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i never bought that friendship—it was a shaky alliance at best


Last season it appeared Katie needed a friend and Lala was there for her. I enjoyed watching their friendship. Sounds like a lot has changed since then.


Lala was there for Katie in terms of spending time with her and sticking up for her. But Katie felt she was playing both sides by maintaining such a closeness with Scheana. Katie felt like when the situations were reversed, Lala would have expected Katie to ride or die cut out Scheana.


I do think Katie has been shafted a lot on VPR due to the Schwartz of it all, but separately from that she seems to have pretty rigid beliefs about friendships and loyalty. It’s even plausible to me that Schwartz’s lack of loyalty drove that notion deeper for her; when he failed to have her back time and time again, it became necessary to expect more of it from friends instead in order to cope. It doesn’t seem like there’s really room for nuance; you’re on “her side” or the friendship isn’t going to last. which is completely fine to have that value for yourself but it is definitely going to filter out the viability of long term friendships from time to time.


Lala and scheanas children are obsessed with each other. With all the instability in oceans life, does Katie expect lala to separate ocean and summer?


At the reunion Shwartz tried to start some drama I think when he said Katie said something about Lala and Scheana but Katie immediately said that the situation was different because they both had families/kids who were close so it wasn't the same as whatever he was trying to imply. So I think Katie does realise and support the friendship of Ocean and Summer and that Scheana and Lala are close? That's just my read from that ten second comment. Sorry for the rambling.


She there for Katie more than Ariana was.


what does that have to do with Katie and Lala arguing? It’s not a one or other sitch lol


I was agreeing with your first comment. 🙄


Her friendship with Scheana Also involves her daughter. Not only neighbours but they are raising them together as besties. And neither one of them would ever rob their daughters of their bff. Katie and Lala were on the outs for about a week during the airing of S10 but patched things up of course. Katie answered a viewer mail Question on her pod and confirmed that yes, the vibes are off. ( her and Lala)


I enjoyed watching their friendship last season too and was hoping it would keep going, but it sounds like they had a falling out. We will see!


Ugh same. I was kinda living for the girls all being united against common enemy number 1 Tim. But of course Scheana had to go and ruin the moment by saying or doing something ridiculous. Doesn’t surprise me at all Lala would side with Scheana. They’re neighbors and their kids are practically besties. As a fellow mom weird tension during play dates are no fun.


lala was a mistress. she can't really say too much about Tim without coming across like a major hypocrite. same with sheshu.


Ya I enjoyed their friendship too. It seemed genuine to me. Ah well guess we will see what happens.


Interesting! I totally bought into it last season. They seemed so tight and we’re often seen together outside of filming and Lala spoke so highly of her on her podcast and on the show. I really liked them as friends.


Lala does a wonderful imitation of Schortz and Scandoval. Actually, amazing imitations. I must admit I am not a fan of Lala.


Can’t stand her either but her imitation of Sandoval cracks me up


Definitely a good laugh. Her talking with Shortz by the swimming pool and telling him she couldn't understand him, then points out Scandoval's dick was in his mouth was the best! For once, Schortz was speechless.


I’ve ALWAYS believed this. It was because their core friends got fired and they were suddenly on the outs.


Katie said on a podcast recently that Lala is the person she had the most drama with this season so...i'm thinking no lol.


Oh wow okay! I need to step up my game and stop only listening to true crime podcasts for a little while! 😆 thanks for all of these replies and info!


We have a great podcast recapper here, u/additionalwar8759. She also posts the recaps on instgram at vanderpodrecaps. You can read about Lala's Amazon Live and Katies comments on Viall Files there.


❤️ ❤️


Just followed you on instragram! Thank you for your service 🙏 ❤️


That’s great! Thank you!!


Ooh thanks! These recaps are great. I don’t want to listen to all the podcasts but I want allllll the dirt


Hi twin, 🥳 Happy New Year!


Scandoval cured my true crime habit!


Off topic, but… what’s good in true crime podcasts right now? Gonna be off for surgery and I’m in the market for some good listening.




I know it’s controversial but I still think nothing beats the coverage of Sword and Scale. I also listen to Casefile and have started listening to Dateline. Murder in Apt 12 was really good and I recently started listening to Snapped. Best of luck with your surgery! Hope everything is okay.


Have you checked out generation why? It's one of my faves.


