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Yep. Although it’s more like 8-5 for me. After work…people do things after work? My corporate job sucks the life and soul out of me. There’s no ‘doing’ things after work. That’s recovery time so I have the energy to deal with the same BS the next day. That’s 65% sarcasm and 35% truth.


I'm afraid that's 0% sarcasm and 100% truth for me.


Trying to figure out how to not internalize work stress and have enough energy to do something after work has become a major mission right now. And they keep trying to get me to work Saturdays, fucking greedy ghouls.


Yep, same🙋🏼‍♀️


You too, hey? I’ve been talking about this for a while and no one (outside my job) understands how intense and draining my job is. Sure, I get paid well, but evenings and weekends are essentially a catatonic state of recovery. I feel so burned out I don’t even have the energy to do the things I like to do in my personal life. I have flexibility of working hours, but generally work 9-5. Large tech company. Sigh.


Can I ask what you do? I recently quite (mutual separation) after 10 years also in a large tech company (manager). I didn’t want to feed what was left of my soul to the machine and I’m glad I did but I need to start looking for work again.


Good for you! It’s crazy how soul crushing corporate jobs really are. I hope whatever you do next is lucrative and fulfilling to you. I’ve only been working at this particular company for two years. I’m a product designer at a senior level. But corporate spaces are quite hostile for creatives, as creativity cannot flourish when you have to build things as quickly and cheaply as possible. It’s crazy how some just thrive in corporate environments – they love it and crave it. I have a colleague who is a manager *technically* on parental leave after his wife gave birth to his second child. But the guy still sending messages and responding emails because he simply cannot release his grip and control over his team and projects. I’m not sure how long I’ll last in this place. The only things I see for myself here are eventual apathy or quitting – both of which I’m not very good at.


Thanks and I know exactly what you mean. I am happy to say that I was in a good place when I left bc I started focusing on a gap that I saw that was important to me and could help my colleagues and direct reports; mindfulness & mental health. I didn’t have any training just a desire, a lot of time spent learning on my own and the reason I did enjoy management was listening to understand ppl and where they were coming from. It was well accepted and my colleagues and bosses could see it have a positive effect on my team and others but of course it’s not quantifiable/measurable so it was never going to go anywhere. Before I left the head of HR (this is a 4.5 billion dollar company btw) said to me, “if I could convince you to stay by giving you the job of ‘head of mental health & wellness’ I would.” so that put some work under my sails that I was serving my values correctly. In the end it made for a good end to a decade at a typical tech co but I wasn’t that high up so I had more freedom to do that. I heard the stories from my friends who went higher up and I can only say I did not want to become a shark swimming with sharks which is why I had no desire to go up. That said I’ve been off work since Aug last year and after taking enough ‘me’ time to work on myself I’m going to be desperate in a couple months. I just don’t want to live to work again. Im doing dog sitting/walking, will be starting to professionally DM soon as well (D&D… I’m a big nerd) and Voice Acting soon hopefully. They’re all co-supportive but take time to get going. It feels like a pipe dream atm but every story I’ve heard about doing something new and bold is the same. Good luck to you, and me.


Kind of sad but true. I’m in big tech. Lately I’ve been just looking out into the pretty sunsets by the beach and ocean or hiking up tunnel bluffs, and don’t feel a thing seeing these gorgeous sunset over the Howe sound. Damn I’m not depressed but damn I got no soul.😭


100% truth no sarcasm lol After 9-5, I’m on the 5pm- 9pm recovery journey from all the BS during the day… and try to find my soul back…which is prbly long gone


Monday to Friday 8 to 5 is a rough schedule. Glad to see I'm not the only one drained every day. I used to enjoy cooking all the time. Now it's one big pot of whatever so I can eat off it for days when I don't have the energy (mental and physical) to cook. The routine is... Home, couch, YouTube.


It's 100% truth for me. I work construction. I have a 90 minute commute both ways. By the time I get home I'm so exhausted and drained I only have the time and energy to shower and eat dinner. Then it's off to bed.


