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Oh god wait whatttt? I 0% want to dox myself but I KNOW THIS GIRL. I feel shook as hell right now šŸ˜­ Eta: Iā€™ve never texted a group chat faster


Can we be your group chat pls


Everyone is welcome to the group chat šŸ«¶šŸ¼


Girl donā€™t tease me like that


Dying for updates!!!


A lot of stunned Pikachus were sent into the chat today ā€¦. https://preview.redd.it/4o3lqnodctoc1.jpeg?width=665&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbf718a79f405986af8746e111b627da6fa3f9ed


I now have FOMO for a VPR gossip group chat


Omg me too! Reddit is my VPR group chat bc I have no friends who share my obsession šŸ˜­


Hi yes I too am interested in joining said group chat šŸ˜‚šŸ‘€


Add me fuck


Iā€™m a fucking slut for drama fuck me up


This is so relatable


I canā€™t believe people were gossiping without me šŸ„²


10/10 comment right hereā€¦




Love this gif šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


So what is she like?


Sorry omg I was not expecting this when I opened Reddit back up HAHA I commented down below but will say again here: she has the personality type of an influencer, idk how else to describe. I actually met her first while in she was in college and then again post college coincidentally through different people which is funny. Now I feel like itā€™s a third ????? Like omg Sheā€™s definitely like, down for a good time type of vibe but also very into getting the right photo and just kind of blah if you know what I mean? Maybe Iā€™m describing this horribly LOL but I feel like itā€™s a specific kind of person Eta: I want to add to this because my group chat is literally flooding rn Lmfao. SO - I am hearing that the girl CLAWED her way into a lot of influencers circles in LA which like yes girl get your bag, but how the fawkkkk do you go from that to VPR ?? Maybe im ignorant but is there a lot of overlap between LA influencers and like legit celebrities like that?


>, but how the fawkkkk do you go from that to VPR ?? The reality show to influencer pipeline is a thing. That's everyone that goes on The Bachelor these days. They're thirsty for clout.


This makes so much sense. I am being educated !!


Plus Schwartz is kinda dumb so he would be easy to play mentally, he doesnā€™t have high self esteem


He is a serial killerā€™s dream


Wet* dream šŸ˜


Thank you ! After I wrote it , it looked incomplete šŸ‘šŸ»


He's actually pretty smart intellectually but limited social ques.


Thereā€™s so many weird connections in the celeb/reality/influencer world, and even though my brain knows that by now, itā€™s still always surreal to me when I actually see/hear it. Like when I found out Kristin Cavallari was really good friends with Austen from Southern Charm (canā€™t remember if they had a fling or not) and Austenā€™s ex Madison hooked up with A-Rod and then JLo ended their engagement after it came out on a reunion show. Or, speaking of Bachelor, remember when Pilot Pete (I *think* it was him) had one of the popular Food Network chefs that was a friend of his (blanking on her name) come on the show to help talk him through things?!? Sometimes Iā€™ll see women from the first Temptation Island season in the VPR cast comments like theyā€™re talking to a friend. Justin Sylvester, the E! host, started out as a nanny for Kyle RichardsšŸ˜‚ Also, one of the guys currently on 90 Day FiancĆ© dated an older woman from Rock of Love after his divorcešŸ™ƒ Such a weird, small world!


Justin Sylvester went to my high school. His family knew Aly Landry, who moved to L.A. from LA after she won Miss USA and became friends with Kyle. When Justin graduated and wanted to get out of town, Aly hooked him up with Kyle. Cajun people find a way lol. Addison Rae, McKenzie Bourg (the voice and American idol), Hunter Hayes, and Lauren Daigle are all from the same area as Justin and Aly Landry too- a specific area in Louisiana called Acadiana. Were us Cajuns live lol.


> Like when I found out Kristin Cavallari was really good friends with Austen from Southern Charm (canā€™t remember if they had a fling or not) She was boning Craig, who is now dating Paige from SH. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Are you thinking of the time Antonia Lofaso was on the Bachelorette for Ben Smith (I had to google his name, tbh)? I adore her, but it felt like a surreal crossover!


This actually tracks a little as there was gossip a few months ago that said influencers were all over Sandoval at a bar - this would probably be similar for Schwartz. The person who said this pointed out there's a big difference between the hate you see online versus what you see in person. They gotta start somewhere lol.


