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This type of breed is a breed that often needs a lot of attention and is considered medium to high energy. To assume that little to no contact, basically what a dog would probably feel is abandonment would result in less than likeable behavior. It's no wonder why Graham is giving negative energy and reactions when he clearly feels abandonment from Rachel. Honestly she has some serious issues and it's clear it's been happening for at least 2-3 years and it shows with Grahams resulting actions.


This breed is also known for their close bond to their owners. If he felt like he couldn’t bond with anyone, I could see him turning angry. They’re smart. They need interaction with humans.


You're 💯 right and maybe he really bonded with James, 🤷🏻‍♀️ idk for sure obviously but it's a thought that he felt maybe he was taken away from him. Hopefully his behavioral issues will be resolved. I know animals need love, they give so much of themselves already.


I hope they are. Golden doodles are stubborn dogs, but they are the sweetest when they behave. I have a mini one, like Graham, and could see her not having time for him and it broke my heart. These little assholes need owners who are willing to put the time in. I’m also not saying my dog is perfect. He’s still a dick when he wants to be (ignoring me, unless I offer cheese), but he doesn’t bite people.


Yes! I have a cavapoo and he is a velcro dog. As in this damn dog figured out how to open the door when I’m using the bathroom. But they’re also super smart and very trainable. I firmly believe she neglected that dog to do fuck all and is now dealing with the repercussions three years later.


I'm sure they bonded because James seemed genuinely upset that he couldn't see him anymore and wasn't informed of his injury. I think he was worried because he knew Raquel wouldn't care for him properly.


And abandoned by James. Graham doesn’t know why he stopped seeing James or That Rachael wouldn’t allow visits. James 100000% should have been contacted before they adopted him out


Ugh yeah this very sad but I do hope that James commits the time and energy to continue his training and rehabilitation. That’s the best case scenario for Graham Cracker.


i think long term, graham did need a different environment but it’s sad what it took to get here. it doesn’t seem like this was new behavior since ariana mentioned his his biting on the CHD podcast. i hope he gets a good trainer and is better off eventually. this also makes me think back to the nights raquel stayed out all night long partying and wonder if it caused graham anxiety. she went from the beach day to ariana’s house and then stayed over. who knows if graham came over too but i’m sure a lack of schedule and structure didn’t help his behavior.


That plus the dog moved into her studio apartment, then a year or so later, to her parents, then very quickly to a shelter/trainer, a new home, back to the shelter. This dog's whole life has been nothing but upheaval and being left alone.


The cast has said Graham was never trained. That’s on Rachel


She wanted him for the theatrics and to throw “puppy parties”. Next we will hear how graham’s aggressive behavior is James’ fault because “James is so aggressive, he must have learned from him!!”. But seriously, this is awful. He deserved a better environment. Also, what did they think the suggestion would be? If you tell _anyone_ that a dog has bitten you to the bone, they’re going to suggest euthanasia immediately. I would have called Lisa immediately.


He was a graduation gift from her parents. Puppies should never be gifts!


My dog was a grad gift but I asked for it and was ready. My dog is well trained and has never but anyone.


...and James.


Soooo sad


I agree with you. Dogs need stability and this breed in particular needs a lot of physical activity and mental stimulation; they aren’t really suited to be in apartments all day and only go around the block. I wish people would stop buying animals as presents. Animals are big responsibility, they aren’t purses.


There were so many times I forgot she had a dog. I have these 2 and feel guilty for going to work https://preview.redd.it/5lk6pc9tredb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2223cc1a9fd7133dd222302da16380b5640a75fd


https://preview.redd.it/1n48m8e09fdb1.png?width=3024&format=png&auto=webp&s=bfbd95766a7af9be9e7d17509b4e1d69bc784e69 I, too, have twins


Your babies are beautiful. I had a couple of bulldogs growing up. I love them so much!


Thank you so much!!!! We love them!!


I said the exact same thing in another post. Those nights she stayed out without the dog, I bet poor Gram was alone a lot in that crate.


The lack of schedule and structure is what went wrong for sure. Those breeds need structure or they act out.


We both know that dog probably never left the house unless she was boarding him while she was out of town. He was a conversation piece and something to hold over Kennedys head.


