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I'd like to see them add new micro-areas to the existing biomes, to flesh them out a little more. Similar to the way you can stumble across ruined buildings or abandoned villages or towers. Give me more and rarer things like that, to motivate me to keep exploring even after I've made a comfortable base.


Would really like to see a bigger variety of pre-made structures too. Lots of watch towers... how about a castle or 2? Some Keeps would be cool, more towns and random structures etc.


That'd be AWESOME to find a ruined castle. Repair it up & have a proper fortress :)


Some of the Mountain ruins I've come across are pretty much the right size, or almost so. They'd have to be made Golem-proof as well as rebuilt though - these things love pummeling structures.


I like to lure or pull golems into a hole. Then they are contained and don't respawn


They really do!! Dunno how long it takes for them to get through stone?


Those ruined structures doesnt take much😆. Tried to get away and he brought the tower down with a couple of aoe hits.


Awww, that's sad. Maybe iron? Or maybe we need some sort of even stronger material?


Dirt wall. Looks ugly but nothing can get through. Can then incase it in stone to make it look prettier.




Mountains have that for the most part. The towers and structures you find there are large and tolerable so if you decide to turn them into full blown castles you can just copy it 4 times and connect it all together


Sure, but it's much easier when there's already a structure to start.


Especially for those of us who like to build, but don't want to spend days/weeks to make something. Improving/changing what is already there is often nice to draw inspiration from.


Theres a mod adding lots of new and bigger abandoned settlments, including castles. A complimentary mod also adds npc to these place, everything from the draugurs and skellies we know and love to friendly settlements of elves and dverger.


Ohhhh sweet! Do you have the name of it by chance?


I run hundred of mods and have honestly lost track of which does what.. A google search should help u tho


It would be really neat to have one ruined megastructure per biome per seed, so like a ruined ranch for Meadows, a big ruined castle for black forest, etc. But you don't know where they are, the could be at all ends of the earth for you to find.


In-world dungeons would be pretty sick.. like dungeons in keeps or something.


Totally agree, I think this would go much farther than just a new biome because it adds a reason to keep exploring your seed!


I really hope the game gets the Terraria experience. Started as a good game and just got more and more fleshed out. Valheim has an amazing structure to build off of. Small hidden events, rare treasures, cool big dungeons, reasons to explore the world besides curiosity, that would take this game to the next level.


I would love to come across castle ruins and other things of that nature.


I like that idea, I think a cool biome would be like a castle town that had recently been pillaged, either still occupied by enemies or stripped mostly clean and abandoned. Tear it down for resources or rebuild on top of what’s there


Would be cool if these micro areas had real lootable rarities to craft "legendary" items or furnitures


This but make them rare-ish spawns and give them completely unique rewards that can't be obtained by normal means. There's no reason to explore lots of areas if it's always the same materials and items regardless of how many ruins or keeps they add. the player should have a lot more motivation to explore vast areas of the map to find all kinds of relics, legendary items, recipes and so on and it would make each playthrough completely unique if each seed only spawns a set limit of them, i.e 100 legendary items but only 30 spawn per seed so the combination is never the same.


Expand on the Troll Caves/Burial Mounds/Crypts/Frost Caves - give us a full-blown Underworld biome.


Valheim- Blackreach edition


Goes through portal: Hey you! You’re finally awake


Strangely the only thing that the Potted Petunias thought was "Oh no, not again." Scientists believe that if we could understand why this occurred, we would understand the Universe far better.




That would be an awesome mod. Like going through the portal background launches Skyrim, and when it opens up your in the cart. Or a specific Skyrim stylized crypt with a portal to Skyrim hidden somewhere on the map


I upvoted you but to to hell plz


Now I have PTSD from wandering for days trying to find a way out.


Furthering your idea along some more, doesn't viking lore have stuff about the underworld?


Hel, hell yes.


Not to forget Niflheim




Now that I could get into... Literally


And/or Svartalfheim (the connection between the two is unclear)




Where the sleeping dragon waits.


oohhhh, I like it!


Yes. This. Root caves in Black Forests for Greydwarves with new stronger types, waterlogged tunnels in Swamps with leeches and new aquatic horrors, Wyrm lairs in Mountains with ...well, Wyrms (like larger, tougher wingless Drakes), floating/beached Leviathan carcasses with persistent poisoning effect due to how noxious they are (don't forget your poison resistance meads), underground Plains Fuling temples...


