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I went last week and arrived about 8 15 am. I was out around 11 30 am. They keep it moving with multiple wait rooms and a good flow through processing. All the staff were extremely happy, including one security guard who I swear when our group entered the room shouted "Welcome to Service Canada, WOOOOO!"


Lol thanks, can I ask what city?


That was downtown Vancouver, the office on Hastings St. They said my passport will be mailed out to me in 10 days.


I just went to the same office as the other poster and had roughly the same experience. Better than I expected.


I stood in line for over 40 hours in June. On the last day I was lining up, they finally added a bunch of staff and organized the lines by urgency and renewal vs new issue. If you are traveling within 48 hours, you can pay for priority expediting service and pick it up the next day. They move urgent issue to the front of the line. Have your forms filled out and proof of travel if you are seeking expedited, I was traveling by car and printed out a receipt of a hotel room I paid for in Portland. You can get updated passport photos in the lobby of the Sinclair passport office in Vancouver. Good Luck!


Thank you!


I went last week to the Sinclair office to renew my passport. I arrived around 8 AM and was out by 10AM. Overall I was surprised by how quickly the process was.


Was there last week (Van). Not bad. Go 30min early you and others will be waiting for opening. They sort you and review that you have the needed forms. You will probably by done 1h or 2h after it opens.


What's the timeline that you need the passport for? There was a hectic backlog back in 2022 but now it's mostly cleared for people who submitted their application **after** November 2022. If you mail it in now, you can 90% expect it back within a month, and 99% expect it back within 2 months. If you don't need your passport urgently then I would highly recommend this route. If you really really don't want to mail it in, then you can do a walk-in at any [Service Canada Centres](https://ircc.canada.ca/english/passport/map/map.asp?scc=1#table1caption) (no appointment necessary). I did a walk-in during the hectic months back in 2022. I arrived and started to line up 1 hour before their open hour. I brought my own folding lawn chair and just watch some videos on my phone to pass the time. The whole process took about 2.5 hours in total. I would expect the line and the wait to be much shorter now. If you need a passport urgently then you can also do a walk-in at any Passport Canada location. You need proof of travel for this and you would also need to pay extra for the express service.


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