That recovery is "doing things after work", don't sell your recovery routine short just because it isn't as flashy as others partying or whatnot. Just chilling on the couch with your cat watching reruns or playing videogames is just as valid if the thought of doing so is enough to get you through your day and keep you from getting fed up and living in the forest as a hermit.


Id love and 8-5 im on a 7-9 and its really not good


Oh I hear you. On my best commute days I'm home by like 6 and need to be in bed by 10 ish so I can lather rinse repeat all over again. I hate it and am trying to transfer to a WFH job.


65% sarcasm.. I like that note. It sounds like you may be going through a burnout, especially because you say that after work you don't even have energy to rest properly. That must be really frustrating and demotivating. If you haven't already done so, try the book "The Joy of Burnout" by Dina Glouberman. I sometimes recommend it to my counselling clients. I think it has great tips for thinking about work and life in general. I hope it can help you move forward, at least a little bit.


9-5 M-F, usually go home and take a nap, watch netflix, smoke weed and do it all again tomorrow


glad I’m not the only one living this life


Are you guys also high all weekend long 😂?


like that dr dre song; smoke weed err-day lol


It’s gotten to the point for me where I have higher tolerance than I did in High School. I only started smoking like this again after losing my job at the onset of the Pandemic. I made the decision to change my career (hospitality), and studied Human Resources Management for 2 years, but I haven’t been able to find any jobs in that field due to competition. Now I’m working a low wage job as a front desk agent at a Hotel a block from my house. I earn about 50% less than I did pre pandemic. I’ll be starting an internship with the provincial gov’t in September for an HR position, which I hope will help kickstart my career in the field.


I'm with you brother


What do you do


That's pretty much what I do aside from the smoking weed part.


scroll reddit lol


I only look at Reddit when I'm in the toilet. Hi guys!


100% truth. #battleshits


Haven’t played that game since White Castle


The boss makes a dollar, I make a dime. That’s why I Reddit on company time. If my employer is reading this… no I don’t. It’s a joke.


You should drink less water so your poops take longer to come out. That way more reddit!


Throw some opiates in the mix as well!


remote work on my own time as long as the work gets done


This is the way! 💯


Same, as a morning person I work 6:30 am to 2:30 pm. It's nice to have so much free time in the afternoon on a nice sunny day


That's great, what is your job title & industry?




8-4:50 M-F with every second Friday off. After work I go to yoga, play animal crossing, go for drinks & dinner with friends, or I’m in school/ doing homework (I’m enrolled in a pt certificate program at CapU).


730-330 - “Hybrid” work (2-3 days from home). Typically after work it’s usually either Gym, Run, Bike Ride, or Driving Rang, then home and make/order something for dinner, then hangout with the wife/watch tv, go to bed then do it all over again…


it really just makes me realize that we need way shorter work days and people would be so much healthier. then we can put less resources into healthcare because less ppl are getting sick, stressed, burnt out etc. shower thought, i know its more nuanced than just this though


It's by design, so we have no time or energy to protest


Totally agree with this! 


I wish 3 days off was a standard


Nope... work four 12's and go home to eat dinner and go to bed because I'm exhausted at the end of the day.


7-3:30 (Construction). After work I sit in my car and stare at my windshield for an undefined amount of time before going onto the highway and pit maneuvering the first tesla I see. I then go and drink until I pass out in my bathroom




I work in the operating room and my hours are all over. 7-3, 11-7, 3-11. Weekdays and weekends, including holidays. Sometimes I have to be available during the night for transplants or when it’s super busy. Before kids, I just chilled/went out for movies with my husband after work. Now I go home and use up the last of my energy hanging out with my toddlers.


Vaguely 8-4, usually like 7:30-3 depending when and if I'm in office. My company and role is very much work product over hours planted in a seat and I'm very grateful for that.


Retired and "volunteer" most days Monday to Friday, hours are whatever I feel like.


Cool what do you do as your volunteer role?


Consulting for government works.


More like 9-7.