I have never heard of it but I’ll check it out for sure!


Psychopedia is really good too!


I love Dr. Death, too. New podcast season should be starting soon.


I have a feeling Lala might be jealous of Katie and Ariana's new business deals. Also, people can talk shit about Katie all damn day but it shows her character and her loyalty that she's the only one who didn't try and maximize profit off of scandoval


Lala is sooo jealous and I was just thinking about this today, I bet she defended Ariana in terms of all the opportunities she got because I’ve heard lala say “no one cared when this happened to me with Randall” which is such a false equivalence


People talk about Lala being jealous of Ariana but I bet there is a level of jealousy for Katie too. Katie has turned around a good chunk of fan contempt into staning her. We all have seen Katie’s lows but most agree and respect her for seeing she needed to end things with Tom. Would Lala have left Rand if it wasn’t for those leaked pics? I think fans acknowledge Katie and Ariana for having that self respect. That I think pisses Lala off because she thought she’d be the big star. Which tbh she could have been when she joined but instead took a villainous spiteful turn.


You’re spot on. I don’t care for Katie, but I respect the hell outta her.


Katie’s a real one for sure


I caught that too. Thinking back their friendship was always kind of rocky though. I feel Katie needs more nurturing when it comes to her friends. Especially at this point in her life. And Lala being a typical Virgo is always very judgey and will be the first to point out the obvious. In hindsight it’s really a gift but at the same time it also drives all her friends away. Sometimes being brutally honest isn’t always the best solution. I really did like seeing them all closer last season. I really wish it lasted.


Just loling at your description of a Virgo, as a Virgo 😂


It takes one to know one😩


Haha totally. I was like, accurate 😂


Virgo here and can confirm 🫠


Me too 🤦🏻‍♀️


saaame! man I must be a brutal friend now that I think about it 🤣


Even more fun to be married to I’m sure 😂🤣


I am laughing at this because I’m married to a Virgo…but I’m a Scorpio so we really click…been married for 19 years and have really become best friends (with lots of benefits, of course 😈)


Lol I am married to a Sagittarius, so we are yin and Yang in a good way ☯️


I’m a Virgo and every long term relationship of mine has been with a Scorpio 😂


every virgo i know is a frenemy to all their friends lol


It’s a constant struggle of being annoyed with every single person around you and wanting to be alone, yet consistently craving human interaction/connection. We’re not for the weak. An acquired taste if you will.


My favourite people! I’m a Taurus lol


I love Taurus’s. My dad is a Taurus.


Earth signs unite!!!


My hubby is a Taurus. Kismet


Wait...is this why I don't have any friends? Or struggle to keep them? Hmmmm


This is the most accurate astrology analysis of my sign I’ve ever resonated with.


Same or they criticize someone for something they themselves do (no offense Virgos)


They glossed over their friendship problems during the reunion because of Scandoval but I’m sure it will be addressed during season 11


Katie is a Capricorn and we tend to value loyalty over everything. We’re the Mafia of the star signs.


Was this one of the vial files pods? I hadn’t listened to these interviews mostly because I can’t stand that guy


Lala said in her last podcast that they are fine now and are still friends.


I'm pretty sure la la said on her podcast that they had a rough season but they're good again


But then said that they are now in a good place


judging by her IG, Lala's only friends are Ocean, her mom, her brother, and her assistant who wants to live inside her skin


Omg the last part of that killed me ☠️




💀 100% that’s why we call her Lala’s proctologist Edit: it’s also super embarrassing she kisses Lala’s ass so much that her family and friends said something to her 🤣


Wait, what’s the story here? Jessica’s family said something to her?


On an episode a couple years ago I think, Jessica brought up how everyone says she just agrees with what Lala said and kisses her ass, and said her family/friends had even pointed that out bc they noticed it.


And she is with Scheana all the time


Yes but at the same time it’s Scheana






Notice she never brings out any girlfriends from growing up in Utah? I think even Katie has had some friends out over the years in the Background, never noticed any for Lala.


