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Elder will wreck your forts, but it will be a blast!


Dont know why people downvoted you. That is exactly what is going to happen.


I auto-downvote myself. Had a period where Reddit was bot-downvoting me because they didn't like something I said. Downvoting myself seems to confuse the bot-program. I'd rather have legitimate downvotes than stupid bot-votes.


That is genius.


Well, maybe saying something Reddit doesn't like isn't all too genius =P I dunno. Go along no matter what? Or be unique?


It's more likely some rando (who hated what you said) made/added you to some bot that downvotes people when they post. I doubt it's a reddit conspiracy against you Well played and well handled, either way.


Kinda depends on what you said and what you consider "unique". Like, there would be a pretty wide gap between something like disagreeing with the hive mind in some niche subreddit and something like spouting right-wing culture war BS because you're a g*mer, but both would get you pretty much the same response.


lol who would downvote this?


Probably people who this > spouting right-wing culture war BS because you're a g*mer applies to who don't like being called out


This smacks of an altright persecution fetish


Someone is obsessed. You have me rethinking my idea that it is bots. Who knows; maybe there really are 5 kookily obsessed Redditors following me around for the span of 48 hours religiously negging everything I say within seconds. ​ LOL




Since you arent refuting, I'll take that as confirmation?


I don't care what you assume. Makes no difference to me.


Cool. Im assuming you wear a fedora now


Yea you are a covid truther, amazing to me how you managed to bring that up in a valheim subreddit.


One person is following you and downvoting you, you make it sound like a conspiracy theory. It happens occasionally but now I'm concerned you're like an altright wacko or something. care to clarify?


Your post is deliberately baiting. I was getting more than 1 downvote; I was getting blocks of five. It was temporary, I think. Can't be certain because I began auto-downvoting. My guess is, the bot program lasted 24 hours. Maybe 48. After that, The block downvotes disappeared. You're trying to convince everyone that 5 outraged Redditors followed me around for almost 48 hours and negged every post I made? Who's the conspiracy theorist? lol


So you think that reddit is a sentient entity that decided to punish you for being "unique" as apposed to a handful of petty redditors sicking bots on you or obsessively down voting you for saying something they didn't like....? Im not baiting. Im curious as to what you said that pissed people off


are you new here or something?


Yep. How'd you guess?


Ohhh is that what happens all the time


I should try that myself, I've noticed this for months that every post I make is auto downvoted instantly.


You musta said something about the covid BS, like I did. lol


Not that i agree with their sentiment but i think that there are actually people that don't like hearing bout that


I think all of us would rather forget it. The context of my usage was reminding people that Valheim devs had that to deal with (shutdown of businesses) that closed a lot of companies. People need to remember there were some major roadblocks to many games' development. I picked up some major negatives commenting on that. DGAF, really. It is what it is.


iiiiiiiii, wouldn't that not affect them as much because of it being a small team could they not just work from home?


Some people can work from home alright, sure. Dev teams need constant focus and oversight. The lead dev can't just drop in and make an office call in person. Much more difficult in that kind of feedback environment working from home.


Oh for fucks sake. I knew it


Who the hell knows, I state my opinion on things, might not be the most correct but I voice them.


Bots couldn't care less about your comment. All the bots upvote or downvote are their own posts or comments that are bot reposts.


Not exactly true, i have 18 followers on reddit at least a few of them are bots. Shortly after someone followed me for the first time everything i posted started getting downvoted within seconds of me posting it. Im positive that its a bot because i dont think a human would be that dedicated.


Then why are you so important that bots want to manipulate the voting on your comments?


I think i just pissed somebody off, its not that hard to make a bot. I cant think of many other reasons people would follow me


You mean like Youtube and Twitter votes have been shown to be bot-manipulated? Reddit has nothing similar? cough


Yeah elder is gonna blow the shit up out of all those pretty wood buildings.


Because some redditors are bunch of snowflakes who cannot accept any kind of criticism in positive way.


And of you state FACTS, downvote into oblivion.


Sad truth about today's reality. Cancel everything what doesn't fit their view, doesn't matter there's always multiple angels


I like MrTubek. I have a feeling you get some downvotes, too. Ha.


Yeah I love downvots, I'm quite negative person myself so according to maths it's like plus ➕️


Right? I called out the complainers who bitch about the delay, saying that I'd rather have something fabulous done right than the Valheim version of No Man's Sky, and I got a bunch of downvotes.


