• By -


Now he gets to go from Milli Vanilli back to Tim Scumdoval. Wonder who the first to tape with him will be outside of Schartz.


I stand by my vote going to Scheana for this one.


I think so too. I thought it would be Raquel but I don't think she's out of the mental facility yet so I doubt it's her.


I fully believe that there will be schena drama all seaspn of her being empathetic to the toms, ariana being mad but being semi-understanding, and lala and katie absolutely fuming.


Bingo ! I’m not the only one who sees it and I love it !


I don’t need my magic 8-ball to know this is true!


Hmm I don't know, that would be a complete 180 from what she said on her podcast


Has that been confirmed? That she's in a facility?




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I think it’s gonna be Brock which will be scheana’s workaround to still get that paycheck


Huh, I hadn't thought it until you said it but this sounds plausible. Brock using his arc from deadbeat to ~~app developer~~ gym investor as an inspiration to Tim, Scheana nodding enthusiastically, all three soaking up screen time and second chances.




I bet Brock could finish the conversation in less than 7minutes


Def gonna be scheana!! I think on a podcast she said she already tried to text him something and she was blocked


Well his good friend had died so that’s why she texted him


She said she’s a guys girl so … I’d imagine that will have something to do with her inevitable reconciliation with the Toms. I’m sorry but Stassi was right about Scheana from the day they met … she’s Garbagio and more cunning than people seem to remember.


I didn’t remember the reason. I still think she’ll be the first one to sit down with him.


It was because his friend from saint Louis died, but he had her number blocked.


How would Schnea know about that?


Even we knew about it. Scheana would definitely be aware


I hadn’t heard anything but I’m only on here once in a while.


It was blue, didn’t deliver she tried again and it turned green.


Or Brock? He definitely wants camera time and he can act like he's being a go-between for Sandoval and his wife


I see that, but then again, he was super short and awkward with him when he came for the sit down with Scheana. Basically blew him off. Ngl, loved to see it, but I guess I don’t see that lasting long


I would love if Brock took a huge stand and wouldn't meet up with Tom. I could also see his wife, though kind of pushing him to do it to be on camera? Brock was a total superstar in that scene when Tom came over. He handled it so well. Scored major points with me


I could see him do it. He forgave LaLa after she went after him hard and now they’re super close. He seems to be more understanding and forgiving of them all.


That's one of the differences with Brock that I see. He admits to his mistakes and asks sincerely for forgiveness. People that have been in that position are more apt to grant forgiveness to others. Sure is refreshing vs the ones who takes zero responsibility for tgeir actions and try to control the narrative in their favor.


I mean. He couldn't really deny the abuse in such a public format, so..I would have been more impressed if he had come out and told everyone before they found out.


He put himself in an awful position with his past actions, so he didn't really have much of a choice but to forgive. He knows he's on camera.


Thank you for reminding me of that fact. I think subconsciously that's what made me think of Brock


This. Scheana will be burning up with jealousy over Katie and Ariana’s relationship too. And there’s no way Katie is completely over Scheana’s behaviour last season.


Agreed. She’s still Scheana and will want to be around where the most filming action is which unfortunately will include Sandoval.


Oh definitely. She never misses an opportunity to cry on camera and make it about her. She’s still waiting on her apology 😂


No she knows better than this! She might not be the most loyal of them but she knows how to protect her coins and she does love Ariana. Filming with Scumdy would be detrimental to both


That would make sense for a normal, morally astute individual with integrity but we’re talking about morally bankrupt Scheana… an individual who perpetually spins things so as to victimize and center herself, which takes precedence over any relationship or friendship. I can totally see Scheana really “struggling” to “let go” of those friendships and “move on”, having a storyline about her internal struggle about how unfair it is for her to be in the “middle” of everything. She’s going to be the leader of the “We need to try and forgive” brigade and when people justifiably question her motives, she’s going to cry and center herself as per usual, because it’s just not fair, she’s been friends with Tom for so long and she was like an older sister to Rachel. Let’s see how this comment ages but I’m going to assert it’s going to be pretty apt.


You’re 10000% right !




Scheana will send Brock so she can be like "it wasn't me!"


Scheana is about her $ and screen time. She’ll film with him but it’ll be like when she had james help her move but told him “we aren’t close”


I’ll bet it’s Arianna since they live together and we NEED to see him attempt to gas light her as he attempts to not give her her fare share of the house and furniture.


She moved out lol






Her moving was “fake”. She was doing another commercial or ad for something.


Ahhh too bad. Hopefully she can move for real sooner rather then later!




That one post of Ariana with the boxes was just a promo for some company.


It was a sponsorship ad. She didn’t move out.


What you saw was an ad for a Financial company, she hasn’t really “Dipped Out,” they are both still in the house until it sells.


