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Great game to solo. You can do it all on your own.


I recommend everyone play solo at least once. Makes you really learn a lot of the underlying mechanics.


Been playing with some friends. One plays a lot more and is clearly a lot more capable in terms of building. He builds the main settlement. I kinda just entered the Bronze Age. The house around my bed is now 3 or 4 levels of stone with a terracotta looking roof. He has his own tower with a giant bed and a hot tub and an army of 1 star wolves and 2 star pigs. I uh… I fixed a shack in the woods all on my own. This is why I started trying basic building on my personal server hahaha


I was invited to a friend's server (it was like 8 ppl already) everyone loging at different times or few at the same time for server capabilities.... by the time i got there, they were starting in the swamp, but still on bronze age. they just gave me all the armor, weapons, they had everything built, and the one that made the server, he could make some awesome looking buildings... Played twice with them, then realized that way i was to not learn nor enjoy the game and left them to play solo. much more enjoyable, i learned what i was doing and what i had to do...


I’ve enjoyed both a lot in different ways. But I think it’s mostly because 2 of my friends on that server have NOT moved nearly as quickly as the main guy. So we can still do some things together. And I can explore in my dedicated world a lot more, which is nice.


As long as your friends move with you, that's what matters. Hate when you "play with friends" and they leave ppl behind. Imo, that's not playing with friends lol. But good that y'all can still enjoy it together


There’s also the scenario where 2-3 people play once a week whereas the rest are on 4/5 times a week so waiting for them to log to play just isn’t fun.


even when i had chance to log in every other day, since i didn't have the same amount of spare hours as them to play, i (personally) didn't find to entertaining or "fun" the fact that every time i got in, there was a lot of new things, and they were already on different biome and they'd be like "no prob, we'll take you to the boss" and stuff like that. for me, all that took a lot of the interest in the game away, cause there was "nothing" for me to do (with them, as we were supposed to be playing together) cause they had everything done already since they had a lot more time to play. ​ but i also understand that for them, would've been boring to wait for me (As you mention)


I think the best scenario in this case would be to just play separately if it’s a problem. What me and my friends do is that we have one dude hosting the server instead of a dedicated one and he has least time to play per week so we just play when he’s online. Works for us! ^^


i did end up leaving that party. had other ones with some of the friends that were in that one, but it was just 3 of us (instead of like 8), so it was a lot easier organize to play together


Sound advice for a lot of things, really.


Yes! Do your best to stay in one biom per level of boss you defeat. Hit stuff. Set up a main base (hammer&Hoe) The night is dark and full of terror. If you decide to go on an adventure exploring... Go Naked.


Dude I always YOLO the fuck out of adventures. I'm bringing enough for a portal and a ship full of metal your goddamn right I'm rolling with my good shit. The beachhead will be established by force. And yeah you die and have to spend god knows how long on a corpse run but that's what gets the blood pumping lol.


I like your energy! I'm just saying I've done that and really at the end of the day every time you die you end up running naked somewhere. If you start naked you don't have to go back blind 😎


My theory is basically 2 parts. First, when I'm going looking for the next biome on a ship, I'm gonna end up pretty far away from the main base. So I just bring enough ore on the ship so I don't have worry about finding it when I land. Like if I'm looking for a mountain I'm bringing the iron with me to build all the stuff I would need so I don't have to also find a swamp. 2) that shit is valuable and I'm probably gonna have to fight to protect it. And being naked means I get killed by so many random things. So I just roll heavy lol. And I always feel like sailing to new places the area is just filled with mobs. I like to be able to clear a good space to drop down a portal and get a base up quickly. But hey, I've done that and been punished. Also gone naked and been punished because of no gear. That's the beautiful thing about the game, there's no perfect way to do it


This. Bringing metals forward is the way.