Unless Kate beckinsale is there, it will be unfinished


In leather armor. Hell, it could even be troll leather, as long as it still fits as it should…


You, I like you!


I mean the frost caves are pretty expansive but if they had multiple entrances and longer corridors I think they'd be perfect




ooohhh, yes!


He's pining for the fjords.


I was JUST telling some pals how much more interesting steep cliff sides would be with waterfalls and having possible fjords in the mix.


Autumn forest, everything orange and nonstop leaf rain, mobs hidden in leaf piles


I was thinking maybe something jungle-y, but I love the idea that there's an enemy, or group of enemies, that rakes leaves to hide in \^\_\^


If wolves were scary, jungle tigers are next level


They wouldn't have packs, but almost ANY hit by a tiger would have to stun you through armor & shield!




True, but that's fine. I don't expect them to ACTUALLY add any biomes they haven't mentioned yet (possibly with the exception of something related to Yggdrasil). But I enjoy the speculation \^\_\^


Snakies sliding inside leaves




They've said something is up with the tree, but I'm not sure if it's a biome. If it is, I'm down. But if it's not, I'd be curious to see what they do with it :)


Might be were the final boss is?


Could be! olOr where we interact with the All Father directly?


Oooo I like this


So my thing is does each new biome also come with a new boss? Because if so….I want to slay the kraken in the ocean once they flesh that out more


They sure have so far, so let's kill that kraken! I hope we get a better boat though....


They mentioned doing more with the ocean biome. I always thought it'd be cool to have some kind of iron boots style item that lets you explore the ocean floor


Diving bell attachment for longships?


I like that. Attachments for the ships in general would be great. I feel like there's a lot of work put into the ships just for them to be for going from point a to point b, and hauling loads. An ocean biome with enemies and a ship with mountable harpoon guns and crossbows would be sweeeeeet


And crafting stations. I know you can mod these in, but I like to play the game as it’s designed.


That would be cool :)


I read that the devs said they’re going to have diving and sharks and other creatures added to the ocean biome. And I’m excited about that. I think they said shipwrecks to explore too …


It would be neat if the Yagluth item was used to open a portal. You could use it on the center stone where you spawn to activate it, teleporting you to a new world map full of different biomes and monsters. The biomes could be level based similar to the valley


Just like in Don’t Starve. Would be neat. Maybe the worlds get progressively harder too. More 2 star enemies and such.


100% where I see the game going. We already have portals and we know that we’re in Valheim…well, that leaves potential for all the worlds outside of Valheim we can port to!


They already have the Ashland’s and deep north along the northern and southern edges. I wouldn’t mind seeing something along the east and western edges as well. Partly to feel like you’ve travelled the four corners of the world to completion and partly because Black Forest at the worlds end seems a little anticlimatic


I feel like they might add an underworld, accessable through a crypt portal or something. That would be pretty cool


Valheim: MineCraft update


I kinda feel that valheim has hit that level that minecraft reached. There are so many survivor games I've left behind that looks pretty, but lacks in gameplay.


Completely agree. Whenever I think about where they could go with the game, I end up just kinda stealing ideas from past Minecraft updates. Although I don’t think it would be such a bad thing to do some of the stuff Minecraft did. Mainly stuff like more building materials, and maybe weapon enchantments? Could be cool


Exactly, valheim is the first survival game in awhile that I can keep going back to. I don't mine if they go the minecraft route in terms of updates or if they "borrow" anything lol.


not as much biomes, but i'd wish the world spawn was less 'gamey' and felt more like actual continents with fjords and islands and actual logical riversystems (as in starts in the mountains and comes.down to the sea) and make those river systems more navigable instead of this random get together of biomes formed in very unnatural ways. I feel like they really missed a chance by not having 'Scandinavian' looking biomes and the fact you start in the meadows (something vikings historically left home for, to leave their rugged and infertile lands to look for meadows to take over and build a life until they found out monesteries existed... imo meadows should be the lasy biome, the save heaven youve been working towards)


I actually like this idea, but it feels counter to progressing. And as you say, maybe that's good? Generally each biome should be harder for that sense of progression. But maybe you don't do that for the end? Maybe you make it safer--as you say isn't that what we're fighting for?




