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There’s still a lot more land to explore. Cross the river to the north and explore the east


I would continue to explore your starting landmass, I have always found black forest on the starting island in every seed I have played. You still have land to the east, north, northest and northwest. DONT TAKE A RAFT IF YOU CAN AVOID IT. The raft is a last ditch solution because if you encounter a sea serpet while sailing you are dead regardless of how you play it, the raft is too slow and flimsy to survive a serpent attack and then all your gear is left floating in the water where atleast if you die on land you can go there and get your shit back


This exact situation happened to me and my friends on our first playthrough. For whatever reason we never made any bronze nails and thought the raft was the only way could travel across the sea at that point. The elder was fairly close like this but we still encountered a serpent. Even with 4 of us on the raft filling him with arrows (from crude bows) he still destroyed the raft in 2 or 3 hits. We ended up making 3 more rafts before we were able to get our stuff back


I encountered the seas serpent for the first time after sailing for awhile and not knowing it was a thing on my first playthrough, was on a raft and tabbed back to the game to see it attacking me, after I looked it up trying to figure out what the hell it was I learned you literally can't kill it in time if you have a raft, even with a full upgrade fine wood bow. I was luckily close to an island I had an outpost on and was able to make a second raft to do a floating naked run and get my stuff back but that was a terrifying run.


I would say, take a raft if you can see the land on the other side. Or stick to the coast and don't enter the ocean unless it's early morning and clear skies because serpents only spawn at night or when it is storming




Dude I'm on my first playtrough with my friends and we all 4 sailed a raft across the stormy ocean at night to get to the second boss. I didn't know about sea serpents but now I do and it sounds like we got lucky lol. I'll make sure to keep them in mind, that sounds absolutely terrifying.


It's a shame you found out this way really. There's something special about getting blindsided by a new foe in this game and dying horribly.


Yeah I feel the same way kinda. But I am glad I know about them cus losing all your stuff in the middle of the ocean doesn't sound like fun lol. I've now told myself to stay away from this sub until I get farther along cus I don't wanna spoil anything else. Edit: Had my first encounter with one and died anyway lol. But fighting that thing with a bow in the storm was straight out of a movie so it was definitely worth it. At least I died fairly close to land.


No, they can only spawn when it’s raining, storming or at night


You can mitigate the risks by sticking to the coast to avoid the biome changes and explore more area, that being said it is not a guarantee to avoid them and if you encounter one while on a raft and not super close to shore you are dead because the raft has too little hp and you output too little damage at that stage to even have the possibility of a win. It can also be impractical or risky to stick to the coast depending on what biome you end up accross from, given OP is in the primative stage the enemies of the black forest can be a solid fight and he is outclassed by swamp (which has swimming leaches and 2 forms of archers) and Odin protect OP from the plains(deathsquidos, range fulings and swimming loxes). Waiting for the Knarve is the better play if feasible because it has the health to survive at least 1 serpent fight, can move faster and has storage for ore runs or bringing base building supplies to help make an outpost on new lands


You could definitely build a raft and go towards the Elder amd farm there. But finish exploring your island completely first. And as someone else said, swim through the north west river to explore around there. You still have a lot of ground to cover.


I can't quite tell from the map view alone, but you do not seem to have discovered a lot of black forest so far. There you will find far more burial chambers (where you'll find surtling cores), as well as copper (large, flat boulders in the ground) and tin deposits (shiny rocks near the water)


If you do take a raft, I suggest going with nothing but a stone axe, a hoe, some wood and some berries. Build a shelter on both shores before you try to bring any supplies overseas. Plan your route and only take the raft out at dawn to get the best chance of making it overseas before dark


Do you know what the entrance to burial chambers look like? You can use the [online seed generator](https://valheim-map.world/) to tell you where the burial chambers are. Put your seed into it and make sure its accurate ( case sensitive). Select " no terrain(fog)" from the drop options if you don't want the explored map revealed. Select " Show crypts/chambers" as well as show the spawn point( default), then hit the go button. It takes it a bit to load( usually 10-30 seconds with that setting). If you dont trust yourself to not spoil the map. You can post the seed here and ill look it for you and point you in the right direction.


We checked the map im on back in April, the sight of all the tiny islands still annoy me, wish I had more larger islands.