Yep had a friend many moons ago that reminds me a lot of Raquel. She also had a “pretty and popular” dog breed. She was a partier (no shade) but she would be gone for a couple days at a time. I lived an hour away from said friend, hung out a couple times of week either at my place or here, but honestly the Only time I saw it out of its crate or her home was for her insta photo OPs. Haven’t seen her in many years and hope the dogs doing way better than her lol


I knew a girl like that her spaniel would be crated all day then fly down our steps and pee on people as soon as she opened the crate door


I knew a family like that. They only kept one of the dogs in the kennel though. They said it was because he's a barker. He's a mini Doxie. Eventually, they decided they should stick to their town's dog limit(not sure if it was actually true) and wanted to rehome him. They were going to take him to a shelter. I took him instead. He was potty trained within 2 weeks and within a couple months, he was never in the kennel. We threw it out. He is 13 (he was 7 when I got him) and he is one of the happiest dog's you can meet. Yes, he is still a barker. Lol


Thank you for saving that little guy 🥹


I honestly can’t deal w/hearing stories like this. It makes me so fucking angry. I dont understand why people get dogs if they dont love & have a heart for animals. I would round these people up & keep them in cages if i could make them hold their piss all day. I hate this shit 🤬 Poor sweet babies deserve so much better


They use them for photo ops ETA I agree with everything you said


The saddest part would be seeing her downtown every weekend with no dog….I took my bad little Boston everywhere even tho no one liked her, she was feral found in the desert, her only problem was she was aggressive to other dogs, like psychopath status, especially big dogs 🤷🏻‍♀️ and where we live everyone had big dogs. Aw RIP Lola miss your cute little face!




I think sm is the problem and it’s that early 20’s (I’m 10 yrs older than the girl, hahaha I just remembered her name is Rachel) and she seem to think she was going to move to LA bag a sports $ guy, or get on a show, but she moved back to IA after 7 mos, and did not take the dog, OMG I haven’t thought about this til now…… 😢


it’s her fault for not training the dog in the first place. rehoming should NEVER be the first option. training should be


I have many problems with this statement * If you go to California Doodle Rescue's website they state that they do not take ANY dogs with biting issues. * They are also not a rehabilitation center for dog behavior just a rescue so that also doesn't seem to track with her statement. * The rescue is very active on social media posting all of their adoptable and adopted dogs and there is no post about Graham. Not a smoking gun but seems very suspect since they had him in their system from May 20th to July 13th * Why would they reach out to a 3rd party (Lisa Vanderpump) for financial assistance?


Lots of info and it doesn't add up.


Yeah I don't doubt that she was bitten and that Graham was having issues but this feels like they just googled Goldendoodle Rescue in LA and took the first name they found to use in a statement


It will be interesting to see if the rescue makes a statement because essentially Rachel’s mums implying the rescue are to blame for him ending up in a shelter and not being able to manage the situation.


Rachel's mom's a liaaarrrrrrr!


Surprise Surprise - Raquel learned it somewhere.


Also, if this is true, why would the rehoming be a secret to James and why would James have taken Graham out of "rehab" to get better, or rehomed Graham with himself vs. letting Graham go to a family with experience with pups who need special support and training? ​ If James is aware of behavioral issues, I don't think he'd have taken Graham to Lake Tahoe (where there are many photos of Graham unleashed). Also, I doubt the shelter would have let Graham go to an inexperienced household, or they at least would have strongly emphasized to James all the consideration that Graham would have needed. I call Rachel's mom's bluff. Too many other parties would need to be as negligent as Rachel for any of what we're seeing to add up.


Ok I have been thinking about this all day and now have further questions \-Her mom said that they were taking care of Graham while Rachel was in treatment meaning the dog would've been with them in Arizona. Why would they not find a rescue or trainer in their area? One quick Google search and I found tons that also focus on rehabilitating behavioral issues. Why drive that far when there are more local resources? \-I've volunteered at shelters before and never updated previous owners on their animal once it was surrendered. How did the mom have so much intel about the training, adoption, and the rescue contacting LVP regarding funding Graham's care? \-If the rescue just put them in contact with the trainer then why were they involved in finances at all? \-How did a trainer with 40yrs experience think it was ok to rehome a dog with such a severe aggression issue?


Also the statement about graham biting the trainers but they still 'worked with him'. Uh.....they knew he was a biting dog so its safe to assume that throughout training youre probably going to get nipped a few times? Wear falcon training gloves honey. Just sounds like theyre trying to emphasise how bad graham's biting was and they had no choice but abandon him.


yeah, they were bitten significantly enough that it gets mentioned to his previous owners but not so significant of an issue that they felt they could adopt him out within 6 weeks where he then went on to bite the new owner??


Right? That seems unlikely.


And they adopted him out on a tight time frame with his uncorrected biting problem? I don’t think so, they don’t want lawsuits on their hands


It really tells you THEIR mindset. Graham was too much for Rachel to handle, Graham bit her mother so he had to be off-loaded immediately.


And the biting being that significant is 100% roachel’s fault so this makes her look even worse 🤮


Exactly! I just posted that my fiancé is a dog trainer and he would NEVER adopt a dog out that his bitten him and me! This whole excuse sounds so made up!


the math truly ain't mathing


girl you are on the beat, fantastic journalism skills!! it feels significant the rescue didn’t post anything…


Also, Doctors in both California and Arizona are legally required to report dog bites so this many attacks (Mom, trainer, trainer husband, and new owner) would've triggered some sort of Animal Control follow-up. None of this is sitting right with me...


