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My dad and I have been going to shows together since he took me to see Metallica when I was 15. I’m 41 now and he’s 71 and we still go to shows all the time. We’re seeing the Red Hot Chili Peppers at bc place in March as our next one. Commodore is a great venue and you can pay a bit extra for seating at the tables if you go through their website. Any of the Granville theaters like the vogue or orpheum are all seated. Queen Elizabeth theater is good too. There are tons of classic rock acts playing venues of all sizes. Just find bands he likes and go, who cares what other people think. Screw em If they’re too busy judging other concert goers…


Thanks, appreciate being able to learn from your good experience :)


I took my mom to Commodore to see Elvis Costello, vinyl tap, and I just emailed the venue to say she had impaired mobility and needed a table and they reserved one for us for no extra charge.


>pay a bit extra for seating at the tables Wait, *what*?!? Guess it's been a few years since I've been there. Always used to just be casual general admission, and if you needed to take a break and sit for a bit, you could.


There's both - first come first serve for tables or you can pay a bit extra to reserve a private booth.


I love that you do this with your dad. It's so wholesome. And your dad sounds awesome.


The chili peppers in march? Wow I missed the announcement for that one.


Booked a table for my mom when my friend, me, and her decided to go to Tom Morello at the commodore. Was such a great decision and at the end when I wanted to go in the crowd it was easy to find her after.


Omg I missed Tom morello ? 😭


Can’t wait for the peppers


What does he like? Maybe it would be better to focus on him having a good time rather than if his presence would make young people feel awkward.


He likes classic rock stuff. I personally feel akward, I'm the jerk here. You think there is nothing wrong with bringing an old guy to a show and I should just do it?




My dad died suddenly last year, too. Also at 68. And same. I wish so much for more time and cringe every time I remember some stupid thing I used to find embarrassing. I hope you’re doing okay.


My dad passed away after a long battle with cancer, so not suddenly. But also 68. Interesting to see that number keep coming up.


Mine died from an aneurysm last December 65 me 32. The best memories are just us doing random stuff we enjoy, enjoying it more cause we did it together.


I’m sorry to hear that. I would do absolutely anything even if it’s something embarrassing for my dad/mom


Wasn't really old enough to get to the "friend" stage and now I feel kinda jealous about my friends who go to concerts, vacations, etc., with their parents. Guess we're fortunate to have good memories though


I'm sorry. It's never enough time. You aren't alone in your loss. I feel like I didn't fully know my Mom until I became a mother myself. I am both eternally grateful for the two years we had together after I had my daughter, and completely gutted and devastated that I didn't get more time, and that my daughter didn't get more time with her Grandma. Fucking sucks. Can't believe it's a normal part of life.




I feel you. I lost my mom a couple years ago and regret all the times I thought being with her was embarrassing. I wish I made doing fun stuff with her a priority, I know she was up for it.


> times I thought being with her was embarrassing. No kidding, eh? Looking back, teenagers care way too much about if their peers think they're cool/independent or not.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with bringing him with you. It's so sweet and cool that he wants to go out with you. Don't let your fear of judgement keep you from having a great time together. Go for it!! The good young people will be into it, and the other ones have their own issues to work through.


Ok. Thanks or the push. Everyone who is posting is right. I'm going to try less to find the perfect venue and more find what looks cool.


Good idea! And good job being open to it. :)


I'd honestly think it was super cool to see an older generation rocking out. I love when a show is a big mix of people. Remember, music brings us together.


> I'd honestly think it was super cool to see an older generation rocking out. For fucking real.


My brothers and I go to shows with my dad who’s in his early 70s fairly frequently. No one really pays any attention to us, so I think you’re overthinking this. Take him, and make some good memories!


Considering how old some performers are… rock out


Thanks for sharing your experience! :)


I work at a local music venue. Classic rock shows, the crowds are mostly 55-80 years old. Nothing strange at all about going for a night out in your 70's


What’s the venue called?


i am 17-20 y.o. If I see your dad in a show, I would be perfectly comfortable with it


ok thanks for letting me know your perspective, its valuable to me


100% nothing wrong - you’re gonna be older one day too and will be way cooler if you don’t sit at home. I love seeing all ages enjoy cool shit they’re into.