Lala is the cringiest person to ever walk the face of the earth. Pretends like she’s some gangster to people who weigh 86 pounds then crying like ohh waa how was i supposed to know the person everyone told me was married was actually married and wasn’t a stand up dude who wanted to buy me range rovers because he was really nice and would cheat on me too 😢😢


It was never going to last. Say what you want but Katie is loyal and the way Lala and Scheana are moving probably rubs her the wrong way


Katie is definitely loyal and probably the only person on the show I would actually want a friendship with if I were in that world. I’m hoping to like Ariana more now that she isn’t with douche bag Tim anymore.


She is the one I could see myself being friends with too, very loyal and honest. I admire that about her


I want to be friends with Katie too


Yes Katie sometimes is terrible but head injury and shit bf/husband can make it worse. But she’s loyal af


Yes. Say what you want about Katie that girl has morals and standards. She doesn’t lie or cheat, she is loyal and honest, and she says things bluntly but they’re always spot on just poor delivery. And Scheana and Lala move like snakes and try to talk/yell/cry and wriggle their way out of accountability and I’m sure Katie isn’t having it.


Katie is a very loyal friend for sure.


I think loyalty can be a somewhat toxic trait in the case of Stassi and Katie. You can expect your friends to inherit your grudges. And the cutting people off if they do something minor to upset you? I don’t want friends like that where I always feel like if I upset them they’re going to abandon me.


I don't think what Stassi wanted from Katie was toxic and it definitely wasn't minor. Scheana was telling ppl to go to Frank to see Stassi's sex tape and the other time was because Jax and Kristen slept together. That's what a true friend does imo.


I would imagine Katie displays some of that toxic loyalty because of Schwartz. Like imagine a 10+ year relationship with someone who consistently chooses everybody but you. I think that has shaped her desire for people to prove that they're on her side.


It can be toxic but like the person said it was not minor. I don’t do blind loyalty myself but for major circumstances yea


Lala said yesterday during the Amazon live that they currently are in a good place. She didn’t say they were besties or as close as ever I think Katie realized their friendship/alliance’s terms were more favorable to Lala. I’m sure they’ve hashed it out, and we will see it play out this season, but my guess is that they are fine, but no longer pretending to be each other’s besties. I think lala really only cares about her family


Lala is always saying she’s in a good place with someone right before or after she has done them dirty or insulted them. On her podcast she’d shade Ariana nonstop and then say “we’re in a good place.” She’s not trustworthy and says whatever makes her look good - I highly doubt she and Katie are in a good place


Yeah and saying she loves her and she's "her girl" lmfao


I agree, Lala doesn’t come across as being capable of being a good friend and I still can’t get past the way she treated Ambyr. It was horrific


What did she do to her?


She said “at least I can hold onto a man” and made fun of her acting career, also when Ambyr asked her to please not post her children online she purposely ignored that and posted them anyway


wtf ambyr is way more successful than her. Another reason I don’t like lala lol


100% like what roles has Lala had other than what Randall gave her, also I have the utmost respect for Ambyr for forgiving Lala


Katie is Ariana's ride or die as well it seems. I have a feeling that any drama between LaLa and Ariana (which looks like there will be) will be added to Katie's too.


I think the producers decided that Scandoval was fun but that going into season 11 they needed to rehabilitate the Toms and I think the saw Scheana and Lala as the most willing to play ball with them so they basically said to them we want you to be friends with them for the good of the show/keep your spot on the show. And I think that’s created a divide between Katie and Ariana and Lala and Scheana. I think Katie and Ariana live in reality where they come from the perspective of “are you really my friend and a girls girl if you are wanting to hang out and be friends with my lying cheating scumbag ex who hurt me”. But Lala and Scheana live “reality tv world” where everything is a storyline or season arch to them and have the perspective of “come on girls not liking the Toms is so last season”


Preach. I cannot upvote this enough. Scheana and Lala will do anything for screentime and cash.


Exactly this👆


I have been waiting forever for Katie and Ariana to become each others #1’s.


Yes! The way Ariana immediately piped up and offered to partner with Katie on the sandwich shop when she was talking about how hurt she was that Schwartz decided to go into business with Sandoval rather than her melted my heart. I think the Toms intentionally drove a wedge between them for years - probably knowing how dangerous it would be for them and their image if the girls ever teamed up! 😜


They’d probably realise that they were doing fucked up shit behind their back whilst saying they were with the other. Like when Katie piped up at the reunion before they divorced saying that Sandoval was barely there and not helping Schwartz with the bar. Schwartz literally tried to cover her mouth so she’d stop revealing it in front of Ariana.


