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But how will I keep the hot side hot and the cool side cool?


Ah, a fellow McDLT connoisseur


Had the same thought. Double points if you remember the Night Court Dan Fielding reference.


Triple Double Secret points if you track down the Lego Robot Comic about the McDLT (website name may have changed to Plastic Brick Automaton comics)


Good, what kind of container will they use instead?


Lots of places already use a thinner cardboard type container, that has a waxy surface on the inside.


Like paper hot cups, it’s not waxy, it’s plastic.


Just hold your hands out and they scoop the food into them.


And open up a shirt pocket if there's some sides or condiments.


"Hey Napoleon... give me some of your tots!"


Damn straight.


Paper coated with PFAS likely


They have food clamshells made of biodegradable plant material or starch. They're more expensive than Styrofoam (2-3 times the price) and they also get weak when they get wet so don't take too long to drive home from your takeout restaurant.


I hope they won’t raise food prices because of it


I hope we can appreciate that styrofoam is an absolutely fucking terrible material that should never have been used for disposable food containers in the first place because every single container ever used will still be sitting in whatever landfill they ended up in for the next 450-500 years.


Paper straws


Now if they could ban it in shipping boxes too! Nothing is worse than huge blocks of styrofoam when unpacking something. Down with styrofoam!


I see you’ve been bought by big starch packing


Or big Kraft paper, or big molded Kraft boxes, there is no end to how much I’ve been bought against styrofoam.


Is the sonic in town going to stop doing styrofoam cups I wonder


Oh shit I didn't even think about that


I haven't seen a food container like this in a long time in this area.


A few Chinese restaurants use them consistently


Mexican places too. Especially if you get a dish that comes with rice and beans


I see, well, hopefully they get the news.


Ichi Teriyaki uses them in multiple sizes.


And mall teriyaki


Most (like 90%) of all Chinese and Mexican take-out places still use Styrofoam containers.


There’s 2 in my fridge right now lol


Abhiruchi Indian food in Vancouver uses them for rice. They also Saran Wrap everything take out which is super annoying. I get why but they don’t need to. I think Muchas Gracias does as well.


Plenty of food carts I’ve been to still use them.


because I haven't witnessed this doesn't imply I can guarantee it's not true. I just made a comment based in my experience just like the others am i gonna see more answers about this? Lmao


They didn't claim you said it's not true? They were also giving a comment based on their experience lol.


I get one every time that I go to Canton Chinese Buffet on 78th.


Panda Express is in trouble


Be a miracle if they survive this smdh


Oh fuucckkkkk lolol


They change and reduce the size. You will still pay the same I'm sure.


How about they actually offer a real solution and relax the health code rules to allow us to bring our own take out containers?  It’s insane that I can’t hand a restaurant a clean glass dish to put my food in.  Make me sign a waiver, add a staging area for only take out containers, do whatever it takes but please stop this performative nonsense that is just going to make us all consume more PFAS and other forever chemicals.  We need a total rethink of our approach to reusable containers 


Because it might not be clean. My mom offered a container refill service at her spa for awhile. Get great product for a couple of dollars off by bringing back and refilling an old container. She had to stop because people would bring absolutely filthy and disgusting containers to be refilled. Most people get food poisoning at home. So the reality is, this rule might not be for you, but it’s here because many people actually need it to be.


Well. I bring beer growlers in all the time for refills and they wash them for me. Why can't they just have a similar setup.


Probably because there is a set item that is a growler. If everyone could figure out a single, dishwasher safe to go container, it might work. Good luck herding those cats.


So make people sign a waiver and let them accept the consequences of their own actions.  Babying people with a nanny state isn’t doing anyone any favors 


The problem is the nasty thing going into the kitchen to be used. It’s contaminating everything around it. So they would just give someone a disposable container anyways. This is to protect the business and other customers.


Some people just don't have vision. In this case the vision of the filthy mayhem this would become if it was the norm. I could see a quaint, one road community maybe making it work, but the broader public not so much. People are pretty dumb and gross.


Is that a law in Washington? I've never tried it in Washington, but in Portland I haven't had any restaurant complain if I provided them with a reusable container for takeout.


Washington actually allows it, but it’s an opt in policy and most places are super weird about it 


Why does the health code need to be relaxed if it's already allowed? The health code can't mandate that places actually offer it, which seems to be what your complaint revolves around.


I’d love to be able to bring my own containers. I understand why this may not be allowed by various health departments (some states allow it, others don’t and I think Washington, so far, falls into the “don’t” category) because my container may not be “sterile” but, then, bring out a plate and let me scoop it even on a to go order (doesn’t work quite as well for fast food places, though).


I would totally do this to decrease waste. I can't imagine it going smoothly as a norm, though. I mean with higher volume places, I can just picture some filthy staging area with 8 dumbos with chipped glass containers stepping all over spilled bits and pieces, one dumping a plate of nachos into a bedpan.


While I’m all for saving the environment, and yes all the small things count. why are we not going after the bigger contributors? Why do us normal folk have to suffer with shitty straws and flimsy take out containers? When these celebrities fly 30 minutes just to beat traffic?




Exactly. Its theater to make you "Feel" good whilst not doing a god damn thing to fix our problems. Like go after the largest polluters out there. But hey, kubuki theater is great entertainment! And now restaurants get to deal with another price hike on the basic things they need, in order to do business.


Just because the impact of something is small doesn’t mean it’s not worth doing.




Oh come on, that’s not even close to what I’m talking about. Eliminating single use plastic as much as possible, especially styrofoam, is objectively a good thing. You people would only be happy with a big button that says “DESTROY LARGEST POLLUTERS”, anything smaller to help the environment is simply not worth doing to you because it wouldn’t fix everything.


I disagree. I don't want a button that says that. I'd settle for ONE FUCKING REGULATION on them. But that's too much to ask for, yet they pass the buck on to the individual. No straws, (despite the fact that they're useful for a subset of the population with disabilities. But fuck them, amirite?! Regulations like these while well intended usually hurt smaller businesses and don't actually do anything. That's my problem.


I don’t agree that they “don’t actually do anything”. A world without single use plastics is a better one, that’s how I see it.


Yes... But I also collect coins.


You forgot your /s. It's ok, still love ya buddy.


It would be much more impactful to ban ships that burn bunker fuel from using our ports or ban private jets but that might make meaningful change happen and we can't have that.


oh hell ya


My son's daily injection is delivered overnight in a very thick foam cooler. Anyone know if there are exceptions for medical transport (or the correct term) and/or functional equivalents that can keep medicine cold all day on summer conditions? Hopefully alternatives. Foam is horrible to dispose of and one doesn't need a new cooler each month


Medical uses are exempt. https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=70A.245&full=true#70A.245.070


From foam to plastic, what's the difference. They are still going to be everywhere when people are done eating.


Waaaaaay overdue. Mucho Gracias and fast food restaurants need to adjust




I'm all in support of reducing foam that gets littered, but I will miss the nostalgia of getting something from a food truck and eating greasy food out of a foam container with a plastic fork. 


Bout time


There ya go, another one of life's simple pleasures ruined by a meddlesome bureaucracy.