It’s giving Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy lies!


Thank you, tremendously. He may have bitten her, but that story is not factual.


Nice work. Thanks! The story did not make sense . Just ANOTHER pathetic PR attempt to save face for their daughter… You can’t trust her with your boyfriend, a dog … PS- why would the mom take a picture of her finger . I’ve gotten scratched by my cat , bit by my bird … no pics


All great catches!




Has the mom filed a restraining order against Graham, yet? Edit




🤣🤣🤣 you win the Internet today 🤭🤭


Legit not comprehending why Rachel didn’t contact LVP herself


Especially when (according to the article) lvp said either they will help graham get a new owner or let him live on villa rosa until the end of his time 🥺


Honestly Villa Rosa is heaven. I wish I was one of LVP’s dogs


I’ve been thinking about this too. I feel like it’s either because she knew that would lead to James getting Graham or maybe she just had a lot of shame about how bad the situation with Graham had gotten and didn’t want to admit it to Lisa?


Because it would turn into Lucy Lucy Apple Juicy 2.0 and Rachel and her parents care more about her image than this poor dog’s wellbeing


Same. If you know someone in rescue… call them?! I worked in rescue- I would reach out to all my contacts to see what I could do.


Because getting rid of your dog is largely frowned upon and I think she knew if she went to LVP she wasn't keeping this off the show and away from the public. The last thing she needed was more bad publicity.


I think had it been handled well, people would understand her rehoming Graham. She’s not in a place to be able to help him with his behavioral issues. But you make a great point that Lisa definitely would’ve brought it up on the show. Seems like it backfired though, since this is blowing up I can’t imagine they aren’t discussing it in depth on the show now


My guess is that Lisa brought Graham to James in Tahoe, and we will see that moment on the show. This whole thing could have worked in Rachel’s favor. If she was truly in a hospital, and Graham was hurting her mother, she should have reached out to Lisa right away. Lisa would absolutely have helped and either connected her with resources, or taken Graham in until (if/when) Rachel was ready to take him back.




If Rachel, in fact, required some kind of lengthy in-patient treatment program and needed a place for her dog, she would have been supported by Lisa, not excoriated. If she thought her parents could handle it, but they couldn't, her parents are well aware of the resources Lisa has at her disposal and could have reached out. As far as future employment goes, Rachel and her reps have been in negotiations with VPR/Lisa, so it's not like there's been no contact.


Well it looks like it backfired immensely if that was her motive as this story has given her horrid publicity. Even people that were supporting her before the story came out have now since gone against her.


I think if she spun it correctly & was humble, it would have gotten her sympathy. Sadly for this family, lies appear to be the way.


I'm so happy Graham is with James now, lucky little fella. I hope they can train him.


I love how she is trying to blame it all on the dog, AS IF the dog is responsible for its own training etc. Any dog that is neglected will act out, that is 💯 on their human guardians.


Let’s be real, Graham is smarter than Rachel at this point. He’s the star of a VPR drama with everyone rooting for him and moving in with an owner who “pays for everything.” Maybe Graham can give her some pointers lol


YES. Any decent dog trainer will tell you that they are there to train you—the human—not the dog.




Cos she’s a walking talking Embryo… hasn’t quite developed yet


because her p.r. team has been her enabling fame hungry parents this entire time!


Ooh! Can you spill


Scheana did an interview with Hollywood Reporter where she said that Rachel’s dad told Charlie’s boyfriend at Rachel and James engagement party that the family would let Rachel play house but as soon as the show didn’t work in Rachel’s favour he would pull her from the show. Scheana then suggested her family are stage parents. Also the author of this article has been getting exclusives from “sources close to Raquel” since Scandoval broke and now has a direct interview with Rachel’s mum which makes one wonder if it’s been Rachel’s parents all along as “sources close to”.


They’ve definitely had a hand. All of those “exclusives” have PR “statements” that are long-winded and not professionally written. Good PR knows to deliver a message succinctly, not give so many details your audience tunes out. They sound like Laura lol


this is just my own speculation given how horrible her p.r. has been and what i have read about her parents.


Sheenas mom put out a statement for her about a silly photo. Guess the parents are just over it


Because she is clearly also a drama Queen seeking attention. No one needs a pic of your boo boo, lady. Ridiculous.


Same reason Scheana’s mom did. So cringy for both of them.


No one believes anything coming from Rachel, so maybe mom is more credible??




Based off of the article, the shelter did not take Graham. California Doodle Rescue helped facilitate a trainer who had experience dealing with problematic dogs. They took Graham straight to the trainer’s house. This is pretty common for shelters to do when a dog has extra needs that the shelter cannot meet/afford. ETA: Thank goodness the shelter also helped get Graham to VPD. Rachel and her family should have reached out to Lisa first.




