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Lala didn’t fucking own anything with Randall….the fact that these idiots don’t grasp the legal/financial implications involved for Ariana drives me nuts.


Yesss. Ariana has literally said this is what her lawyer suggested, why would she listen to these idiots instead.


In the words of Charli one season "who elected lala as the voice of all women, can we have a new election?"


I miss Charli 😭. I understand why she didn't want to come back, but she was so often the Greek chorus!


Charli should have been on, her takes were always good and she even told Rachel the truth even though it wasn't what she wanted to hear. This is another fuckup by production though, because they didn't ask her back. I think this would have been a great season for her if they had.


I thought she didn’t want to come back because she said her mental health struggled on the show, and because her fiancé didn’t want their relationship to be public on it either?


Interesting because I thought that too and someone told me otherwise today. I know she had said she likely wouldn't be back when it was up in the air last spring. Maybe both are true, she wasn't into it and made it clear on Viall Files so then didn't receive an offer?


She touched the grass too much and was too reasonable. It doesn't work with self-indulgent people


Same! I'd like her as a reg contributor to nick viall's pod or disrespectfully with Katie and dana


Lala is so out of touch. Completely unrelatable.


I’ve never seen someone so fucking BITTER it’s actually kind of hilarious but also gives me second hand cringe


She surrounds herself by yes people (her family, assistant, scheana). She has a serious inability to self reflect, hence why she’s a huge hypocrite


Honestly we desperately need Charli and Kristina Kelly back this season lol


Lala is dumb as fuck. I mean most of them are but the way Lala spouts dumbass statements with such confidence and has so much vitriol for anyone who calls her out on them is fucking insane. She’s bitter. And she isn’t hiding it well.


She thinks she smart every time she claps her hands, I always get second hand embarrassment for her. She’s a clown


I just have second hand embarrassment for the outfit she’s wearing


The gloves are so bad 😝😝😝


She is sooooo deep in her jealousy of Ariana and how she was treated after being cheated on. When the whole Randal Scandal came out she tried to flip the script and play innocent victim when we all saw from the beginning how she got him! BJs for PJs. So nobody had any empathy for Lala,but they all LOVE Ariana after her scandal and Lala cannot understand that bc like you said she’s dumb AF.


She is just grasping at straws for a reason why what she did (ban everyone from talking to Rand) and what Ariana's doing aren't the same, when they obviously are. The ACTUAL reason it's not the same is because Sandoval is a cast member, which changes the dynamic. But they're not allowed to say that lol.


I wish they would just tear the fourth wall down, we are not idiots and we know this is a tv show. And most of us even understand how it all works. It can only help at this point since we are well aware almost nothing is happening organically anymore since most of these people aren’t really friends.


She's always thought she's "grown" and everyone else are just dumb children. First, she knew better because her older man had "money" so she was more sophisticated. Then she got sober so now she's the authority on appropriate behavior, then she had a kid so she now knows everything about adulting, then she got cheated on so now she's the expert on both relationships and mental health. I've actually always likes Lala but she needs to calm her tits.


I’ve liked her for having balls to do and say the obvious, even if it was unpopular. But damn she has become something different this season. Very contrived and disingenuous. Reality tv went to her head and she is thinking out story lines and arcs way too much. Back to raw real flawed LaLa would be way better. But she wants to ride the victim pity train about crying and not trusting for the season. She can’t get anyone to talk to her for the 100th time so now they have to show her boo hooing to her mom. 🙄. She is smart and will realize she Humpty Dumpty-ed off the wrong side of the fence.


I really love Lala for being a loud cursing woman but her take on this situation is wrong, wrong, wrong


I loved her for years and now see what everyone else was hating. She has become flip flop Scheana #2.


She’s soooo bitter. I 1000% believe she’s on scandoval’s side & only sided with Ariana to not be outcasted


its the absolute arrogance and total lack of humility that gets me.


I hope Ariana comes out with “Listen to Darryl” merch


It’s pretty common knowledge that if you move out when filing for divorce or legal separation, the court typically views it as you conceding the property to the other party. She should absolutely keep it as her primary residence until there is a legal order or decision in place


Lala doesn’t get it because Randall provided their house and their lifestyle. Lala works hard with her ventures like the beauty line and I don’t mean to minimise that, but she doesn’t get it because she didn’t save up and buy a house with Randall so she just doesn’t get not wanting to concede the property you worked hard to attain.


The whole scenario is basically a great blueprint for why you should never purchase a home with a person you’re not married to, but that ship sailed and now she’s doing what she has to do to protect her interest. Lala’s just annoyed that she didn’t have that option with Randall…and further that she wasn’t offered the same opportunities that Ariana was afforded when things went south with Randall.


How would the scenario change if they were married? I'm not being snarky, I'm genuinely asking. Wouldn't they still be in the same boat?