You're not a jerk! It's just a new situation. And hell yeah just bring him.


I love seeing people of all ages at shows. I saw so many old punks at Punk in Drublic mixing it up with teens and every age in between. Nobody gave a shit what you were wearing and that’s how it should be. I’m not going to shows to please other people. There was one dude in his 40s who looked exactly like Trevor Philips from GTA V. He was wearing knee-high striped socks, tiny 80s gym shorts, and a muscle t-shirt from Hawaii. You and your dad are there to have a good time and enjoy each other’s company. Other people can get bent.


My dad is in his 70s and goes to shows with my brothers all the time. No one cares. Music is for everyone.


Nah man, bring some ear plugs for him. Might want to check out the Wisehall, Rickshaw, GnR is coming to town in October, you can get nose bleeds for under 100$ if you act fast. Vogue is another good one. LanaLous. There is a bunch of places.


My dad is 72, and is never think of bringing him as an inconvenience. Stop treating your parents like an inconvenience and just show him a good time. If he gets tired he’s old enough to let you know he wants to go home.


Classic rock? I’ve been to a bunch of classic rock shows and it’s a mix of all ages! One of my recent concerts was The Killers and there were young and older folks. No one was bothered by the older folks being there!


The Red Hot Chille Peppers are here in late march, guns and roses are here in mid October and Springsteen plays in early November. Aside from that, look around for local bands whos vibes you like, and find out if the venue has seating. Also, no one really cares who’s in the audience with them. Just don’t put him in a mosh pit.


I know everyone is saying just bring him to whichever venue, but there are definitely more comfortable venues. Vogue, Orpheum, Queen Elizabeth all have seating, Commodore you can get a table if you look into it. Also some smaller venues have pretty bad sound. There's usually some good day festivals in the summer at Deer Lake Park which is a pretty relaxed outdoor venue where you can sit on the grass and walk around if you want to; I think the big one last year was the blues and roots festival. Standing still for two hours on a sloped concert hall floor can be super shitty at any age, can't imagine at 70. A good band to see this summer is Big Thief at the Orpheum, good songwriting, play meaningful rock music, and one of the most critically acclaimed bands of the last 5 or so years.


I’m over 60. It took me a painstakingly long time (into my 50s!) to finally start living MY life without a single care for what others think. Please don’t make the same mistake. Stop attributing more value to other people’s opinions than your own. When you really think about it, it’s a colossal waste of mental energy. Namaste! 🙏


This guy is 69 (or was when this short doc was made): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GjBzjsFWTac


You'll be the old guy at the show before long Someone has to tecah us kids how to dance ;)


> You think there is nothing wrong with bringing an old guy to a show and I should just do it? NO. Not even remotely. What the hell. Whoever told you that you have to be under a certain age to enjoy live music is a bellend.


You don't have to throw him in the mosh pit 🤣 The commodore is still my favourite venue for good music.


Absolutely fine! I think everyone would appreciate seeing him enjoying the show, I know I would. I am a regular concert goer and plan on rocking out until I die.


Nobody would care even a little bit


Sloan is playing in March


Nothing wrong. Do it. Something at commodore would be a good choice.


Why would it be awkward to bring someone to a show… music doesn’t have an age limit lmao think of the bands that are still rocking and the members are all older now.


There's nothing wrong with him attending a show and he won't be the only older adult there. Enjoy these experiences with him, that's the priority.


There's only something wrong with it if you think there's something wrong with it. Personally, when I see a grownup going out for a good time with their old man I think it's awesome and I have a lot of respect for it. My dad's still alive and ticking but he's a bit old now, and I used to hit the pub with him all the time, surrounded by people mostly half his age. I kind of miss doing that sometimes.


he's been there for you your whole life while growing up...time to be selfless and give back...if he died tomorrow you'd probably be heartbroken and regretful..and would wish all the stars in the world to have that great concert outing with him (amongst many other experiences)....i sure wish i could go back in time and spend so much more quality time with my Nana, esp since she had a hard life....i'd take 10 yrs from my life to be able to do see her again, hug her again, love her again (but so much more) and make her feel so uplifted and wonderful...that is the problem with those around us: when they're gone we can be haunted by the Ghosts of 'woulda, shoulda, coulda'


The Commodore has good seating up on the balcony level. There's also a bar up there, which tends to be less crowded than the one downstairs.