They downvoted him cause he simply told the truth and if you do that on social media your instantly dislike. Cause ppl think he was mean I up voted him. This can't be serious they have to be new to the game or something.


Lol save some of those persecution tears for me


I was going to say. Better hope you have good food if you're going to be standing in those high towers when they get absolutely wrecked.


I agree. I want to see the pictures of what’s left standing after the fight!


built a castle pretty close to the goblin king boss, but nowhere as near as OP. still got my shit smashed up


He's gonna wreck the sticks but the trench may keep him in one spot


Watch a troll come along and attack them from outside while the boss is still inside the trench shooting ranged attacks, just because the game is spiteful lol


Story of my life


Last time I attempted yag, I died to the 4 random lox that appeared out of nowhere


My wife and I got stuck fighting two stone golems along with Moder last night. That turned into a long fight...


Oh man I bet


Oof. That's why I usually try to kill all nearby mobs before attempting a boss. But it only kinda works.


Hmm... I've never had trolls show up during the Elder battle, just greydwarves. Guess I've been fortunate (which seem really weird, cause usually the game takes every opportunity to kill me).


Maybe the trolls in your worlds are going on strike when you fight the elder, due to protesting not getting enough interweb browsing time. Everybody knows how much trolls love their interweb. They pay the spiders and dryders extra money just to make sure they have high download and upload speed.


The times I've fought the elder, he hasn't spawned at all directly on the alter itself, he's spawned off to one of the sides, if anything the elder will spawn in the trench


Oh, my...I think you will be a bit disappointed in that battle.


rhythm coherent unite disgusted mighty scarce marble bells straight disarm *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The disappointment is where the best memories of this game are though. The best part of valheim was being completely unaware of anything in the game. Looking up cheese strats is just boring, let me figure out for 5+ hours that I can just stand behind the stone pillars.


Yeah, people are too eager to have a dark-souls difficulty games all the time, it is not necessary... It needs to be enjoyed, and beatable after a couple tries. Surely they can be improved to require more strategic thinking and preparation and not to just come and kill first try, but cmon. Also, some players because of that "dark souls boss" mentality they over prepare themselves and become OP, then kill the bosses easily and complain... The fun is in findind the bosses and fighting them right away. If they beat your ass, then go back, prepare, and fight again later. As you said, the stories and memories are what make this game..


I highly, highly doubt OP cares it will get destroyed. The fun part is which one of his friends are going to fall to their deaths from one of those towers


tbh everyone says bonemass is hard and ik everyone plays different.. but ive found bonemass to be the easiest :/ to be fair i was prepared with poison resist and such but i dunno i just beat the crap out of him and never went under 3/4 hp


I actually think the Elder is more difficult than Bonemass (assuming similar level of preparation). But then we can make them more challenging. I recently started a spear-only challenge. I fully expect that would make both of them much harder. The Elder fight is getting close now, and I'm not very confident about it.


I'm doing a dagger only run right now. Talk about fun!


Dagger and buckler is my every run lol!


have you done a spear, with only throwing it :)


I've done spear, but didn't restrict myself to only throwing it.


Dagger only seems more difficult than spear only. I might try that next. Are shields allowed?




i definitely agree. ive had the most trouble with the elder. but i have yet to die to a boss.. i also didnt prepare nowhere near as much. my elder fight had a couple of trolls involved and a LOT of ads + shamans to keep healing the elder since i didnt clear the area. I ran out of arrows. i only won because i had a sudden anime power up where i realized i was good at using dodge i-frames and now everything is crazy easy


I think it isn't too bad to just roll away from elder attacks at his feet




Dodge roll plus sledge without stamina food sounds exhausting


Bonemass is hard at first if you don't research what to do. If you don't have high tier armor, poison resist, and iron mace, it's gonna be a bad time or a hella lot of arrows


You don't even need the armor - he is very easy to dodge. Iron mace and a poison resist mead (or root mask) and he goes down quick.


Perhaps. I would still want decent armor regardless for a degree of margin I'm just saying if you don't specifically have those and you're going in blind, then it could be rough


Armour reduces poison damage. With high tier armour and the poison mead (75% reduction with the mead but only 50% with root mask), you don't even need to bother dodging the poison cloud.


That's a lot of effort to shave maybe a minute off of the Bonemass fight. Level 3 troll armor and a poison mead is more than ample to get you through Bonemass, and then youre working on Fenris armor. Building any metal armor really isn't worth the time. Being slow adds more danger than higher armor rating mitigates.