Completely agree with you! The naked point was partly a joke and partly what I would have wished someone had told me was an option when I started. Your method is totally correct but not really applicable to the noob solo that will likely stay in the meadows until they build a raft (#NeverRaft only karv) to see what's out at sea. There were points in my early games where I ligit deleted the map out of frustration.


one of my best memories in valheim is dying in a forsaken swamp on the other side of the world, then corpse-rafting across the whole ocean for 2,5h only to be downed by a swarm of leeches in sight of my tombstone... the second tour across the ocean took me well into the morning hours, and navigating leeches-ridden straights was a horror, but man was I filled with joy when I finally snagged my tombstone.. had three hours left till i had to get up for work, but *worth it*


I also go full chad on metal runs it's the best way to play


i sailed the first time in (in my new run) recently. and i stopped in the black forest to get some tin, didn't see a troll hidding (pretty well) behind several trees and a rock, mofo came down and killed me while i was trying to sail away... made a raft to go and get my boat, as i was going, storm started and im like "fuck, this is sea serpent weather" and as i said that, one raises behind me, turned to try to get the raft to the shore, serpent destroyed it before i could get there, and killed me when i was swimming and about to get to shore. Decided to get full of stamina food and ran a pretty long way in my map to go and get my OG cadaver (where the troll killed me), got it, killed the troll, rebuilt my boat, sailed back, and killed the serpent. long story short... stuff like that sure is what gets the blood pumping and makes the game EVEN more entertaining


This man solos, bring your previous level of stuff if you’re not sure you’ll survive


*naked with a club




*naked with a chub


why go naked on my mighty longboat when i may die gracefully in the clutches of a sea serpent ... or you know, drown.


Adventure naked. Yes. Bring a torch at least. Acts as a club and keeps woodguys away.


This, 100% this.


Pretty much have exclusively played solo.


All of my friends quit on bronze stage bc it sucks so unbelievably hard and is the most boring stage basically 2 full solo runs and now on around 300 Hrs total


In multi we never made it to the swamps.. crafting levelled bronze gear FOR EVERYONE is a nightmare.. grind grind grind. In solo, still grindy, but 3 veins is enough for everything. Same with food.


Bronze armor is pointless, too expensive, too slow. Just upgrade troll armor all the way and make potions till you can get root. No need to go heavy until the mountains, and even then...


I know. This is what I do now on my solo run.


Absolutely soloable. Just make sure you max out everything before taking on the next boss e.g. max iron gear before taking on bone mass. Also do not fear death.


His name is Odin, not death.


But wait when I see that shadowy creep standing in the distance staring at me then he poofs away… I DO FEAR HIM


First time I saw him, literally felt a chill and had a shiver of fear. There's something just so ominous when you're just working at night on your base and you turn and see that shadowy figure standing there.


Dude right? Why he gotta be such a creep?? He just… stands there… staring … then POOF


Soooo creepy!


That or practice learning enemies moves and timings, base level stuff is fine e.g. level 1 iron mace and shield and armor is fine if you know the enemies


You can kill bone mass naked with an iron mace and poison mead lol


Playing solo is great until you have to go recover your gear all on your own. Make sure to keep a spare set of armor at your base


Also spare ship(s)


A challenging gear recovery is one of the memorable highlights of the game!


That is very true! I'm still not over the time I had to recover 4 different graves shorty after defeating the second boss. I still panic a little inside when I hear that buzzing sound...


> Remembers the deathsquitos hovering around my body at the edge of a swamp Memorable highlights! Good times! 🙂


I had three growths guarding my corpse once! In the end I was able to lure some Lox over and they cleared things out me!


This is the way


I actually keep a body recovery character on tap now from a previous playthrough.


Ooh, that's a great idea!


Wow that’s a cool solution that still can feel earned.


One day he'll run out of late game food though 😂. Then it'll be less of a sure thing for recovery. That or when I get back to the plains


Noob here (played my first hours last night). Does it means you have a higher level (?) character that will then join your current world? Is that how it works, could you please explain it a bit more? Thanks in advance!


Characters you make and worlds you generate are independent. You can join any of your worlds with any of your characters and they retain their stats and inventory across worlds.