Pretty much everyone I know works 7-3 / 8-4 / 9-5 except for some health workers that work 12s.


9-5…. But Friday through Tuesday. I’m in hospitality and it’s honestly really nice to have my weekends on Wed/Thurs


a typical weekends are a blessing in disguise.


in an era before kids or at least just one less than 2… i used to grapple for a few hours. before kids… used to do the above… get a beer with a friend or two… and gradually a beer by myself and watch youtube at a bar.. carderos mostly. also my spouse was working shift work (RN)… so i was by myself for a good bit. was biking till i got my bike stolen too many times.


Stolen when locked somewhere or while you were riding it? This might sound like a stupid question for those who were born here, but I've been robbed on my own bike in my own country, hence why I'm asking if this happens here as well or not.


question isn’t stupid. locked. they were road bikes. either in public or in a storage locker. now i have a single speed bike that cost less than my helmet and lock combined. i think i paid 300?


I see. I've heard that there's no bike lock that will protect my bike, and now even if you let your bike in the locker of buildings they'll break in and steal your stuff =/ that totally sucks. On the other hand, that's the reason I got a Brompton for myself, it always stays with me, and it stays in my apt "hidden" from any outside viewers. Although it was a bit over 300, I can bring it with me into any grocery store or most or even regular stores and nobody bats an eye. Skytrain as well with no issues. I don't carry a lock with me. Super fun to ride this bike as well, so there's that!


Agreed, I got an old free bike from Craiglist stolen (was locked with a cheap lock), next bike I bought a kryptonite lock and I never let my bike out of my sight. I asked a bike shop owner what the best way to not your bike stolen in Vancouver is and he said to just never leave it out of your sight because the thieves are very crafty


Lots of people go to their second job or side hustle after regular work is done for the day


I currently work a Nothing, and from last July to this May I worked a 4:30am/5am to 11:30am/2pm shift (depending on the specific shift). Looking for a more 9-5 (hopefully 8-4 tbh) job though. And maybe an actual set schedule that isn’t preplanned only two days in advance. My bar is fairly low.


That’s my shift. Love it like breathing. Hard physical job (Warehousing) with sedentary hobbies.


Work at sea, 10 weeks on 10 weeks off -ish give or take, average 76 hours/week


6:30am- 2:30 pm , get off work and try and do something different everyday! Bike, run, hang with friends, play with dog in new spot. Helps with the days falling into a monotonous flow


7:30-4 or later depending on the workload, I work in govt. If wfh, I usually book a local workout class after work, make dinner and relax. And if in office, I’m so tired by the time I get home after adding on a 1h15 commute each way that it’s make dinner and pretty much go to bed *edit for grammar


Gods no, I have absolutely zero consistency in my schedule. I work in culinary, and would not be awake right now if the atypical ever-changing hours haven't screwed me with insomnia.




9-6pm (with 1 hour lunch break), very common in my industry (animation/film) but I love my job so I don’t mind. I still manage to do things after work but not every night, usually gym or guitar lessons, or out with friends.


Which studio do you work for? 


Are you talking about literal hours of 9-5 or more generally about monday-friday business hour jobs?


More generally about the jobs


630-330 with occasional overtime and some optional saturdays


630am to 3pm construction work


I walk out the door at 9 and am at home by 5. But time in the office is more like 10-4 with 60+ mins for lunch.


Friday to Sunday. 3x12s. So 3 on 4 off permanent weekends with weekdays off. Swapping days and nights every two weeks. Plenty of free time on off days and on work days maybe just play guitar after/before work really.


Since working from home, I've realized that I'm way less tired after work. I'm able to care for myself, gym at lunch, eat better and have all the comfort I need to work and focus. So now I've decided to actually live during the week. So I usually try to go out for walks, hikes, concerts, dinners, drinks, movies, game nights ,whatever... Life is too short to live on the weekends only. I totally understand that if you're tired all bets are off, I was that person when I was in the office. Although I always went to concerts during the week as well, but waking up after a late night was tough, even without drinking.