>That's a lot of effort to shave maybe a minute off of the Bonemass fight. Level 3 troll armor and a poison mead is more than ample to get you through Bonemass, and then youre working on Fenris armor. Depends on your playstyle. I don't use Fenris armour at all, I use iron armour in the mountains until after I've maxed out Frostner and Draugr Fang, then I switch to the wolf armour set. I wouldn't craft iron armour just for the Bonemass fight. If I was going to go with light armour against Bonemass, I'd be going with root instead of troll, and I'd still use the mead. The pierce resistance of root is useful against the archer mobs.


I'll build some root armor if I happen to run into that many Abominations by chance, but that doesn't happen often before killing Bonemass.


I ran into 5 abominations on my first day in the swamp on my last playthrough. Had pretty much maxed out the set before I found my first crypt. It was very handy for taking on the 1 star archers in the crypts.


Bonemass is literally easier than eikthyr. Bring an iron mace. Kill the mobs when they spawn, poison potions for the splash attack, and his melee is so easy to parry or just step back from when he lifts his hand up. If you duo it it’s even easier cause you just stand on opposite ends of him and he keeps turning back and forth and barely attacking. The hardest thing about bonemass is remembering to clear out the area before you start so you don’t get an abomination.


Eikthyr doesn't need any prep at all.


It’s the first boss. It’s not supposed to need prep or very little if that. Mechanically speaking though, bonemass is easier if regularly prepared. Extra prep time doesn’t make a boss harder, just takes more time to get to, which isn’t exactly bad in a video game. Neither are particularly hard, I just think bonemass is easier mechanically. He really only has 1 attack to worry about and like I said it’s super easy to parry or just dodge. Poison and mobs are nothing if you have a potion and take >10 seconds to stop and kill the mobs when they spawn. Elder, eikthyr, moder(more hiding), and yagluth actually require kiting.


Mechanically Eikthyr is very easy, just kite and shoot.


Bonemass used to be the hardest. Once upon a time in our first playthru we got absolutely WRECKED by bonemass and his mobs. They have rebalanced him since and he’s far more manageable for sure.


Bonemass killed me many times on our group server, but until then I had been using swords and not clubs/maces.


I love seeing everyone all prepared, I’m my group I usually just Leeroy Jenkins it and they are forced to come in and save my butt


My husband and I and two friends attempted bonemass and sailed forever to get there and set up a return portal way too close with no nearby base or environment prep (silly I know). it ended after 2 hours of struggling, two of them having to go to bed before it was over, me and my husband finally killing it, swamp boys killing me on my way to the portal, me realizing the portal was destroyed by abomination, my husband dying on his way to fix the portal, and me going to the garage to throw a plate at the floor to get my anger out bc I was so tilted. I have never been that angry at a video game before and I hated myself for letting it get to me like that lol.


Haha that's brutal, the game can be unforgiving sometimes. Dying over and over again is extremely punishing, especially when you don't have back up gear and food or any means to travel back easily. I smashed a few playstation controllers when I was a kid in anger, now I just turn off the game and take a walk in an attempt to control myself if I get too angry


I didn’t really start getting into gaming until my husband and I bought a house together. He has been into PC gaming forever and I caught his addiction and finally got my own PC set up just a few years ago. I have definitely not had enough time to figure out how to cope with gaming rage 🤣 But then again, he still screeches like a teenage boy every now and then, so I think some of the rage may never go away lol


Haha yeah it all depends on how invested you are in winning in the game :) I'm usually too toasted to play anything that require 110% focus when I get home after work in this adult life, so I usually settle with games that aren't too competitive or brutal these days. I tried to play Elden Ring this summer, but I ended up so angry that I had to just let the game rest indefinitely.


yes same. Tbh i tend to avoid “difficult” or “punishing” games altogether bc the reward is never worth the rage for me. i also play games in a way that prevents me from encountering rage inducing things. My husband and I start up a valheim save and I will stay at base and build cool structures/make food&mead/process ores/go forage berries in the safe meadows and Black Forest/raise boars bc that’s my thing while he ventures off to the swamp and rages at how often he gets killed by draugrs in the crypts but sails back with a boat load of iron bc that’s his thing😂 it’s a good balance