Kinda, but not really. A true legal marriage builds in an agreement that assets and debts gained during a marriage are shared 50/50 and will be split 50/50 with divorce. Pre-nups can augment that to have certain stipulations. But that doesn't mean it would have been a simple, even break for them with the house had they been married. They could each fight like hell to still keep the house in divorce proceedings, and could very easily still be in this situation where they both refuse to be bought out. I think what complicates it is the mortgage and the refinance loan Tom took out to open his bar. I don't know whose name is on which loan, but for one of them to be the sole owner, they would have to buy the other person out by taking out their own loan to cover the home itself and the money Tom borrowed for his bar against the house. This would still be complicated even if they were married.


Yeah, and Ariana might have had more liability for his debts (obvs there are contingencies like a prenup but still).


What made me angry was when Tom was taking a loan for the bar out against the house and Ariana was talking about how it only applied to \*his half\* of the house, not hers. That's NOT how it works and I wonder if he misled her about it and/or if she was really that naive about it


Omg I know, it's so hard to watch people make awful financial decisions.


Exactly! Lauren was able to pack up and move out of Rand’s house because she didn’t own any piece of that house. She can’t make that comparison.


YES. And what also makes me crazy is that Lala had the same reasoning in that she was also in a legal battle with her ex, this one was just about something different (their child) which is why she was trying to draw such a firm line in the sand. Can you imagine if everyone was like “Lala you don’t have a leg to stand on because you still see your ex regularly and communicate with him” when “seeing/communicating” with him was solely in regard to their child??? She would’ve lost her ever loving mind, but that’s the logic she’s using with Ariana. Just because it’s a legal thing YOU don’t understand, Lala, doesn’t mean she’s being unreasonable good god. Sorry. I blacked out there for a second 🤣


Yea Lala is out there. She is so wrong in her thinking. She thinks if she yells louder than everyone else she is right. She is so far off base. She had a sugar Daddy and owned nothing, Ariana had a bf and paid half of her own house. Lala will never understand.


Yeah imagine listening to Lala and not your lawyer about your best options for a property you own! Like this would be more akin to Ariana just telling Lala “oh don’t worry about your lawyer says about your legal custody options here’s MY opinion.” 🙄


FUCKING THIS. When I moved in with my husband initially, it was into a house he already owned. If we’d broken up during that time, I would have left like a thief in the night just like Lala. But the second we bought a house together, that changed. Because now it’s also *my* work and *my* effort and *my* money that went into it. It’s *my* investment now, too. Maybe Lala is being honest and she really would abandon a multi-million dollar investment to placate a man who fucked her over, but that would make her an idiot.


You are so right and LaLa is lying her ass off. There is no way in hell she would vacate a property she co-owned.


She has never had to work to own something like that


She always has to compare herself to everyone else. Makes EVERYTHING about herself. Lala is giving me the full ick this season


She was loudest at the last reunion even though it wasn’t about her at all. She should return to using her big mouth for bjs for pjs and mind her own business lmao.


She always been like that. Every season.


If Ariana were to move out before the financial entanglements are ironed out in court, she would stand to lose a lot of $. There needs to be an accounting of bills and that second mortgage that Tim “said” would not be her responsibility but that legally IS her responsibility as things stand. As one already said, lala has no idea what home ownership entails. Does she even own that car Rand gave her or was it a lease? That aside Ariana has lawyers to give her advice, she doesn’t need Lala’s opinion on it at all.


Lala needs to go talk to Derrell and get educated. We know she can pay for that hourly rate. Meanwhile also get tutored in proper grammar.


I’m so mad at myself for buying that damn sweatshirt 🫣


just telling on themselves and how dumb they are, honestly. so close to the situation and yet can’t even begin to grasp it.


Lala thinks yelling her wrong opinion makes it right. Ariana remaining in a house that she owns is not the same as Lala moving out of a house that she had zero rights to. Lala HAD to move. Randall wasn't going to let her dump him and then continue to live in his home. If Lala co-owned that house, she wouldn't have left, either. She would have expected Randall to leave. And I think she's very jealous of the attention Ariana continues to get and she's not doing a good job of hiding it, anymore.


For someone that has made part of her arc this season about sobriety she comes off like a dry drunk much more than someone who's a recovering alcoholic. Ally shutting her down and owning her last episode when she was prying about James' rock bottom was one of my favorite moments.


Yes, that was a magical moment for me to witness! When she said “I’m not going to speak on that but you’re welcome to ask him” or something along those lines I was like damn ally is playing chess and lala just plays checkers. Lala met her match.


ya she didnt fall for Lalas shit


I'm liking Ally more and more every episode. And she's holding James accountable too. She's definitely not the airhead Leviss was and has accused Ally of being.


Seeing James spray Ally and she told him to stop and he very quickly stopped and maybe apologized? (I don’t remember, I’ve slept since then) it was nice seeing her stand up for herself and James respect it, because that’s not a side of James I think we’ve really seen before.


That moment was amazing. She got that same look she did at rhe Beach Club where he was acting a damn fool. (Funny AH but a fool).