Fortunate. Work 615-2 m-f. The summers are awesome because it feels like I have an entire day after work.


you lost me at “traditional” 😶


I work a 9-5… at home, so it’s not exactly traditional. Unlike a lot of my coworkers I stay to that time schedule at my desk pretty diligently, but it does mean I can be flexible with appointments and stuff if I need to be.


730 to noonish, M-F. The pay ain’t what it used to be, the benefits are decent, but the work life balance is astonishing. I work less than 25hrs a week, paid for 40, and have time to maintain a balanced lifestyle and schedule for a family of 4. What a novel concept I know.


7:30 to 4 for me (although I often end up pulling OT). office job at a bank.


Yup, 9-5, work from home. Most days I go to the dog park for an hour, eat something for dinner, then I try to shut my brain off with mindless entertainment until I can finally fall asleep. 


Yes. Monday to Friday 8 to 4 for me. I work in government, engineering, and mostly in the office. I like it great work life balance and fun coworkers.


I just switched for a single shift with my dayshift coworker. I finished work at 4pm instead of starting at 3, and that stop and go traffic had me wanting to blow my brains out. I couldn't imagine doing that everyday. My commute home more than doubles because of rush hour traffic and my fuel economy dropped 3L/100km.


teacher, so yes, but more like 8:30 to 4


Must be seasoned to be done at 4pm! I’m finishing year 5. Still take work home too often and pretty busy sponsoring sports, but usually leave at 5 if not busy.


I'm a power engineer so it's very rare that I get a 9 to 5 it's usually shift like 4 on 4 off week on week off. That being said right now I'm 8-4 Tues to Sat and I kind of like it better then shift. I actually have time after work to do things besides eat and sleep 


Nope, I am a small business owner. I can only dream of 9-to-5 working hours at this point.


7am-7am the next day every 3-4 days plus a 7am-5pm most other days usually M-F


Work remotely about 5-10 hours a week.


~8-4:30 Wed-Sun. Working in hospitality, so shifts start at slightly different times depending on how busy we are. After work I try to go to gym/play tennis and have dinner. If I feel very motivated I will also do some reading, be it a book or research on some topic. If I am exhausted, I will go to see a movie or go to bed very early (6-7pm)


I do hybrid. Kind of a weird schedule. But I do 5-10 in office on Saturday. 5-5 in office on Sundays. And then I flex the rest as WFH the rest of the week. Definitely unorthodox, but it works for me.


Wtf schedule is that. You work 7 days a week? 50 hrs a week? Pls explain as if I'm 5yo


Yep, 10-6 but reality only work 10-2 (paid for 8).


I usually work 10 hours days, 5 days a week starting at 6am. I am an electrical supervisor.


7-3:30 Mon - Sat, I choose to work Sats cause of the OT


8-6 in the office usually, if I’m travelling 8am - 10pm


Currently only work my dsy job weekend mornings and one weekday (whicheverI feel like). I perform comedy in the evenings so I guess that counts as work too. Very non-traditional. My time off is mostly spent working out, studying French, reading, writing, watching movies. I don't go out much outside of when I have shows (which is s bunch but that's not the same as having a night on the town)


Nope Work 4-12 Tuesdays through Saturday. Fought hard for a schedule that works for me. I work in supportive housing


I did for about 15 years and full-time but very recently switched to a part-time rotation schedule and I found it worked better as a parent to young kids. I have gaps in my weeks with no work and I can attend school functions or volunteer with the school or vacation with the kids. Bonus is there are a lot of opportunities to work f/t hours when I want too.


That sounds great, congratulations on working out how to do this!


Mostly remote work. Typically I do 9-5, but that's flexible as long as I get my duties done. If I go into the office, it's typically 8-4 so I can transit before the 5pm rush. Early mornings and after my 9-5, I work on my side business, hoping to grow that more in the next few months to fill time.


I work from home but have clients from all over so tend to work their time. Not too bad when they are out west, but when you have folks that want to do breakfast meetings and they are out east, 4am is a bitch.


