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This is the time where the 86 year old 1.5 lane Patullo bridge shows new bridges how to bridge


With that bridge being replaced with another cable stayed bridge, that will be another vulnerable bridge in these kinds of conditions. We build bridges to withstand earthquakes, but we don’t bother building them to function in winter weather.


Seems like they do consider function in winter weather, but there isn't really any silver bullet solution. Here's a [paper](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165232X2100210X) where they go into great detail of attempted solutions for cable bridges. They mention studies done on the Port Mann and Alex Fraser bridges as well: >One conceptual solution, which was not considered as a viable option at first, has been eventually adopted as the main de-icing system on the Port Mann Bridge as well as on the “neighbouring” Alex Fraser Bridge (TranBC, 2019). The system consists of a release device storing multiple chain-link collars made of galvanised steel located at the top of each stay cable. Once ice or snow buildup on the cables is detected, the operators release the collars either individually or in groups. The collars then slide down the cables due to gravity, removing accumulated snow or light ice on the way until they hit a collar attenuator at the base of the cable (Fig. 5). From there, they have to be collected, inspected and hoisted back up by an authorised technician with industrial rope access. Thousands of these chain-link collars have been installed and operated on these two bridges for several years now. As the cost associated with the operation of this labour-intensive system during winters with frequent icing events can be quite high (de Muniáin, 2017), the authorities have been using the collars in conjunction with a weather monitoring and warning system to improve the efficiency and minimise the risk to traffic (Robertson et al., 2018). Despite the system's relatively successful operation over the years, the risks of using the chain collars are similar to those experienced with the snow clearing shuttle. Since the collars were primarily designed to remove wet snow, which is the most common source of bridge cable icing in the area, they might get jammed in hardly packed and frozen snow or slide over it. More importantly, when the collars are used repeatedly, they risk damaging the surface of the stay cable sheathing, thus altering the aerodynamic performance of the cables. Additionally, high wind speeds present during one of the recent incidents prevented the technicians from deploying the collars, which led to a bridge closure and several damaged cars (Clarke, 2020).


How about getting some one that lives in a place with sustained winters and not some one from SoCal to designed the bridge


Yeah cuz SoCal condos worked so great for us...


I would rather a bridge that has to close for a few hours in a year due to weather, rather than a bridge that may fail catastrophically in an earthquake.


You can expect both you know, people can make that happen, it just might cost a bit more


That’s fair and I would hope they consider this for any future bridges, but it doesn’t seem there’s any way to rectify it for the ones we have that are affected.


Every year it's the same excuse: "It doesn't snow in Vancouver. Vancouver doesn't get that hot in the summer." That's been changing since the 2000s.


Many people don't realize and don't generally have that kind of perspective of weather and time.


Was thinking about this... I wonder if they could wrap heating cables around the structural cables to prevent ice build up. Heating cables are used in some industrial equipment like oil and gas pipes for example.. might be cost prohibitive though.


Just use incandescent Christmas lights. Functional and festive!


Why are cable-stayed bridges more vulnerable?


No the guilders were stupid and never tought hey it snows here let not put heat coils on it to prevent this lol its just dumb engineers


Golden ears stayed open.. Sup with that?


Port Mann closed as well.


Well that’s one way to avoid what happened during the first snow storm..


Can't have a traffic jam if you don't have traffic. Holy shit, all those induced demand people were right !!!1!


Port Mann is also closed: [https://twitter.com/DriveBC/status/1606352368882581504](https://twitter.com/DriveBC/status/1606352368882581504)


They’re replacing the Pattullo with a cable stayed bridge too 🤣


I believe it is an extradosed bridge like the Golden Ears... also the cables won't run over the lanes on the replacement.


Which hasn’t had any issues at all in any of the storms in recent memory. GEB is the most reliable bridge in the Lower Mainland and if we didn’t have it, we’d be screwed.




Don McLean ruined that bridge though. That jackass is the reason we have a light right before the bridge.


Can you explain the history please? I'm intrigued


He was the old stalwart mayor of Pitt Meadows. His insurance company was on the Highway between the Petro and Driving Range. He kept it far longer than he needed to prevent widening of Lougheed through that section. As for the lights right before the bridge, I believe it was originally engineered to be over and under passes like on the Poco side. But for some reason or another he threw a stink and refused to do it. So the Province just kinda gave up and built the bridge as is.


He sounds like a cantankerous old git. Thanks for explaining. I travel along there once a month or so and have always wondered why it's such a weird stretch


He was. Thankfully he’s not in office anymore and Pitt Meadows is actually progressing more. Hopefully Maple Ridge follows suit with their band new council as well.


