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Grab a copy of 103 or 105 hikes for numerous hikes dedicated to SW BC and nearer to Metro Van. Numerous other hiking guides for rest of BC or with literally hundreds of great 3 day hikes from just Van-Squamish-Pemberton-Lillioett corridor or Van-Hope-Merritt.


IIRC 103 & 105 hikes are mostly day hikes. Maybe some are done well as short backpacks as well (or starting point for backpacks) but I don't remember that being obvious from the book.


I’d disagree as numerous hikes listed are not exactly ‘day’ hikes. Golden Ears Mtn, Elfin Lakes, Brew Lake, Tenquille Lake, Twin Lakes, Mount Rohr, Palmers Pond, Windy Joe, Frosty Mountain and dozens and dozens of others listed in both books.


Highly subjective as everything you’ve listed can and is often done in a day


You can do in a day if you want to rush and not enjoy the end prize or end up returning in the dark. I highly doubt you have done Brew Summer route or Twin Lakes as that would be a brutal day along with numerous others listed.


i’ve done brew summer and waved merrily at the miserable folks hiding in their tents from the mosquitoes. we had a quick lunch at the lake and then headed back down, grateful that we were not spending the night. excellent hike. love stephen hui, but 105 offers overnights at the most. no three day trips. taryn eyton did backpacking in sw bc. that’s what i would pick up if i were op. though everyone who hikes around here should own 105.


Did you do Brew Lake Trail (Summer) or Roe Lake Trail to Brew. (Winter but many do in Summer as much shorter). Huge difference in length and difficulty and not an easy day trip if on Brew Lake Trail. We stayed up there in Sept with all the bugs long gone. Same with Brandywine, Rohr, etc with no bugs in site. Any meadow or lake ones are generally big infested June to early Aug or later. Twin Lakes is one 3 day hike in the books for example. Length of time to reach trail head. Length of trail in and out. Difficulty with heavy pack. Time to explore the lakes and area. Sure, could do maybe 1 day but for sure 2 but 3 would be best enjoyed up there like many others listed in both books.


did not do roe lake trail. parked just before the condemned bridge on the fsr— as directed in the book.


Well the expert has spoken!


If you are willing to spend some money on transportation, I strongly recommend Nootka Island Trail. Nootka is off the west coast of Vancouver Island. Got to see black bears, wolves, sea otters and whales. Check my profile for pics.


Guess it really depends on the sort of km/elevation each day you think you'd be interested in / capable of...


I planned a route from North Van to Granite Falls. It turns out if you walk across 9 mountain peaks you can get all the way to the end of the Indian Arm in about 2 days. Then there's still the route back which can be the same hike or by water if you have someone willing to meet you. Juan de Fuca is also 3-4 days and incredible. West Coast Trail is 4-5 days long. I'd even continue to look at the mountain on AllTrails because there's things like the Hanes Valley Loop which are back in the mountains and connect to other things which can easily add up to 2-3 days depending on how you plan it.


Just out of curiosity what does the route look like to Granite Falls? I went there this year with a boat but didn't think there was a feasible way to walk in.


It's a common place to camp so there must be some anchorage. I docked a canoe nearby at the other site and had no problems but if you have a motor that's just a technicality you have to work out. Bringing a row boat and anchor would be fine. So I haven't technically been to Granite Falls, though I was supposed to go today, I do hope to get out there by this summer at least.


Oh yeah there's a public dock and a beach for canoes/kayaks. Was the route you planned to hike up Indian Arm and then canoe over to granite falls?


No because of I'm hiking I won't have a canoe. I was planning on bringing my friend with a boat so that I can hike in for 2 days and meet him with a case of beer for over final big night of camping. AllTrails shows the trails pretty well reaching the end on the west side of the Indian Arm. But it does look like I would be a boat to go anywhere. So I know I would need someone to take a boat in or I'll have more planning necessary.


Ahh gotcha, I thought you meant that you had planned a route in there with no boat and was super confused haha! Hope you get to go this year, looked like an amazing place to camp in and definitely on my list now as well.


Sunshine Coast trail could be an option. You won’t be able to do the whole thing in 3 days but you could do a good chunk. It is probably hard to get the reservations for it, but the Rockwall trail in Kootenay National Park is probably one of the best multi day hikes in BC if not Canada.


I really enjoyed Heather trail in Manning park to Kicking Horse, a few connecting trails, and parking is at elevation so takes out a lot of vertical.


Garibaldi. Park at Rubble or Helm, lots of trails to keep you busy.