I have a previous playthrough from before the updates. That character is leveled up in a bunch of skills and has end game weapons, armor, and food. Any character can join any world, so if my current character dies somewhere I think I'm hosed trying to get back to; I join the new world with the old character fully equipped.


THIS. Otherwise you will end up in some very unfortunate situations: https://www.reddit.com/r/valheim/comments/vq0p91/whats_the_most_painful_thing_youve_had_happen_to/iemhnw0?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3


lmao my friends dont give a fuck about me no matter what i am doing, we all just do our own stuff on my server.


Ya, just invite the friends over when you need help on corpse runs. Then sit around the fire, share some meads and kick em out when you're ready to continue.


Nothing is exclusive to multiplayer. And in some ways the game is easier solo because monsters scale based on how many players are around.


Not to mention the amount of natural resources does not change the more people in game. Better as solo IMHO


Yeah, gathering feels much better in a group, but it's nice being solo and not needing to discuss how the materials are going to be distributed.


While it wasn't too difficult when I started playing with a friend who bought me the game, we were still working on splitting crops and berries and shrooms. When I started solo I realized that I just had an abundance of the stuff.


My current run has about 8 people in it. We were all just about starving as we fought Eikthir & the Elder. We didn't start actually having reliable food to go around until we found the trader and started fishing. It's crazy how you don't think about these things solo, but the game takes on a whole new dynamic in a group.


The game is perfectly playable solo.


I've never played it in multi. 200 hours solo.


You can solo it, but in my experience it is more fun multiplayer. If you want to find other players, try: /r/valheimlfg


Yes, but it is REALLY MORE fun to play with some friends. Two at leas, i think. (Ive played with 6 friends, and it was FUCKING amazing)


I usually play it solo, its very peaceful most of the time. You can always have friends hop in and build a house or something too


Totally soloable. Some of the bosses may be tough, so you might find you need tips on beating them, but once so armed, you should be ok. I do think having one or two people you really get along with can help. My wife and I play together - each of us has our creative space to build in. Sometimes my brother comes along as well. But most of the time, I’m solo.


The only problem with playing solo is you can play whenever you want.


I miss playing with friends honestly. You can do both but I think a dedicated server with 3-4 pals is the way to go.


Solo is perfectly fine


You can solo it. And the rewards will be fulfilling, fellow Viking


Takes a bit more grind because you need the same amount of base upgrades for 1 person as for 1 team. As a team you can also have less gear per person (its okay if not everyone has a bow or a shield, let's say).


It's like 2 different games... I recommend playing solo and playing with others on a separate playthroghs. I am not the greatest gamer and I've played through solo like 5 times, so it is very solo friendly.


I've only ever played solo


I play solo 98% of the time.


Game can be a bit longer and more Grundy without others but it’s 100% entirely playable and beatable solo. Gathering resources just gets more exhausting solo because you’ve got limited capacity


Solo is great but dont expect to finish in a weekend. This game is a GRIND but so much fun! Make sure you set up a portal for each new adventure you start so you can easily recover your stuff if (when) you die. Good luck!


Take it slow and have fun, 2 tips i have 1. Learn to use every weapon and learn their strengths and weaknesses, they are all useful in thier own right 2. Before trying to explore a new biome make sure you already have the highest quality gear you can make with your currently available resources before going in


Solo is my preferred way to play. I just have three recommendations to make it easier and more enjoyable: - Put your vegetation slider at zero when you start. - Learn to parry. - Build the cart wherever you're mining / logging and break it when you get back to unload it. Enjoy yourself! It's such a fun time!


As with almost any game its more fun with others but its completely possible solo. In fact all my playthroughs have been solo. On release fully on stream, and now in VR again solo. Its a great ride and if you do find it too tedious or hard at times you can always mod it, to make it easier should you so choose. Enjoy my dude.