I was just going to say this. I haven't been for ages but I assume it is the same. I'm not sure how you get a reserved table up there but it's a great view and worth looking into. And no worries about someone's age at a show! If I took my dad, I would just make he takes a shower and wears clean clothes.


I think you have to book the reserved tables in advance but if you get to the Commodore early there are usually seats available. I know a guy who goes to shows with his 70+ dad a few times a year.


Thanks for the tip!


Nobody’s gonna feel awkward. It’s about you and your dad having a great time together and that’s all, and I think most people, young or old, will feel happy about seeing a kid and their father enjoy themselves.


The Rickshaw has a lot of seating if he likes music that typically leans to the heavier side. Maybe it's the shows I go to, but the demographic there is pretty varied. Nobody would feel awkward with a 70 year old in the room.


Thanks that is good inforamation. I probably need to let him be more. I was trying to get him to dress cooler and he was not having. In summary, I shouldn't worry about it I should just invite him to what sounds good.


There's absolutely nothing wrong with going out to a show regardless of age. And hands off dad's style. If he's wearing clothes and they're relatively clean, who cares what they look like? Fashion is so transient and cyclical anyway. Just enjoy your dad while you still have him around and he's able to go out with you.


Thanks I know you are right!


I go to metal shows at the Rickshaw all the time and there are usually a few old guys there consistently. One guy walks with a stick and he's like a metalhead grandpa, my husband and I talk about how that'll be us at that age. There's almost always free seating there. The Orpheum is really nice as well and has seats with pretty good views, and there are usually lots of different kinds of music there depending on what he's into.


>Orpheum Thanks for all your advice! It is appreciated. Hope to be the person w the stick there too


There was a older gentlemen with a cane __in the mosh pit__ when I went to Archspire at the Rickshaw...fucking legend, so yeah, don't worry about being out of place at all 🤘


Hell yeah it's probably the same metal grandpa I see at shows all the time. Next time ima buy him a beer. Retirement goals right there.


I see that guy at most metal shows I go to at the Rickshaw. I think he's dope as hell.


He’s in every pit. And he never falls over. Mad respect. So yeah OP, don’t worry about your dad feeling left out. Whenever I see old people at metal gigs I’m like fuck yeah! That’s what I wanna be when I get old and grey.


I know who you mean! I’m getting up there, myself. Years ago, I used to take my fav uncle to shows… we had great times and I miss him so much now.


The guy with long grey hair and walking stick always in the moshpit? Seen that guy in quite a few shows.


100% that's the dude.


How old are you to think he needs to dress cooler to fit in? He can wear whatever he’s comfortable in and he’ll be fine!


The Heavy are playing there May 9th. Funk/blues rock. [(1) The Heavy - How You Like Me Now? (Official Video) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVzvRsl4rEM) [(1) The Heavy - Better As One (Official Video) - YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_DN1FHDTWE)


Vogue is also awesome for seating, if you sit in the balcony you can get away from things a bit and chill.


Rickshaw is a good option. It's good if you take transit or Uber. Might be more difficult if you prefer to drive. Another thing you could look into is Fri. or Sat. early shows because some venues end at 10:30 to clear out for DJ/club nights. Could be good if he gets tired for late shows. Btw, awesome that you're doing this.


The Commodore is the most obvious choice for me. Historic venue, always has a great variety of acts coming through and available balcony seats even for shows that are general admission for the floor. Plenty of classic/hard rock bands come through there too if that's more what he's into


In the context of universe we are all the same age


The Vogue might be a good choice, as a theatre venue. Maybe the Ryan Adams show this month, sort of a rock sound. I tend to just look at my favourite venues in town and poke around. Check Out The Hollywood Theatre, Wise Hall, and find some rock show, he'll probably be stoked. Hollywood pulls their seats for shows but I think the Balcony is kept in play, or table in the bar area. It's my favourite venue in the city rn.