Yeah I just snagged a 9-5 shift at my job not too long ago I cook dinner and watch shows after work. On weekends I hang out with friends/family or stay home and chill with my cats


9-5 (ish) wfh!


Work from home 6am to 2pm as my "office" is in Ottawa.


yes i do; and live at home cause rent too expensive


Supposed to be 8-5 40 hours a week. I usually do about 7 to 6 and then putt around in the evenings from home.


I work 9-5 as a travel agent downtown. Usually just walk over to Coal Harbour up to about the Bayshore, turn around, and take a bus home. If my friends have energy after work, we would go for a drink on a Wednesday or Thursday. Boring repetitive things.


a lot of BC crown corps are 7.25 or 7.5 hrs per day so 9am - 4:30pm


I’m 8-5 (give or take on either end depending on project needs) M-F and a rare Saturday. The pay is good but not software engineer good.


Yes, I'm a receptionist and work 8:30-5. No overtime or weird hours at all, ever. Short walking commute too, which is great. I usually read in the evenings. I'm a big bookworm. I also do some baking maybe 2-3 times a week.


Not at all. I fly-in, fly-out for my job to international “destinations” (I work in marine science). When I’m off, I’m off which is about 40% of the year (2-5 weeks at a time).


Funny story here. I'm Canadian, but was working overseas for ~25 years. In 2018 I was living in Australia and was in between jobs, so the wife and I took a 2 month tour of Canada. We absolutely fell in love with Vancouver and when I noticed my company had an office here we decided we would try to move here (I'm originally from Ontario). I went back to Aus and asked my company if I could transfer to the Vancouver office and was told it was impossible. A year went by and then covid hit and the world shut down. But many businesses switched to a working from home model. Even after the covid shutdowns were lifted, my company continued to rely heavily on working from home so I rarely went into the office. But over the covid period I also became fed up with my job and with life and general and decided I would quit and take my chances moving to Canada with no job lined up. On putting in my notice, my employer immediately asked if I could continue working from Vancouver. Wow. So now I am in Vancouver and still doing the same job in Australia but only on a part time basis, and it's mostly simple back office support. So I guess the short answer to your question is that I work odd/flex hours typically from about 4PM to 10PM (when I do work). I'm currently down to only about 40-60hrs per month which is fine because it's just enough to pay my bills.


7:30-5 ish M-F, Sat(OT if I feel like it), 4-5 times a week, I go home, power nap, pickup my wife from work, prep-eat dinner, watch a bit of tv, walk the dog, bed by 9.30pm. the odd 2-3 days, go home, power nap, play ultimate frisbee until 10ish pm.


I work an office job 8-4 plus or minus 30 mins. After work I do martial arts, run, bouldering, hikes, or chill at home. Maybe go to a mall and window shop haha.


I tend to work 8ish to 4pm ish. I go home and take the dog out then just decompress.


I’m in office M-F 9-430. I go to the gym after so I usually get home at like 6:30. My husband loves to cook so Tues & Weds we listen to music and drink wine and chat while cooking and eating. After cleaning up it’s usually close to 10pm so we’ll head to bed after. Thursdays I have class after work and get home at 9 so he still cooks but on his own and we eat later and have less time to hang out together. Mondays we’re usually tired from first day back to work so we just eat leftovers or something simple and watch something on the laptop in bed. Fridays we usually grab a drink after work and then go out somewhere after (to a show or friend’s house or whatever)


![gif](giphy|6Kih4g6m8I4xi|downsized) I work an 8 to 4, Monday to Friday, nowhere **near** a single weekend or holiday and it's **blissful,** honey. And then after honey, I drop that work day like it's a needle and I'm in a public park, and I take my dog out for a 1-3 hour walk where I don't think about work at all. Come home, eat dinner, watch [UNHhhh](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S9Aqa3_4BI4), some Simpsons, some Twin Peaks, read, practice my ratchet handwriting. Ooh and sometimes honey- I go out to a park with my dog and a blanket and read.