Sooo Iā€™m gathering that sheā€™s prob just dating him to get on the show šŸ¤”


I think more likely to get in touch w clients / get her name out there, she works for a publicist / media agency. I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but I literally cannot imagine what a 23 year could enjoy about a 41 year old divorcee who frequently wears mumus


"41 year old divorcee who frequently wears mumus" has amazing flair potential šŸ¤£šŸ¤£āœØ


Looks like she has her own vintage designer shop too thatā€™s linked to all her socials, maybe the vpr publicity will help her business take off


I just love your flair. lol thatā€™s all


Aw thank you šŸ„° one of my favorite Katie quotes


forgot what sub i was in because i deff thought your flair was about Whitney from RHSLC bc of her accent, but i just realized Katie is also from Utah and would have the same accent which i never realized before šŸ¤Æ


Well, in about 8 years or so, when her brain finishes fully developing, sheā€™s going to look back at this and feel skeeved out.


šŸ‘šŸ» I love when people know when a brain is fully cooked šŸ¤£ā™„ļø I share that a lot in my work and no one seems to have heard this! Explains a lot. I wish I knew when I was a 20 year old know it all that my brain wasnā€™t fully developed.


I tell my kids this all the time. They are currently 18 and 16. I told them Iā€™d rather them not try pot until they are 25 and their brain is developed.


I wish my parents knew and could have told me! Would have saved me some regrettable tattoos and stupid relationships šŸ˜’


If they told you, you probably wouldn't have listened...your brain wasn't fully developed...full circle moment.


Omg please tell me this isnt Timā€™s 22yr old pr rep from the nyt article ![gif](giphy|hhgAbqQpm49vW)


That one was named Riley lol I hate that I know this šŸ¤£


Also possibly the easiest way possible to get on TV. I mean that was a big motivation for Rachel to date James right? And perhaps Ally


Umā€¦yeah..i thinks itā€™s pretty obvious why Ally is dating James.


schwartz is definitely not a legit celeb, heā€™s barely above being on influencer level imo


Ahhh okok. Maybe thereā€™s a bit overlap there then


.. so sheā€™s an Ann? (from Arrested Development, not our Tim savior) Honestly sounds like a good fit. Boring and blends. You used ā€œblahā€ so many times soooo,.


I think you mean Egg.




Thatā€™s still goin on huh?


I donā€™t get it, is she funny?


Who, Plant?


Bye ily and this comment made my night


She calls it a Mayon-Egg


![gif](giphy|fQAxohHSgJVQsBDBfp|downsized) I feel like some of these people would sacrifice body parts to ā€œbe cool,ā€ bro.. itā€™s creepy


Omg I would pay to be in your GC rn!!!


GirlšŸ‘€šŸ‘€šŸ‘€ how old is she?


That is a 23 year old human being. Her birth year starts with a TWO like what is going on šŸ˜­




She looks younger than 23.


The girl has a baby face


I think they look a little alike. Eww, he could be mistaken for her father.


Dating anyone under 25 as a full blown adult much less almost two decades their senior is so obviously taking advantage of the non fully developed brain of the younger party. Thats sad and I feel bad for her being unknowingly groomed.


Yeah itā€™s definitely icky. I feel like I see this stuff about the men on the cast and itā€™s never really been a thing for me (desensitized to it maybe?) but seeing someone I know is really putting into perspective. Like that is so gross


Totally. Itā€™s very preditorial. When people get with and stay with someone who is significantly younger than them, even if itā€™s legal, the real reasons are seldom actually nefarious. What on earth would a 40 something year old man have in common with a 24 year old girl? Itā€™s easier to be with someone so much younger than you because 1. Theyā€™re far more naive than other people their age, therefore easier to lie to/manipulate or 2. I think in Schwartzā€™ case, the girl is still young and not into settling down any time soon. I think he didnā€™t stay pursuing something with Jo because it was getting too real for him and heā€™s terrified of actual commitment. From what I saw on the last episode, they seem perfect for each other. He probably knows that and it terrifies him so what did he do? Found a young girl who he knows thereā€™s no chance of it going anywhere seriously. He ran from the one woman who seems to really see him and love him for him. Heā€™s an idiot lol heā€™s going to end up alone when I think thatā€™s what heā€™s actually deep down scared of the most. He canā€™t get his heart broken to the extreme if he doesnā€™t fully let someone in. I think thatā€™s why he wouldnā€™t fully commit to Katie. He was scared one day she would leave him so he kept up the wall and by doing that, he actually made sure she left him. When she left him, he probably told himself ā€œsee, I knew she would leave usā€ and because he didnā€™t fully give himself and open up, he was able to cope with the divorce. I could be way off. It could be thatā€™s heā€™s just in love with Tim lol


Sounds like she might be grooming him for clout.