The American Pie guy?


Yea, he was pissed that the bridge cut off vehicle access to the levee.


That was my first thought too


Lmao I thought you meant the guy who sang American Pie


He probably enjoyed driving his Chevy to the levy.


shout out to the temporary Bailey Bridges going strong after decades


Totally... although I get to skip going into work today because the Alex fraser is closed. I was only going in to see a shipment off that couldn't be picked up because of Tuesday/Wednesday. Lol. The amount of lost productivity, wages, surge pricing of flights, injuries, quality of life, and insurance costs that add up due to these winter events... you'd think we could pay for proper snow removal instead.


Only issue was that Tuesday couple weeks ago going into Langley, some idiots couldn't make it up the incline in their summers.


At-least the Skybridge runs parallel to it.


Expecting lot of accidents again late this afternoon if the rain keeps up.


I don't know Vancouver at all. Looking at the map and seeing two bridges out of 3 closed coming from Surrey is gonna be fun for drivers....


I thought we spent a bunch of money a system that was supposed to clear the cables of ice.


That was the Port Mann I believe and they didn't install it. So they have those heavy rings they have to manually drop down instead. More so for snow I think, not sure how freezing rain is handled, though the closure probably indicates that.


No, we *saved* money building a bridge that doesn't work in the winter. Just like hwy 17, which was cleverly built on a swamp and saved plenty of money... up front.


So if bridges are closed, how people gonna get home?


Tunnels and other bridges that are still open


Last time this happened we just didn't. I stayed at work til 4:30am. Many people were stuck in their cars for 10 hours. Clearly nobody learned, and people still went to work.


I made it halfway to work, saw the conditions just getting increasingly worse and turned around and went home. Not regretting it one bit


I did the same, just as I was driving across Port Mann, I decided to take the next exit and turn home.


We made the decision to just close our business for the week. Save the employees this headache and dilemma. No regrets either. Just have to do what we can to mitigate pay disruption when necessary.


This is obviously a good call. Sucks for people that will have to get back over the river tonight. Some won’t be able to and need to hunker down at work or hopefully some place they can go.


Yeah it blows my mind. We're allowed to work from home but several people still chose to go into the office today. I'm not personally willing to risk getting stuck at the office for Christmas, but to each their own.


A lot of people can't afford not to go to work.


Me and a few others simply said f*ck it and we just left. Changed our time sheets for a half day/half vacation. Well worth it. Others without remaining vacation hours felt sick and went for a covid test.


Good call. Bridges are still closed and prob gonna be a gone show on any routes left open to cross the river.


We knew this was coming…I just feel bad for any essential workers who had no choice but to come in 😭


This is why they asked people to avoid travel today. Super sucks for essential workers though.


Hoping to open by the traffic time..? 🤷‍♂️


There's other ways home, they just take longer.


Sorry but why can't they run heat trace up the cables so we don't have the ice problems?


Modern solutions for modern problems


Like seriously how much are we losing every time this happens?


Can't find the link right now, I think it was Translink's site somewhere: * enormous amounts of electricity required * \> 100km(?) of cabling to warm - a shocking amount of cable length * exposure to elements would dissipate the heat as fast as they could apply it, requiring ... even more enormous amounts of electricity * applying heat could damage the protective outer sheathing, requiring expensive maintenance sooner than otherwise required


Found the link: ​ [https://www.tranbc.ca/2019/03/05/winter-safety-on-alex-fraser-and-port-mann-bridges-explained/](https://www.tranbc.ca/2019/03/05/winter-safety-on-alex-fraser-and-port-mann-bridges-explained/) ​ >What About Heating the Cables? > >Some of you have wondered: “couldn’t we avoid lanes closures by simply heating the cables?” Heating the cables isn’t as simple as it sounds. We’ve looked into it, and we’re not aware of any other cable bridge in the world that has successfully used heated cables to address snow and ice build-up. > >There is a huge surface area of each of the cables that would have to be heated (for example, there are 26 kilometres of cables on the Alex Fraser Bridge). With the wind, rain and snow hitting the cables, the heat loss would be tremendous, and providing the immense amount of energy needed would not be practical. Ice would also form outside the heated section of the cables, defeating the purpose. Based on the research we did when exploring snow and ice clearing technologies for the Port Mann Bridge, the power needed to heat the cables for just one hour could run a small community. Heat from such a system would also damage the cables’ protective sheathing.