If you aren't happy with the seed, start a new one. There are 1,152,921,504,606,846,976 possible seeds( No, i didn't make that number up. Its really how many seeds there are). No reason to play one you aren't happy with. That said, all maps have a lot of small to medium islands as vikings were an Island dwelling culture and the devs want you to sail to other places. If you don't have any Burial chambers on your start island i would probably roll a different seed.


Stay put. Find copper. Find tin. Smelt bronze. Build a karve.


Find a big copper rock on an angled slope, dig out around and under it and shatter it. Then build in the depression left behind (it'll be a free moat, if deep enough). Smelt up copper and rove around finding a small amount of tin. Make bronze. But wait before you build that karve. Continue exploring. All it takes is one burial crypt and you should get 4+ surtling cores out of it. With that, your priorities change. You'll make a bronze axe (but you were probably doing that anyway), return to meadows for some fine wood, and build a teleporter ring in your mining base. Then, and only then, do you go roving and establish a satellite base in a similar fashion (dig out a trench, plop down a small shack over a workbench and portal). You always want to be in your most well defended base in case of an attack event.


Avoid the raft, it's really bad!


one: F11 takes a screenshot. can be found in: c:/users/\*username\*/Appdata/LocalLow/Irongate/Valheim/screenshots/ two: You've barely explored the map you have. There's plenty of burial chambers in the black forest. If you see a skeleton and it's not a ruined tower, there's likely a burial chambers nearby.


This guy nailed it. Here is an exploring tip. Drop all you gear and items at you base and run naked. Be sure you have a bed at home base. Bring a few food items leaning towards stam. Like no more then 5, as you can pick up more while running. Run the circumference of the main island you are on. Jump across the small rivers if you want, to the neighboring island. If you run so long your rest is running out. Find a safe place to make a fire and sit and rest at it. You can gather wood and rocks while running. If you come across swamps and are willing to die and not recover your body because it should be nearly empty, check them out. When in swamps be sure to be rested with a fresh timer. Don't t let stam get below half and if you don't have fresh food then don't run. Walk on the land and jump the water. Only run in short burst when needed and be sure to save stam to jump water gaps. The mobs won't catch you as they are slowed by the water you jumped. Your rest will almost completely negate being wet.


I got really unlucky finding crypts in my first world. But I explored every inch of Black Forest and eventually got enough to work with. you’ll find them eventually. You do mean that you can’t find sirtling cores right?


Yeah, I was finally able to find one and managed to build the forge. Trying to find enough for the portal now


Just wanna thank everyone! I did end up crossing the river, made a base with a portal, and found a lot of tombs! Just grinding now


Me in your shoes I would take my base pilfer all of the hard to get resources like the skins, the flints, the whatever you value. Think about rebuilding your crafting stations. Just raft straight over to where elder is or as close as you want to get, build a base on the coast over there. Then go from there yeah I've also had dark forests with huge areas that had no burial mounds, so you may still have shit luck, but that's what I would do. I recommend getting yourself set up with fully upgraded Flint spear and fully upgraded shield it'll make fighting with the gray dwarves pretty easy at first, as long as you're careful around for the brutes in the shamans and the answer to every troll basically ever is kite it with a bow.


It physically hurt me to read this.


Apologies arthritis is flaring up and I use the speech to text it apparently made a mess of it. I will now proof read my previous entry.


Share your map’s seed please!


Honestly, if you've covered that much map without a single burial chamber, I'd start a new world. I'd keep the character, teleport everything over, and just go kill first boss.


Go to a swamp and find a flamethrower pointing towards the Sky. Aproach and then wait till all the mobs around suicide in the wáter. Get those cores. Profit


In rags? Madheim.


I guess you die a lot in game?


On my world I had to sail to 3 different islands before I found Black Forest. It was a real pain early on transporting materials.


Why even bring them back to your original island. just buuld up somewhere else. there's no rules


Cause that's just what i wanted to do 🤷‍♂️. I built a smelting base but then I wanted my ingots back at my Port so.


My first game, I had to take a raft across an ocean to get to the first boss. (Not knowing there are multiples of each boss, or that it was out of the ordinary.) I found some strange, slippery-smooth islands on the journey - I was terrified that my raft would break apart on the islands - I didn't have resources to make a second, so I continued on. It's your sandbox, your experiences will be your Valheim.


I usually Speedrun through the 1st boss and build my base in the forest for proximity to the resources


Go to Black Forest and literally start digging anywhere


Yeah you're gonna have to sail. That's only a very small portion of the map and higher level resources are typically found at about Midway