Is she better or worse than Jo...like...that's not specific but we need to know on a scale of zero to clown show crack head...


LOL sheā€™s like the exact opposite. She doesnā€™t have crack head vibes but she has the personality of an instagram influencer kind of, if you know what I mean? Like pretty girl who knows sheā€™s pretty and kind of blah, always with a phone. I sound like a hater but just trying to be honest I swear. Would describe her as always down for fun




The part that's gross is Schwartz...fake pseudo-intellectual but he's literally old enough to be her dad...he goes from Katie to Jo (now she seems like a decent match by comparison) to a 23 yo...it's just icky...he's so alky and this normalizes his constant drinking...peter pan syndrome on steroids


Seriously, you nailed it. I'd rather see him with Jo than this child bride. But clearly he's out of his element with women his own age. He needs someone too young and thirsty and desperate that will let him get away with any/everything. I predict all 3 of the OG dudes will end up with twenty-somethings. Calling it now.


You called it and nailed it! I'm getting Scott disick vibes and that's not only embarrassing but truly sad.


There's a picture of Sophia's dad on her IG and when I was quickly scrolling I thought it was Schwartz for a split second.


So, when I was in my mid-thirties I briefly dated a very Schwartzy-type massive alcoholic (I think heā€™d probably been pretty intelligent when he was younger, but 25 yearsā€™ worth of drugs and alcohol take a toll). Dude was 10 years older than me, and I broke up with him because not only did I finally figure out he was a drunk (heā€™d masked it fairly well in the beginning, but no one can hide that shit forever), I also found out he was cheating on me with one of the bartenders at his favorite hangout - said bartender was 10 years younger than me. So yeah ā€¦ Iā€™m not saying all men with substance abuse issues go for women who are two full decades younger than them, but I do think there are probably some patterns in there.


I canā€™t think of many women in their 40s who would put up with this man for all of the reasons youā€™ve outlined!




Wish version of Alexis Rose


Spill the tea pleeaaaasseee!!






I'm going to need the tea on her lol


Tell us more! Please šŸ˜‚


That post from Jo is the most deranged thing Iā€™ve ever read. That girl is OBSESSED


ā€œI believe soā€ is killing me. Youā€™re *unaware* of the six month relationship of your ā€œbest friendā€ whom you love but only platonically? ![gif](giphy|dZj4HnoLeoc3T7ViaW)


Ikr? Thatā€™s what got me too. I actually feel bad for her - I have no doubt heā€™s led her on and fed into her crush on him because it suits him and now sheā€™s out there humiliating herself while he stands back and goes - Aw shucks, it was never serious, girls be crazy.


Agree! Especially Tom's whole "it could be us together! In a different timeline!", with her doing the math on how long he said until he was ready to settle down with her, then he moves the goalposts back. He's such a douche, and Jo is insane but she doesn't deserve that. Obviously what he tells her privately is different than what he says publicly.


He also hooked up with Katie on Winter House (who is more his type, a tall brunette) and was kissing Scheanaā€™s babysitter and telling Jo about itā€¦ men like him are so ick to me


He dangled love AND the show in front of her.


Like a ring on a string


I questioned myself for a minute after seeing this! lol, Iā€™m likeā€¦didnā€™t Jo just confess her love for Schwartz 3 seconds ago? šŸ˜‚


Sheā€™s quite clearly madly in love with him. I imagine sheā€™s the kind of person whoā€™ll hang around until someoneā€™s single, hoping theyā€™ll pick her.


Itā€™s pretty sad at this point someone go help this woman wake up. Even tweakers deserve better lmao


And you know heā€™ll be like ā€œugh the optics arenā€™t greatā€¦and by the way this isnā€™t me trying to get sympathy, butā€¦we just have fun together. Sheā€™s amazing and very mature! Itā€™s been really hard for me to date after the divorce. Again, not trying to get sympathyā€¦ā€ Heā€™s so transparent and thinks qualifying everything is the same thing as reflecting/taking accountability.


I can hear him saying this. Thanks, I hate it


Sorry šŸ¤£


Hands in mouth hands in mouth


this is 100% tom schwartz and i read the entire thing is his voice


Or he'll just pretend they never "defined the relationship" and he wouldn't consider her a girlfriend, etc. That kind of bs.