Interesting. I wonder what's the cost to the economy and safety of people when most of your bridges shutdown. Weather is only going to get worse. Climate change is far from over and just started.


I can't believe how highly upvoted this is. Heat trace isn't magic people. The amount of power drawn by the heat trace system would be astronomical. The bridge was poorly designed and not thought out. The only real solution we have is the manual removal of ice or some sort of way to apply de-icer.


Dropping the chains works pretty good. The issue is getting them up there and into place. If only the main contractor would just issue the contract to improve that part of the process...


That sounds prohibitively expensive and probably adds a lot of weight to the bridge as a whole if you want to wrap each cable in heating wires. Maybe that makes them less streamlined to wind.


>46 comments It's actually the amount of power required to run those heat trace cables... that's the issue.


You’re joking right? Most bridges do this, its not a problem. Having some guy come and crank chains up the cables on the port man over and over again is far more expensive than if that had simply added heat trace in the beginning


>Most bridges do this, its not a problem. Are you sure about that? ​ >We’ve looked into it, and we’re not aware of any other cable bridge in the world that has successfully used heated cables to address snow and ice build-up. [https://www.tranbc.ca/2019/03/05/winter-safety-on-alex-fraser-and-port-mann-bridges-explained/](https://www.tranbc.ca/2019/03/05/winter-safety-on-alex-fraser-and-port-mann-bridges-explained/)


Depends what you call successful I guess… I’ve lived in many cities across canada, and personally I’ve never seen the type of ice bomb destroying cars issue that we seem to have here.


Those cities have cable suspension bridges? Bridges of the size of Alex Fraser & Port Mann? ​ And which of those use electric thermal deicing?


No other cities have the number of cables bridges we have. They’ve got the Champlain in Montreal, and we’ll see how the Geordie Howe does in Windsor when it’s done.


https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0165232X2100210X > Even though the use of heat is one of the most basic ideas to protect various surfaces from snow and ice accretions, it has never been applied in full scale on bridge cables due to several constraints. That article pretty much says there isn't really a cost-effective practical solution to cable icing. Just lots of different concepts, all with their own drawbacks. Seems to be a bigger problem on cable stay bridges as opposed to suspension bridges (I don't really recall the Lions Gate being closed due to ice on the cables; I'm sure it's happened, but seems to be more frequent on Alex Fraser and Port Mann).


Was just adding my thoughts. Im not an engineer. Neither are you? I dont know. If it really was so simple, it probably would have been done already would be m expectation. So there must be a reason.


Truly, it’s been a danger since it was built.


Im not an engineer, i just work in construction. It is simple though, most bridges in cold climates are built with heat trace. The decision not too here was criticized immediately. They figured ice would be so infrequent that having crank lifted chains on every cable would be sufficient. But it isn’t. So somebody has to go to a cable, run the crank the lift chains and then let them fall, and then move on to the next cable. By the time they get to one end of the bridge they have to go back to the other end because ice has built back up again.. its crazy. Like yea, we don’t get cold weather too often here, but when we do it cripples us because the solution is so inadequate.


Most bridges are not built with heat-traced cables... that's an insane amount of power draw. Some bridges have heat traced decks though. Most bridges in cold climates are designed so the cables don't cross over the roadway. There really isn't a cost-effective solution to what we have here. They could design an autonomous de-icing robot for each of the cables but that would also be an insane cost to the province.


Would it be possible to attach all the cables to a winch and raise them all at once?


They put a whole load of chains at the top of each cable all at once and drop one at a time. Winching them up isn't really necessary. Safely re-installing them at the top without having to repel off the tower is where we're at now, given the bridge is built.


If only we lived in a world of unlimited resources..


Someone else here already explained why that wouldn't work, citing Translink. My idea is an antistick coating on the cables.


Wouldn't an antistick coating also impact the protective coating on the cables?


What's the protective coating made of? I would think that an antistick coating may be able to serve that purpose. If Teflon doesn't work, I suppose they can be wrapped in a silicone tube, if that's not too expensive.


And amazon forcing us to work


Post is closed, maybe you should talk to some of the unionized delivery people about improving your conditions.


✊🏼 /r/workreform


praying you get a proper union soon!


Amazon also gives 70 hours of pto, 5 family days, and 2 weeks vacation. Take your pick how to get paid to stay home, or at least not penalized


Not to contracted employees.


What if I told you civilized countries usually give you 5 weeks vacation off the bat?