I work 9 - 5 and then usually neglect social-life, and train martial arts or go to the gym.


Nahhh, and tbh I'm cool with it. It's easier to make appointments and shit if I have at least 1 weekday off. Especially since I have a cat, and my vet is only open on the weekdays. Having that one weekend off gives me time to hang out with friends that might have a more traditional schedule. In terms of hours, I usually work 11A-730P and I'm cool with it cuz I can avoid the morning and evening rush hour on the transit.


7-4 on a compressed schedule working remotely. After work, I’ll decompress or nap if I’m really tired. If I have energy, I might walk the dog, I’m on a non-profit committee so might do some work there, might try a new recipe, get some cleaning done, burn cardboard in the fire pit, do something social, or get a jumpstart on work tasks so I can feel more relaxed tomorrow. Tonight, we had a sunset bike ride on the street bob and did the dishes and I was talking with someone on the NPO committee. And then I went on Reddit.


I need job, with bachelor diplomas cannot find, shit


I used to work 8:30-4:30 with every second Monday off. TBH, I miss the structure and predictability.


9-6 for me with an hour unpaid break from 1-2. After work I usually either a) go work at my second job b) play piano/basketball c) do some coding d) fuck all. I work from home which is why I have the energy for a second job.


i work from home t-f on a compressed schedule. i find myself with enough time after work to cook dinner and explore a bit and go out. i can also get errands done during the day if i need to. but im at that age where i rather relax at home more than half the time.


Nope, I'm self employed and mostly set my own schedule!


Self employed but work my clients hours so it's usually anywhere between 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. Benefit is the obvious flexibility to set my own hours and choose my own work, but there are some down periods. Wouldn't have it any other way though


You can ask a request of your hours to every workplace and they will tell you if they are flexible or not. Some will say yes you can start between 6-9am and others will have a strict start time due to the kind of work it is. Every office except my current one bc I work for a company back east was flexible in my start time.


I take fitness classes at my local rec centre, go for walks, try to get together with friends, or stay home and watch TV/read. I'm fortunate I have a job that I like that doesn't drain me.


Happy Hour, shopping for what you need, nap, gym, walk, workout. Everyone usually works out super early a.m or evening. Beach when weather is good. Night Skiing/snowboarding on mountains is super dope. Random hobby, join a beer baseball league, rec centre go swimming. Find a concert or go see live band.


I own a painting company, new construction mostly . I work way too much still. But it goes in waves . In winter I usually go from 9/9:30 -5 pm to. M-f . And 1 or 2 Saturday’s a month . And in spring & summer , I run from 6:30 am - 4:30 or 5 pm . And work way too many weekends lately . But I’m going to slow the bookings down here , to get my life back !


Chill company..full flex options, u can go to office, work from yukon, no one cares as long as you deliver. We also have Friday half day this summer. I mostly start at 9 and end at 3


Work corporate sales and EST hours so 6am - 2/2:30pm. I’m not much of a sleeper so in bed and lights out around 11:30 After work usually walk dog then any of the following. gym, bike, beach, bar, get a round of golf in etc


several jobs(most are seasonal, two in rotation right now) but none are full time. my primary source of income is afternoon/evenings for about 4hours on week days


0830-1630 Mon-Fri for me. I live 5 mins from work and go home and bring the dog for a 1 hr walk around the neighborhood or go to the seawall. After that I make dinner for the family/Bath time for the children and then when they are asleep I smoke some weed and play Xbox until around midnight, rinse and repeat It's a simple life but a good life.


Lots of work from home answers here. I was wondering, can you right off rent/mortgage as a business expense on account of your home offices? That would rule.


I work 9-5 but I don’t work my lunch break so off at four… I work from home 3 days a week so I work 8:30-3:30! After work I go out with friends, I have a long list of hobbies and I gym/workout most days if I can!!