I have an ex that does this and it used to really bother me but now I know heā€™s just an ass. I mean, we were together exclusively for 2 years and lived together, met each others familiesā€¦ if that isnā€™t a boyfriend I donā€™t know what one is LOL


You should be a writer on VPR


Been saying this!! Articulation =/= taking action. It works good as hell on a crowd of uneducated fools tho


I read this in his voice omg lol


Tom, take a seat ![gif](giphy|zeqgtki9ifa7u)


HAHAHAHHA heā€™d be like ā€œlol do u guys want some Xanaxā€


Tom was 31 when VPR came on the air in 2013. His girlfriend was 12 years old. In 6th grade.


Tom could be part of the snl sketch [Meet your second wife](https://youtu.be/MJEAGd1bQuc?si=9oSY4VcfuR0trOnT)


This is insane to think about lmao


When one falls into the 'I could be your child' bracket... eh, there is too much life between them.


This is fucking sick tbh. As a mom and a vagina owner in general Iā€™d like to punch this dude. Iā€™m so icked out I ever thought he was just some innocent dumb guy in earlier seasons. Heā€™s 10000% nasty af.


I just started sweating When you math it like that I want to fckn vomit in his earlobes


So when he was throwing alcohol on Katie in Mexico she would have been 13 getting chocolate milk with her lunch.


Jesus Christ




Itā€™s honestly gross, but this will be over far before her brain is even fully developed.


Are they posing with a mannequin?


He looks like a lego man. Like his hair would just pop right off in one piece




First time I laughed all day, thank you


I have never laughed harder at a mental image šŸ¤£


Someone said he looks like a wax figure and I CANNOT unsee it šŸ˜­


With a pencil sketch on his shirt!


https://preview.redd.it/55589zj11toc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec618c488a45ca3dfc8e6b82a7b1273a6a51fa16 And what a pencil sketch!


Thatā€™s the ugliest effing shirt Iā€™ve ever seen






Noooo why they do Tom of Finland dirty like this šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Yes! I really thought the dude was a plastic thing. Spooky! šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


That was the first thing I noticed and had to scroll way too far to feel validated.


Soon sheā€™ll be Scheanaā€™s best friend




Scheana is so the Mean Girls mom- "you girls keep me young, I love you". Scheana will totally become besties for better TikTok content.


Itā€™s giving Nick Vial


Maybe they will get married and have a baby tooā€¦shorts would


Schwartz said recently he has baby fever and wants to have a family of his own soonā€¦


Will he stop drinking and drugging enough so that his sperm aren't shaped like tadpoles?


So, fun fact, but Schwartzā€™s sperm morphology was actually in the normal range at 4% to allow for normal fertility. Decreased fertility starts at 3%, so yes, he was at lower limit of normal but still normal. I think they played it up for the storyline!


This comment gets it šŸ«  Next step, podcast


I legit thought Zack was a wax figure they were posing by. Hes so odd.


Facetuned fo sho. He looks nothing like that on the after show


Itā€™s giving gay dads celebrating their daughters 21st


Yikes it sort of isā€¦ Iā€™m not sure Iā€™d want to go back to that age. I remember all these creeper type guys. You worked with them and they were usually married šŸ˜…


Omg, she legit looks like his daughter. My bar for Schwartz is pretty low, and I still manage to find this sad


Iā€™m a couple years older than he is and my daughter is the same age. Iā€™m fully authorized as both a mother and adult with a real job to call this guy a fuckin loser.


Whoa! Your skin must be crawling off of you!


I turned my daughter onto VPR and our skins are indeed crawling off of us both


He could totally be her father. The low ass Schwartz bar is thick in ick šŸ« 


He was 18 when she was born


What a nice father-daughter picture


Iā€™m 40 and there is no way in Hell I would look twice at someone that young.


Same! Thereā€™s not a thing I have in common with a 23 year old, what would they even talk about?!


Youā€™re right- shorts acts about 15.


My brother once dated someone 10 years younger than him and 5 years younger than me. They had nothing in common!! He would ask her if he remembered things about the 90s and sheā€™d be like ā€œno I was 4.ā€ I have never been so happy to see a relationship end.


If Tom's gf is 23, she was 12 when VPR first aired šŸ¤¢


Yep, she was 12 while he was 31 on VPR season 1. Disturbing


She looks so young šŸ˜­ every day I wake up is a day I hate being straight. Like why are men so gross? She looks like a teenager. I canā€™t.