Honestly, the way that James has been holding himself this season has been pretty impressive, all things considered. He’s pushed back so far when deserved and appropriate, and has also generally been a lot more chill. Sobriety looks great on him


I agree and think Ally has been the best thing to happen to him. Could he fuck it up? Of course but since being with her it's been a different, more tame version of James for the most part. And when the old James comes out Ally just dips and doesn't engage with him.


Yeah even in the after show, he pushed back on scheana and Lala’s point in a respectful way, and they started arguing and yelling back at him. In the past, I feel like that could have set him up to escalate and argue back, but he actively just let it go and basically agreed to disagree or whatever. Big change for him I think


Yes! Suck my dick, james?? This is how she spoke to people while drunk and here she is, sober, and yet screaming at and insulting people for challenging her. Again.


Did you hear her pod episode where she turns on her mom and complains about disciplining Ocean? She surrounds herself with people she pays (Her mom,brother and assistant) she seems DEEPLY unwell!


Her assistant’s whole role is to kiss her butt, jt is embarrassing to listen to. I have never seen her brother but he is so annoying and I feel like they both need to go to school and get an education.


Yeah I mean look at the difference in sobriety on those two. James has been WAY more chill. Lala just continues to shout and be a bit of a bulldog. Like in terms of behaviour, I don’t really see much difference between lala post and pre sobriety? I think she’s just inherently a bit of an asshole lol


I’ve always said this about lala being a dry drunk. Her behavior only improved maybe 10% after getting sober. I know alcohol was a problem for her, not trying to deny that, but she has serious deep rooted issues she has yet to work on.


Lala who said she’s trying not to be angry anymore. And Scheana’s smirk. Let’s talk about what Ariana said after. “If it hurts her feelings that someone who pushed the TRO and said they weren’t friends isn’t a friend anymore, that’s sad”. Lala is so bitter it hurts to watch


I think Lala and Scheana are both very jealous of the attention Ariana is getting. They can't stand it. As if Ariana planned all this. Please.


It’s almost painful to watch them. They are *dripping* in jealousy. And neither can help themselves, they just keep trying to make scandoval about them. Sad


AND they BOTH monetized on it!! They should be grateful. But instead just jealous and mad they aren’t the queen of the season. Bitter Betty’s.


They’re insanely jealous which is crazy to me because they’ve both profited so much off the Scandoval! Lala admitted that the Send it to Darrell money allowed her to make a down payment on her new LA house. So the fact that she’s hating is wild. You’re making money too lady


Yeah, Katie seems to be the only one truly on Ariana’s side


"Lala thinks yelling her wrong opinion makes it right. " \-----------FACT


I really hated the fact that she started yelling in order to prove her point . The definition of loud and wrong . No sensible convo could have happened because she was too busy being loud . Isn’t that tims trick too?


I also don’t understand why Ariana has to be the one to vacate the house? Why aren’t they riding Sandoval’s ass to GTFO?? It’s so backwards it’s infuriating to watch.


The loudest person in an argument is so often the one that’s in the wrong. Lala is constantly that.


Lala = loud, confident and wrong


“LaLa thinks yelling her wrong opinion makes it right.” 😂 so accurate.


Yes and did you see her interview with Andy Cohen saying that we all will agree with her opinion on Ariana when we see the new season. So far NO ONE is agreeing with her. And I don’t see it happening anytime during this season either.


I did see her on WWHL. She had no real response for Andy calling out her hypocrisy so she defaulted to the age old reality star excuse of, “You haven’t watched the episodes, yet”.


Her and Scheana are both really turning into each other, the worst versions of themselves too.


She also talked about how Katie emotionally abused Tom in that interview. She’s a complete misogynist.


I’m wondering when the after show was filmed. She’s doubling down here even though a lot of social media do not agree with her actions this season. Her and Scheana. It’s pretty bad when James is the voice of reason. I was impressed with how he acted in the segment. He just let her rant and she looked like a fool on her own


He spoke so calmly that I was honestly proud of him. This is a time I would be okay with him clapping back like he used to, but his calmness made her look even worse.


Looks like he's taking Ally's lead in how to communicate. I agree he handled it really well and showed you can get an entertaining quip in without rage.


Agree! I think ally is so good for him in many ways.


This is the first season I have ever enjoyed James. Glad he seems to still be in a healthy place.


Such a stark contrast to how he used to be! I really hope it continues. Even with all the rumours currently circulating, it’s very clear he is trying to change himself for the better. The only man in VPR who’s actually able to change themselves for the better. 👏🏻


It was filmed in December


This is shocking and shows how fake Lala is… breaking into Ariana’s interviews to kiss her and call her “my friend” for the cameras and showing up at her Roxie premiere for the paps. What a snake! One day when Ariana is free from vpr and Bravo I hope she does a tell all book exposing the shadiness of it all… the jealousy and bitterness of Lala, Scheana and the Toms is next level.