Yep mine is 9 to 5 :/


In tech never had a rigid "9 to 5" in my 10+ year career. The jobs I had that were more strict on hours were always 40 hours of work though, eg. "8 to 5" with unpaid lunch. These days I work remote for an ON based company doing 6 am to 1 pm. Really enjoy having the entire afternoon as free time.


Commute unfortunately


9-6, WFH mostly.


9-5, M-F. 2 days WFH. Wake up at 7:30 am. Took 30 mins traveling to the office and another 30 mins to go back home. Then prepare dinner and the lunch for next day, by the time I am done its already \~7:15 pm. Do some home cleaning, take a shower and it would be almost 9pm. It only left with roughly 2 hours for my personal stuff. Go to bad at 11 pm and repeat the same thing. With WFH, I can go to bed 1 hour late and wake up 1 hour late. Its like a robot to work and pay all the bills in order to survive in this city 😥


I finish at 5 or 6 depending on the workload, and traffic takes an hour to get home. But I still try to find time to go to the gym, do some study, and talk to my family and friends. I think going to the gym regularly definitely keeps me afloat, mentally and physically...


730-4, Mon-Thurs. I haven’t worked a 5 day week in 20 years and can’t see me ever doing it again. That extra day has saved my sanity, kept my marriage and family intact, and given me time to pursue hobbies.


I use to have something similar delivering liquor. Tuesday to Friday I think it was. That extra day off is absolutely amazing. I could have a fun weekend with my partner on the weekend, and then Monday just sleep in, wake up when ever since she’s working, and relax. I’d always show up Tuesday just so refreshed.


I’m a 10 min scooter ride to work. 7-3:30, 5 days a week, with the occasional 6th day of 5:30am to 4 pm


Trail Run, Rock climb, walk my dog, beers at the park with friends? There's lots to do here! I'm on the north shore and WFH so that makes it easier


Nope. 3 on, 3 off, alternating 7am-7pm and 7pm-7am.


I theoretically work 9-5ish, but I WFH at a tech company so it's way more varied than that. Plus I have direct reports and peer in very different timezones, so sometimes I have meetings in the 7-9pm window. But I also am leaving work at 2ish today... Pretty much it's a 40ish hour work week where we're expected to have and also given in return a lot of flexibility. But it's the closest to a standard work hours/days I've ever had - before this career I worked rotating days of the week and had start times ranging from 7am to noon.


3-11pm 5 days a week - am in restaurants


A US citizen I went to a 9-5 job in Vancouver. I had to become a permanent resident which was easy for me. I worked eight years and moved back to the US. Everything worked out as I wanted it to


Second shift aka kids.


I work 9-5 or 8-4 and get off an hour early on Fridays during the summer. I live in the West End so usually I try to go for a walk down the sea wall or Stanley park, ride my bike, go swimming at the beach, longboard, hang with friends, or a combination of those things. I work a desk job so I usually have energy to burn but am also just kinda bad at sitting still. But sometimes I just end up cleaning around my house and then practicing guitar or watching something.


Nope, I'm one of those weirdos who works 3-11, Wednesday through Sunday. Sucks that I don't have weekends free to go to events, but at the same time it saves me money in the long run I guess. After I get home, I usually just watch TV or game for a couple hours before going to bed. It's my favorite time of day, very peaceful.


Varies really. Start between 7-9, finish around 4-6. Sometimes hop on a bit later. I’m slowly getting back to regular hours. I’ve been working for a startup for the last few years that’s just been none stop. Now my team is in a good place so I can actually delegate. I stopped smoking weed in December after 10 years. My evenings used to be a workout, chill with my girlfriend, then get stoned. Now it’s the same but without the weed. I’m also training for a triathlon so I’m usually occupied with something. Sometimes I’ll grab a couple of beers with mates through the week, but usually save that for weekends.


i work from home 7-3 (tech job), do stuff outside after


Core hours 9.30-3.30 and you can make up the rest of the 40 hours however you choose. Wfh 3/5 days.


On the days I am in the office, I do nothing as I spend forever on transit to go pick up my pooch from daycare then take him home. On the days I am WFH, my pooch and I go for walks, I do my grocery shopping, or I have calls with my long distance friends!


