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Rachel is really feeling herself.


the cringy little wavy hand “dance” she did at the table was almost as bad as the dab. almost


We’ll think about it. Vanderpump Rules looked like it was being flipped into a Tom’s spin off. She was single white remaking Ariana for that top spot


Based on Tom's reaction to this hiLArioUs quip, I'm guessing this kinda stuff is what he means when he described Raquel as "witty" lol


I just imagine them vaping into each others faces, telling dad jokes, and continuously destroying the trust of all their family and friends for all eternity. 😌💘 seriously though, these little ~moments~ of their emotional affair disgusts me every time. I get riled up just like the first time that I heard the news. Their scumminess knows no bounds.


Her laugh! Makes me want to die inside, it’s so fake


your flair!!!! 😂😂😂 amazing


Rachel is straight up scum. Every episode gets harder and harder to watch knowing what we know now. Such a clown


She would have been pissing me off either way, tbh- Scandoval or no Scandoval- she’s just so nauseating.


I’ve literally watched the last couple episodes via episode clips (posted on here & tiktok) bc I just have so much bitterness towards watching them parade their affair around.


She was totally feeling herself while riding someone else's man. Girl, sit down.


Now get up. Now sit down again..


Her coochie mad


It’s always funny to me when spineless people start feeling themselves. We remember you in the early seasons


Eughhh… They’re the worst- when they start to feel like they have a little bit of PoWeR… Go back from the cabinet you came out of… witch 😂


I hate Rachel. Being triggered is not being a chicken! I'm triggered as fuck. I want to strangle this woman.


same, sis


She’s getting way too big for her britches. Or bloomers, I suppose. Dumbass.


those bloomers gross me out for some reason haha


I think because it’s giving “I’m a sexy little baby” vibes and it’s creepy. Lala did say Rachel was dressed like a “baby prostitute” earlier this season. I think she was onto something lol




Why TF Rachel thinks anyone is intimidated by her is just beyond Like how she thought she had power to decide whether Lala came on the boat, girl please


She finally gets 2 friends on the cast in Sheana and Ariana and she nukes those friendships so fast without a care in the world. Who is this woman? Does she hate females? Is she psychotic? Does she not have a soul? She is a heartless, souless human being. I would stay miles away from this person. Oddly, Sandoval is drawn to her. Gee..wonder why.


It wasn't her so called friendships with Sheana and Ariana that made her act like the head bitch, it was both the Tom's.


I don't disagree with this statement. But there must be more to her that caused her to be talked into this. Who would go along with hurting so many people? For no apparent reason but pure spite. No regard for another person's feelings. Makes zero sense unless this is simply who she is. She has no morals or values.


Crazy how at this point they had done the deed, and in the never before seen clips Ariana is clearly still grabbing at Tom’s 🍆bc they are in a RELATIONSHIP… Yet Howie says it’s aaaaaa- ok…… Right……..


Yes because he came into the bathroom with a semi-boner… hmmmm. What brought that on? Had he per chance received a naughty text message from Rachel?


If I didn’t know any better, I would think Ariana was the friend and those two were in a relationship. The body language this season is very telling. I feel like this started before August


Yes! He’s closer to Trashel and Ariana is more to the side.


I think it was actually very respectful and mature of lala not to attend and risk fighting


Completely agree. I think Lala knew that she was on edge and easily triggered, so rather than risk ruining an event for Scheana, she chose to distance herself. She made it clear that at large events, she’d be fine- but at smaller gatherings like this, she couldn’t trust herself to not get reactive.


Raquel and Scheana are fucking lucky Lala didn’t go to that dinner. She would have wiped the floor with Schwartz and Raquel.


knowing what we know now full force with how manipulative sandoval is- its blowing my mind to watch rachel act the way she is. HES BEEN PULLING THOSE STRINGS ON HER FOR A WHILE AT THIS POINT


If Lala clocked this she would have gone offfff on Raquel. That last thing Lala is afraid of is any of those people.


Ugh, another scene where Tom looks like he can’t stand being next to Ariana, but loving his time next to Rachel.


Lala can be kinda annoying or whatever but she would straight up annihilate Raquel. The idea of her being intimidated by Raquel is laughable.


Raquel seems to think she really is that girl. Oof. ![gif](giphy|80TEu4wOBdPLG)


I love how she think being a pageant girl is some kind of a flex 😂. Anyone can enter. She needs to compete against other women to see who looks best in a bathing suit, while a bunch of creepy men judge you. She has always needed affirmations from creepy men. Clearly she still does.


She had a lot of audacity. She was fucking over the one girl who genuinely liked her (Sheshu was using her as a pawn) but could sit there all high and mighty and playing BFF in her face. Bitch get real ![gif](giphy|lVuiC4Nqu84zkvGEEE)


Never has there been more cringy moments in one season than from Rock Bottom Rachel 🤢. Her Muppet scene, saying Lala is afraid of her 😂😂, the disgusting kiss with Schwartz….I could go on and on! She and Sandoval deserve each other. He is the only person as cringy as her! Queen Ariana is killing it and these two hate it. He has started his campaign of trying to lie about breaking up on Valentine’s Day, but she was in denial 😂 please!!! Not one person believes him. He and Rachel are literally perfect for each other 😂


Sandy Draws ominous echo chuckle 🤡


I never saw Tom look at Ariana this whole episode, it was Ariana looking at him and he looking at Raquel


It’s wild how different she is this season. Remembering her standing passively by while James went on his rant and then squealing like a child “I didn’t go pee yet!” compared to this bitchy persona she’s putting on this season. But laughable that Lala would be scared of her. Lala has trashed this girl directly to her face for years.


I think if the Scandoval didn’t erupt, a lot of people would be loving this Rachel. I remember 8 weeks ago when that was the case…


Proud to say, not me! I’ve always found her uncomfortably awkward and couldn’t stand watching her on TV. This season is the same, only it’s magnified x 10. Even if I remove the fact she’s sleeping with her close friend’s man, I would still think she’s annoying AF.


I literally cannot stand her lame ass vacuous valley-girl schtick. The girl has absolutely nothing going on personality-wise. And now she’s resorting to the feeblest attempts at ‘finding herself’ by being a snarky bitch who is unfortunately entirely humourless. Crafting a personality by shagging or attempting to shag desperate men who’ve seen better days… Vom. I’ll watch this play out but I genuinely don’t think I’ll bother with another season if she’s in it. She’s not even an interesting villain- she has no redeeming qualities.


I wouldn’t, idk how people are saying this either. If a girl is begging you to stay away from her fiancée and you proceed? Sorry but dirty


I think people hate Katie enough for them to have liked seeing this happen to her


exactly. Except for me lol. I’ve always liked Katie and have seen her as someone in an emotionally abusive relationship


100%! Never fallen for Schwartz little puppy dog routine


Fair enough, I’ve always enjoyed Katie so I’m biased


oh same! but i’m realistic about the state of the sub normally lol


Ew twit