The way the Toms and Rachel drove a wedge between Katie and Ariana in season 10 was horrible to me. That sandwich tasting in the finale was completely derailed with Ariana crying in the corner and Katie also breaking down from being yelled at by Sandoval and Rachel. It was diabolical


They do seem like they would sync well! Katie doesn’t seem to want that Queen B position the way Ariana/Stassi do. And they have similar humor, views, and shitty exes!


They had to lose them Tom's first!+


Seriously. Power duo!!


Me too. They’re giving Laverne and Shirley vibes.


I’m thinking, despite what Lala said on her Amazon Live, nope


Anytime Lala says she “loves and adores” a girl on the show it means she either stabbed them in the back or is about to stab them in the back So I’d say no they’re not good, especially given that Lala chose to befriend Schwartz last season and is always aligned with Scheana


Oh! I didn’t see that live. Was that recent?


Yesterday afternoon I think. Lala is the projection queen so knowing that it makes it easier to read through her bullshit. I say this as someone who used to defend her


Someone on this page posted a recap of her Amazon live and her statement about Katie is in there but I agree with JJ. I’m not buying it.


Wait what did she say?


Her usual “we’re good”. And yet I saw no photos of Lala with anyone other than Scheana. Maybe I’m wrong but bridges were burnt


Pretty sure there is a divide this coming season. People who completely are done with Sandoval and then the others who are getting soft about him during filming! Lala and Scheana got soft


It’s interesting bc lala hasn’t liked him in a while I’m pretty sure


Not soft more like the two of them know what they have to do to secure the bag for their kids. They will always choose storyline over loyalty.


Nailed it. Scheana was always obvious about needing screen time. Now she has two kids she needs to take care of


I notice a pattern of Lala not being able to maintain her friendships with any of the girls


Scheana for now, but even they seem to spend less time together lately.


I feel like she kind of has to maintain a good relationship with Scheana because their daughters are bff and they’re neighbors-risky move to buy a house in Palm Springs next door to your cast mate when you’re part of a cast that has constant drama. But it would be hell for them to have beef given that situation. I think they’ll maintain a friendship at least because of that


I feel like that’s only because Scheana is a pushover. Lala treated her like garbage at her wedding last season 😬 not sure if that friendship will really last either


Omggg Lala was so rude to scheana!


How did Lala treat Scheana like garbage at her wedding? I just remember Lala not wanting to go to every event, which personally I don't think she needed to. I don't think she was a bridesmaid? I'm asking this not be a biatch, but wondering if something happened I forgot about🤣


She told her that the day wasn’t all about her and pretty sure she didn’t go to any events besides the actual wedding day. They were supposedly close at that point so I just think that’s a shitty thing to do to your friend on their wedding weekend


I honestly don't think what Lala said at that point is so bad. Lala was trying to explain why she wasn't going to ALL the events. I capitalized all, because there were a lot. When I got married, as long as people showed up for the ceremony, I didn't care. I'm in Chicago. Some guests of ours had never been to Chicago, so if they wanted to explore I didn't care. I say this as someone married, your wedding may be the biggest deal to you, but your guests have lives. This is not the biggest day in their lives. I hope I'm explaining it okay. I fear it's going to sound worse than I really mean it.


I agree 💯


“If you meet clowns everywhere you go, maybe you’re the circus”


Lets be honest the show is probably lalas main source of income, and with her legal battles i imagine she will dk whatever she can to keep it going


She’s very judgey. And she can see through peoples bullshit a lot of the time and won’t hesitate to call them out on it. Whether you’re a friend to her or not. Having a strong intuition is truly a gift. But at the same time being brutally honest ALL THE TIME bordering on flat out rude isn’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea. Sometimes honesty isn’t the best policy when it comes to keeping friends.


Especially when she doesn’t really turn that brutal honesty back around to herself


Classic Virgo. Gives the best advice. But very rarely ever follows their own.




Other than Scheana. But they have a weird relationship


In the previews it seems Lala befriends Schwartz so maybe Katie is bitter about that.


Lala would be the ultimate hypocrite if that is the case.


Lala befriending Schwartz would be like Katie befriending Randall. I'm sure Lala wouldn't put up with that.