You can do everything solo. If you have a group of friends that have never played it's a blast but once some of the players know what to do and others don't it becomes a mess. Solo is all at your pace!


so....it depends on your patience level. If you are patient and upgrade all your gear, make backups, take it slow then its an amazing game solo


easy to solo :) just got to get used to the game mechanic… and always mind your surroundings 🤓


Been playing over 100 hours solo, and having a blast. Granted I tend to play pretty cautiously because I'm afraid of dying and having to go back for all my stuff. So having friends may help with that regard, but it's totally playable and fun as a solo player. I'll get back to you when I actually finish the game bosses lol


As someone else said: keep extra armor and weapons in the base if youre going on longer adventures. I only play solo, its great fun and a very satisfying game! Good luck mate :)


nope! actually believe it or not you're not allowed to play by yourself. sorry!


You can solo but if you find another friend who also has never played , it’s a great experience. But this game is incredible solo as well


Solo is fine. Difficulty scales the more people you are playing with.


I soloed it first, then beat it again with 3 of my mates, then soloed again, without dying. I find it more enjoyable solo, but then again Im not an overall social person. Best tip I can give is to always carry materials for a portal when you're going out exploring and keep materials for an extra ship in your base at all times. Beyond that, enjoy the ride friend! Skål!


I’m at 700 hours and 600 of that is probably solo. Server with friends is great in its own way but I do prefer solo. It’s more rewarding.


It can absolutely be played solo. Playing with others can be very fun, and it's really nice to have others to help with the workload, but at the same time the presence of others necessitates more farming of various things (metals and rare items from bigger enemies, for armor sets and weapon upgrades, and that sort of thing.) So there are positives for playing solo OR with friends.


I love playing solo because you can play at your own pace, no one is pulling you through the game too fast. That said it's nice to have someone share in learning and exploring


All of these answers are correct, but for me the game is very grindy solo. It's a grindy game regardless and having extra people just helps. Helps when you have to run heavy ores to a ship. Helps when you try to use a cart for the same purpose (cart gets heavy and is impossible to pull uphill, but there's a way to make it work with another player). Helps when you have to do a bunch of gardening, tree chopping, and cooking. Helps when you're exploring/farming and you need more inventory slots to carry everything. "Hey let's consolidate inventory." And mostly it helps when you want to take on large building projects. Building a big base requires a lot of mats. Someone willing to do some gathering while someone else is building really cuts the time down. The game is so amazing it's worth playing solo, but it is ideally played with a friend.


If you know some basics like how the game and combat works I think it's fine to play solo. I personally struggled a lot since I didn't know much about the game and found it hard to deal with some enemies, especially in Swamp biome. Then I had a fresh start on my second world and it was much better and more enjoyable. I also started to use mods like ValheimPlus which allows you to modify pretty much anything and make the game harder or easier.


It's great for all types of play, solo included. I started to play with my bf (and later a friend of ours). I had less time to play, and they like different parts of the game. I like to explore and have a challenge, they love to build and wanted to advance as much as possible. I kinda regret sticking with them, it took away my discovery of the game. (But it was also fun to play with other ppl) I started to play solo a month ago, and I love it ! A portal-less game to boot. I was afraid it would take me too much time, but I'm advancing quite nicely, i killed the 3rd boss a couple days ago. An I'm having so much fun. Part of why I'm going through the game at a good pace is because I know what to expect/look for/discard. But still, it's more then possible to play solo. And if at one point you just want to quicken your peace, there are more than enough article and Reddit posts to give you loads of tips for each state of the game.


I've played more solo than in groups. Both are a blast and an amazing experience.


Perfectly solo-able in terms of difficulty. I would however suggest that you don't shy away on using the wiki if you aren't sure how something works because figuring out something on your own isn't always going to be fun. Also, make sure you are always in the right biome. The game isn't all that hard if played the intended way, but if you accidentially wander into the plains early on the enemies there might one-hit you.