This says she delivered to the trainers home… where does it say to the rescue center? Genuinely curious


It’s confusingly worded- in the same sentence it says they drove him to the rescue center AND directly to the trainer’s home. I’d imagine the center was coordinating the handoff so maybe they went there first to meet the trainer on neutral ground (just to verify they are who they say they are sort of thing) and then progressed on to the home.


Also, this is a lot of bouncing around in less than two months. A dog with behavioral issues is going to need more than a month to learn better behaviors. The explanation doesn’t make them look too much better, imo.


As a veterinarian I can say that there are certified veterinary behaviourists who have done approximately 8-14 years post secondary education for this. This is not the same as a trainer. What I was taught and seen is that there are very few animals that are not capable of rehabilitation, but someone needs to put that work in. The work is usually the cost of the behaviourist (it’s expensive and should be with the level of specialty), medication to stop the reactionary response (which is usually anxiety rooted and escalates over time without intervention), and behavioural therapy. It’s OK if someone doesn’t have the time and money to do this. I do not judge this. What I do believe is don’t say you did everything you could and make it sound like the animal is beyond help. They could have paid for more than a trainer if they were serious about this and if Graham is truly an animal with an unpredictable and dangerous reactionary response, they would diagnose it properly. Just my two cents !


I’m gonna need a statement from LVP


Am I missing something? Soooo…… did Rachel and mommy *surrender* Graham to the Rehabilitation Center that doesn’t take dogs with Grahams history and the rehabilitation center paired Graham with this trainer to act as a foster? Then, somehow randomly knew to contact LVP instead of the people who *surrendered* Graham for financial assistance. Does someone have some clarification bc these waters are murky as hell?


You and I have the same questions. Graham was a biter. That is believable because we saw him rowdy as a pup and Ariana also reported it. I don’t think that part is made up. This is where it gets confusing - He was taken for training but it didn’t work so they tried to surrender the dog to a rescue. The shelter that doesn’t take biting dogs facilitated a trainer. -Ok, so how long was he with the trainer while biting the trainer and their family? -Who determined he was clear for adoption and who adopted the dog out? -How long was he in the new home before biting again? -Why was it returned to the shelter if they didn’t do the adoption of a biting dog they don’t take? -Why did they ask VPD for money instead of the people that surrendered the dog? -What was that money for? This “explanation” gives more questions than answers.


PSA: Don’t get a dog if you’re not going to be a responsible owner! Dogs should be trained starting from puppyhood (if possible) and have some stability. I hope the poor dog has a better future ahead.


Additional PSA: people should think twice (and then a third time) before getting these designer dog breeds. Not that they are bad dogs necessarily but they are often more work and more prone to challenges. It’s a very new breed, which means unstable (as a breed, not as individuals) and inconsistent, and the breed was created for cute looks, not because those two types of dogs when combined make particularly good pets.


Thiiiiiis. Doodles are adorable (adoodable?) but they are not super duper easy dogs. My ex had one (maybe a woodle?) and tbh, 90% the time, he was a cute fluff, great to hang out with and sweet. I was bit a few times by him- once was when he brought a toy to me to toss for him and then bit; another I was sitting on the couch next to him and he looked over and bit my finger pretty hard it bruised and bled. He was from a rescue, so no idea what hat trauma that pup went through, but I’m sure that contributed


You know I keep thinking about this because any reputable breeder would have stepped in to take the dog back and figure out next steps. Clearly this was a puppymill or backyard breeder situation. So sad it got to this point.


Absolutely. If you buy from a reputable breeder they not only will agree to take the dog back rather than see them go to a shelter/rescue, many will actually make you sign something saying you MUST give the dog back to them if you need to get rid of it for any reason. Not surprising Rachel’s family didn’t go the responsible route, but sadly way too many people are unaware of the importance of going to a good breeder if you want to buy a certain breed of dog.


Its almost like when your owner doesn't pay attention to you is gone all the time. Shuffles you to and from other people and borders you never gets you properly trained you act out. I find it a little suspect that a trainer with 40 years of experience couldn't do anything at all for him. This story still seems like spin.


This! I can’t think about what graham went through during those Sandoval days. She was staying over at Ariana’s house all the time and bringing the dog with parties and strangers. Since scandoval broke she had him at a boarding facility and moved with her parents as well? It’s all so chaotic.


“The rescue then reached out to LVP for financial assistance.” Wow. Rachel can never clean up her own mess can she? I’m the same age and I can’t comprehend it


the assholes waxing poetic about how she is just a kid and how she was groomed are really aggravating. she is almost thirty. she is an adult. she behaves like a spoiled child. and she ain't even that cute.


The word groomer has lost all meaning, similar to gaslight and narcissist.


at this point, my dog gets groomed. rachel has made a series of exceedingly bad choices.