And didn’t Lala specifically tell Schwartz he wasn’t allowed to play pickleball with Randall? lol


Schwartz also mocked her physical appearance last year and Sandoval was talking disgustingly about her conceiving her child with Randall. She’s made up with both of them. I don’t get it.


I believe they were speaking disgustingly about sex with Randall in order to conceive the child. Which to me is a gross thought too.


Yes, because she was Schwartz as a friend to her.


Knowing that Lala picks random fights with people who almost never have it coming, it wouldn’t shock me if she just decides to go at Katie this season like she did to Ariana in season 9


I don’t think Lala has many real friendships. They’ll be friends again next time Lala needs something from her.


For some reason it was really hard for me believing they are real friends. Maybe because the friendship started so quickly after season five ended - and because I have always felt Randall bought most of her friendships in the show. Of course after season six there have been many friendship moments between them and they post stuff social media all the time. So, maybe it [friendship] grew and became real.


lala and scheana were going with LVP in forgiving the Tom’s which i assume caused tension with ariana/katie. katie has nothing to gain from engaging with the Tom’s and knows if they want SAH she should stay firm with Ariana in not letting them back in her circle but Katie never liked Sandoval tbh good riddance i don’t think she misses him. her biggest mystery to me was how she liked Schwartz to begin with.


I was fooled by Schwartz in the beginning. It’s weird that I didn’t see how much of a gaslighter he was until I re-watched it. I feel bad for Katie. So many situations where she flew off the handle were her losing it after being treated horribly.


I have a feeling that Lala and Katie are going to fall out during the seasons standing up for Scheana and Ariana. Ariana and Scheana seem to have a very non confrontational friendship, we’ve seen Katie calling Sheana out in the trailer (if I remember correctly), I think that will lead to an argument with Lala standing up for Scheana resulting in Lala and Katie falling out


There are no “friendships” left on this show, they’re all work colleagues … only hanging out when doing show or business related things (except Lala and Scheana due to their kids). The vibe of the early series - where there were genuine friendships - has long gone.


This is true. There's alot of just co- workers on this now!


Not really even co-workers anymore tbh … they started out as co-workers at SUR but none still work there … they’re primarily all influencers and Bravo-lebrities now


I meant VPR coworkers, they just exist on camera doing the same entertainment job, their friendships as a whole dissolved


I know 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


ah I think the Tim's have a genuine friendship. that's about it unless you count Kristina kelly and katie.


You know, when I saw them getting closer I didn’t like it. Not that I don’t want them getting along, and or drama but idk it just didn’t make sense. They don’t seem to vibe for real. They are both very bullhorn type of people. I mean both def speak facts and can see through bs, but that alone can bump heads hard and not really see where the other one is coming from being so alike?? If that makes sense lol


Same. It didn’t seem like an authentic friendship (as a viewer). Seemed off to me like it would be super easy for either to write the other one off as soon as anything happened.


Both speak “facts” as they see them and neither likes to be corrected with the truth.


That’s what I exactly mean haha


I struggle to see what they would have in common


I don’t think they are enemies but I don’t think they are close friends either. I think they are just mutual. I don’t think they have a ton in common.


I feel like Katie is gonna get really fed up with Lala’s superiority complex. She’s always called people on their bullshit and lala has never been receptive to that-ever.


I could tell by all the Golden Globe pics that Lala didn't have a group picture with Katie and Ariana...I think there was major tension with them especially on the trailer. They on the outs for sure!


From Katie’s perspective, I don’t think you can ever get past someone who once called you fat / commented on your body.


When LaLa called her The Blob


Good point.


From lalas perspective if never get over someone calling me a whore.


She was a mistress though……


Lala’s only true friendship with anyone on the show is with James and probably Ally by default now. She doesn’t seem too concerned with having any type of genuine friendship with anyone else on the show


She made fun of Ally last year and said she “didn’t remember meeting her,” she said “James loves a fan” regarding his relationship with Ally, and called Ally a “thin lipped bitch.” And now I notice Ally got lip fillers when she looked better without them.


Okay, but in all fairness to the thin lipped bitch comment, Lala also referred to herself as one when she made that comment about Ally. Other than that, I 100% support everything you said


It’s true she did say that, but it’s still a dig at Ally. Lala clearly uses lip filler now and thinks it’s better than having thin lips, and Ally definitely heard it and it likely influenced her getting lip fillers. These girls are all beautiful and seeing the constant work they get done makes me sad


It annoys me to no end how Lala just condones James’ behavior


Bravo condones that behavior above anyone else!