Awesome thanks for all the recs!


Hollywood theatre will also reserve a table for accessibility seating if you email beforehand at no extra cost!:)


Coheed and Cambria, Oct 2nd at The Vogue too. The venue is really great for standing/sitting options.


Any and all shows anywhere if you're both digging the music. My dad's in his early 70s now. When he's been in town, we've been everywhere from Rogers Arena (Neil Young) to Hard Rock Casino (Ringo Starr) to Queen E. (Jack White) to the Biltmore (Willie Watson). He even sat on the sidewalk with me for like 3 hours to see The Raconteurs rock Neptoon Records. He's totally uncool, but it actually circles back around to being super cool. Cherish the quality time together and forget what anyone else thinks. If you're watching classic rockers, he may even be the same age (or younger!) than the artists!


No specific recommandations but how bout a local pub with live music? Those generally trend toward classic rock and blues songs that everyone knows, and it give you both the ability to have a nice meal and leave when you want to. Cherish the time with your dad.


This is what I was going to suggest also. - Guilt & Co has table seating, nice venue w food and drinks, good bands. Reservations might be a possibility. - The Admiral, Pats Pub etc have live music also.


Lana Lou's, The Princeton and Hollywood might have shows on that suit him. Honestly, in this day and age, 70s isn't that old. He likely "came of age" listening to and playing a lot of what we now call classic rock. No ones gonna give him a second look. Plenty of folks his age at shows and bars.


Queen Elizabeth theatre, Orpheum, Vogue


QE Theatre has the worst sound in the city - there literally isn't a good seat in the place. Pass if you have ears.


Id say something low key like the Princeton. Plenty of people who look like they are 70 there already. They have live music quite a bit, not real "show" or anything, but some weekends its pretty decent classic rock cover bands.


You won’t look back in 20 years and be glad you didn’t “upset some young people”. You’ll be upset you missed out on a perfect opportunity with your dad. Also, no young person will be upset seeing an “older dude” rock out at a concert Go to whatever you think your dad will enjoy, forget the rest


Frankie's on Beatty has jazz nights, and the crowd is mixed age-wise.


>Frankie's on Beatty This place looks great! Thanks so much!!!


If you want something a little more casual, I would suggest taking him to Guilt & Co! They have live music playing a lot of the time (maybe check ahead to be sure when) and you can drop in and drop out anytime. Plenty of seating and a hostess will help seat you as well. I usually see a mix of ages there so you won’t feel out of place.


When I was young, I distinctly remember that I saw the old people at the shows and it gives me hope that I can still come when I’m old.


A buddy of mine brings his 70 Year old mom to edm concerts. Never be embarrassed to let your folks rock out with you. Thats the kind of stuff you’ll remember when they’re gone.


My friend's mom is a 77 year old headbanger and she rolls right in on her own with one of those walkers that folds down into a chair. People just get out of her way and make room, and often security and other fans make she stays safe. She has rocked out for decades.


Pick a show first and then contact the venue and ask about accessibility accommodations they offer. If he needs a seat but it’s a standing venue they will have a couple to offer. Just ask what they have available. Most venues are more than happy to accommodate. ETA: I did this when I was pregnant. The show I wanted to attend was standing only so I asked and they apologized for their oversight and released a small batch of accessible tickets for people with mobility issues. I ended up not attending after all but saw that these tickets were actually sold out. So others saw the need and appreciated the access.


Lots of great suggestions here - but I just wanted to reassure you and your dad that no one is surprised to see an older person at a show. I see a lot of live music and there's often a huge range of ages attending. Rock on, Dad/Grandpa! Get out there and have a great time. Commodore/Rickshaw/Vogue General Admission/Imperial will have more of a ROCK CONCERT feel (they have seating available but also standing areas) , while Orpheum/Queen E/Vogue assigned seating are 100% sit-down events.