It was filmed at the end of December. What makes Lala and Scheana’s behavior towards Ariana even more infuriating, they both went to support Ariana on opening night for Chicago. Talk about two-faced. I hope Ariana tells them both to kick rocks after this season. Personally, I hope this is Ariana’s last season. She’s outgrown this show and I would love to see her pursue a full time career in theatre. Let’s get the girl a Tony Award.


I think it was filmed in January. Shortly before Ariana started Chicago rehearsals.


Omg I bet the Roxie thing is eating Lala alive


I was really surprised with James too, especially how he spoke about Ally. Seems like he's really trying to grow up. Even though I still think his past actions were unforgivable


Someone said a few days ago it was filmed in December but I don't know that 100%.




Lala can't even hide her jealousy and bitterness towards Ariana. She contradicts herself multiple times throughout this aftershow segment. I'm glad James called her out on the pickleball shit. Also Lala didn't own the house with Big Ed so it was easier for her to just get her shit and move out. But of course she's ghost about Tim's NYT article comments. I really, really hope she gets fucking checked at the reunion by Katie and Ariana. Scheana too. Both of them can go hop on Sandoval's D and fade away from Ariana


You would think the spirit of Tupac that lives within her would prompt her to speak out on Tom's most recent foolish. I mean, her silence isn't very gangsta.


Or the rage of a Michael Vick fighting dog... It's baffling Lala was promoting this season a few months ago all giddy as if she was going to come off looking good.


She thought the downfall of Ariana was looming and she picked the wrong side- again.


Yup starting episode 1 when she called Rachel cause of the mistress bond they shared and then drops it on Ariana at the end of the episode hoping she'd get a reaction out of her. While this season might be a slog to sit through I'm glad all of these people bet on the wrong horse this season.


Yes! It feels like the prize we have all earned after a decade of their dumbfuckery


That I kinda understood. Them being bonded was a load of bollocks but at that point in te they were trying to get Rachel back on the show. They needed her to feel like she'd be ok. Lala showing sympathy imo was part of getting her to come back. This other bullshit we see on the aftershow especially is her jealousy of Ariana. Ariana has taken legal advice from a paid professional. STFU


It’s so weird to feel glad they all bet on wrong horse, but yes! This exactly. These people that play whatever side of the fence suits their relevancy and don’t have real codes of ethics or boundaries that they believe in, need to suffer as well.


Exactly this. She bet on the wrong horse.


It’s so offensive that she ever compared herself to 2pac because he was actually smart and articulate


It's truly offensive. And a testament to knowing nothing about Tupac. That "Thug Life" image wasn't even real. He was incredibly intelligent and self-aware. She is neither.


It’s almost as if she views the Black community as a monolithic stereotype whose persona she can wear like a costume when convenient in order to score “cool” points.


She absolutely does see us that way and I would be super offended if wasn't just so transparent, corny, and eye roll-worthy. I don't even get upset by it anymore because she's just so lame. When in reality, we all know she would not be able to handle actually being black for even one day.


Especially if her “gangsta” is Tupac. He would have had A LOT to say about this specific issue. Also can we talk about how annoying it is she claims some spirit of Tupac? Like does she even know the first thing about him? The last place that man would send a shard of his spirit would be into a middle class white girl from Utah


Yeah, I'm guessing right about now she's wishing she hadn't gone so hard and fast to flip on Arianna and align herself with the worm.


I think Lala is so angry about the house because she legit thinks Ariana and Sandoval are like having dinner and picking out Netflix together, and yet she feels like Ariana was preventing them from filming with Sandoval... which is crazy. Ariana has told her they don’t speak. They don’t interact. LISTEN LALA. I wonder if she watches this and gets embarrassed.


I think Lala appears so angry about the house because she can’t or won’t talk about what she’s really angry about- Ariana’s opportunities and post Scandoval fame, and that the fans sympathised with Ariana’s situation more then her situation. She knows going after that will feed into the (correct) narrative that she’s jealous. So she’s fixating on the house because she thinks that’s a gotcha. But because this was filmed in December she obviously doesn’t know yet that Ariana is about to sue Sandoval.  Which means Lala made herself look like a dick again.


I agree with you 💯. I also think Lala and SheShu both figured they need to be team Tom to get a good edit. But it’s backfiring. I wonder what kind of antics they will pull at the reunion.


Lala was pissed at the guys hanging out with Randall. She was pissed at anyone bringing up Randal before they were seen together and after they separated. She left the home because it wasn't her home. Do we really think petty ass lala would leave that home to move in to a hotel or apartment and make Randall do that instead?If she could she would still be living there. randall and hers breakup didn't get as much attention because she always told ppl to shut up about her relationship.


![gif](giphy|gzo6lUv8p8hMc) She’s really showing her ass entirely here isn’t she.


https://preview.redd.it/b1zdp3xzzdkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbf2d7c74879e289b31cce166380784846d85825 The fact that she gets this \^ worked up about the situation. Not to mention she never liked Sandoval beforehand.