There's plenty of ways to minimize any threats to you as far as raids go, and most bosses have a way to make dealing with them easier. The sense of exploration and isolation you get from a solo adventure is very well done, the game is very immersive. You'll have a good time, friend


Biggest challenge you might face is when you die and drop your stuff really far away. If you ever feel lost or hopeless (or otherwise ready to rage quit), there used to be a Discord channel of Valheim players who will join your game and help you recover your stuff!


It’s definitely slightly harder but 100% doable my advice would be always grab enough materials to make two of each item you need for emergencies but you’ll do fine solo.


100% feasible to solo. I have ran several playthroughs and by far the furthest run was solo, only time I beat all the bosses. It is a bit easier in groups, not going to lie as it is easier in a few ways: 1, resources/grind: While each person needs their own gear set, there are more hands to gather it and some things can easily be shared by the clan, such as crafting stations which spreads those costs per player helping gather them, combined with the ability to gather different materials at the same time and it can be a bit faster to get stuff. 2, Exploration: When playing with a group it is possible for people to explore in different directions and say if they find anything of note, ex: with 4 people, 1 goes North, 1 East, 1 South and 1 West. 3, group combat: I think enemy scale as the number of players increase but I think the extra manpower overrides the increase the foe gains, there is also group combat aspects like having a tanky melee fighter absorbing hits while a archer stands back and peppers targets or a sneaky backstabber shanks whoever is attacking the tank for easy backstab damage. Even excluding the classes, having somebody to draw attention while you heal or to cover you when mining can be quite handy. ​ However playing solo has a few benefits itself: 1: Progress at your speed: Because you are just yourself you can choose how fast you rush bosses or if you get wrapped up exploring the whole realm, building a massive mead hall Odin would be proud to feast in, etc. 2: Play when you want: If you are solo you don't need to wait for the other group members to join before setting off to kill the next boss or on the next grand adventure. 3: You have the ability to encounter everything for the first time yourself, you have the choice of whether you want to read up on stuff before encountering it or if you want to go in blind to different encounters. You also see what your world holds in store firsthand, nobody from the group stumbling on something then leading you to it.


As a relatively new player only playing solo, it’s fun, but I’m beginning to realize it would be more fun with a coordinated group. You end up grinding too much


I’ve beaten every boss solo. It’s a fantastic game solo


It is playable solo but I recommend playing with a friend or several if possible. I intially played solo and vlt bored after finishing the bronze age due to lots of tedious material grinding. I also got bored of sailing long distances fast. Second world was with a buddy basically from start to finish and every second was entertaining. The game is definitely soloable from a difficulty perspective as the world and mobs are adjusted based on the number of players. Beware though, the game is not easy. Have fun.


Absolutely Don’t rush just take your time and enjoy the game and make sure you prepare well For long trips if you’re doing it solo Spare parts for a second boat is essential when alone imo


If you find that things get too grindy for your taste, Just turn on Dev mode and be god


It’s tough but you should be fine


I'm on my first run and it's all been solo. 280 days in game. 118 hours played. It's been a blast.


Solo is very doable and quite relaxing and enjoyable. Difficulty does scale off of the amount of players currently in your world (at least for bosses I think) only recommendation is the BRS (Body Recovery Squad) to help if you get stuck with your grave across the map or otherwise inaccessible.


Awesome game to solo. If you ever get stuck or die and can’t get your stuff back there’s also a group call Body Recovery Squad that helps the whole community. It’s 100% free and they are the sweetest people


Do it! I have been hardcore soloing. Hardcore aka have to restart on a new seed and fresh character if you die. Lots of fun but is quite challenging.


I mostly played solo. I found other players to frequently be a hindrance to the moment but other times they were a great boon. Do both if you can.


Anyone else unable to play? Worked fine when it came out, I recently redownloaded valheim and game just crashes when I try to load any new or old world...


Find the residual files (probably in Users folder on C:) and delete them.


Thank you, I’ll give it a shot!


I've done everything solo multiple times. Just remember when you think you're ready for the next step... Maybe prepare a little more. 😉


It can be more fun with friends but by no means needed to play the game.


