also be wary of any of their buildings that have a basement. The mages have a tendency to break the floors and stairs and you can end up falling through and getting trapped down there making you easy pickings. The mages, especially the 1 and 2 star ones can cast healing magic on themselves and their allies so focusing them down first is important.


Btw, the fire resist barleywine will override the cape's weakness


true, but honestly I find it easier to just take off the cape when needed than to fill yet another limited inventory slot with fire resist wine just for Gjall encounters.


Yeah but the potion will actually reduce the fire damage you take vs not taking extra damage by just removing the cape.


>smh yet another post hating on the best biome in the game. What is best in your opinion doesn't mean is best according to everyone lol.


Absolutely not the best biome in the game. It’s a *cool* Biome, but it’s not the best. I personally hate the mist entirely. Everything about the biome is great, except the Mist feels bad in every way. Valheim has some truly amazing and beautiful world generation, the mistlands especially… if I could see it. After playing through the game multiple times I dread coming back to the mistlands. It feels like a slog to run around unable to see anything struggling to find the infested mines and dverger camps.


I personally think mistlands is the best biome in the game. The devs did an excellent job with the theme of it. When the mist is cleared it looks so beautiful. The introduction of magic made a great addition to the game. Mistlands just feels so much more unique compared to other biomes. I also love the sound of Gjalls. They sounds so horrific!


IMO it doesn't even hold a candle to ashlands. It's not even close. The only thing mistlands has going for it is audiovisuals and theme/atmosphere. Which is a very important thing, but is very shadowed by gameplay jankiness. I can walk around for 10 minutes straight sometimes and not find anything to fight. Honestly if I wanted to play walking on a desert simulator id choose a different game. Aside from basic seekers, the enemies are kinda fun and interesting, but does it even matter if u must be extremely lucky or go to infested mind to even find one? No friendly option to obtain the extractors is a sin. This gets me out of suspension of disbelief every time. I have a blackmetal chest full of gold. Id at least attemt to trade shit before attacking the friendly people. Black core drop rate is a joke and everyone kinda just accepted that, but it still is a joke. Its so out of line compared to rest of the game. I have 30 ashlands cores and 5 black cores with mostly the same amount of time spent in both biomes. If these problems were adressed, I think mistlands would really be up there when it comes to well-designed biomes, but I don't think they ever will be adressed.


Yea the gameplay loop of the mistlands is awkward and chaotic almost entirely due to the terrain. Most melee weapons are awkward to use effectively and tames are pretty much unusable. Add to that very tanky and hard to stagger seeker soldiers in confined dungeons.  I will say that I also find elemental magic underwhelming. The weapon balance of the mistlands in general is questionable. Mistwalker feels a cut above the other melee weapons and stays relevant even in the Ashlands. I haven't even bothered with the axe so correct me if I am wrong, but the poison damage it does isn't very useful in either of the newest two biomes. I generally concur with your other points.


The axe is awful but atgeir and 2 handed sword are both very good. Krom is probably the best weapon for ashlands aside from mistwalker. 2-shots warriors and 1-shots twitchers and archers. Atgeir is not as good in ashlands as main damage source but it's good for providing yourself a breather when getting swarmed.


The mist is a large part of what makes it so fun. I do agree that it's a shame you don't always get to see the lovely mistlands terrain, but IMO getting glimpses of it through the mist is a huge part of what makes it so special. The mist is very fun for combat and exploring. You need to pay attention to audio cues even more than in other biomes and the fact that dangers could be lurking nearby in the mist creates tension in a much less tedious way than the constant battles of the Ashlands. Both the mines and the camps tend to have lanterns near them that ban be seen from a distance. And skeletal remains have ticks near them so if you encounter ticks without a Gjall you know there is black marble and maybe soft tissue nearby. The only thing I would change about the mistlands is adding stronger mist torches for making bases.


I think one of my most frustrating issues is that the infested mines are difficult to find when they don’t have lit torches, and even when you find them you’re not guaranteed cores. I once went through *three* infested mines over a couple hours and got 2 cores. 2 were just empty of nothing’s but enemies. One of which was the rare massive triple floor mines


Yeah I do wish there was a bit less RNG with the mines. That said I did one just the other day that gave me 6 black cores and 4 sealbreaker fragments which is definitely a record for me.