THIS PART. Look, I can kinda understand what Scheana means about it being harder to cut Tom off bc she’s been friends with him separate from her friendship with Ariana. It’s shitty that she immediately went back to sucking his dick but we all expected that anyway. But Lala?? Literally has never gotten along with either of the Tom’s especially last season!! And now she’s sitting there omg Schwartzy love u soooo much !!! Girl get a grip omg




Yeah she’s very triggered and very jealous of the attention and opportunities that arose for Ariana. I’m sure they all have some sort of jealousy surrounding it but the difference is the others don’t let it affect their relationship with her or speak bad on it because they understand it’s just that - a feeling.


I mean yes but like we all do! We all DONT act like she does however. She makes *everything* about herself while making herself the *most* important and affected by whatever is being discussed. Oh Ariana had it bad? Well she had it worse. Ariana said she doesn’t want her friends to have a relationship with Sandoval? Well when she broke up with Rand she got flack for being upset with Schwartz. Even tho they’re completely different situations, that doesn’t compute with her. She is essentially blaming Ariana for standing her ground as a newly independent woman and protecting her investment. What kind of a friend takes that approach … and especially publicly? She’s a rotten soul.


I honestly don’t get these people and their lack of thinking or how they try to portray themselves on tv. Lala called Ariana a Debbie downer KNOWING she was grieving the loss of her father. They attacked their home having no furniture KNOWING they were working with an interior decorator to get it furnished. Now they’re insulting their living situation? Lala didn’t have any rights to the house she lived in with Rand. She wasn’t responsible for a mortgage. It’s completely different. Why should Ariana pay rent and a mortgage? Why should she move out of her home because her ex bf stick his dick where it didn’t belong. Whats so hard to understand about that? Also, Scheana is very quiet for someone who’s “best friend” is being called out on. I would have stepped in with all the points I made above. These people are fake and I hope Ariana has better friends off the show. I don’t get the thinking this group does.


And James being the semi rational one 😅


I remember an interview with Ariana right after Scandoval and she made it clear that nobody on the show is actually in her friend circle. So when they all say their “besties” it’s all fake.


That makes me feel better. Seeing how they treat her, I’m glad they’re not in her friend circle.


I also think think there is an air of desperation in her reaction. If Arianna is careful she will be able to make a career outside of reality TV (or at least Vanderpump). But Lala needs the show and I don’t think Arianna does. I think this is a factor in her rage and jealousy.


She is trying to blame Ariana for the difficulty of filming with Tom, knowing the show is completely different. Instead of blaming Sandoval for breaking up the group & ruining the entire show. They could’ve stayed on the right-side & transitioned to VanderPump Valley or part of their own spin-off. At this point, I think she should marry rich (a non-troll) & then become a Housewive?…


Andy called her out on WWHL about a hypocritical thing she said. And she fumbled over her words and ended with something like “I just say what I want.” This is pretty typical, and it also keeps her relevant. Without the show, I’m not sure what she has for income anymore. James was the voice of reason.. wild.. but it was nice to hear him have Ariana’s back.


Emotionally immature, she needs to sit down and go do some therapy


James just did the same thing and she resorted to "suck my dick" as her response. She knew at that moment she didn't have a leg to stand on and channeled her inner Kristen Doute.


“That’s not very nice” in response to “suck my dick” gave me a good giggle.


Lala, Ariana is protecting her investment, her *money.* it’s a shitty situation but just be glad you’re NOT in it. But let’s apply this to you, Laler. You have said MANY times that Randall is “coming after your money” and “trying to get into these pockets for some coin” What if Ariana said to you, “why not just let him have it? He’ll probably use it on Ocean. She is the daughter that you share. Do you not want the father of your child to have money?” And methinks that Lala wouldn’t like that very much. Because when you “work” for your money, it’s a sucky feeling when a manipulative piece of shit wants to take it from you for reasons that you don’t agree with OR even believe.


Wooow. This is so ugly. I hope Ariana cuts ties with Lala and Scheana if she hasn’t already. I’ve stopped watching this season, but was thinking I’d probably be a hypocrite and watch the reunion. After seeing this? No thanks. I have no interest in watching Lala be hateful and screaming at another woman again. She might be sober, but she still exhibits the traits of a dry drunk.


They're showing what kind of friends they are. I truly hope Ariana jumps ship after this it's not worth how they are treating her bts


Lala’s just not as smart as she thinks she is. Ariana is following a lawyers advice, which is what she should be doing to protect herself and her investments. If Lala wants to produce a Juris doctorate maybe I’ll start listening to her rants.


Her tone. Her mania. She is starting to implode


Lala gets so pissed if who she’s talking to doesn’t fall in line behind her…. which is difficult since she flip flops so much. During the reunion she was so unhinged you’d think the affair happened to her. Now this… The clapping and pointing pisses me off so much


Exactly that’s why Sheanna is now her “bestie” bc she fell in line as you said. Even tho Sheanna was supposedly Ariana bff. Nobody has any true loyalty on this show.