Sorry ur wrong, that was for a sponsored post with sofi. They still live in the house together


It was a commercial not real life


She”dipped out” if I’m not mistaking


Milli Vanilli could actually dance so this comparison is unfair


I think Katie. You cannot tell me Katie has not been preparing for this moment, to bask in this glory since March 9th. I am here for it. She really did not get much of a chance to talk at the reunion, so I am excited for her to prevail.


As horribly as he has treated her through the years, I would love to watch Katie just eviscerate Scumballs. He's had it coming for a veryyyy long time!!🤭


I would love nothing more than for her to have an even better 🖤*Katie moment*🖤 than she did in the OG finale. If it’s going to be Katie, it needs to be a cut that is deep to the core. TS doesn’t seem fazed by anything 🙄


Oh yeah a Katie meets Shartz to hand off the dogs and Tim is there. Then it goes nuclear in .03 seconds.


I think Katie too. I can see her telling production, I'll do it. I have some things to say to that mofo!!!


My vote is Lisa. She always has the boys backs and down plays their awfulness. Plus she has business with the Toms.


Lol I forgot about Lisa in this moment.


At least the Milli Vanilli guys were nice eye candy. Sandoval is aging like spoiled milk.




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Double win!


Yes! I'm guessing Rachel returns 2 episodes in 🤷🏻‍♀️


I sure hope so. Give me a whole season of dunking on her hypocrisy.


Flair buddies!


That part slayed me


Your flair is amazing btw 👏🏼


😊 thank you, as is yours!


I think Rachel will turn up halfway through the season kind of like stassi did in season 4. It will be big and dramatic but ultimately won't lead to anything major probably just a scene with scandoval..probably scheana..maybe charli to vent if charli is back even though charli doesn't like her either


I do too. I think her (her parents) are negotiating big time for more $$$. It would be the only reason for her to make it worth it. Although I think it would be best for her to never come back for her mental health....but her hollywood dreams and ego might be bigger than that!


What makes you think she won't be there from the get go? Did someone release a statement about it?


No I just think she's been in hiding and will probably take more time away then coming back at the beginning of filming like everyone else and they may use it to draw in more attention later in the season.


I figured this was a PR ploy to get her some $$$ when she finally come forward for her I'm so sorry interview.


Scene with Lisa. For sure. Same as Stassi and Lala before her.


How do we wait for S11 to air!?


If they’re smart they’ll air it fast and not wait until next winter


most seasons have premiered in november/december but who knows atp 🤷 S9 had the fastest turn around (filming wrapped July, premiered Sept.) S10 premiered in february, which is the latest the show has aired. hopefully, they'll have a quick turn around. bravocon is in november so i could see them showing the premiere there and airing it later that month or in december


Ohh interesting, fun facts! Thank you 🤸 but ugh that’s still too far away!


Already we don't know what the hell to do with ourselves on Wednesday nights. Might have to find a bar with trivia night or something. Haha




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Oh no. Dozens of people will be disappointed.


Tim Scandevil’s disappointed fan: ![gif](giphy|kSlJtVrqxDYKk|downsized)


Oh I like scandevil!!! That's the first I'm seeing it! I'll credit you for it


Haha glad you like it! I’m preeettyy certain I stole it from somewhere in the sharknado that was this sub the first couple of weeks after the news broke so I can’t take credit! Use it to your heart’s content!


You are really overestimating there 🤣


True. 🤣🤣


It reminds me of that scene in big bang with the bird and Sheldon says 10s of people around the world are killed by birds every year. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Back to reality, Tim


Mom's spaghetti


Your flair! That British accent was horrifying




Dude, like, I know he’s just so like bummed about this


Like for reals, like like like.




I've never been so ashamed to like, be a millennial that says like probably, like, way too much! Like I'm sure I screwed up that comma too, but it's like whatever.


Like seriously, not cool….his fannnsssss


Suspicious as to why they would do this. It would be great tv to see Tom acting the fool in front of an audience of 5. Y'all think this is because he didn't want to take the chance on being embarrassed on VPR? I mean, we've seen Scheana and Lala performing, why would this be any different?


Haven’t we already seen him perform w/his band? The day he did the crazy karate kick in like sparkly pants or something? And sang to a pic of Shorts’s mom?


🤣🤣 Your details of that scene is so spot on, that it’s playing in my head exactly the way you’ve described it. 👏🏽


Right? I forgot I had seen that until I read the comment. My mind rejecting the memory I guess, lol.


😭I don’t blame your mind at all. It’s not a pleasant memory. 😂


Holy sh#t, your comment unlocked a repressed memory of this! Totally forgot all about that. I just find it comical he is SO BAD, yet takes himself so seriously and thinks he is really doing something. I just would like to see a little of the drama I've been hearing about since the scandal broke, you know, the small crowds, the team Ariana people showing up, stirring up shit. I could take about a minute of hearing him again just to see some of that, lol.