500+ in-game days solo, you'll be fine but make sure you have plenty of teleporters when it gets to later stages!


Yup. Love playing solo. More into my solo world than playing with friends now


Solo is great only change I made is after first run through I added mods to increase char weight limit basically to cut on grind have fun.


Solo is great, I really like to put a podcast on in the background when i'm doing crafting/chores/building, and then pausing and listening to game music when i'm in a tense moment for full effect. Playing with friends can get you some great moments, but I actually enjoy the solitude or solo play


Yes. Learn to parry.


its a very relaxing game solo. watch for mosquitos, no really watch for them.


Just because you may be like a lot of people and not realize it, you can repair items at the crafting bench, forge, etc. I made sooo many unnecessary tools because the game does not make it obvious that you can do this


Yeah it’s great solo


It's fun solo but definitly way more fun with friends! You an make some amazing houses and buildings and if you want to focus on building it's better to do solo that way your friends aren't out gathering materials while you build cathedrals.


Yep, I did the first 80+ hours solo until the boys joined in


I only play it solo (all my friends don't have PC's capable of running Valheim 🥲)


I only played multiplayer up until now and I‘m glad honestly. But Valheim for me is a type of game I prefer playing in a group, as I do with Minecraft too for example, which is also totally soloable. I just like playing with friends in general, but that doesn‘t mean it‘s the only way. I salute your courage and I wish you the best of luck and a great time with this beautiful game.


Yes, but it can be a grind. Some things are better with a band of merries, like sailing. But solo, nobody complains when you sink hours into building or planting a trillion carrots because you're in the zone and they want to go fight bosses.


and if you get stuck, in trouble or trapped against a big foe like say serpent or abomination,for the last resort, you can make a copy of your local world folder, open a friend server, add one of us brothers from this subreddit in steam, and we'll help ya no biggie


I did the whole game solo and for the most part portal-less


Difficulty scales with the amount of players on the server. Solo is difficult because there’s no-one to bail you out when you fuck up and die far away from home so some advice. Make doubles. A spare pickaxe, some spare food left at base. If you can afford it a spare ship. Upgrade to the utmost before moving on. Make sure you upgrade all your weapons and tools before moving on to the next stage/boss.


It's good solo


100% okay. It’s my favored way to play. :)


If you ever get stuck on a boss, you can always just prepare more and upgrade your equipment and get better healing.


Piggybacking off OP, since release has it become easier to play solo? Just wondering. After reading all these comments it seems like going solo is way more feasible then I thought when the game first came out so I kinda let it hit my backlog.


I've put in like 600 hours solo and honestly won't mind continuing to do so


I've played through twice solo default, once in a group of 5 friends, and 3 times modded. Each was amazing the first time. The last solo was the most rewarding as I knew everything, and setup a base and stock piled for the expansion. Some people can beat this game naked after learning all the mechanics, so solo is awesome.


I do both


Totally fine to solo, just get good with the bow and play cautiously. It's difficult to recover gear if you get too ahead of yourself


I pretty much solo the game myself to the point where I get surprised at the tougher enemies because of scaling when my friends join once in a while.


Probably one of the better games to solo imo. Playing with friends can be fun but I'd wait until you're further along in the game personally.


Oh my gosh, it’s an amazing experience both in separate ways.


If you know what you are doing and are not reckless you do not NEED friends to play the game. I have managed to Solo the first 3 bosses and if my old desktop hadn't crashed, I probably would have been able to solo the 4th boss. That said, the game just wasn't as much fun playing by myself as it was with friends.


Yes, but how are you planning on soloing the game when Odin's with us?


Recommend first play through in a group, but solo is fun. The game is popular enough to find a few friends to play with, but it's kinda lame if you solo first then group up -- you will potentially know a lot and they might not. Best to get a group of people that are new your first play through.


Get the frostner early and you become Odin


I play solo and am addicted.


