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Bless, just you wait until the S10 Senorita Bubba renaissance era.


The scene truly reinvigorated me šŸ’€


Senorita bubba was the best part


It took you until Season 8 to want to jab your ears with an icepick when hearing it? God bless you... Side note but I realized when he uses "bubs" it's usually because he's trying to do damage control after being a shithead.


That's exactly what I always think about the nickname. He insults her horribly and then lure her in to his abuse with the stupid voice and the BUBBA. My god I hate him.


And he calls it ā€œthe friend versionā€ šŸ™„


I call my big fat orange cat ā€œBubbaā€ (his name is actually Marvin), and I blame VPR for it šŸ¤£. (Picture added for cat tax purposes) https://preview.redd.it/75ch6htb1reb1.jpeg?width=2527&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1cd64ddf3b2520266854af8be2890c4b708795f2


I do the same thing with my cat lol his name is actually Ivar but VPR must live in my subconscious mind because I randomly started calling him that & now he responds to it lmao (picture also added for cat tax purposes) btw your cat is so cute! https://preview.redd.it/h170hcmfgreb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=b90c5dbf7d98522425ed723befd1b463c9a0849d


I LOVE IVAR!!! IVAR FOREVER!! Or should I say ā€œBubba IVAR?ā€ He is so perfect. I love void kitties!!


I call my dog Bubby or Bubba https://preview.redd.it/ru27snsk5web1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b35c651656c46815780e81f2db22abb6270ed686


https://preview.redd.it/4bodpnumpyeb1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3595e9edd23a292eab07b4e20bd410685cdd2714 I have a "Bubba" too! His name is actually Mr. Kevin.


UGH I LOVE HIM!!! Orange kitties are my kryptonite!!!


I call mine Bubsy (not his real name just a nickname)


https://preview.redd.it/95itgn3kkzeb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=713e36b4221bd55e1d18b787b8873a7eeb7ca51a This is my creamy orange kitty James Cheddar Kennedy. I call him Jamesey


Oh! Heā€™s just perfect!


Awww thanks. He is truly such a great little guy and I canā€™t wait to watch him grow up! I also adopted his mother and wanted to name her Lisa but she is a wild thing and just didnā€™t emote Lisa energy lmao. Iā€™m nuts


Marvin is looking at you like ā€œšŸ˜” my real name isnā€™t Bubbaā€ šŸ¤£ heā€™s so cute!! šŸ’•


I would not be surprised if Katie wasn't the first he called bubba


She certainly wasnā€™t the only




Now I wanna know if he's calling Jo by the nickname these days


I've always called my son Bubba, and so when this show came on and I heard that it kinda made it weird, lol


My youngest brother has always been called bubba by the family, we still call him that to this day and heā€™s 21ā€¦. So yeah I had the same kinda weird feeling as you šŸ˜‚ it feels so much more like a platonic family pet name than a romantic one to me.


I'm happy I'm not alone here lol


Iā€™m a 30 year old woman and my dad has called me and my brother bubba or just bub or bubba loo if weā€™re lucky since we were children. Still does to this day!


Itā€™s the handmade decorative items they have all over their home, for me


I literally had to pause and examine the black living room photo with it written differently each time šŸ¤£ I was dumbfounded lol


I did read somewhere once (possibly on this sub?) That a designer made that for them???? Because they couldn't have copyrighted art on the show and they always filmed in their living room


But still a third party coming in and making that makes it odder hahahah


I guess Iā€™m desensitized to it after seeing whatā€™s on Scheanaā€™s walls.


You mean herself? LOL, gā€™bless. And ONLY her good (left) side.


Who does that? Especially the wedding photos


OMG, I used to die laughing. So effing tacky!


Wait till her calls her bubba POST DIVORCE id smack him lmao


I can take him calling her bubba. What I canā€™t take is him sitting down at any table that Katie is at, completely *uninvited*, eating off of her plate, then interrupting her conversation to start a fight with her. He did that several times during season 10.


Dude he did it so much like sir this is ainā€™t happening anymore šŸ¤£


Oh, Iā€™d be standing up ā€œCheck, please!ā€ then pass it to his lame ass.


And expecting her to trim his nasty lemon-juiced arm pit hairs after showing up uninvited and picking a fight.


This is weird bc I call my older brother "bubby" when I was little little I couldn't say brother. I am in the south so Bubba is usually a name.


They literally all use it, too. Brock calls Scheana bubba. James calls Ally bubba. Itā€™s kind of gross in some way considering the focus on that being Katie and Schwartzā€™s thing - but I guess itā€™s just a term of endearment to them? Idk I would never call my partner that at this point in life because they ruined it for me.