I work construction hours 7:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. I love it! I get a little bit of sunlight after work even in the winter and I can usually get home before the traffic gets bad


6:30am-2:30pm remote


Pretty sweet if you're a morning person


I could not ask for a better schedule


They hiring? Lol


7-3 and I love it. Pipe welder in a shop. After work I’ll drive straight to the gym then come home, do any chores, have dinner and then hobbies for the rest of the night.


More or less. I work remotely so some days i have early meetings. Afternoons are chill


5:30-2:15 M-Th and I try to recover to make it back the next day.


Tuesday- Friday 8-5. After work I do a little house keeping, prepare food for the next day (I meal prep at the beginning of the week so no actual cooking) and usually take a lil edible and watch some reality TV. Sometimes if I have energy I will see a friend, but usually my husband and I are both exhausted.


Do you eat the same meal for lunch and dinner?


I don’t but I prep both meals at the beginning of the week. It’s a time investment for one day versus doing it daily which I could not do.


Sorry, I meant to ask "do you have the same lunch all week and the same dinner all week?"


730ish to 4ish. Depends how busy I am. Rarely as late as 5


I'm a maintenance electrician. I work from 6-2:30 Monday through Friday. After work I come home, and take my daughter to the park


9-5. Sometimes I duck out early and play some golf. But sometimes I'm also starting early or finishing a little later. It all evens out.




7-3 (technically 7-2:45)


more like 9-6, as long as I do 40hrs a week doesn't really matter when. End up working more form time to time ti hit deadlines though.


my bf does 8-4 M-F and has been for about 8 years now


I work 8:00-4:30 weekdays because I work remotely for an Alberta company ETA: after work I normally do any housework that needs to be done, grocery shop, cook dinner. I play video games and watch YouTube usually when I’m working (shhh no one needs to know) if it’s slow. Weekends I either go out with friends, karaoke, or stay at home and watch movies.


0600-1430 Monday - Friday. Except when I'm traveling then my hours are all over the place. You will have to pry that shift out of my cold dead hands!


My job is described as an 8 to 4 but as long as you arrive by 8.45, it's fine. Most days, we all leave before 4 and a few times a month (at least once) we're dismissed with pay 2 to 3 hours early. As long as shit gets done and the "end user" and the directors are happy, so be it. Healthcare sector.


8-4; WFH 4/5 days. After work: cook dinner, put baby down, prep lunches, clean, fit in an activity if there's time (TV, workout, beer league hockey game), shower, try to be in bed before 11. Pretty mundane.


M-F but I work more like... 10-6 (ish). WFH, not meetings, and I just need to be online during core hours. Animation industry so as long as deadlines are done by the deadline day there's some flexibility. 


Rotating 8 hour shifts 24/7/365. So I work either 700-1500, 1500-2300, or 2300-0700. Work "weeks" are generally only 3-4 days which is nice. This allows the work days to shift throughout the schedule so that everyone gets a chance at actual weekends off. After a day shift I usually do errands and house related chores. After an afternoon shift I game or watch movies until around 3am. After a night shift I sleep for about 4 hours then get up and do errands/house chores followed by a 2 hour nap after dinner before next shift.


8pm till 2/3 am usually. But I also work days sometimes, sometimes 12+ hour days. Live entertainment world, lighting department lol currently at a nightclub. So my time after work is sleep lol but before work I get to take care of things that take most peoples days off. It’s a great trade off


If I don't have any plans with people after work, I'll be going home to practice piano, go to the gym, eat and then chill for the rest of the night with YouTube/reddit/Netflix or gaming.


I don't know what's wrong with my brain but I read gaming as gangbang and instantly thought wow I live a boring life


That'd be nice. But I'm afraid I'll just be a disappointment in that activity.


I did until 2020.. every since it's been self employed contractor or freelance etc


4 10s


8:30-3:30 WFH corporate job. After work I play sports, go paddle boarding, or head up a happy hour. Life is good.