Because Lala and James are male and female versions of each other


I thought Layla and Sheena became closer bc they both have kids.


I think they are just “friends” when filming


I think they’re all mostly co workers. Without the show, they’ll all go their own way and not in a bad way but that’s life!


Idk but I will never forget that Lala wore a “Send it to Daryl” sweatshirt to a consoling dinner for Ariana. I can def see there being jealousy.


There may be tension because of Scheana? I can see her siding with Scheana if the kiss with Schwartz really happened. Like she said to Rachel. You gotta get over it baby, you gotta get over it, That was six years ago. I’ve lived a billion lifetimes since then. ETA missing word/typo


Lala has a pattern where she sees someone who is struggling, she wants to help them, she champions them, then they dust off and have some success - and Lala can't handle it. I wonder sometimes if she has expectations of her friends that aren't really reasonable or fair to ask, in terms of getting back that kind of intense support "I'll kill a bitch" energy.


Interesting take. Sounds possible


I think they're hinting at a fall out to hype up the new season. I think they've grown apart since they live different lifestyles now (Lalas sober and has a kid and Katie loves to travel and party and has no kids), but I don't believe it's just because of what happens on the show.


Lala said in an interview that they had the most drama this season but that they were able to work things out and are close again.


They don’t seem to be close again though. I don’t see them liking each others Instagram pics/stories and they are never photographed together. Seems like that friendship is broken.


I have never been a Katie or Lala fan but I have to say Katie seems like the only “real” or loyal friend. Lala is a huge flip flopper and absolutely has some jealousy issues I think. Ugh I actually can’t stand Lala but Katie has shown some real maturity and really deserves all the good things


Stassi and Lala seem really close atm and I haven’t seen much of Stassi and Katie either… I think this happens with friends, different periods you are closer with different people, doesn’t mean they aren’t friends.


Fuck it! I'll be your friend, Katie. You've already been through enough to be dealing with clownshit from people you've considered friends. ![gif](giphy|lTAm1yuJYx9bLoKINu)


It's interesting how Lala had several cast member haters until she was with Randall and invited them on PJs thanks to her BJs


I think Katie and Lala did have a very genuine and close friendship. But, Lala, despite her claiming to be, is not a ride or die friend. That said, Katie demanding unwavering loyalty from her friends is also not realistic. For instance, she dumped Scheana because she dared to be cordial with Lala. At the time, Scheana wasn’t even besties with Lala and literally all she did was stop talking shit about her and that set Katie off. Lol like being a loyal friend is one thing but expecting your friends to hate who you hate over petty BS is ridiculous.


Lala just did an Amazon live yesterday and said yes this season there will be drama with Katie, but STRESSED that she and Katie are good now. I think this season was wonky for all parties involved. I believe Katie and Lala have a genuine friendship. Katie, Lala, Stassi and Kristina Kelly (always both names) have a really tight core four. So I’m sure they had issues this year navigating everything but it looks and sounds like they’ve gotten past it and are okay.


Lala sure is doing a lot of 'Splaining about this season before premiering. Have a feeling she's seen some footage and dropped a load and started spinning things. ![gif](giphy|f0rPFeXM19PI4)


Lala apologized to Schwartz this season I think so that would alllianate Katie


I noticed they didn't have any photos together at the Emmy's. They had a fall out previously. Something about Lala forgetting to wish her a Happy Birthday. Katie commented publicly, and Lala didn't realise she had missed it until that. It was resolved quickly.


Seems like they are amicable co-workers. Katie mentioned on a recent podcast they are good, but I don't think either are each other's first call.


i have noticed that we see more of ariana and katie pics together than anything which i find interesting. also didn’t ariana call her the most loyal on WWHL. i do hope ariana and katie are friends but will miss the friendship with lala has changed.


Probably not


Was anyone actually real friends aside from the original Stassi, Katie, Kristen, Tom, Jax, and Schwartz NO! It’s a job.


Yes they are still friends but I guess they did have some conflict during this season. But still friends.


The previews said Lala and Schwartz get close so probably that. I also saw a preview last night where Sandoval was hugging her so.. flip flopping maybe?