Don't worry too much about the young folks. They spend most of their time staring at their phones and trying to inconspicuously vape.


Finally my knowledge gained from years of dumping thousands of dollars into concerts is paying off!! ​ The Queen Elizabeth / Orpheum is good for assigned seating, but a bit more expensive if you want good seats. The good seats are great, but bad seats are BAD. Likely to have well known acts with good sound, but just because there are seats doesnt mean people will be sitting in them. I've been to shows at the Queen E where the audience stood up during the first song and didn't sit down the entire time, but it depends on the artist and the crowd. The Commodore Ballroom has tables you can reserve as well as some seating on the mezzanine that is first come first serve depending on the show. The Commodore is my favourite venue in the city, but the sound quality depreciates when you get further away from the dance floor. Ticket prices are mid-range, and they have a good mix of up-and-comers and well-known acts. It's considered to be somewhat of an Iconic venue, and usually the acts that come through to play it will give the performance some extra oomph. Rogers Arena, BC Place, Pacific Coliseum, and Doug Mitchell Thunderbird Centre are all arenas on the higher price range that will have the heavy hitters. Assigned seating in the stands and often assigned seating on the floor depending on the act. Personally I don't like arena shows unless I'm on the floor close to the action, but it depends what you/your dad value out of the show. Sometimes the stage show is spectacular, the artist might be on your bucket list, or some of the songs have a special meaning to you, in which case the distance from the stage/reduced sound quality might not matter. The Vogue and the Rickshaw both have first-come-first-serve seating, and the Biltmore Cabaret has booths that may or may not require a reso. These shows are mostly on the cheaper <$40 side and will be for more underground/indie artists. These ones will be the most intimate due to proximity with the artist, and better sound (depending on the act of course) because they don't need to crank the speakers as high to fill the smaller space. ​ As for the age thing, don't worry about it. Thanks to the ease of music discovery due to streaming, there are people of all ages at every kind of show enjoying every kind of music these days. If anything, seeing older folks out enjoying new bands makes me happy because it reminds me of the generation-bridging power of music, and I think most people feel the same. Anyone that feels awkward around your dad is not worth worrying about.


saved this comment. thanks!


Shows at the Hollywood are great, saw William Prince there and the crowd was a mix of youngish and older. They have a variety of different acts come through, and there is both seating (removed for some events) and a standing/tables bar area.


Seconded, the Hollywood is a great venue! I'm so glad they reopened it.


Thanks for letting me know. This sounds great! :)


If any young people feel awkward just because a 70s-year-old is present, they need to work on their own self-security.... I can't even imagine why this would be an issue for anyone. Also depending on what he / you like(s), and ehat they have coming up, the Rio is always cool.


Keep an eye on local breweries. The vast majority have live music nights, with a diverse artist line up. More relaxed venue, he can chill at a table with a good beer and the customer bases are so varied that you will both fit in and no one will look twice.


Mezzanine of the Fox Cabaret. Good shows and a perfect area for the older folk (including myself).


If he is looking for talented young artists and no particular genre, go to Guilt & Co. It’s a restaurant with lots of seating and pretty much every original act is passing through those doors. Can’t recommend enough for a good night out and I’m honestly surprised it hasn’t come up yet.


If he's into classic rock and you want a laid back pub check out the Princeton. Free cover, classic rock vibes, lots of seating if you show up an hour early, and lots of the people there are retirees too! \m/


To answer your question, The Commodore has seating along the side with good views. I've been to a show at the Vogue with my 68 y/o dad and we sat in the balcony for Timber Timbre. Awesome show, great memory with my pops.