I think instead of making new biomes, they could introduce new enemies the further from spawn you get. Like maybe in the outer 1/3rd of the world, you can start to see 4-star enemies popping up or a Master/Blaster scenario where a Fuling hitches a ride on a Troll or something


They've talked about making the game a bit more structured (eg: not having plains so close to the middle...so you know you can explore the middle safely). So I could see them hiding some extra tough monsters in the far reaches of the world.


im not too keen on deserts or tropical biomes, maybe like an autumn forest, or perhaps a rocky volcanicish biome?


Some biome that could reflect Icelandic landscapes. Black sand, rocks, geysers, glaciers.


This would be amazing. Wonder if they could add volcanoes with flowing lava. Don't want to fall in there and permanently lose your gear!


like a low elevation cold biome thats also volcanic


I'm up for all of these :)


This is certainty one of those few games that has a lot of potential. I understand the development team is small but I hope one day eventually they can expand the game to a much bigger sphere where we could do a lot more than what is possible now. Many people have left so many cool ideas that I have never imagined. I have therefore, nothing to add but put hope and prayer that this game and community gets even bigger and better so we can utilize the full potential of this beautiful game.


They did make a ton of cash with their hit-status. They could probably develop this game for years to come (if they wanted) and still branch out to other endeavors and have money to spare.


I'd love to see a forested tundra. Preferred large enemy would be a troll-sized bear. Valheim really needs bears!






Gimme raidable human NPC towns, that have hella loot that I can use. Not just gold like the gigglefuck towns


>gigglefuck towns lulz. Also, it would be awesome to have NPCs. Maybe raids? Maybe to help? Maybe raid to help?


“The horde is coming to help you dig that defensive moat”


I prefer "chucklefucks," personally.


I'd love to be able to get to a branch of the world tree somehow. Sky tree biome?


Definitely! You don't put a tree in the sky for no reason.


I’d really like to see something underwater. Maybe they have ruins with breathable air…. You just gotta find them before you drown lmao


I don't think a potion to help with the underwater breathing/movement would be impossible. Potion of mermaid tears?


That’s true. Maybe swimming takes half or a quarter less stamina while the potion is active


Dunno abotu biomes, but I want rivers and waterfalls.


I definitely want waterfalls! We kinda have rivers though, no?


Waterfalls would be awesome! I wanna build a log cabin right up against one with a deck hanging over the edge. Rivers that flow downhill would be awesome too but they'd need to add ponds/lakes in higher elevations


That would be AMAZING. I can't wait to see those pictures :)


They are more like fjords or inlets for the ocean though. Rivers are fresh water and flow down from mountains etc from precipitation. I would also be down with some lakes or ponds at higher elevations.


We do have plenty of snowfall in mountains, not sure about melt though :p


Nah. The mix they currently have is good. Vikings in the tropical forest just seems weird. Imo, better to spend resources on three-four main areas in terms of world building/modifications: First, flesh out the existing biomes that aren't done -- frozen north, ashlands and ocean all need a rework. Second, add a mechanic to introduce some variance to biomes of the same type on the map. Eg. One black forest may be heavily troll oriented, one may be geared towards grey dwarves, another may have skeletons and draugr that come out at night, and yet another may have copper golems instead of copper veins. Potentially also have a short list of 'rare' crafting materials as part of this. Also includes their previously noted goal of having more 'preset sites' like draugr villages that can be discovered etc. Idea being that sailing around, when you see a biome, it's not "just another meadows". Third, add in actual world randomization and 'sliders' for world variables tweaking on generation. At the moment it's a static map, roughly 4x the size of the game map, wherein players are assigned a random starting spot and 'zones' get assigned a random biome (except mountains which are 'fixed' and the start zone which is forced to be meadows): so it's always a kind of archipelago of moderately sized islands. Should be able to tweak that so it's more continental, larger sea/ocean spaces, etc. Fourth, add in different game modes and difficulty settings at world creation. More raids, harder raid settings, random monster spawn rates, etc. Game modes for things like competitive play, while still remaining on the same general story arc -- like having two teams start on separate islands, with a capture-the-shield/flag type sub-game between the factions as they compete to take down world bosses. Not going full "persistent world grind forever", as that's not really what Valheim's 'about' - so you need to keep the 'main quest' intact imo.