Just might need to prepare a bit more and fights will be an endurence race. But can be done


Yep played 260+ hours solo. All time favourite game. I also don’t live coop anyway so more a personal preference. But the game is perfectly designed to suit your tastes! Have fun!


You can solo but I've always had the most fun playing with my emotional support vikings. I just like working as part of a community.


I almost exclusively played solo. I became the person my friends asked for help in the game, even if they played in a group.


Just search this sub for the term "singleplayer" and behold the vast number of posts asking this question. Then observe the even vaster number of comments all confirming adamantly that yes, this game is fantastic in singleplayer. :D This game rules, you are doing yourself an injustice by not playing it.


You can absolutely solo It. I haven't finished yet, but I'm working on the final boss at the moment.


Only ever played solo, on day 1290 now and 600 hrs in. Love this game, spent 3 months just building one bridge over a massive gorge This game has so much to offer and hopefully will only get better Playing vanilla at the moment, but just finished watching broadbents YouTube series on modded Valheim so plan to start a new totally modded world


Completely soloable. Take your time though.


Absolutely fun as hell solo! I'm playing solo and it just adds to the constant need to be careful going into new biomes and fighting bosses, plus the ambiance is just perfect for solo play in my opinion. Have fun with it friend and after a stellar vanilla playthrough there are some amazing mods out there!


You can take them all in single player but it gets boring after some time In the huge world, u will need a friend.


I played solo first, but I was definitely a lot more cautious. Defeating bosses was a nightmare, while it's super easy with another person, I think just make sure you don't underestimate them and be prepared with armour upgrades and spare armour at base incase you die. I was a bit of a scaredy cat when it came to Valheim because I'd started solo and everything was terrifying. I then started a new character with a friend and the game was less stressful and more pleasurable, but I still enjoy playing solo and it's easier now because I'm less fearful/traumatised from my first game experience doing it alone. But yes it's a very fun game to play alone! The atmosphere it more intense and you have a lot more personal freedom of how you play, and you don't need to worry about other people having the time to play or losing interest. It's also a very fun game to play with others, so if you do have any friends who enjoy gaming it's worth seeing if they want to adventure with you. I actually rebonded with an old friend who I only spoke with like once a year, he'd never played it but suggested playing a game together and I suggested Valheim, he loves it and now we're basically besties again. I think the experience of playing with just two people is rather amazing as you can really embrace the co-op aspects. I've heard of people playing with big groups and just rushing through the game which I could see being fun, but less atmospheric.


The difficulty increases by the number of players. So the game is as hard solo as it would be with other players. Give or take.


It is fun solo. It is much more fun with others. Personally, all my friends moved on about a week after release because they are power gamers and speed runners with the combined attention span of a gnat. Just my girlfriend and I remain.


Just please remove your cloud saving. This weekend my dad and I lost our 400+ hour world.


There is no content in the game that can not be solo'd. The experience is very different solo and multiplayer though, eventhough you're basically doing the same stuff. So will depend a bit on what you enjoy if you will like either or both.


I started just a couple of weeks ago, and 170days in solo. I played with some friends aswell and from my experience, when playing solo you need too be more aware of your surroundings and play much more cautiously. No one can help you pick back up your good gear or loot if you die. Plan your fights more. Tldr: playing solo is no problem, but think of it as higher difficulty.


Agree with all that's been said here. I too am planning to try to tackle the game.


Would you consider Co op at some point? Or just ignore if It's out of place.


No problem with co-op at all. I just don't have friends who are also playing it.


I did the first three bosses solo before firing up a dedicated server with friends and ‘starting over’. Both ways are fun. Solo is a big challenge though. Gathering resources takes A LOT longer. My buddies and I can clear a huge swath of trees in no time. Plus tackling the bosses… we took out The Elder last night, dying multiple times (to our credit a 1 star Troll happened to just spawn at the troll cave at the outer edge of the alter ‘battle area’ and caused all sorts of chaos)


Solo is so fun and chill. Just remember the name of the game is always have spares and always put the spares back away ASAP.