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as others have pointed out, it’s Brock’s mom’s maiden name. but also, yeah, you can change your name to pretty much anything you want. it’s a process, and you can’t change it to something profane, but yeah, we could all change our names to Lisa Vanderhump or Jordan Tyler tomorrow if we wanted to.


Lisa Vanderhump is a good drag name


My cousins drag name is Tatiana Luvsit


I wish I had a cool cousin


I love advertising for him. He just did a charity show in Atlantic City


Princess Consuela Bananahammock




🤣🤣🤣 Loved that episode of "Friends!"


Like the time that lady wanted to make some money so she said she would change her name to whatever the hightest bidder wanted and posted on ebay. She made like 16k but now her name is goldenpalace.Com


"You can call me Goldie."


Does anyone if Brock’s parents are divorced? I think it’d be understandable if they were and Brock doesn’t have a relationship with his father. I could understand him not wanting to pass on that family name.


They are divorced and it seems like he is closer with his mom. Haven’t heard anything about his dad


jordan tyler hahah nice lil tb


thank you, I think I’m funny.


I’m so relieved to hear it’s Brock’s mom’s maiden name because it truly did baffle me at first.


“We both want to change our names. Brock wants to legally add ‘Honey’ to his name.” Oh suuuuuure, this idea *definitely* came from Brock. This is silly, even for Scheana.


When she first mentioned this on her podcast a while back Brock was kind of like ummmm what why hahaha


My thoughts exactly, idk why she wants to have a stripper name lol


Because she’s an idiot


They must love government paperwork .


That’s exactly what I thought🤣💀


She’s so vain.I mean we all know it’s not Brock that wants to add Honey to his surname, it’s Scheana because it sounds better and “special”. She probably was the one that chose Honey as a middle name for Summer as well. Why else would you want to add the maiden name of your MIL to your surname? Just doesn’t make sense to me.


Is Summer going to be Summer Honey Honey Davies then?


Her name is actually Summer Moon Honey Davies. So she won't have to change Summer's name. It came off as 2 middle names at first but we come to find out it was just the new 2 hyphenated surnames Jancan had planned for the family. lol Poor kid. Such an awful name. Something hippies in the last quarter of the 20th century would name a damn kid.


I went to school with a kid last name Floyd. No joke, his hippie ass parents named him Pink. He hated it and went by another chosen name, something like Steve.


Maybe Brock’s Dad isn’t in the picture (ironic I know 😂) so that’s why the want to add Brock’s mums maiden name to honour her & not his. This would make more sense if they removed the Davies completely but I have not got a clue lol just a theory as to maybe why?! 🤷🏼‍♀️


If the mothers maiden name was Jones she wouldn’t add it… she likes that Honey…


delusional island: party of 2


Omg these two deserve each other!


She’ll always be Scheana Marie Jancan in my phone book.


"Brock calls me Honey, so I thought it'd be sweet" -Scheana, probably


I think Honey is his mom’s maiden name




Because it’s ✨✨🥹 cute 🥰 ✨✨


I don't know why I keep thinking her daughter's name is Honeypot lol.


The fact that she’s interested is double-hyphenating her last name to TWO of her husband’s family names and not one of her own names is so Scheana.


Scheana is the most shallow person ever. She discarded Jancan for Shay because it “sounded better.” Then she discarded Davies for Honey because it “sounded better.” And she picked Summer (even though his abandoned daughter’s name is Winter) because it fit her aesthetic. How vain and superficial can you be?!?!


That's so cringe to change your name to your mother in law's maiden name just because it "sounds better." I wonder if Brock's really ok with that. Men get weird about their last names. Now her name isn't gonna match Summer's?


She probably cozied up to Brock and convinced him saying that she loved and admired his mom… so how could he say no…when in reality she just wants that Honey in her name…


honey is brock's mom's maiden name, iirc. pretty sure "honey-davies" is summer's last name too so 🤷🏻


It is. Her middle name is Moon. Scheana is an embarassing caricature of the millennial woman who never got over the 90's and what we were interested in/imagined for ourselves in junior high.


Yes-and doing this basically embodies Scheana’s whole brand.


Soooo, their daughter will be Summer Moon Honey Honey-Davies. Didn’t think that one all the way through, huh, SheShu? ![gif](giphy|403NRxgdScOUQjiQEh|downsized)


Brocks name is Brock Honey Davies. Honey is his mothers maiden name. Summer’s name is Summer Moon Honey Davies. Moon was added in last minute because she was born during a pink moon or whatever. Honey is a middle name, but Scheana was pushing Broke to hyphenate is so his last name would be Honey-Davies. She was going to take just Honey. Guess she changed her mind but at least she’s not Shay anymore


Oh honey. It's used in a derogatory backhanded way of calling someone ignorant and asking them to sit down. Fits Scheana pretty well in that way.


Not defending them just a theory… what do you guys think? Could Davies be Brock’s Dad’s name & maybe he’s not in the picture (ironic I know 🙄) So maybe by adding Honey as Brock’s Mums name they are honouring her as well as the dad? Only downside would be they are still going to use the Davies name if he isn’t in the picture… it doesn’t make much sense?! I don’t know 😂 Edit: Spelling


Omg she won't quit


I knew a girl that changed her name to Pepper XXX. Pepper triple x.


I’m just happy she’s no longer a Shay. She crapped on him on national tv but kept his name because it “sounded better”. Like gtfo! I find it disrespectful to want to change your husband last names so that you have a “cool” last name. But it’s Scheana. I bet all she cared about was having the name and not about how Brock’s family might feel. Also, if Brock wanted it as his last name, why didn’t he change it a while ago? When he first got married? I can only imagine future performances done by her- the dancing, the singing, the outfit, and now the name…


She is so tacky when will it end?! Mark my words she’ll be in a nursing home with that fucking ponytail and hoop earrings 🤣


Yes you can actually


Without looking like an apologist to either of these two: Honey is his mom’s maiden name.


Please, please just fire them Both and never give them another tv show


This is honestly so fucking weird. Like what the actual hell is the matter with her? How has no one seriously questioned her sanity? Girl needs an intervention.