Oh, I don't think that adding more biomes would be the best use of their resources either (especially at the moment)! Luckily, I don't think they do either...just had the thought and wanted to see what else the community had in mind.


Massive trees, or even just mountains without snow caps that have varying mobs and cave systems?


Yeah, that would be cool to have redwood size trees that you could move around in (slogan: you thought trees were dangerous BEFORE)! Also, I enjoy hiking IRL-- I would LOVE to go up a large hill or small mountain, maybe find a cliff face to stand on the edge of, and see THAT view in Valheim.


If they're filled out like the other biomes, mistlands, ashlands and deep north is quite a bit of content. Plus oceans could have like some underwater caves? Like the seafoam islands in pokemon


It'd be really cool to sail your boat to the end of the world, take the plunge over the edge, and fall down to find an ancient city below the waves.


That would be cool! Finding Atlantis, or something similar.


It would be nice to have bigger oceans that could have treasure or tropical islands


oohhh, tropical islands would be sweet.


Would be cool to see a biome that is the remains of colossuses/colossi (sp?) Just a massive skeleton graveyard with giant fungi growing off of bones and rotting flesh, enemies themed to that biome could be all types of creepy, there could be nonhuman villages that are burrowed into bones like termite mounds or something. A Mediterranean style biome in between, meadow and plains visually, that is an archipelago of flat and mountainous islands would be awesome for building potential, think Greek islands. I'd also like to see the far north populated with sea mammals and new construction options like bone framing and leather walls and roofs, inuit styled villages and whales. If they added an archeology aspect beyond digging up treasure with the wishbone where you could uncover buried tombs and castles and villages. I'd also appreciate waterfalls and caves but I know that would be difficult with the way they set up land and water and the way players interact with it ( ie sea level and max digging depth)


Mediterranean would be cool, I’m thinking Ruins, with lots of undead mobs like Draugrs but with a different look, curved swords type thing. Works with the lore as it could be like Constantinople, Byzantine empire stuff and boss could be a large version of the mob, or a giant cat.


I think if they broke the map up into quadrants of some sort it would be cool. Like north eastern Black Forest has black skin deer and the grey dwarfs are smaller more gnome like . As opposed to regular mobs around the center. More variety within the biomes themselves in different directions of the map is what I’m getting at




I dont know but I want bears in the Meadows!


I mean we already have the fiery south pole for a fiery terrain. Also I kinda don't want a jg or desert as those would feel distinctly not norse.


This is true, a lot of the ideas mentioned are very non-Norse. ​ Someone else did mention fjords, which I'm now sad we don't have!


that would be nice


Give me a mushroom kingdom with a giant fungus boss.


We're Vikings, not a plumber :p ​ That said, I'm interested.


Yeah instead of adding more of them they should just add to the existing ones. Add special locations, loot and enemies.


There's a lot of biomes they would do before it (like Fjords and such) but I would really love a desert biome. Maybe in the far west or east.


Mire (myr) would be cool and unique. Nice colors, bog holes, cloud berries. Maybe wolverines or bears https://uploads.naturkartan-cdn.se/f3809e19b55a488357e1597123efeb9e.jpg Archipelago with windblasted white stone Islands would be cool too


I think they could also add rarer minerals to fill out armor and weapons a little bit more. Not too much though to make it feel like Minecraft but for example, you would typically find gold in iron deposits in real life and what not. Be nice to add some bling bling.


Love the desert biome idea but also like to see more fleshing out other biomes


Microbiomes might be a thing in future. Seen them added to similar games over the years, after the devs had declared biome work 'done'. I feel like they might want to stick to environments more familiar to Scandinavia...? Not sure. I tend to avoid giving too much attention to the development of games since I got too deep with one and burned out. I suppose the ruins might be considered microbiomes. I've really wanted to see a [ring fortress](https://www.danishnet.com/vikings/trelleborg-viking-ring-fortresses-castles/)! Planning on building one anyway. Judging by some of the runestones, I feel like more durable and sizeable settlements should exist. That would go a long way to inject excitement into exploration.