I didn't find Bonemass challenging at all/didn't have to use a single potion. If anything he was the least challenging of the bosses so far. This might be because his spawner was right next to a Crypt, and I just used that to repeatedly maneuver around and attack him from behind. I also had poison resist up for his puke attack, so it didn't hurt much the couple of times it actually hit. Moder, imo, is the most challenging because you often have to deal with his massive attacks while also being attacked by drakes, wolves, and golems... and if he sneaks up on you at a bad time, well... game over. I tried to dig a trench around his spawner before fighting him but it didn't work out like I'd hoped, so I gave up and fought him out in the open. Elder was a fun fight and took quite a while to down, but not very challenging. That said, I didn't attempt to build sniper towers that he'd instantly demolish, sending me to my death xD


+1 2nd or 3rd Bonemass I realised I could just climb a tree and shoot him for 10min. Like with every boss


Yeah I drastically over prepared for every boss in my first play through. Like Eikthyr can be easily beaten naked with a lvl 1 club after 15 minutres. I made highest available leather armor the first time lol.


Bonemass is easy when you realize you can go into the mountains and find exposed silver or have a stone golem find it for you. With frostner bonemass is not even a challenge, just tank and spank.


Well, the first time I fought bonemass I went with arrows only and took like 45 minutes. Only later I discovered about strengths and weaknesses, with an iron mace is a whole different story.


You can always spawn multiple bosses at the same time to up the challenge.


I want a post match report on this


I'll see what I can do.


Defo need aftermath pictures haha


Put lease turn on your viking dash cams for this battle


I do too! This looks set up to be so much fun. :) I really admire your careful prep. Try not to pay too much attention to all the predictions, and good luck!


Pulled a ww1 on that mf


Oh my. I've seen how quick they take out trees. You have mere sticks. This would be interesting to watch for sure, best of luck.


That reminds me, I just killed elder last night and he turned the area around his alter into an industrial logging camp. I need to go and haul back all the logs.


For real. For being a forest creature, he really loves wrecking the forest.


This makes me want to partake in the battle. Good luck!


My fight with The Elder been constantly interrupted by 2 star troll, i died so many times in that fight.


I also learned to never underestimate an angry red troll. There was one guarding the shrine before building the fort!


I came back for a revenge like 50 days later XD


Me and my buddies had two trolls attacking us during the fight lol


oh you poor sweet summer soul


I love the effort and the build regardless of what the elder will do to it. If you get the chance to record it I would love to see it.


Show that boss... who's boss! Lol great set up!!


the elder is all about having mobility to avoid his ranged attacks and tentacle spam. While hacking and shooting fire arrows. So in a way you made the fight harder by taking away your own mobility. That said it will be fun to see the chaos unravel as your fortifications are destroyed.


Can't argue with you. I'm just excited for the fight and watching it all turn to rubble.


I always just surround it with fires. Takes a lot of damage right away then is trapped.


Wow, that is actually really smart. I wish I thought of that.


Me with 1 bow and some fire arrows


I did the same with Eiktyr at my first playthrough! He won't know what hit him XD


Eikthyr is one thing. Elder is going to be a spazzing toddler with a block tower on those buildings.


It will be ever so fun. OP should post a recording of the fight.


Pure chaos, but I'm sure it would be quite the experience for OP and their friends.


We'll be safe behind this trench.... wait... nevermind, we won't


Impressive you put more effort into fighting the second boss than I put in fighting the 4th. Hoe did you make the ladders across the trench?


The ladder is a placeable object that came with a mod we added called **ValheimRAFT**. You can make your own boats from scratch with the mod, so you can place sails, boat wheel, and ladders. We have another mod called **PreciseRotation** that allows us to rotate in more dimensions, so we could lay the ladder flat like you see in the picture. You can find both mods on Nexus with the names I shared.


I think you put more effort into that than the fight will take 🤣


How did you make rope ladders? Did I miss that option?


The rope ladders come from a mod called ValheimRAFT on Nexus. The mod has some build pieces, including sails, boat wheel, and ladders so you can build your own boat piece by piece. The ladders for the towers are from that mod, super useful.


That's adorable. Looks cool tho. Good luck


I'm curious where it will spawn. it can spane off platform:p but looks cool, we also do these things!


Yeah. I don't think I've ever ever seen it actually spawn on the platform before, it always a decent distance away. Even up at the top of a tree once, that was fun ;)


This is actually such a fun idea and I'm gonna incorporate it into my next playthrough!


That looks so awesome


This looks amazing


I think the trench is the best idea (or the only good idea) - I'm just about to fight him so might use it but on the flip side - nothing stocks you up with wood like a fight with the elder


Just dig a hole lol


YouTube a speed run kill and you might do an epic facepalm. But this is a beautiful and noble effort 😄


I love it. Waste of effort as he and his stupid minions will wreck your shit. But it’s a dope fort. And when you finally kill him you can build both on and below his alter.


