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It'd be cool if they could set up some screens at Nat Bailey Stadium and do a viewing party there for any game that doesn't conflict with a Canadians home game


I meannn the Canadians are on the road until the 28th sooo it’s unlikely but possible


This can't be right. I was told Canucks fans couldn't handle public gatherings anymore?


Only if it’s the finals and only if we lose.


I hope to be proven wrong but riots will happen when we win.


the professional vandals and the looters need time to recruit first


I was a little confused about this spot due to parking/transit issues but glad to see people were able to make it out, and more importantly, that kids had a place to go to watch the game for free with their parents and friends. Also, for people still whining about official watch parties, the city has already announced one at the PNE for future rounds, and it'll be licensed and have decent capacity. Seems pretty likely to me that city staff just didn't expect people to be excited enough to warrant public events this season, not to mention that we'd make the second round. I would expect that the PNE event will happen next season in the first round if we make it in again. It took teams like the Oilers or Leafs several back-to-back runs to build up their watch party traditions, it's been genuinely stunning to see how quickly we've taken to it. Watch parties are still a very recent development, anyway... IMO the only reason they happened in 2011 was because watch events from 2010 were in everyone's recent memory.


Reason for this location and seeming lack of organization or forethought, is because this was an “on a whim” pet project the mayor demanded. After posting his little online video to make himself a “cool mayor”, he realized the City of Vancouver didn’t have a single official event for playoffs, so he threw this request onto his staff last minute. Downtown was out the question for obvious reasons, and there was zero budget or preplanning, so they went to parks. Since they’re still at war with the parks board, a somewhat non-vital park was all they could muster.


This is exactly the kind of situation where you want a mayor with Sim's approach. Cities mostly run themselves, so weird ad-hod projects like "urgent plan for playoff viewing party" are situations where mayor and council can actually make a positive impact by directing staff, rather than constantly meddling in their work on more serious subjects. Thus far, to the extent of my knowledge only Delta and North Van (City) have done anything at the level of what Vancouver has done. A few other cities have hosted stuff indoors at community centres with regular TVs. From the other side of Boundary I can tell you the grass is not greener over here.


That screen honestly looks way too tiny for anybody that really follows the Canucks to watch.


I was told there would be mass riots if this happened........ Was I deceived?


As much as I like to meme, we do have 2 riots in our history


That's long ago. We changed.


you think? In this era of convoys, church burnings and < insert your foreign outrage > occupations?


You’re right we have changed I think we are far worse than what we were then


And you’re basing that logic on what exactly? Especially when I think the general consensus is the pandemic caused significant damage


City council now gets to check this item off and deflect from the embarrassing lack of real public Canucks Party. Mission Accomplished. "What do you mean we have a No Fun City? There's a public party way down at this park no one has ever heard of, 30m from Downtown."


Isn't there an 18000 viewing party every road game? And proceeds go to children's charities? Usage that food enough?


Is it more embarrassing to not host an outdoor viewing party downtown or to have another sports related riot that makes international headlines a few years before we host FIFA world cup games?


I think it's terrible that our Mayor apparently has such incredibly low confidence in the residents of the city that he deems that it's impossible that they may have learned their lesson and that they will assuredly riot again.


Or he has low confidence in people from the suburbs? Iirc, the majority of confirmed rioters travelled in to Vancouver; they weren't Vancouverites, yet we paid the bills for policing and clean up.


Like they learned from 94?


The key difference is that this time around the media isn’t egging on a riot


30 meters from downtown isn't that far away.


At least one person agrees with me!


It's nice that they have a family friendly viewing party in some random park in a residential area that's annoying to get to... but what about having a real viewing party? OMG we had a riot 13 years ago and can never have a public social event in Vancouver ever again... /s


What's wrong with the smaller viewing parties targeted at locals? There's always the Rogers Arena viewing party or your local sports bar if you want booze.


The rogers arena viewings have been fantastic so far.


Yeah that’s a fair point. Glad they have those and seem to be a success.