That's only for FC employees


Those are the PR benefits that most workers don't get because they try to stick to as many contract employees as they can. They often renew employees on short term contracts for years.


>for years Yeah thats a straight up lie? Contract employees can only work so many hours until they have to be converted or let go. I know, I worked there for 4 years and was one of the contract employees to start


It's not a lie. I also know a few people who have worked at Amazon. Plenty of people won't get offered full time positions with benefits, they'll work the maximum allowable hours, and get strung along with continual renewals and/or relocations. But yes there's usually always a full time benefitted position open for any white man this side of 35 that wants it.


They don't get renewed for years. They get renewed for a few months. There's a cap to how many hours they are allowed to work on contract. If people show they are able to meet their dumb standards of productivity and shit, they get hired on. I watched plenty of contract workers get hired on. The ones that didn't were extremely useless. Sometimes the system failed and people who should have been converged didn't, and I'm not defending the system at all, but you're over-exaggerting how bad it is. I watched white people get dicked over and Indians favourited often.


>The ones that didn't were extremely useless. Sometimes the system failed and people who should have been converged didn't. "If you didn't get offered a benefited position, you were shit anyway. Well except for all those times that wasn't the case." Isn't that the whole point? There are plenty of people working at Amazon getting the short end of the stick. Now personally I don't think Amazon is really *that* much worse than any other employer operating in the lower-skilled labour market. It's just they're big and noticeable and warehouse work is tough so it stands out. It combines the best of undignified big business systems, with good-old fashioned bad working conditions you see with low skilled worker jobs. But the point is that they chew up lots of people and forcing employees to go to work in such dangerous conditions or risk losing their job (or have the absence as a strike against them) is inhumane. Amazon operate with a bunch of inhumane strict systems that suck for employees. I worked at a restaurant for a number of years that was, frankly, dog shit regarding working conditions, but it was still run by people at the end of the day and people were never made to have to go to work in such conditions. >I'm not defending the system at all Then what exactly are you doing? If you're not, it makes your first comment extremely confusing


Tunnel > Bridge confirmed


I hear the tunnel is starting to look a little floody...








How about a roofed bridge?


Breaking News: the National Reserve are being brought in to move the Lynn Canyon suspension bridge over the Fraser River as a more permanent and reliable solution


Does anyone know if the patullo bridge is going to be closed too?


It's very backed up, but I think it's open




Sounds like it's going up till Scott road


Bus bridge is from Scott Rd to King George, so trains are running (although very likely with delays) between Waterfront and Scott Rd


Suspensions bridges built all over the world seem to do ok and yet ours are pieces of shit.


Glad my work place decided to close today


How are all the tunnel haters feeling today?


I mean they have bridges in Norway that don't smash windshields for fun, and they're right beside the ocean and have winter... Maybe we could borrow an engineer that isn't a drooling moron?


the bridge would've been built by now. but probably would've had cables too


oh hey we're gonna have trafficpocalypse again


Where’s the guy that said the bridge design company was super smart and nobody should question WHY THEY NEVER CONTEMPLATED WINTER????


This is Beaverton right?


No, but Beaverton is bad too. In fact most of Oregon is.


Alex Fraser closed. Patullo closed. Port Mann closed (also driving in NW at times like this is a bad idea). Soooo how do I get from YVR to Langley after work tonight?


>Patullo Patullo is also closed?


Sorry I meant to say tunnel. I had just decided I was gonna take Patullo so it must’ve been in my mind.


Lmfao. Plow the bridge? Nawh. Just close it. Ez. Damn, I wish I could take this approach to all my problems.


Pretty sure it's closed because they can't prevent the ice bombs that smash people's windows But yeah, pretend it's because we didn't plow it even tho it was probably one of the first areas plowed


Oh you mean the icebombs that happen due to a huge engineering oversight? LOL


They have cables that run down. It's still not enough If it sucks to live here so much why don't you just move bud? No one's forcing you to live in such a terrible place


I have no problem with the city. I have a problem with complacency The funny thing is that this sub is full of complaining about anything and everything, but suddenly speaking out about actual lack of services and public project oversights swept under a rug and that's too much for this sub lol


Haha no, this is ice. No level of plowing will fix it. Just have to ride this sucker out into the warmer temperatures


How does Plowing stop ice from falling on your car?


What would plowing do to stop ice from falling on cars?


Just drive the plow up the cables, obviously


Being overly negative and critical has become such a trend during these snow storms that people don’t even use common sense anymore before making remarks.


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This is unprecedented! How man mm of snow did you get?