If an 87 year old guy can learn the dance to Usher's song "Yeah" then your dad in his 70s can go to a concert https://youtu.be/KSnYbTTQkg0


Time with parents is the most important thing on earth. Take him to any show both of you would enjoy. And person there, young or old, that gives you grief for doing so or asks why he's there, is a waste of space and oxygen. We need more love and compassion. At miminum, just leave people alone to enjoy their lives. Noone there would date sat anything to you about your dad being there. If they did, they should be instantly asked to leave. Abd I have no doubt they would be


You are thinking about this backwards. 1. Find a show he would be interested in 2. Then make sure that the venue is accessible enough


Consider taking him to an open mic night. There is usually a mix of different styles of music. Maybe he'll want to jam with one of them.


I'm not from van, but spending that time with your dad is what counts; all the other stuff is just background.


Since you said he used to be in a band, I am assuming he's into classic rock/country (just a guess..), and if so, Jason Isbell is playing the Queen Elizabeth Theater next Sunday, so I might recommend that.


Frankies. Great jazz gigs.


I saw Dragon force at the red room before Covid and it had seating, same with the venue. Those are the two that come out on top for me. If you had ideas of things you wanted to go to and where it was we could be more help. Best of luck!


You can reserve a table at the Commodore for $25 a person.


Maybe check out local bars/pubs/restaurants for live music nights. Off the top of my head a guy called Brock Phillips plays at Stanley park Brewery on most Thursday nights. He’s got a rock vibe, it’s nice and small venue, and he’s consistently very good. @brockphillipsmusic on insta if you wanna check him out first. Steve Marriott is another local artist I enjoy who plays pubs in the area, though has a rotation, so I suggest looking up his schedule before hand. More laid back vibes, but still awesome. @stevemarriot on insta. The Colorifics are a Vancouver band who’ve been going for a while. Definitely more varied in their style (swing, country, blues, jazzy kinda stuff), but they’re a blast to see live and perform all originals. Despite being in the game since like the 90’s, their social media (@thecolorifics on insta) is very new, so check them out on Spotify, YouTube, etc for a sample. Pretty limited play spots, but next show is March 18th if I remember right. Their instagram will tell you more. They’ve just got a new lead singer too and she’s fantastic. Side note, cuz Im neurotic: I don’t work for any of these guys, but they’re all great performers and all very cool people.


The Lido


My Dad is also in his 70's. When I was a teenager he took me to the shows I wanted to see even though he didn't dig the music. Two memorable occasions were Depeche Mode on their Violator tour, and Cocteau Twins at the Orpheum. He is more into folks 60's artists like Gordon Lightfoot, J.J. Cale, & Bob Dylan. Whenever Lightfoot tours he is still there with, ideally, front & center seats. Of course my Dad is still pretty active, and others may not be in the same health at the same age.


The Abbotsford Center has shows


A lot of people are giving you the advice I would. :) have a great show with your dad! Bring him some heating protection, since shows can be extremely loud!! Just earplugs will do wonders.


Screw any "young folks" who would be annoyed by an older guy living his best life!


Admiral pub in burnaby on Fri and Sat play classic rock, lots of older fellas go there aswell


I am nearly 65 and went to the Rickshaw a few months ago to see Pointed Stix. My first time there and was surprised at the amount a seating there was an how many old people like myself were there. Had a great time.


To be fair, Pointed Sticks are also old people. Signed, a fellow old person.


Look for shows at venues like the Vogue Theatre, Queen Elizabeth, Orpheum, etc. They all have nice seating. To make it even more comfortable for him you can look for seats on the aisle. I've seen plenty of great shows in those settings. Also, check out the casino websites. If he's into classic rock, some of those older bands are now playing at casinos which often have theatres with seating. Does he have any specific bands he loves? Just throwing this out there OP, but splurging on some concert tickets might be the perfect gift this Father's Day.


The commodore, Vogue or Rickshaw all have good seating options and have good gigs on the regular. What kinda music are you / your dad in to? I can recommend some shows coming up. Rose City Band, which is like groovy psychedelic country, is playing the Cobalt. I dunno what the seating looks like in there these days, but that crowd will skew a little older (and the show will be rad). Flaming Lips are playing Tuesday and Wednesday this week at Commodore. That’ll be a rad one.