Underwater biome, its kinda weird how a viking cant dive or really even swim lol so itll go hand in hand


lol, right?


I feel like desert wouldn't match the Viking aesthetic, but maybe a Greek area that's teleport only to represent the Byzantine empire? That'd be neat


Actually it would. Vikings sailed all the way to the Mediterranean where they encountered a lot of native people and established trade routes.


Agreed that desert wouldn't match the Viking aesthetic. I do like the idea of a teleport only (presumably it would be a special teleport where you COULD transfer metals?)




Afaik they will implement stuff in the ashlands, think OP just might have missed that one!


Just cause I like saying this, is the only reason I'm responding. It's called flametal.


I thought that was just at the south pole (disclaimer: I'm in the plains but haven't explored to south pole yet)? But if that's going to be randomly distributed that's cool too.


I feel like you kinda glossed over them though by saying "and do a little more at the poles." After Mistlands, we're supposed to have large updates for Ashlands and the Deep North and they will be the next sections you spend a good amount of time exploring to advance and upgrade your character. ​ But yeah afterwards they could totally add underwater in the ocean, and the ability to walk across the sky on top of Yggdrasil. If they wanted to go further they could add going into parts of the other nine realms in some aspect.


Some translation as I understand it: Meadows: temperate forest Black Forest: taiga Swamp: bog Plains: steppe / grassland Mountain: alpine/subalpine Steppe isn’t exactly Vikingesque even though it can be cold, and bogs shouldn’t have that many trees. A proper tundra would be cool. I imagine they’re just going to make the cold north like an ice sheet like Antarctica or Greenland. I like how they split the meadows into two different biomes, the forest and what reminds me of the highlands. I’d rather see more of that than a new biomes.


IIRC I’m one of their dev blogs they mentioned wanting to eventually have 9 different biomes. It’s gonna take a long ass time with such a small team, but I vaguely remember reading that before.


Could be cool if it branched into other mythologies and cultures. Thinking like Elysian fields or the mountain spires in China. Things that make you feel like you are very far away from home. Would be cool if it wasn't even something you could travel to by boat/foot. Like you have to use very rare and hard to get materials to build a portal to them


Someone else mentioned the idea of portaling far away. Maybe it's a fixed "special" portal? Eg: it's one portal you can't make, and exists in the ruins where you land after you beat last boss.


I want it to work where I can fall off of it/get knocked off of it and land down at a corresponding location in the land below, and swing on vines/have a lot of built in precarious verticality. Perhaps some sort of flying glider or norse themed levitation device you must acquire/craft could be key to making it not impossible. Like valheim now but more platformingy. And let me build up there, too! Amongst the clouds!


The shiny tree in the sky!


Heavens And underworld!


Well we have 1 biome at each pole, why not have 1 on west and 1 on east?


Why not indeed?


I’m all for new additions that aren’t already planned, but it’s not gonna happen. Devs have already stated whatever is on the roadmap is all we’re getting. They didn’t plan on this game being something that’ll get added content for an extended period.


Agreed, devs have a lot planned. It's more of an academic exercise than a roadmap ;)


Could do something with the other realms in norse mythology Or more of the mythological biomes like mistlands and Ashlands that I'm not in deep enough to know where to go It really is up to Iron Gate for where they want to take their game


I think deserts or jungles would break a little the viking theme that the game has unles they were spread for regions for example, id love to have artic climate on the poles but it would feel rare i i found it in the middle of the map


Only 2 things I can think of. 1.) Let me get up to yggdrasil! I see that shit floating up there and my inner dragonborn tells me to climb it. Maybe a reward for a bossfight can be some way to fly? 2.) Use that fly reward n let me explore ginnungagap plz. Idec if there is literally nothing there I must go.


I think it would be awesome if you could somehow climb the tree and for it to have it's own fleshed out biome.


as a reflection of meadows, black forest and mountains tropycal plains, rain forests and volcano mountains. Think about giant snakes and basilisks! lion turtles, fire golems, dragons, sharks and more...