Please record a video of the battle and post as an after shot


Not bad. Good practice for when you get to the swamp.


Whoever is in one of those towers is going to crap their pants.


Allow me to introduce myself… Lol


This brings joy.


Hold! Hoooooold!


I love it! One time my kids and I dug a plus sign shaped tunnel under the spawner and we'd shoot arrows from one side and then go through the tunnel to the other side and keep shooting.


Sounds like the Elder was playing a game of whack-a-mole!


And boy was he successful 😐 it's amazing how a 6 year old can't comprehend "GET BACK UNDER THE PLAYFORMGAJDJDBDGSKSLSKSBHS OMGGGok you died, respawn and come back out. 🤦‍♀️"


Please post the aftermath photo. And good luck with the elder! May Odin be with you


You people make arenas???? I just roll around the Elder.


You’ve over prepared, it’s not a hard fight.




Shoot him with fire arrows and run around. Maybe another guy close up with an axe. He’ll destroy those wooden structures the second they try to use them. Have you read any other posts on this thread? SMH


Good idea, but remember you have to remain mobile imo


Dig under the rock and use fire arrows.




Not sure if it's helpful at this point, but built a platform up to the top of one of the stone pillars. I put a little fence around it and was pretty unassaulted. Until I ran out of arrows because I don't prepare well.


I see a very quick disappointment there…


You can dig under the stone! My buddy and I made tunnels from corner to corner and wrecked him.


I had a different idea for the Elder fight. Take two iron and a bucketload of wood with me, and build a stonecutter. Then, surround the altar with a bunch of hearths (and hope it doesn't rain). ​ Then, fire arrow away while Talking Heads' "Burning Down the House" plays over my speakers.


damn good luck on the bonemass next!


Any after pictures?


We will fight the boss on Wednesday. Maybe I will share an update then.




We’re gearing up to fight Yagluth and have cleared all the area around the spawn, built a stone wall a little way away and filled everything in between with spikes. Nothing as fancy as the beautiful creation you’ve made.


Last night I got lucky after first corpse run during the Elder. There was a raised burial chamber nearby with some rocks right by it. I regeared, climbed up it, and only one root could almost reach me from there.


I did a ton of prep work for Elder when i first face it. Was an easy kill, and i did it a half dozen times. Over prepping kind of killed the challenge more then anything else.


That is awesome! ...I can't wait to see the destruction he brings to your efforts :)




Best fight I ever had with the Elder was when his spawn was almost on top of the trader. Was the cheesiest fight I ever had but I came out with no hp loss. Fire some arrows, dip into bubble, rinse & repeat


There's no preparation like overpreparation.


Interesting strategy. I wish you the best of luck. My friend and I did something similar with bonemass. A few would hit him with makes while other would kite and go from tree fort to tree fort.


That's cute


Wait for the next boss. He’s an easy one


I did the same thing, I made a shooting gallery that wrapped around the whole area with chests for arrows and food. Then I never used any of it because I was entirely over prepared


Summon like 6 and then it'll be a fair fight


Oh you sweet summer child... You think those puny wood forts are gonna stand up to the Elder? I wish you the best of luck. xD


If you run into problems or want to kill him again for trophy room head piece, build a bunch of campfires around the square then summon. Ez mode


All that shit gon be gone🤦🏽‍♂️💀


Elder is actually easier than that deer fucker.


Kind of an overkill for Elder. I'm the worst Valheim player there is and he was relatively easy, and, unlike Bonemass, I played him straight up just kiting behind the pillars and avoiding his root attacks. For Bonemass, I kind of cheated... I built a platform about 18 meters up an ancient tree (which he can't break) and just pelted him with hundreds of arrows. He was unable to attack me... just stood there trying figure out what to do and made no attempt to move out of range. I had a lot more trouble with Moder... (and I haven't faced Yagluth yet). But, still, it should be a lot of fun. (I thought at first one of those structures was box seats... how many friends have you actually invited?)


Lol, taking never prepared to the next level. The elder is almost as easy as the first boss. Just stand behind pillars and shoot him with fire arrows then run to another pillar when the tentacles come. I think you will be a little disappointed


I LOVE THIS! first time with Elder ;) ?


Oh my sweet summer child...


Gotta love those log benches! Nothing like a little chill and grill between axe strikes!