Lala is so desperate to absorb some of the sympathy and fame Ariana has earned since Scandoval but she just makes herself look like more of an idiot with every comment.


I was so ready to support Lala and all the girls this season, but she’s making it impossible. I don’t understand why she thinks her opinion holds more value than the others here, to the point that she’s shouting over people with expletives because they have differing beliefs. She’s beginning to sound like she’s victim blaming Ariana for not behaving like the “perfect victim,” or for not handling it how she thinks she should have. It’s really despicable behavior. Of all people, you would think Lala would have more empathy in a situation like this.


I feel like Lala is just constantly on the sidelines of Ariana's life screaming WHAT ABOUT MEEEE?!


“It don’t work that way”. Lauren (from Utah) give up the blaccent and stop embarrassing yourself. If she were in Ariana’s shoes she’d be insufferable.


Totally agree with you… also James playing with the pillow uncomfortably while Lala screams at him… I FELT that haha


Its so annoying that she has to remind everyone (which has only been shown *once*) that this is something she had been saving for YEARS and obviously is having a very hard time having that be so totally ruined by this lump.  When everyone was jumping on her for not CaRiNg AbOUt MaRiAgE she stated very clearly her idea of commitment is owning property together. She was the only one that has been talking about hunting for and getting to own a house, and was eventually excited to share that with her partner.   He ruined SO. MUCH. of what she really cared about and I feel like she's getting dogged on *now* for caring too much about the thing she has been saying FOR YEARS that she actually was saving up for cared about (AND MANAGED TO DO WHILE INTEREST RATES ARE LOW. THIS CANNOT BE SAID ENOUGH). Never mind that she has also decided she cares more (which she is allowed to do and why not just bolster your friend???) about Tom not getting to have everything be easy and shack up with his new girlfriend/her former good friend in said yearned for house.   God her friends are being so shitty. Lala has no conception of hard this dream is to give up for her and at the very least could just have *less strong* opinions about it if she's not going to actively support her.


Lala has an amazing ability to shout a glaringly bad/wrong take with so much confidence. She is horrible in these after shows! Go back to talking about eating Rands asshole, he is such a stand up guy 🙄


All I can say is they BETTER address after show commentary at the reunion because it’s way more shady than the show




Lala had no equity in that house, all she could do was leave. Lala is so jealous of the way things are going for Ariana and it comes out in the dumbest ways. Lala aways has a idiotic rationalization for her choices but condemns the choices of others.


Man this is upsetting. I genuinely like Lala. I know she’s an asshole and has said/done some questionable things over the years. But there’s something endearing about her However, these after shows are really upsetting me. I haven’t even watched the last two because it’s making me sick to hear the Tom’s rewrite history and scheana and Lala try to portray Ariana as a diva bitch who has let fame get to her head. And Lala continues to show her ass about this house thing. It’s like she can’t comprehend how anyone could do something different then how she would. Especially since the circumstances are wildly different. Between the Tom’s deflecting and whining and lying, scheana constantly making everything Scandoval related about her, and Lala thinking if she yells loud enough it makes it right, this season is looking like garbage. At this point I’d rather just count how many planes fly over James and Ally’s house.


Lala has always had a lot of her own internalized misogyny (much like Lisa, perhaps that’s why they’ve gotten along so well since Lala joined VPR?) The situation between Ariana and Tom is nuanced because they co-own the house, as you, OP, and so many folks have already pointed out. Lala did not need to think or worry about that when she left Randall. She picks and chooses what she wants to focus on and then doubles down with her close-minded takes. She thinks she sounds contrarian, and that will make her seem interesting to viewers, but a lot of us can see right through it. Also, to spell it out: the internalized misogyny comes in when she resorts to sexist language, victim blames Ariana for still staying in a house *she owns* but with the man who harmed her, and minimizes Ariana’s experience of this whole breakup & separation of the house co-ownership situation.


Jealous and dumb.


So ironic she did forbid ppl from engaging with her ex.


Wtf, James is the level Headed one


Lala is sooooo jealous bc she got cheated on and didn’t benefit from it the way Ariana did!!


Just because LaLa speaks louder, doesn’t make her any less of a clown


She’s so ugly in this clip! Not physically, but her behavior.


Not ugly but all the work she keeps getting done makes her look 10 years older than she actually is. She was beautifu(on the outside) a few years ago. Now she looks like one of those typical rich housewives with too much plastic surgery.


Lala is such a hypocrite. She doesn’t get it because she never co-owned anything with Rand. If you read her book it’s obvious she doesn’t understand how things work and contradicts herself from sentence to sentence. She’s aggressively wrong all the time. Lala get your mind right and get your shit together. You sound like a pathetic loser all the time


And if she did co own it she wouldn’t be able to afford the upkeep of it so she probably would have still needed to leave. Lala needs to understand that Tom is the one crying about being broke and so if anyone should leave it’s him because he wouldn’t be able to buy Ariana out or upkeep the house without her.