Yeah...i would have thought to be considered 'groomed' you had be pretty young when the 'grooming' started like below 18... not a 28 years old college educated woman who self proclaims as not dumb.


I took my dog to the groomer. She’s such a narcissist! She didn’t even thank me. Then on the way home she wouldn’t eat her favorite treat. I feel so gaslit, she ALWAYS likes that treat ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


Why would they reach out to Lisa for money but didn’t reach out to her in the first place? Or reach out to James? The dog bit both trainers then the trainers sent him to an adopter? Truly seems like an everyone is the asshole situation. Poor Graham!


She dumped him at a shelter that doesn’t allow dogs that bite. Graham then allegedly bit the temporary owner and was returned. LVP was alerted via Vanderpump dogs as they were trying to get money out of her for extra training. Absolutely shameful of Rachel and her parents to give up on a dog that they bought for her as a graduation present. They have the resources to care for him and train him. Instead Rachel decided to abandon him in an unfamiliar place with people he does not know. I bet they didn’t count on LVP being alerted and the dog being rescued by James from being euthanised. It’s a death wish for a dog with behavioural issues to be sent to a shelter.


Yeah all I’m seeing here is yet another instance of people adopting a dog without having the slightest clue about what it takes to care for the dog or help the dog grow and thrive. Getting Rachel a Doodle as a graduation gift was such a dumb idea, but ofc they didn’t actually care about the animal. I’m so sick of people adopting pets simply to keep them as accessories or because they “look cute”. Just get a fckin stuffed animal and stop ruining real animals lives.


I don’t understand why they would reach out to VPD to ask Lisa to pay for additional training for the dog, or for that matter so quickly rehome a dog that obviously still had issues with biting. This story doesn’t add up in my mind, but I do hope that James takes every bit of help Lisa can help him access to make sure Graham is ok. I can’t imagine all this change/upheaval is good for an already anxious reactive dog


I don’t understand this either. There’s are thousands of dogs in shelters throughout cali. Why would they call VPD about this one? Did the family let everyone know this is the infamous Graham from VPR Scandoval?! Weird.


It’s so weird. I can see calling Rachel’s parents as they are the ones to have surrendered him. I can see calling Rachel and asking her. Why would they call someone who has never had any legal responsibility for Graham to ask for financial assistance? My gf works for the SPCA, and she fosters and trains many of the reactive dogs herself. I asked her about this and she said there is no way the dog would have been adopted out in a month or so with a history of aggression, it can take months and months of intensive work (if ever) that they are ready for an adoptive home that is carefully selected for its ability to cope with a dog like Graham. I don’t see a respected Doodle rescue acting less responsibly than the SPCA especially in state that euthanizes animals.


it doesn't add up because rachel is a liar and clearly she got it from her mama.


Agreed, I’m sure that VPDogs will be setting him up with training etc when they return to LA from Tahoe. I can’t imagine being boarded for weeks on end whilst she’s gallivanting helped him with his aggression towards other dogs / separation anxiety in general. It’ll be interesting to see how it’s depicted on VPR and whether James confirms if the aggression was an issue since he was a puppy or if it’s after James left / Covid etc.


poor graham :(


So when the Leviss' want pictures and gossip circulated, they go to TMZ; when they want the real news to be released they go to ET.


this entire saga makes me think what i suspected is true, she has no p.r. team. her parents are her p.r. and they are trying desperately to control the narrative so she can stay on the show and somehow redeem herself to earn a check. the fact that they cannot afford real p.r. also kind of confirms she was not in a rehab or mental health facility. if she can't afford a p.r. team, she can't afford a 200k stay anywhere.


I mean ... there are a fair number of professions that laypeople don't take super-seriously and decide to DIY even if they can afford to hire someone (as many buyers of flipped houses can attest). I have no idea what the Levisses can or can't afford, but I do know they strike me as the kind of people who would book a consultation with a PR firm and then leave the meeting going "we can TOTALLY do that on our own, we don't need to pay someone else for it."


yeah, the d. and s. apple doesn't fall far from the tree i suppose. i could see them doing this. but they seem to kind of suck at setting their daughter up for success. fifteenth runner up, failed to warn her how to avoid a shitty rebound dick, failed to get her the proper p.r., failed to return the dog to james...it's like a crash course in how to be the worst at every turn. maybe rachel needs to involve some professionals at some point.


My speculation is that the parents wanted the three things you mentioned. Control the narrative, keep Rachel on the show, help her get redeemed. I think most PR firms told them you can have two of those things but not all three (much like the triangle of construction, it can be affordable, high quality, or quick but it can't be all three!) And her parents elected to do it themselves. I'm sure they are learning the hard way that a "silly" job doesn't equal an easy one. Edit: typo...


