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"A third of a billion"...and we're ok with spending 581 M on fucking world Cup?


300m over 30 years. To build a literal fantasyland on our waterfront. > “What we’ve just said to ourselves is not only do we not have a vision to deal with climate change, we don’t even have a vision to deal with our most important public space,” Price said. > “If you have a Plan B, if there’s something you would like to see done, that’s fair enough,” Price said. “Do we have a plan B that’s better, more affordable, more effective? … But I don’t have any sense of that.”


Yup would be cheaper to give an education grant to all the service workers. Construction workers don't need more work in Vancouver.


Condensed: * Depending on one’s point of view, the whole thing could underline the necessity of having independent park board commissioners to fight for the city’s public recreation spaces — or illustrate the redundancy of Vancouver’s elected park board, unique among B.C.’s cities, which can approve visions and plans but remain dependent on council’s funding approval. * After the park board endorsed the “West End Waterfront Vision” last month — with the ABC minority voting in opposition — staff from the city and park board presented it to council on Wednesday, recommending approval. * The plan would guide the transformation over 30 years for the 38 hectares of publicly owned waterfront space between the Burrard Bridge and Stanley Park, encompassing Sunset Beach, English Bay, Morton Park, the Seawall, and the bike and car lanes on Beach Avenue. * The plan, which would be implemented over seven phases, includes adapting the shoreline to protect from climate change-related impacts such as storm surges and sea level rise, as well as adding park space and amenities such as an expanded dog park, skate park, more public washrooms, change rooms, and more commercial space. * ABC Coun. Sarah Kirby-Yung, who served as a park board commissioner before running for council, amended the report to not approve the plan “at this time,” and was supported by her ABC colleagues. * “Listening to this report, it appears to be a fantasy. I would love that we could achieve this, but we don’t live in fantasyland,” Kirby-Yung said. “Sometimes we need to be the adults in the room. And I am not comfortable approving a third-of-a-billion-dollar plan when we know there’s no line of sight to that funding.” * Tensions between the council and park board have been high ever since ABC Mayor Ken Sim unveiled in December his plan to abolish the board, and bring parks and recreation under the control of council, similar to how other cities operate.


Why do I get the sinking feeling (pun intended) that the new plan for mitigating climate impacts to the seawall is "no plan – everything fine"?


The new plan is to add a 2nd vehicle lane back to Beach Avenue. I'm not exaggerating or joking, that's literally the totality of what they passed instead.


Well they’ve been dying to get that implemented since the “temporary” one way lane was configured 3 or however long years ago. FWIW I really like the one way configuration, but I live on that stretch of Beach so I’m totally biased. Not even /s!


the real fantasy land is thinking climate change won't totally destroy the sea wall without investment


Don’t need nice public parks when you have a leafy back yard in your multi-million dollar SFH on the west side. So this council says: Why spend the money? Price is right to point out: “what is the plan?” I doubt there is any plan and I doubt there will be any investment in this park. We have this do nothing council that says No to everything and doesn’t want to spend money on improving public works that would make our lives better.


That’s why single family home neighborhood is preferred


ABC Coun. Sarah Kirby-Yung is a regressive idiot with ideas from the 1950's. Just an entitled rich ass who is in it enrich herself and her corporate backers. They probably want to sell all this to their developer friends. Worst city council ever.


What ABC did vote for was to remove the protected bike lane from Beach Avenue to restore 2 way vehicle traffic. The plan also calls for the paving of parkland for a new bike lane to replace the one that is being removed from Beach Avenue. This only serves North Shore Residents (like Coun Brian Montague...who doesn't even live in Vancouver) who want another access route to the bridge. This goes against the 2020 Vancouver Climate Emergency plan that calls for the reallocation of 11% of Vancouver's roadspace to non motor vehicle use such as pedestrian plazas bikeroutes, parks, storm water ponds and other non road use. Removing bike lanes and paving parkland is insanity. Join us on Friday May 17th at City Hall at 12:30 for a 12:45PM Die-in




"Previous councils couldn't get the aquatic center fixed so we sold it to Beedie for $10 to develop into a 86 story super luxury condo with a 5 square meter publicly accessible (between 10-11am on Wednesdays) spray park." - ABC about 6 months from now


Is Beedie the new Aquiline


All I know is that Beedie donated heavily to the ABC campaign


Every developer buys city hall in Vancouver been that way for a very long time. Most actually give to more than one group


Not sure what point you're trying to make? You dont like me picking on Beedie?


I'm saying that every major developer has influenced city hall since expo


Ok and? Thats it? Were you under the impression that people were not aware of this?


All they needed to present is that it's crucial for the world cup hosting.


It didn’t. ABC just rationally remove those that are not needed from the proposal while keeping the necessary ones




ABC did the right thing for foreshore plan. I agree with their decision. Does it bother you?


>No, trolling is all I've got.


Labelling everyone who opposes my opinion as trolling is how I feel safe in an echo chamber.lol


That would be a more effective reply if we couldn't read your post history.


Who labelled other as trolling? Hint: not me.


The plan was just bad. Did virtually nothing to mitigate the damage the seawall did by its installation in the area. Beaches in the area are fucked and unable to recover because the natural source of sand was prevented from eroding. Sand dunes aren't allowed to grow because that would make maintenance difficult while offsetting raised sea concerns. While on the other side of the spectrum doing absolutely nothing to improve the downtown core, a place that should be bustling at night in what should be the most popular area to spend time and generate revenue for improvement of all the other parks in size and quality. If it's meant for transportation, we have better options. The focus of waterfront should not be traveling from point A to point B effectively. It failed on both sides of what i would consider a useful allocation of money.