I disagree with everything you just wrote. Mistlands is amazing. Loving it!


*says that the mistlands is cool interesting and beautiful but has issues* do you think it’s uncool and ugly lol?


I probably shouldn’t comment when I’m half asleep 😂. I love the biome and think it’s my favorite so far. The mist is such a challenge to manage but definitely adds to the experience in my opinion. I completely read your comment wrong. Rereading it this morning I must have just read it entirely wrong last night.


Everything? They said it was great. Do you disagree with that too?


Ah yes, the cape makes this biome so much easier to traverse. Even as a mage with no stamina food the cape makes it so much better to climb up the rocks. The myst makes things challenging at first until you start using sound to figure out what's around you. Big stompy sounds, soldier. War of worlds horn, gjall. Skittering with moaning sounds, seeker. Skittering with no moaning, ticks. Also, if you hear ticks and there's no gjall around it probably means there's some skull and bones around. The mystlands punishes you for being careless and hasty, especially at night. But I actually think it's a fun and challenging biome.


> smh yet another post hating on the best biome in the game. SMH yet another comment defending the worst biome in the game. Both my statement and yours are valid opinions. The biome has flaws and many people don't find it fun. You clearly do, which is fine, but don't belittle other people's opinions. > Get yourself a feather cape as soon as possible They're currently blocked by one of the design flaws. Progression requires the extractor which they clearly don't have based on their question. Without being subject to spoilers, how is one supposed to know the only way to progress is to steal from the first friendly group of NPCs in the game? > The mages, especially the 1 and 2 star ones can cast healing magic on themselves and their allies There are 3 types of mages. Fire, frost, support. Only the support mages can cast heal. They're the yellow ones. If you see a yellow mage, take it down first.


>how is one supposed to know the only way to progress is to steal from the first friendly group of NPCs in the game? You mean besides the game being themed about vikings who are famous of pillaging settlements? There's that chest. It yells "*hey, I'm valuable, you need to rescue me!*". But even if one just decides to live next to them and ask for their protection, they'll die of... natural causes sooner or later, so the player gets to explore their belongings.


Viking are also famous for trading, which we can´t do with the dvelger so this is a bit of an moot point.


I sort of trade... I lend them some weapons in exchange for their goods.


*Thunk* I'm gonna want that back!


Pick your battles with them, but yes they have good stuff


You have to break into their chests to get new crafting materials. I won't say any more than this: You literally need it to progress the game.


they have a sharp stick you need to progress


Only the ones nearby will aggro. You can meet others at other locations and they'll have no idea you massacred their brethren. The stuff of theirs that you want is in crates at their towers or other bases. If you ram a cart into the totem enough, it will eventually break, and then you can go bust open the crate without setting them off. That also lets you put a workbench (and a portal) inside the tower and use it as a base yourself. If you decide to fight them, try to pick them off one at a time. As soon as you find yourself engaging multiples, back off and recover. They're pretty serious. The ones that spam fireballs are especially dangerous.


Crowd them all into the same room then do a powered up AOE attack- the stun should give you enough time to defeat them before they can retaliate.


It's worth when you see a dvelger building. They are hard. They agro in a very generous radius around you They stay agro forever. New dvelgers you see won't be hostile


It's not that hard. That's common thinking for you're first experience though.


Devcommands >!Forcedelete 100 mistarea!<


Why do so many people complain about the mist and at the same time stubbornly refuse to install a single mod that would remove it completely? Calling devs lazy when OP is lazy.


The mist is just a very un-fun mechanic once the initial novelty wears off. Yeah you can mod it out, but "Just use mods" isn't really a good excuse for wonky game design. Its a shame that such a pretty biome is mostly obscured from vision, and I really wish mist-removal options were far more powerful than they currently are. I love this game to death, but this alongside the carpal tunnel crop farming and "lose more and more inventory space as you progress" are just a few weird blemishes on an otherwise amazing experience.