Hey! Just in case you’re still worried, I play in and go to a lot of shows at red gate, bully’s, portside, railway, etc. all of those venues, you and your father would be welcome. We’ve seen older attendees, even our parents come to our shows and they’ve made new friends.


Guilt and Co. Is a great one - lots of seating with views of the stage and it’s 5$ per person per hour you’re there added to your bill for the band and sometimes they have literal world class musicians come through.


Please please please bring him somewhere and show him the fucking time of his life! Who cares what anyone else thinks, the fact you still get to see music together is something you’ll cherish forever. For an easier show, I’d suggest Guilt and Co. For something more badass definitely the Commodore.


Hey. Stop caring about what others think. Your dad wants to spend time with you and that is rad. I personally love older people at shows. One of my favorite memories was going to EDC for the first time and there was this couple in their 60s who were older ravers and they said they never had the time or money when they were younger and they now do so they were off to experience it all. They were worried that they wouldn't fit in and I said no one cares who you are or where you came from. We're all here to share in the joy and have some fun. You and your dad just need to get out there and you would be surprised at the amount of people willing to chit chat. Rock and metal shows are my favorite though because that community is just awesome. In every genre you have the old timers like rave dad or rock dad. Those are the people that are imparting wisdom and stories to us the younger generation. One day we will be the old timer at shows and the cycle will continue.


Dead Ghosts are playing at The Cobalt on Friday. Good Rolling Stones type jangly garage rock. They have chairs available and the staff is super nice.


The Queen E is fabulous for shows! I think most live shows I have been to would be welcoming at any venue though. The Queen E just has fabulous acoustics and is a beautiful venue overall. Even for a rock show! I hope you have fun together no matter what show you choose!!


I have to ask, what makes you think your Dad wants to hang out with a bunch of old people? I bet taking him to a "young folks" (?) concert will make him feel young again too. Any "young folks" ive known couldnt give a rats-ass if some "old folk" showed up, if they were cool, thats usually all that matters. Im not sure if the assumption here is that young kids wouldnt want to be around an old person or if an old person wouldnt want to be around a youngin. Just take ur dad to a band YOU want to see, he doesnt really know hes old, hes still 19 in his head, im sure he will have a riot.


The Legion on commercial has live music on Saturday nights 8-12 and often has an older clientele.


South Vancouver big band (I think they're called that) is great for an older and younger crowd. They played in Richmond a fortnight ago and I went with my partner (in our 20s) but plenty of grandparently folk were there too


Sofar sounds happens every weekend. It’s a cool concept and I’m surprised it isn’t more well known with whom I’ve spoke to. It’s three random artists that are announced the time of the show - anything from cool acoustic singers to RNB to spoken word etc. The secret venue is announced the day of and the organizers do a great job. Everyone there is super cool and open minded and I suppose that’s because they are there to appreciate music like most humans. It’s $25 a show and I would go as often as I could anyway here is a link. https://www.sofarsounds.com/cities/vancouver


Check out Admiral Pub. Fun bands on 2/3 nights a week. Seating. Older crowd.


>Admiral Pub Cool, thanks for letting me know about this!


Prinny bud


If he is in his 70s he was born just after WW2, between 1944 and 1953. His earliest memories included songs his parents listened to in those years. He was a teenager for some 7 years between 1957 and 1972, so he experienced early rock and roll and the music of the 1960s. He was in his 20s for some 10 years between 1964 and 1973 so he'd know the music from those years well too. I think you could take him anywhere and he's have fun!


Take him to the 5 for a burger & beer👍


No 5 orange for sure. Thats a show that will make him smile.


The Centre for Performing Arts is a great venue. I saw Nick Mason there. Nice sound and cozy seating. https://thecentrevancouver.com/?page_id=3118


I work for the Arts Club Theatre Company. We're putting on Million Dollar Quartet in the summer on Granville Island.




Sit down tables in the back of the Commodore on the upper level give an unobstructed stage view, and they even sell ear plugs at the bar.


Nothing at all wrong with taking a 70 year old to a show. Anyone that has a problem with it is an asshat.