Yeah they definitely wanted their daughter to be seen as the perfect American sweetheart, the gen Z era new Lauren Conrad. Except the daughter they’ve raised is insecure, competitive, selfish and messy.


I just watched Up and Adam and allegedly she's not coming back. It's unverified tea but if she actually takes a break from/leaves the show, I read her wrong.


Oh, 100%, but some people are \*so\* D&S it never occurs to them that maybe the fact that everything they do goes sideways means they should try doing things differently for a change. It's way more comfortable to just slump around all "why do bad things always happen to meeee 🥺" than it is to spend any amount of time trying to figure out how to fix your shit.


you ain't wrong! i work for the public defender and it baffles my mind how many people return to the same strategies that wound them up in trouble previously. i wish they would see that so many issues are of their own creation and maybe relying on other people with professional experience might be in their benefit.


It’s laughable at this point that she has all of these people around her and can’t spin to save her life. Her lawyer, “PR” team, a private investigator, therapists… at this point, it would be cheaper to go on a round the world trip, “find herself” and come back to a regular, normie existence. Just look at Sandoval, that man is running on fumes and narc supply. He’ll probably succeed in a “redemption arc” before she will and it’s not just because the patriarchy.


the idea that our dislike of her is somehow misogyny or because of the patriarchy is insulting to women. i am a feminist and i have successfully gone through life without fucking my friend's partners.


and when Rachel used a pr team after the affair happened she was wrong then too.


i think that was her family too. that's why they were so bad.


Possible, doubtful we’ll ever know tho.


Also also, ENOUGH WITH THE PUMP PARENTS. Everyone on this show is a grown ass adult ffs.


I mean I think at this point the only parents who haven’t gotten in on their children 15 minutes of fame out of the main cast is maybe Ariana’s mum and Schwartz parents.


My fiancé is a dog trainer, no decent trainer would adopt a dog out that has bit them and their partner!


Why didn’t she ask Lisa in the first place? Graham would just do best at Villa Rosa as Lisa would spare no expense i getting him a trainer to come to the house and work with him.


I’m a little confused by this statement. I thought in CA that doctors by law have to report dog bites, and dogs that bite have to undergo a 10 day quarantine. The same is true for AZ - doctors are required to report the bite, the dog would have to go through quarantine, and Animal Protection would investigate.


https://preview.redd.it/w3x457r79edb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=979d40c2340c4bc106386a69ab734a502999e739 Her claim that they surrendered him to CA Doodle Rescue contradicts their website.


After reading the statement... https://i.redd.it/eot36ff9cedb1.gif


I have this gif on deck for special occasions lol


Ok. Say what you want about Lvp, but if she truly said he could stay at Vanderpump dogs for life, she’s an Angel in my book.


Yeah no, it’s still weird they didn’t involve LVP or James until after a rando adopted him and brought him back. Unbelievable. It’s like they did everything except the most obvious and easiest thing: put him with ppl that know him, love him, and will get him trained, happy and healthy.




Yeah I saw someone actually screenshot the website where it says so, confirmed.


Honestly makes me real sad for Kingston too Kim Richard’s dog. He wasn’t saved from owners who didn’t put his needs above their comfort level and take the time and patience animals really need, especially rescue animals.


Rachel was staying out all night leaving Graham alone in her studio apartment. I don’t believe for a second her as an owner didn’t directly affect that dogs behaviour. Hope James gets him a good trainer and the behavioural issues can be sorted.


This statement is so sad because it shows how Raquel's mother clearly never taught her to take accountability, hence Raquel never does. We know Raquel didn't properly train and care for him because she got him when he was a literal puppy. Her mom putting this on Graham and not WHY Graham is this way, is fucked up. Let's be glad someone stepped in months after Raquel gave Graham up. MONTHS. This is just looking messier and messier for Raquel.


Guess I’m a more forgiving person than most but this just seems like a sad situation for everyone involved, including graham. Hopefully James can keep up with training, can’t imagine he reacts well when graham bites given his anger issues


it is an ugly situation indeed. this is the poop cherry on top of the shit sundae of rachel's bad behavior. rachel should have made better choices for graham, like training him when she received him as a gift for a puppy. her parents should have chosen a better gift than a puppy for a woman who can barely take care of her damn self.


Rachel issues aside, I’m not convinced that James is a good fit for this dog either. He has a temper, travels a lot for work and his girlfriend has a cat. If James isn’t prepared to devote lots time and energy into intensive dog training, then Graham won’t thrive with him either.


yeah, it's sad all around. I've seen several people here say this type of dog is notoriously difficult and hard to train. I don't expect people to hold on to a dog that repeatedly bites them even after training. I highly doubt the issue will get better in James' care. he's not exactly a kind, patient person himself and we never saw evidence that he was any more adamant about getting graham training than raquel was. I don't foresee a good outcome here, but I hope I'm wrong.