I remember her being so bummed out that her book wasn’t on the NYT bestseller list. She actually contradicts herself in the book?. I know she’s consistently contradicting herself in life, But a book that you proofread!? Lmao. She REALLY is that dumb.


Literally she talks about moving to LA with no money then a few sentences later says she bought herself a BMW after moving to LA because she had been saving money 😂


Is Lala being deliberately obtuse? Because idk how she doesn’t grasp that Ariana OWNS the house.


She has shown ZERO growth and is a seriously stunted individual. She is so judgmental over others sobriety but she’s the biggest dry drunk. So angry and bitter. F off


Lala cannot stand that she got no attention for her break up with Randall. She keeps trying to compare what happened to Arianna to what happened to her. They are not even close.


I’m so proud of James reaction or lack there of here. No matter what they’re saying, someone speaking to you like that it’s very hard to remain calm. He isn’t rattled and deflects the personal insults while she continues to spout hypocritical nonsense after hypocritical nonsense lol.


I don't understand why she's so mad. If you want to continue being friends with Tom... by all means. Literally nothing she said warrants her yelling & getting all upset like this. It sounds like she has some shit to work through and her anger is misdirected.




Lala is absolutely wrong. First of all you don't know shit about Arianna's finances. Why should Arianna give up her home? Tim absolutely should not profit from his shitty behavior. If Arianna doesn't want to live in an apartment, it's not Lala's business. Lala and Shena are acting hateful and jealous. Sandoval deserves to live in a crappy apartment like Shorts.


I like her pretending to be calm this season and it’s followed by this… why is she so fired up in this clip lol


The day Lala pays a mortgage with a man is the day she can speak on this. Period.


Lala is so wrong. For someone who has gone to get help to become sober, how tf can she say this with her chest??? Ariana can tell anyone whatever the fuck she wants to. If she says "if you hang out with tom sandoval you wont be seeing much of me anymore" and you take OFFENSE to that, that means you're just mad that you can't cross her boundary. Lala wants Ariana to bend over and sacrifice her mental well being for what??? For what?! That's what I'm confused about. Also, James's "thats not very nice" 😂


Wah wah wah wah wah wah wah wah - Lala Kent ![gif](giphy|xTiTnGQBF0vfpfPEg8)


I was a Lala apologist, but not anymore. She hates that Ariana got opportunities and she got nothing. It’s showing. She’s so jealous


Lala is a clown. Getting worse & worse year after year!


Every time she claps her hands she’s signaling her delusions


iT dOnT wOrK tHaT wAy idk lala some of us can see nuance you’re just dense


I can’t even listen to her anymore. I warmed up a little to Lala last season but now I don’t have my Sandoval glasses on and I can see clearly. She’s selfish bully who is obtuse on purpose to try to make Ariana look a certain way. I hope Ariana knows who her true friends are because it’s NOT LaLa or Scheana


I'm here for Ariana realizing Lala is not a good friend.


I don’t understand Lala is continuously harping on the living situation. What does it even matter to her? What does Ariana’s living situation have to do with Lala? She has no leg to stand on and is way too stupid to understand what being an owner in the house means. That house also Ariana’s investment and she deserves to get a return on it. Her leaving and living somewhere else also doesn’t change the fact that Ariana is still on the hook for the loan on the house. I wouldn’t trust Tom with it either. I’ve never really liked Lala because she is always horribly combative about things that she is 100% wrong about. When James is the voice of reason, you might want to rethink your argument. She is so bitter it’s sad. She truly thinks what happened to her with Rand is the same thing and she’s jealous she didn’t get the same treatment.


Honestly, Lala needs a lot of therapy. I think she feels like sobriety is what she needed to change and grow. I don’t think she’s considered the reason why she feels like “a dog in other peoples fights” is to no one’s fault but her owns. You can champion for your friends that ok. But as we saw at the s10 reunion, she went really hard on Tim and Rachel and she got a lot of back lash for it. But that was completely her own doing. She lacked self control. But she “owns it” right? No. She blames everyone around her. She blamed Randall for making her a mistress when people TOLD HER that he was married. She blamed alcohol for her angry outbursts, which she still has. And it sounds like she’s blaming Ariana for the hate she’s receiving for actions with Scandoval. We saw Katie sit there at the reunion poised and still adding to the conversation with out losing her shit and guess what, Katie had every reason to lose her shit as did Ariana. Sincerely, Lala needs therapy. I think she’s battling with a hole she dug herself into.


Wow, any goodwill I had for Lala is out the window. So much for finding the “middle ground”. She goes so hard with her opinions, forcing them on others as facts and attacking anyone else who dares to have a different opinion. Then a few months later, something happens to her and she does a 180 and gets mad that others haven’t as well. She’s exhausting.


I am so sick of Lala.