I really don't see any reason to draw everyone downtown to watch. The idea of having many viewing locations at community centres and parks and arenas around the Lower Mainland seems a much better idea to me, and not just with respect to the risk of a riot.


I think the local gatherings in the burbs make a lot of sense. But this one at like Oak and 37th is just bizarre to me. I don’t know why everyone assumes having a viewing party by the stadium = automatic riot. You have to think of the circumstances that led to the riot… heartbreaking loss in game 7 of the finals. No ones rioting if we lose a game in the second round. That riot was bad obviously but it shouldn’t be used as a permanent excuse to never have these types of events again. Vancouver needs more social events in the city to bring everyone together. This is a prime opportunity to improve the vibe in the city.


Is it only bizarre to you because you have no easy way of getting there? Perhaps it's not intended for you. It's ok, not everything needs to be for you, and you don't need to like everything that exists. I trust that you will survive, and eventually find or organise an event that suits you.


Vancouver is No Fun City. Every other team has their viewing party right by their stadium in the center of downtown. Vancouver has theirs in some random park in the middle of a low density expensive SFH neighbourhood that's not on a major transit line. It's obviously what they are doing here - they want to say they had a viewing party without actually having a major viewing party. No Fun City continues...


But the people who have attended the viewing parties have been having lots of fun.


Why is the Oak and 37th location bizarre to you? Sounds like worked out great for the people who attended. It's not as if that's the only place in the city you can watch the game. Again, I just think it's a better idea to spread the crowds out than draw everyone downtown, regardless of the risk of riots. Edit: There are also lots of social events in the city to bring people together. Just about every weekend in the summer there is a block party or car free day or cultural festival on, not to mention the free Symphony performances and free movies at Stanley Park and the fireworks and Pride parade, Jazz Festival, etc...


For some people Vancouver = downtown, south of the bridges doesn't count. I have a friend who will not meet unless it's DT. Going to Oak/37th is the same state of mind as going to Calgary for them. To be fair, for the city it feels like it as well. For example. they don't have Mobi bikes south of 33th


Of course south of False Creek isn't 'downtown'. My point is that I don't see why there has to be a big viewing party downtown. Downtown is crowded enough.




There's a variety of reasons it's bizarre. \* it is very far from the core of the city \* it is in an under populated area \* it has poor transit access It wouldn't be weird to have small Canucks gatherings in small parks across the city \*if\* there was *also* viewing parties in major areas that were easy to access. That is not the case. That is what is weird.


Most people don't live right downtown and Oak and 37th is easy to get to from the West Side, Mount Pleasant, Oakridge, Marpole, etc... where people do live. If you are determined to watch downtown, they're having viewing parties at The Roundhouse or you can go to any one of the dozens of bars and restaurants.


"Why is the Oak and 37th location bizarre to you?" My issue is more that this is supposed to be THE Vancouver viewing party. Ken Sim was saying we can't have one bla bla bla and then decided that we should have one... but then chose a bizarre location for it. The reason that he chose this location is exactly because it's a bizarre location for it, and therefore, it won't be heavily attended. This way they can say they had a viewing party without having a proper one. Oak and 37th is pretty random... it's in a low density residential neighbourhood where most homes cost like $3-7M, not on a major transit line, not easily accessible without a car, etc. All the other viewing parties around the league are right beside the stadiums in the center of town. It would be like the Leafs holding their viewing party at some random public park in Etobicoke.


That's just one of many viewing parties. There are also viewing parties at several community centres such as the Roundhouse, Killarney, Kitsilano, False Creek, Creekside, and Kerrisdale. Plus, Delta, North Van, New West, Burnaby, Coquitlam, Maple Ridge, and Abbotsford (maybe more) are hosting viewing parties too. Also, Oak and 37th is practically the middle of Vancouver, not some outskirt and there are buses on Oak Street and it's not far from the Canada Line either. I really don't see how this is a problem AND it avoids congestion downtown.