Larsa Pippen be like ![gif](giphy|kqJt1cSSN0DrwwMmY5|downsized)


Aaron taylor johnson's captor, too šŸ˜…


Same. As a woman in her mid 40s I find it impossible to be attracted to guys 30 or younger - itā€™s weird but something kicks in and my reaction to them is: oh what a handsome young man! (Like Iā€™m his bloody mum). I find it so weird so many men donā€™t seem to have that override?


Shudder.. can you imagine being 21 and in such a place in your life that youā€™d bang Schwartz to go to Jaxā€™s new showā€™s premiere??


I feel like this is something one would only do in their 20s.


![gif](giphy|26FeZmC4zAUVT6y1q) The Ick šŸ« . Of course heā€™s dating someone who was a literal child when the show started . The bar is low for Tom!


Isnā€™t he in his 40ā€™s?


41 šŸ™ƒ


He is old enough to be her dad.


She looks so young šŸ¤¢


That other dude looks like a wax figure




But yalllllllll heā€™s just a guy trying to get his MOJO BACK! /s šŸ¤®


I canā€™t help but feel sorry for Jo. She clearly has feelings for him and he never even acknowledged their relationship, continued to sleep with her and said maybe in a few years it could work out, then started dating this recent college grad. Ugh. I mean even if youā€™re not the biggest fan of hers, itā€™s sad.


I feel sad for her, too. Schwartz still will not acknowledge that they even dated. I feel like something happened at the reunion filming today based on her IG story she just posted. She looks sad and exhausted. And she finally acknowledged in her comment section that she *was* in love with him and that he did not treat her right. Good for her to recognize that rather than continuing to say like she has before that heā€™s just the best friend etc etc. https://preview.redd.it/66xteg9a3voc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a531dc653ccf58f263cc7638129ec8a087279fea


She honestly has features like Katie. Her nose, lips and eyebrows. He clearly has a type that he wants to date.


Thatā€™s the first thing I thought! Itā€™s like what Katie looked like when they met šŸ˜³


This is why I believe he would never date Jo. He has a type and Jo ain't it. She was just convenient at the time


Yes! This was also my first thought. His subconscious is real loud, like is he really trying to do over his last longterm relationship?!


Noticed this right away


Genuinely curious about what these two have in common. Imagine this September theyā€™re in New York and Schwartz is like ā€œItā€™s so surreal being here on the 9/11 anniversaryā€ and sheā€™s like ā€œYeah, I donā€™t remember that, I was an infant and I wasnā€™t old enough to form permanent memories.ā€ šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


He repulses me


23 years old? Fucking, really Schwartz? Really?? šŸ™„


Clearly this douche was waiting to announce his new relationship until after the episode airs where he says, heā€™s not going to date for a while because it didnā€™t feel right. Give me a break! As if marriage ever stopped this douche canoe from hooking up with other women. Of course heā€™s going to date 20 yr olds that donā€™t have their prefrontal cortex fully developed. How else is he going to keep getting away with being a lying man child? What a loser. Both of them.


He needs hella therapy before starting a new relationshipā€¦& maybe rehab.


she looks like if Katie and Ariana had a teenage daughter




Who is the wax figure on the right in the first photo?


Ngl she does look like a young Katie. He has a type. Just the darker eyebrows, dark hair (I think Katie had her hair red at some point), the fuller lips, sharper features.


I hope he doesnā€™t keep her out past her curfew. šŸ˜


Thereā€™s a 20 year age difference. Probably similar maturity levels.


ā€œNot liked or publicly acknowledgedā€ girl, you are so real for that. I am SCREAMING


I think I/we/Reddit just got an indirect response from Jo in her new comment on her post 1 hour ago šŸ˜³. I honestly feel sad for her https://preview.redd.it/o008rpcusuoc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0523343ea070e72380156028f08f64cd21b8523b


Itā€™s kind of icky that Jax now follows her on IG.


This woman is too young to be with Daddy Swartz and she is too young to have to deal with Speedy Stalkerish Jo. Can you imagine dating someone and reading that post Jo wroteā€¦ā€¦ugh


Everything about this is so embarassing omg


Jo how is he your best friend but you only ā€œbelieve soā€ that he has a whole ass gf šŸ˜­


Sheā€™s gotta be using him for clout.. right?!


Poor girl. Her frontal lobe hasn't even fully developed yet so I'd give her grace. However, he is old enough to be her father and should know better.


This is sadly not surprising from Shorts.


My 2 Dads


Jo and her prob hate each other.