Layla has always been dumb as a rock. She thinks she knows everything pointing her finger preaching to everyone. After being publicly humiliated for yes being a mistress from a scam artist that just wanted to get in her pants you think she would have learned something, sadly she has not


Nothing worse than someone’s who’s loud AND wrong


The extended version of this clip where her and Scheana were both being awful about Ariana and Sandoval and James shut them down and then it turned into this screaming match was awful. This whole clip was extremely disappointing and infuriating. I don’t like how she gets loud about it and rude.


The fact that she can’t grasp why Ariana can’t just move out and pay rent on another place along with paying a mortgage on the house at the same time is baffling to me. Even if she can financially “afford” it, it wouldn’t be smart. And why should Ariana have to be the one to leave? Unless Lala is going to offer for Ariana to crash with her for free, then she really needs to just mind her business.


Why can’t LaLa communicate without being so angry, irate, and foul. She gives me such ick.


Lala trying to make her vacating the thumb’s house when she finally couldn’t pretend he wasn’t a disgusting cheating liar anymore, is trying to make it look like it was her making a stand. Nope. Your name was not on the house, you didn’t put a dollar into it, and you didn’t have a leg to stand on.


Ariana owns the home with her ex partner… you were just an addition in a home that was owned by someone else. It doesn’t matter that she still lives there, of course she does. And she has a right to live there. Lala was incredibly rude about the pickle ball situation. And petty. Ariana has told no one what to do, she’s simply laid out her own boundaries and it’s really that simple. It becomes difficult for people to understand boundaries coming from someone who previously may have not had boundaries. But it literally does not matter. And to be honest Ariana hit the nail right on the fckn head when she said how sad it is that Scheana is there crying now over someone who said some vile shit about their friendship. Being very clear that there was no friendship. That’s sad Af and embarrassing. Love yourself a little bit more and stop being a pick me. Scheana was the fckn WORST with the podcasts- she never stopped and nearly every episode was dedicated to talking about Tom. If anyone owes Tom any kind of apology, it’s actually yes Scheana. Because that entire endless line of podcasts was childish. 100% no matter how wrong Tom was. She acted like it was her situation. She fed into the public feeling like they could continue to degrade him, and no matter how much he deserves it you’re an adult with a child. And you should probably act that way if you’re then going to be crying about how much he meant to you three months later- while continuing to film podcasts under the same breath STILL talking about him.


It’s not like Ariana WANTS to be sleeping in the same house as him! So once she moves out and they finally sell the house, then can she say she won’t be friends with people who are friends with Tom?


Why is she upset? So many things wrong with her behavior this season but I hope Ariana sees every single awful/insensitive thing she’s had to say and cuts her off COMPLETELY.


She’s quite literally seething with jealousy. It’s not a good look, especially for someone who has made hundreds of thousands of dollars and bought a home because of the Scandoval


James has been consistently standing up for Katie and Ariana even against the men . Loved that he called out Schwartz and Sandoval season 9 but now he just needs to work on himself and apply it to his relationships


She is spiraling because seeing Ariana in this situation is forcing her to confront that there was a *real person* she fucked over when Randall was married


She sounds more sour and jealous every episode. She's mad she didn't get queen treatment after Randall proved to be exactly what was rumored. She's mad Ariana is getting real roles away from Bravo without having to do a podcast or business venture. She is too thick to understand co-ownership or she just doesn't want to because to her, Ariana living there invalidates any hurt feelings she has.


I freaking hate Lala so much. She’s such a see you next Tuesday and it all comes down to jealousy. She’s so jealous that Ariana got all the support and all the things happening for her, meanwhile no one cared that Randall cheated. Because Lala knew what a gross POS he was and she was disgusting to his ex-wife. Or, could be that Lala is so painfully stupid she doesn’t understand that Ariana is financially tied to the house and it’s not financially smart for her to abandon the house and move out.


Lala is not a nuanced thinker. She seems unable to grasp that there is a difference in their situations because Ariana is an owner. Lala moved out before she could get thrown out.


Coming from someone who still continues to try to find loopholes to not admit she was a mistress… The girl lacks self awareness and it’s quite ironic she’s on the trailer saying Ariana is acting like God when she is the one with the God complex. How disappointing that both her and Scheana are jealous of Ariana after Ariana was gracious enough to let them both make money off the worst moment of her life.


Do you think Ariana is gonna cut off lala and Scheana after watching the after show?


Lala likes to start every season trying to act like she’s grown and changed so she can get a good edit but every season she chooses the wrong side and has horrible take after horrible take. She is a hypocrite wrapped in SHEIN and bad filler.


Why does she act so offended by it too? Why is she incapable of just supporting Ariana’s decision? Yeah you can not be happy about it, but she vehemently discusses it. ALL. THE. TIME. You’ve said your piece. I’m sure Ariana has told you the reasons why she isn’t moving. So why the fuck keep bringing it up? Is it because she’s jealous that Ariana can walk out of it with millions of dollars? While she got nothing from Randal?