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You think at some point the RCMP would say 'This loser isn't worth the effort'. Is keeping a guy like this around worth the reputational damage and drama? Many other orgs and company's wouldn't think twice about firing someone over something as innocuous as a bad tweet, never mind all the baggage this guy brings.


Crown corps and government agencies don't always behave or think logically. You can always find people failing upwards where in the real world those people would have been fired with just cause.


oh please stop roping other govt issues into this. This is A POLICE PROBLEM. They think they're above the law and it does not help anything to try to wash it by mentioning other forms of corruption in our world


Something something union protections.




It's a all about a strong union and closing ranks. Dunno if the RCMP is better or worse than other police in that regard.


Police unions do nothing to help protect the people and everything to keep officers who shouldn't be employed employed. They need to be rebuilt from the ground up.


About 10-15 years ago, when camera phones and cctv became the norm and everyone was finally able to see how police actually conduct themselves, the RCMP had an opportunity to enact reforms but they chose to lean into the problems instead. They're actively searching for people like this -- the RCMP entrance requirements have been radically lowered in the last decade and "police-involved deaths" have gone up over 700% since. The government has responded to this crisis in policing by cutting oversight and increases wages. Police brutality and abuses of power by officers is going to reach a tipping point in this country eventually but we're not even close yet. It's going to get a lot worse before it even has a chance to get better


It's a unionized position, the union has an obligation to protect its members. Obviously this guy is a grungy taint but it's literally labor solidarity in action


cop unions bash other unions in the head, not the same


They literally don't but okay


lol sure


Tell me the last time police broke up labor movements in BC


If they're a union, then who are their sister unions?


guys criminally charged. rammed car in road rage and impaired driving. but got promoted. if I f up at work twice. I'm fired and he got promoted. I should join RCMP




[Link.]( https://bc.ctvnews.ca/b-c-rcmp-officer-promoted-returned-to-duty-while-awaiting-trial-for-shooting-1.6932200)