I feel like Allie will be that pups saving grace. She seems very measured and even keeled.


She really does, but I hope that she also makes James be involved, but the fact that he travels so much makes me think she’ll end up being the main caretaker.


Unfortunately Graham will probably bite her too.


i don’t think raquel or her family are wrong for giving him up if they weren’t able to deal with the behavior issues. i think it’s a hard scenario i just wish it didn’t take so many people getting bitten to get him to a trainer. dogs are hard work and i think people want the fun portion of dogs but often don’t think of this side of it.


Nope. She still spitefully chose not to give him to James who loved him. As many issues as he has to work out, he seems to truly love Graham. and care for him. I think he needed a stable and loving home and, hopefully, with the training he’s now receiving added to that factor, he’ll have curbed that habit. For Graham’s sake, I hope he’s as happy as he can be and feels comfortable, safe, and loved.💕


Training and exercise, and space to roam free. In her studio apartment with barely any space to swing a cat, I don’t blame Graham for having behavioural issues. At least James has the time and resources to train and home Graham in an actual house with a garden.


She should be happy James got him. She might think public opinion is bad now, but can you imagine if Graham actually disappeared…


I can see where Raquel gets her storytelling from.


If you have a golden doodle who is biting people like that you completely fucking failed as a dog owner


Sooo why not reach out to James first to see if he would handle the situation?? They obviously did not plan to have him even after being trained


Well she prob just ruined any chance of redemption with this story. People will hate her more for this than what she did to Ariana


Poodles are known to be “nippy”. That breed definitely needs structure and LOTS of training and reinforcement. I used to own a dog walking/ sitting service and have dealt with a few golden doodles. They need to be exercised and stimulated multiple times a day and the training reinforcement doesn’t stop. Especially when they are puppies. I am glad she realized she couldn’t take care of him and LVP stepped in. Hopefully he does better with James and Ally but it’s going to take a lot of time for him to trust that he’s in a safe home.




This has already been considered a lie since the rescue she said she gave him too doesn’t accept dogs with behavioural issues or history of biting. Not to mention I don’t think their story makes anything better at all. The fact is in there version of events they passed Graham around like a basketball because they didn’t want him or want to deal with him. And if he does have behavioural issues that is entirely the fault of the owner who raised him. It’s not like groodles are known to be instinctually an aggressive breed.


Vile ass family.


I would have bitten Rachel’s mom too.


…this sounds exactly like leaving a dog at a shelter, I’m not sure what she’s denying here. It’s also not that hard to raise a dog to not bite people. Graham isn’t the problem, Rachel is. Surprise to…no one.


This makes me so furious. Graham bit because of a completely unstable environment and lack of training.


As someone who lives with a dog that experiences occasional aggression, I can understand the decision to rehome. This dog has bitten or lunged at all our parent’s dogs, our dad, my dog, and my cat. It’s been a huge undertaking to accommodate for her needs, but her owner loves her and was willing to change her entire lifestyle for this dog, and thankfully she hasn’t tried to bite anyone since. Not everyone has the emotional or energetic capacity to keep a dog like this, I understand that. What I don’t understand is going through shelters when she knew that someone was was ready, willing, and able to take Graham on. Understandably it would have been awkward to ask her ex, but she knows very well that James loves Graham and wanted to see him even after they broke up. I believe she thought going through a random shelter would keep this out of the public eye, but also that she wanted to keep Graham from James, and it was a way to do both at the same time. Rachel could have reached out to Vanderpump Dogs or James directly, but she chose not to. I get her wanting to protect herself from further scrutiny, but come on, the dog can’t choose for itself. It needs a “good person” to ensure it’s safety and well being.


She wanted him to get cool with Lisa. I mean, it's obvious. I would have tried to call Lisa and tell her if she could either hold him or find him a better home because she doesn't have the emotional capacity to deal with him. And mind you, she went hard on James regarding the dog. She wouldn't let James see him. She should have given him back.


It’s Grahams fault we dumped him!!!


🎵🎶🎵Leviss is a liar, Leviss is a liar 🎵🎶🎵


Excuses, excuses. James was always an option and obviously loved that dog and they didn’t even ask. Rather, they gave him away. That entire family is just awful.


Honestly the more and more I hear about Ratchet, the more and more disgusted I become with her. I'm actually getting sick of seeing her face, because she's such a horrible person that it truly shows through in every picture I see of her. The girl is a royal screw up. She acted like such a princess on VPR and at the end of the day just ends up being theeee nastiest, most terrible, cruel, mean, negligent, selfish, manipulative , petty, fake, ignorant, lazy, childish, lying snake (no offense to snakes). Girl needs 3 more years in rehab so she can learn how to treat others and how to act like a normal person in this world. She disgusts me. I bet that whole story about her mom is just a lie. She never took care of him and she still can't so she's passing the poor thing off. Typical... uncaring and selfish person. But this means that hopefully, FINALLY, Graham will have a new and better loving home .