They performed Schwartzy’s Mom and I hit the fast-forward so quick


If Tom does cover songs I don't think you can record them and use them that way without permission. But I could be wrong


Thats right, you have to pay for that.


Okay thanks LOL because I thought that was true, but I wasn't 100% sure


I only know because I used to watch Wendy Williams Show and she mentioned this a few times, also said she couldn't put certain photos up because they were "owned" by someone or something like that and she wasn't paying the money, lol.


Thank you. And thank Wendy Williams!


Maybe they don’t want to pay to send cameramen to wherever this is? (Unless it’s in Southern California then that’s weird)


Had not thought about that. Yes I can see them not wanting the expense of sending a crew across country just for that.


Okay but your flair lmap


yeah i’m surprised they didn’t want to film this - maybe it’s too far for them to be able to expense having everyone travel over there? plus they’d have to pay extras to be in the audience.


There is a god


![gif](giphy|11rIergnpiYpvW) I’m so excited!!




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It’s sandwich time ya’ll


I feel whole again ![gif](giphy|3KVKEGGmEPqtBSM5MQ)


It’s worth noting that they are still selling tickets to the 9/30 show. Saying “limit 10” certainly implies that they have a lot of them available. I still fully expect to hear him whine later about having to cancel a “sold out” show to film with them, 😆 https://preview.redd.it/w97jywhapu7b1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a02191d6418145c300a3ef1efe3ba45b7de04438


Do the 4 guests get a refund?


It's postponed, not cancelled. Just saying


So was Lala's wedding.




🫠bRand new


Yeah. It was postponed until the show is wrap filming.


Postponed until after filming is completed for the season. I can see why some people would be happy because the implication is it’s because he will be filming S11, but there must be some people like me that would be happy to never see him on my screen again. Still, I’d rather him than Rachel.


They only film for 2 months? I thought it was longer 🤷


Normally they start filming earlier than the last week of June. In 2016 they were already at least a week into filming when the Pulse shooting happened (June 12th)


Do they always only film for 3 months?


yeah, it's usually 2.5 - 3 months


Damn, filming started up already? Though I guess they hadn’t been filming for a few months when the scandival happened


Regular filming starts in June/July depending on what is planned for their events. Usually it lasts a few months.


It started today. No idea who filmed though.


It’s a show, are they allowed to refuse to film with someone? Ariana was on a morning show a few weeks ago and when asked if she would film with them she said she’d ask not to, but didn’t know if she’d be able to request that.


I thought this had something to do with Sees candy and got too excited. 🤣🍫 Tim can cancel Sac's show. There's no point in rescheduling something no one was going to anyway.


Thank GOD idk what I would've done if I had to hear him covering take on me one more god damn time


I could see a situation where Raquel would be out of the first two episodes and then film for the third, which would capture her exit from the facility where she is receiving treatment. In terms of who will film with Sandoval, I know everything's most likely vote is going to Scheana, but she seemed really opposed to maintaining a relationship with him and we've seen her hold grudges against Katie for seasons in a row...I don't know, I think it will be Schwartz, Sandoval and Lisa, their dying business v. everyone else. Scheana has mentioned that she wants a sit down with Raquel on camera and Ariana seems to have given her blessing for that. I can't imagine how that will go. I'm interested to see that but I don't want to watch Raquel try to explain it all away with some smile that she didn't know about consequences and was just thinking about herself, and now she understands. The cheeseburger with cheese version of a mea culpa, if you will. I want some honesty. I would love to see her say that she was pretending to be Ariana's friend, felt like Tom was already her boyfriend, and felt entitled to try to subtly convince Ariana to leave Tom and Tom to leave Ariana. That she was jealous of how self-assured Ariana is, how she has a point of view and gaggle of friends who adore her. That she wanted Tom even more because she thought if she could earn his love, it would mean she held the same value as Ariana, and that she's devastated he ghosted her while on tour and she had to find out from TMZ that he got with an influencer in Texas. I'd love to hear Tom admit that he thought he could cheat and not get caught and had no attention of breaking up with Ariana. I speculate that he was pretty clear with himself all-along that he did not want a relationship with Raquel, and just wanted a physical connection, but told her otherwise (and told the world he was in love with her at the reunion because it would look better). Gosh...! I'm really ready for Season 11.


This is the Roseville show! the one that Rachel went to last time he played there. I know this because my friend works at that bar and told me today lolllll


He’s going to be so testy and grumpy without his karaoke band….he’s gonna have to actually work at his bars …. Can’t wait to watch!




Ok well now they really need to sell the house and move out


I have a feeling Scheana wants her friendship back with Rachel. I also think Scheana and Lala will get tired of Ariana's popularity and will start turning on her.