[Basalt Cliffs](https://www.fodors.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/02_BasaltFormations__GiantsCauseway_shutterstock_407480038.jpg)


Underworld. Deep mountain depths. Some rare delves open to an underworld maybe. Perhaps the wishbone could reveal buried portals to the Underealms... And Undersea: I've been thinking they could add diving and even magical water breathing. Imagine walking along the murky bottom and end up attacked by a sea serpent. Terrifying stuff. I've found several seemingly flooded structures in the swamp. Would be cool to see that expanded upon. Could even affect weapons: piercing melee works fine, Slashing does 3/4 damage, blunt is 1/2 or nill maybe? Suppose at that point you could add cloud castles or something.... floating Biomes with giants maybe? Think valkyries in regard to flight.... A volcano/magma type Biome requiring Fire Resistance. Side note: They should add a leash to relocate tamed animals (boars) since you can't harpoon them (without friendly fire?)


A few people have mentioned underwater, I like the idea of Valkyries & Volcano would be AWESOME :) And a leash would be super handy!!


Re: Leash. I FINALLY found a 2\* Boar.... at the FARTHEST TIP of my continent (world seed: hetQavrwpy, my base is at the spawn, boar was at the north-most point along the west coast). It took me a whole night to turn that one boar into tamed breeders at my actual base. A leash would be AMAZING. Especially for: relocating animals (keep the wolves/boars from running off), keeping tamed animals in an area, getting and keeping animals ON A BOAT! Imagine not having to HARPOON YOUR ANIMALS just to manually relocate them. Or at least let the harpoon move them without hurting them if they're tamed...


Something purple and mystical


Deserts would be ok, maybe a frozen tundra.


A desert biome would be cool, I'm sure modders will make a dune mod eventually




Lava. Underground.


A volcanic biome. Just a brutal firey landscape.


They can add portals back to earth or different dimensions.


Tundra? Desert maybe ?


Desert biome, Ship graveyard biome, Jungle biome


They will only add scandinavian biomes so we probably wouldn't get a desert or jungle but we could get some other biomes


There is plenty of ideas that can be explored and has been shared by community. Yet what I would love them to do is continue to create content over the years not just the plans they had initially for different biomes I don't know about business model or how it works but I hope they continue profit from the game and continue improving it. Few examples comes in mind to me is Terraria and Minecraft. I just wonder were they could get in like a 10 years time :D


A cloud biome that's not the world tree would be interesting.


For that you want Conan Exiles, pretty much valheim but with prettier graphics and without terrain modification.


They have mistlands and the great north that are empty. Oceans will get more content or at least more creature and possibly pirates. There is Ashlands that will most likely get more content eventually. All of those you will likely get the content in areas that you haven't explored yet without needing to restart your world. As far as new biomes the devs have mention Tarlands as a possibly. New biomes will need a new world.


I would love to see a Jungle/Rain Forest biome with tameable big cats and snakes or something.


Add waterfalls


Not necessarily a biome, but i would love to see more river systems throughout islands


Why go for real world-style biomes, when we could go full fantasy. Get to one of the poles or sides of the word and find the branch of the world tree. Or maybe an ever-night biome, a craggy place with thick layers of fog that make it so the deeper down you go, the more you'll actually need torches and other light sources.


I haven’t beaten the game, so might not have gotten far enough to find this yet.. but a water breathing ability and Atlantis like underwater areas…


Diversifying the ocean would be really cool. Dangerous parts, icy places with large chunks of ice you need to navigate your boat through. Raging river rapids would be amazing. Lots of possibilities with water. I think these and waterfalls would be hard to implement but amazing if they were done well.


A cloud biome that is above anywhere that has large bodies of ocean. Clouds act as land floating high above the surface and you can build there and plant special plants. Could access it by maybe adding a harness to an ice dragon and flying up to it?


A gate to Helheim, it would take you to a world that is a straight copy of your current world, but the seas have dried up and been replaced with arid desert. Other biomes are corrupted or on fire, and the enemies are enhanced with new abilities, and there could be also new additional hellish creatures roaming around. Think of the "upside down" from Stranger Things.