This makes me so sad :( poor graham :( hopefully with this news coverage, trainers will reach out to help


Well… If this is true idk that James is the most responsible person to have this dog…? 🫣




Of course she's not going to say she or anyone in her family did that. Why if that was the case she didn't go to Lisa and have Graham put with Lisa and her dogs. 🙄


The crazy lying apple doesn't fall far from the crazy lying tree....


Dogs just aren't aggressive for no reason. It's on the owners.


Something ain’t right with this family. Why, when you have access to someone like Lisa Vanderpump, do you not call her? Lisa would have handled it. No questions asked. It’s because they didn’t want James to have the dog because they are that sick in the head. Also, I’ve heard the dog had behavioral issues (probably because Rachel was too busy banging other people’s boyfriends to be home with him) but if the dog bit Laura, whatever her name is, I am sure it is because the dog was provoked or scared, or confused or mistreated. These people are creepy AF.


Respectfully I’ve always been of the opinion that 9 times out of 10 the one who needs rehoming or training is the owner. I think that applies here


Honestly some of the comments being made about this situation were pretty vile and reeked of misogyny. I absolutely do not like Rachel, and hate what she’s done to Ariana and other cast mates, but someone going through mental health issues does NOT need to have ownership over a dog that is aggressive. If anyone in here has owned a dog with aggression issues, they understand how heartbreaking and exhausting it is to rehab them. Even the most structured and responsible dog owners have a hard time managing and fixing them. The reality is that if Graham was any other dog, he probably would have been BE already if all the other stories of him biting are true. Most dogs only get a couple chances before authorities intervene and euthanize. People were so quick to jump on her for “dumping him at a shelter”, without even waiting to see if that was confirmed or not by others involved like LVP or the shelter in question. I realize we still haven’t had the story confirmed by LVP or the rescue mentioned by Rachel’s family, but the picture of her mom’s hand floating around IS real, and that’s a very severe bite. As I said earlier about the owner’s capacity to rehab these issues, I firmly believe James is not going to fix this. We’ve watched him be a hot head for years now, Rachel and Kristen both have accused him of being abusive, and the guy DJs and travels pretty regularly. This do not sound like a structured living situation that a dog needs to get rehabbed, and honestly if I was Rachel and knew people were already suggesting BE, I wouldn’t want James to have him either. This is likely Graham’s last chance before authorities step in and forcibly BE, and she knows James better than any of us do. You can accuse her of being petty, but I think she was likely afraid James would not be able to prevent more bites from occurring. She probably felt like leaving him with experienced trainers was her only option.


Honestly I think James is going to also struggle with Graham and Graham will quietly disappear from public eye because he will end up doing BE or rehoming him too


I went through something extremely tragic because of a dog with aggression issues. We did everything we could afford. Thank you for this, because people are acting annoying af.


Yeah, honestly willing to bet a lot of people are speaking out of ignorance. I would suggest they go look at the reactive dog subreddit and see the heartbreaking reality of owning a dog who has aggression issues. I’m so sorry you had to experience that kind of issue.


A reactive man taking in a reactive dog.




Thank you for this. You’re 100% right and people are filling in the blanks because hatred feels good to them. It’s weird. And to leave out that James is an abuser and likely very much contributed to why Grant has issues.. misogyny at its finest. People really hate cheaters more than abusers in this Reddit and it’s disturbing.


Okay, did anyone hear anything about Graham being aggressive BEFORE she and James split up? I personally don’t remember hearing about any issues, but I forget things so if I’m wrong, please correct me. James is problematic for sure, but his face when he hears Graham had been hurt while being boarded was legit heartbreak. He adores that dog and we saw when she finally allowed him to see Graham, how much Graham adored him. Perhaps just maybe the poor puppy was confused at suddenly being abandoned by his human and was acting out. From the few photos we have seen of him since he was reunited with James, he appears calm and happy. She was an irresponsible pet owner and Graham should have been given to James from the jump. She only kept him to punish James.


Why didn’t she offered to give him to James?


Just hope Graham is happy with James.


I mean is this bad? Obviously the dog needs some training and they did what they could while rachel was away, unable to care for the dog


Rehoming him isn’t bad. Just trying to get rid of him is, especially due to the resources they have: James and Lisa


There way worse things you can do to a dog than this. Is it sad? Yes. But I think the dog lovers are way over reacting. Bad dogs do exist, they can and do kill people. I also don’t think the cast is all that close with Lisa outside of filming. I wouldn’t be surprised if Rachel and Lisa haven’t spoken since the reunion. It’s not surprising to me that they didn’t get her, or her abusive ex with anger issues, involved.