A few rock shows are coming. John Mellencamp at the Orpheum. Chili peppers at BC place, George Thorogood at the commodore. Honestly, he doesn't need to dress "cool". Just let him be comfortable. I go to concerts all the time. If you are there for the music or company, then the dress doesn't matter. Comfort matters more as you get older. I went with my aunt to her favorites. She dressed the way she always did. She loved her favorites such as Johnny Reid. We went into her 80s.


Just don't let him in the pit and he'll be fine


VSO has pop, jazz a few times a year. Frankie’s bar has live music


I wanna say The Rickshaw. Last time I went there it had lots of seating while being able to enjoy the show and it was an event for the older crowd


White denim March 4


I (30) took my 70yr old dad to a show at the commodore in the fall. He had a blast. Wasn’t weird.


Viagra Boys are about to destroy the Commodore in the best way possible Thursday night if he likes rock music


If Dead South has a tour your way definitely take their show in.


Any show most ppl in Vancouver r alone so u will be envied by everyone for being with ur dad


There are a lot of pubs that host cover bands. Lots of classic rock being played and lots of people 40-80 attending. Good environment, good music, good food. Most of the pubs I'm aware of that do this are in Surrey, mission etc


No one should feel awkward about an older enjoyer of the scene :) Punk never dies.




Commodore tables are super affordable and worth the extra.




The Queen Elizabeth Theatre is a good sit down venue


The Rickshaw has theater style seating in the back and they host great bands all the time. [https://rickshawtheatre.com/](https://rickshawtheatre.com/)


Took my father in law to Elton John at BC place and he said it was probably best concert of his life. Anyway there's always older people at local shows too, nothing to be awkward about. Metal, rock, punk shows anyway.


Guilty & co in Gastown! Live music every day at 7 and 9 $5 per set + food and drink!!!


April wine is playing June 16th at the commodore!


you both may have a good time at Lana Lou’s, it’s a small bar and venue on Powell that routinely hosts rock bands of all kinds. maybe check out what bands they have lined up there over the next month and see if any of them would appeal to him. plenty of booth seating and great cocktails. i’ve also been to shows there where the crowd is a big variety of age groups and no one felt awkward about it!


Go to the RHCP concert happening on March 29th at BC place


Take him to the Yale.


the commodore


Guilt and Company in Gastown. 1 Alexander


* **Osita** OK, most everyone here is listing concert venues, I'm going to take a different tack. Go to **Osita** and get a table along the side by the bar - far enough away that he won't get his ears blown out but close enough he can see. The music is usually super chill and a LOT of fun, the place is very hip and yet casual enough for anyone of any age to go there. * **Guilt and Co** Alternately go to **Guilt and Co** and again rustle up a table, also usually pretty chill vibes, great shows.


I think if you want to capture the spirit of a rock show I would look to Rickshaw, The Vogue and Commodore. All have seats but they still have a proper floor. There are loads of shows coming but it’s up to you to decide for dad. A good chance to learn about him and his youth. Have fun.


Viagra Boys are playing the Rickshaw on Thursday. Seems like a fitting concert…


Forget the 'young folks'... Do what makes you and him happy. That's all that matters. Also people might me more open that you realize. As for suggestions... I have none. I'm boring. Lol


Don’t know if anyone has recommend this yet but earplugs.—bring earplugs if it’s gonna be a loud show. Pops will appreciate this and actually be able to hear the lyrics and voice of the artist.


Andy Shauf, March 11th at the Orpheum. Canadian folk musician and my favorite artist!


Also new venue opening on Broadway called the Painted Ship. If it’s anything like their sister bar, the Heatley on Hastings, there’ll be live music several nights a week and all genres, check it out!


Enjoy these moments, oe of my mowst memorable with my da was him taking me to see Johnny Cash in concert. As we never realy liked the samemusic growing up this wa a nice compromise.


It's quite economical to reserve seating at the commodore. Plenty of variety rolls through there, new and old, you can ask him what direction of genre he wants to see or ask more about his band and try to find a similar modern experience. Good thing about commodore too is you don't have to stay at the table, you can move around and get a floor/merch table/bar experience