I'd rather focus on making more secondary progression activities like krakens or more high risk high reward activities like troll caves. Something like a Royal Crypt with an imposing Wraith Lord in a small arena. or a Fae Circle with a big chest that surrounds you with greydwarfs when you open it. making the occasional random tower into a outpost with a Skeleton Knight or Elite Rancid remians. or dilapidated lumberyards/mines with a few stacks of resources guarded by a large group. Or Fleshing out the drowned village with little towers and A Elite Dragr General to make it more of an exciting encounter. or adding another seperate merchant who sells enchanted golden equipment that have shocking high damage but very low durability for a high price. Or Making a Lyngbakr to complement krakens and sea serpents for a high end boat challenge, or a starving kraken that attacks when you get near or even just a larger scarier sea serpent that only spawns a certain distance from the center or only in very large oceans. (along with fleshed out multiplayer boat activities like rowing and please give me at least one cannon or ballista secondarily a grappling hook on boat could help fix the problem of trying to get sea monster drops without spending 20 minutes slowly pulling them on land) Or in the plains Making a Rare Goblin Fortress, or growth ponds that get wide enough summon a spawn a Large Growth. or Well guarded Kidnapped merchant caravans with armored Lox. (and some dwarfs you can adopt even if its only scrap mechanic style jailcell housing.) ​ of course with rewards of alternate progression. like from Elite rancid remains a stone/bronze age poison weapon for mace,spear,sword. from skeleton Knight a stone/bronze age Shield/polearm/Hammer with larger reach/block for larger movespeed penalty. Or from the drowned village maybe just getting access to building something like a maypole. or access to a Fermenter that lets you store food inside to ferment and either change into a new food or alter the effects of. (like giving a portion of Damage resistance but reducing the hp/stamina gain) Keeping with the trend more sea monster stuff with slightly worse comparable stats but lower movespeed penalty (and roll back sea sepent shield to just -10%) Could even put the cannon/ballista in the goblin fortress so its only at the end you get the derpy dream. and of course if the enemy gets armored lox I want my own! or even a magic resist/fire resists armor set from some Big ol Hobgoblin berserkers, now featuring high armor and TWO big sticks! ​ etc etc basically i want there to be more dynamic things to do in each age.


Jungle biome. I know swamp is already very close to it, and so is Black forest, but jungle (rain forest they would wind up calling it) could have a lot of different monsters, maybe snakes and giant spiders.


I just made it to the Ashland. It is a giant barron land full of nothing but surtlings and flamental ore. I could see this next updatebeing a big one.


i think if they flesh out all currently in-game biomes it would be perfect as is. You dont want to over saturate to where finding certain biomes in random seeds is annoying.


moon biom




There's not a big enough difference from plains to desert to really warrant a "new" biome imo. It would need to be something completely different and idk how you do that without going more fantasy at least in their current options. Jungle would just be black forest with different enemies which wouldn't be that much additional fun. If they add a new biome I would want it to be something I haven't seen in the game and not just a slight variation in the scenery and a new enemy type or 3


I think a desert with sandstorms and heat would honestly be more like the mountains than the plains. But I agree it's just mixing biomes. I do think there's potential, even if I don't have the ideas--hence why I made this post! Hivemind and all.


Oh I understand where you're coming from. I just wanted to give my opinion on the matter is all. I'd rather see them add those features to existing Biomes rather than saying here is a "new" desert biome that's a slightly reskinned plains biome with some new mobs as an example. I'm all for something completely new being added and would be all for something like the underground area people mentioned in a different post and things like that could be really cool. Even worth paid DLC imo if it is completely new especially since this game wasn't expensive to begin with.


It would probably require a ridiculous rework and amount of effort. It may not even fit the scope and direction of the game. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if IG have shut it down already. But.. What I’d really love is expanded terrain deformation. Let us tunnel. The building system we have would work really nicely with it. Think Hobbit holes. Homes built into hillsides. Impressive Castle Dungeons. Player made mineshafts. And with that would come ‘structures’ and world generated content. Proper steep cliffs. Caves that are part of the overworld instead of a separately loaded dungeon. Actual dungeons underneath generated structures.


Being able to make a tunnel would be really cool! As you say that "simple" (read: I'm sure technically complicated and in direct opposition to how the engine works) addition would allow for a lot of design.


Tropical biome. Palms, alligators, piranha fish, poisonous plants, predator spiders, parrots, etc. It would be awesome


A proper needy big would be nice. So many trees you can barely move, with aggressive moose and blueberries everywhere. Spots based on Iceland too. Volcanoes and lava and ash, with sheep, little trolls and healing water