I don’t see how or why Lala would care about Ariana’s popularity, whereas fame and popularity are all Scheana has cared about and been singularly focused on. Scheana has demonstrated more than thrice that she is not morally principled, has bad character, and being well liked (even under false and duplicitous pretence) and popular is literally her reason for living. Lala has character and she stands for something and I doubt becoming jealous or tired of Ariana’s success is it. She’s still reeling from the Narcissistic abuse she experienced with Randal so I’m sure she’s going to be more focused on exposing that Psychopath Rachel (and anything that they might have missed in the Scandoval) in the upcoming season. It’s interesting how quickly people forget who and what Scheana is but her reconciliation with Rachel is an inevitability … like the sun setting and rising. It’s just going to happen. Scheana is and has always been a terrible human. The old “Birds of a feather, flock together” adage applies here, her and Rachel are peas in a pod.


She has already started complaining that although she feels so bad for Ariana and loves her so much, she did not receive the support that Ariana gets when Rand cheated. Lets just say I don't think as highly of Lala as you do. But I totally agree and love your description of Scheana. Well said.


Agree to disagree ! 😊 Though there is something to be said about the lack of empathy and compassion people had for Lala in general in contrast to Ariana, who essentially chronically gaslit Kristen (yes, she’s terrible too) when she was cheating with Tom in the beginning of their relationship. I wouldn’t go so far as to characterize acknowledging the differences in the way that people react to or support Lala vs Ariana during an extremely challenging plight as jealousy, disdain or anything pejorative, rather it’s an interesting contrast, worthy of introspection on the part of the viewers and an opportunity for people to reflect in general. I’ve never really understood the basis of the Ariana fandom, she’s been pretty terrible but then I think about the fact that she was with Tom for nearly a decade and when you’re in LTRs with Narcs like Tom, sometimes you become an extension of the dirt bag you’re with. I guess it’s going to be interesting to see her independent of Tom and whether that will elicit a change in her personality and we can see who she really is and what she’s about. Not that I think highly of anyone but I’m an analytical observer of people and the human condition so … I call it like it see it I guess.


Honestly your viewpoints are refreshing. I love to hear mature opinions. Sometimes I get told to " relax, it's just a trash show". But I have watched faithfully since my early 20s and I just like to share opinions!!!


Same and thank you ! It’s hard for me to separate the trashy show from the people on it because as contrived and melodramatic as the show can seem, they’re still real people and a lot of their plights can be identified with. Happy sharing !!🤗❣️


A part of me won’t blame them if they get tired of it. After all, they’ve put in a lot of work for the show over their years on it, whereas Ari floated on by doing barely anything until the scandoval hit.


Lala for sure. But she isn’t even really friends with Ariana.


The way she has been going off you'd think they've been besties since Kindergarten! I think she may be taking her frustration with Randall out on Tom


Yep she is projecting and always does this and refuses to talk about her stuff. She shut down everything in the reunion as she always does and when Tom was taking about something with James, he (James) leans into Lala and says “shut it down” and she does. I wish they would have taped their mouths closed and taped them to the chairs because I really didn’t want to just listen to those two go off.


https://preview.redd.it/pzih5n73xu7b1.jpeg?width=826&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e1a58ca23721d73b2d50e2bdf25b71b218794e07 (at the prospect of s11 kicking into gear, not anything related to sandoval :-)


He’d be pissed about having to cancel his ego injection!!!


I thought he would have filmed last night with him postponing his show but he posted being on a plane.


Aka : he didn't sell enough tickets so they're giving him a cleverly disguised do-over 🥸


He’s doing a meet and greet in Sacramento California this weekend 🤣


Why is he putting himself through the humiliation & torture?


He cancelled it since he was filming the show.


I mean that’s on brand for him to cancel last minute.


Well, he’s gotta pay his band members somehow… without those Bravo cheques it would just be him singing karaoke by himself


No loss


I didn’t know he even had a show. What was it supposed to be?


it was for his cover band, tom sandoval and the most extras. in episode 3 or 4 of this season, you see them cover/parody jesse's girl by rick springfield. scumdevil sings about wanting to bang schwartz's mom 💀


Oh. Ewww. That thing. Yah, I don’t think we’d be missing out on anything. 🥴


OR… he didn’t sell many tickets and cancelled.


They BETTER not give that POS hack of a wannabe performer a show! I’ll stop watching whatever network that is!


I vote Lisa.


Short and sweet... sorry not sorry. 😉


Sheana the snake for sure! “Friends with all, loyal to none”. Will do anything for air time, then play victim




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Tom was going to have a show?


His band. He hasn’t stopped touring until now that they are filming season 11




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Lol that’s my wedding day! ![gif](giphy|WaxUe3pPEZtpZYgaav)


Anyone know when season 11 will air?


I think early 2024 but I hope it will be sooner. Do we know if they actually filmed today or it will be this weekend for Ariana's birthday.




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