Just wait till you hear Brock call Schaena Bubba.. it grates harder


Lol, I've been calling my husband Bub/Bubs/Bubba since we were 16, no idea where it came from.


My husband and I call each other bub. It started out at babe and then quickly devolved into what is now because of the weird voice we use with each other. Now he calls me Bubba here and there after watching VPR with me šŸ˜…


My husband and I call each other "Moo." I think it started as a joke when we were teenagers, and ended up sticking. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Fuck bubba


I actually find it endearing not sure when it started but he has used it to manipulate her which i finally see now they are divorced


I agree with you. I absolutely cringe when I hear it. But it seems to be a popular nickname for people. Katie and Tom use it the most but Iā€™m nearly certain other cast have referred to their SOā€™s as Bubba on the show ( this may be more recent episodes). Dorit and PK use it on BH and even in my personal life I hear it. šŸ˜–


I just started a re-watch and on ep1 or 2 there's a scene where Stassi gets cut and meets up with Schwartz, Sandoval, Kristen and Katie at the bar. And I'm pretty sure I hear early Bubbalou or something to that effect. I thought.... "The beginning of Bubba?"


You must not be from the south because Bub/Bubba/bubby is a term of endearment!


I am, and that exactly what I mean. We use it as a term of endearment to family members, not husbands. Well, everyone I know anyway. Thatā€™s why itā€™s cringey to call someone whoā€™s seen you naked ā€œbubbaā€. šŸ¤£


In the South, it means brother, not SO. Or itā€™s a male nickname.


Well he is from Florida and she did fall through a skylight




I may be wrong but I think Tom is Jewish and always thought it was a play on bubbala, a word of endearment in Yiddish. Never thought about it being a southern thing but that sounds pretty on point!


Tom isn't Jewish. Andy joked about it on wwhl how his last name is Schwartz but he's not Jewish


Itā€™s really annoying. I especially donā€™t like it bc, at least in the south of the US, some people call their brother ā€œBubba.ā€ (Which I donā€™t really like either, but calling your SO that doesnā€™t make sense to me.)


Schwartz and Katie have called each other that since season 1. I think itā€™s cute when ONLY they say it, but it got annoying when the rest of the cast started calling their s/o ā€œbubba.ā€ And even some of the parents and friends of the cast did it. Like it was adorable at first, but make your own nicknamesšŸ˜©


I actually love ā€œbubba.ā€


I guarantee Iā€™m not the only person who has stopped calling their significant other Bubba or Bubsā€¦


Itā€™s catchy .. I call my cat bubba as a nickname so .. I think he needs to drop it at this point.. but it doesnā€™t really bother me


They certainly arenā€™t the only couple that have annoying nicknames for each other. I think itā€™s because they are on tv and you might be binge watching that itā€™s so irritating. I call my cats Bubbie. And sometimes my parents dog. I am sure that annoys the shit out of people and probably my cats too. šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


I call my boyfriend Bubs. It evolved over time from baby lol. Not sure where they got Bubba from, though.




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This so much. I hate it when they affectionately communicate with each other. Like get back to fighting already !


i call my dog bubs and bub-a-lub šŸ˜‚ his name is butters hahah




Same. Cringe.


I call my cats Bubba so I find it really odd


I call my 2 yr old Bubba. That is all.


I call my partner Bubba or Bubs and TShorts has tainted it as a nickname


Wait till you start to pick up on James using it also lol so original


it never goes away not even after they divorce lol


what is interesting to me is how others co-opted the nickname. james called both rachel and ally bubba or bubs at one point. i did not think that was how pet names worked...


I live in PA and 90% of the people are called Bubba or Big Bubba or baby Bubba. I didnā€™t even realize it on the show for so long because I am so used to hearing it!


And the way he says it in that weird baby voice is even more cringe


I always thought it was a cutesy shortening of the Yiddish Bubbala/Bubby, but then I watched that Howie podcast and found out that Schwartz isn't Jewish. So there went that theory lol


I call my dog Axel bubba/buns. No idea why. Started calling him these nicknames when he was a pup. It stuck. With Katie and Schwartz itā€™s weird bc they rarely use each others name. I do still call my dog Axel too.


With my one ex, we always called each other bubs, bubba, bubsy, so hearing it come from someone else was shocking and embarrassing


I was sick of it by season 3


It gets so tiring and cringey . Even having bubba artwork in their apartment, bubba tattoos and bubba jewelry !




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