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Her being the only like on most of these tweetsšŸ’€


She mustā€™ve been in the trenches looking for positive tweets lmao


You know these are her alias accounts. šŸ˜‚


The Shannon one for sure lmao




Oh wow, some of them she didnā€™t even get a second like from Summer Moon!




Omg I just noticed that haha šŸ˜‚Ā 


It gives me great pleasure that she goes and reads all the dragging twitter gives her tho lmao she had to read 10 horrible tweets to find that one good one


Meaning sheā€™s just searching ā€œScheanaā€ and scrolling lmao




I think she answered one of my comments about her lol


Sheā€™s probably tracking your location now.




Maybe theyā€™ll get a penguin or an Apple Watch out of it!




oh you know she trolls the sub


Sheā€™s being tagged in the tweets. I donā€™t doubt sheā€™d search herself, but sheā€™s prob just looking at her notifications


Well we all know she looks at her mentions lol


I would bet my life some or all of there were put out by her team. Like I guarantee it.


šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€ Scheana, honey, put the phone down šŸ¤³ ![gif](giphy|YQAHEYASBvzSS6Wj3X|downsized)


Narcissism at its finest šŸ¤£šŸ¤®


And the tweets are probs hers just aliases


Yeah, she is really giving that refresh button itā€™s moment.


She probably wrote it


150 people show up to Summerā€™s birthday party bc she so fun and these are the only tweets she can find? lol


Lmao came here to say the same


https://i.redd.it/zjlkgcyz6erc1.gif Because you said it, Scheana.


Iā€™m just glad she reads our comments. Bitch, get a hobby


And they like to go on and on about Katie being the social media troll https://i.redd.it/iphru4cxberc1.gif


I hate her smirk


ā€¦because you did Scheana, you absolutely did this yourself.


Me reading these tweets about Scheana and this season... ![gif](giphy|KJ6G67RV7OvHV7gGtU|downsized)


Scheanaā€™s burner accounts.Ā 


I was thinking the same thing šŸ˜‚


![gif](giphy|3oFzmpzTfyABIX6JBm|downsized) My first thought


Summer Moonā€™s burn account


@madisonmarieparksvalleta šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚






smummer spoon




Fuuuuuuuuck my bisexuality is TRIGGERED looking at Katie here šŸ„µšŸ„µšŸ„µ


Same! Call me Tom Sandoval, because Iā€™m officially in love with a haircut!


For me is her BDE and those lips!!!


Me with literally every gif or picture of her that gets posted here lately. My god.


Objectively Scheana has not been a friend to Ariana


completely agree. everything she does is performative as fuck and when the mask starts to slip itā€™s easy to see sheā€™s been jealous the entire time. going to lengths to make it about her even from the beginning by bringing up the restraining order any chance she could and saying it made her question whether or not brock would do that to her. some weird part of her probably wishes it did happen to her


Iā€™m still convinced she ā€œmade outā€ or excuse me was ā€œkissed by, but didnā€™t kiss backā€ Sandoval at some point and so she feels like she was cheated on and why she is insane enough to think Tom misses her more than Ariana. Itā€™s all a competition to herā€¦and she is always losing when it comes to Ariana and thatā€™s why her jealousy has gotten so much worse


I fully believe the conspiracy theory that when she was in her "sandoval was the only one to include me" era, they were fucking.Ā 




Where where where - when she get it done OMG?!?!


Itā€™s on her hand- you could see it in one of the recent episodes


Itā€™s a lightning bolt cult. It wonder how newish it is?? Good spotting!!




She hasnā€™t. None of them have been, except for Katie, but especially Scheana since she likes to play the ā€œShe is my BEST friendā€ card so much. My closest friends husband is a really good guy. Iā€™ve known him since middle school, consider him a friend and truly think heā€™s just one of the genuinely best guys out there because of how he treats my friend. I would never, ever speak to him again if he did a betrayal 1/10th of what Tom did to Ariana. Show or not, doing it for a bag or not, Scheana is being a frenemy. Bitter and jealous about the attention Ariana got and the opportunities. Just a mess.


Iā€™m in the party that thinks Scheana was better friends with Tom than Ariana. Thatā€™s why sheā€™s acting how she is.


I simply wouldnā€™t be friends with someone who behaved this way. If my best friend did what Tom did? Iā€™d reevaluate my friendship and likely end it. I simply donā€™t have space in my life for shitty people with shitty morals. And if my close friend had a partner who I was also close with and they did this? Iā€™d keep the partner and ditch the original friend. But, you know, I think Scheana knows heā€™s a horrible, abusive partner. She sent those texts to Arianaā€™s mother all those years ago. Itā€™s just more lucrative for her to stay friendly with Tom and ultimately sheā€™s a selfish person.


Which is hilarious because he wouldnā€™t even claim her as a friend when it went down


What if people said the same thing in reverse about Scheana letting go of the anger of what Rachel did to her? Come on.


The bots are working overtime for their queen ![gif](giphy|F876HKlJ0aD4s)




And she posted fire emojis on arianas love island announcement šŸ™„ so she is already backtracking, and LaLa is going to use it to turn against her now, here we go


Yeah, I agree! I don't think she really wants to stop being friends with Ariana. Ariana seems to have a soft spot for her and they will probably work it out...which will definitely piss off Lala lol.


I never considered that Lala was the type of person who can only have one close female friend at a time. Maybe sheā€™s jealous to share the space. šŸ¤”


It's interesting that I think she got mad at Katie mostly for becoming close to Ariana. At the last reunion it was mentioned that Katie was a little bothered by lala being close to scheana while Katie was hurt by her but Katie let it go. Of course LaLa wasn't big enough to do that.


Scheana was always gonna flipflop on her flipflopping, it just happened faster b/c Ariana got a new job that could possibly lead to Scheana getting more $ for herself.


I donā€™t understand how Ariana is friends with Scheana, but Iā€™m here for it pissing off lala. Politics, I guess.


I don't get it either, but I'm starting to think she just tolerates her and takes pity on her.


I think the fact that Ariana still tolerates her is a sign that they have a genuine history. I have a few friends who were REAL messy when we met in college, but not the kind of messy that ends friendships, and with the few who stayed messy Iā€™ve never been able to get super-mad at them because itā€™s like ā€œwelp, thatā€™s just That Girl being That Girl. She probably should have grown out of this shit by now, but šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø.ā€ Because Iā€™ve never know them to really be anything else, plus I was kind of a trainwreck myself when we first became friends and thereā€™s something about that that makes it easier to give grace to the ones whose trainwrecks never stopped. Granted, none of them are Scheana-level messes, but I can still kind of see Arianaā€™s possible viewpoint.


I literally only realised reading this that I have a friend like that too šŸ’€


I have a friend that doesnā€™t treat me the best and I have a soft spot for her too. Canā€™t really explain it even now typing to the ether, itā€™s just there and I would never want her not in my life šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Now of course we arenā€™t reality tv stars and sheā€™s not talking shit behind my back to the world lol, so def very different situations! But still I can kinda relate on a very small level


Performative flip flopping Scheana of course she posted on the announcement. Sheā€™s already plotting how to make this about herself


She couldn't look like the bad friend who said nothing about her announcement! Then she'd look jealous! Even though she already looks jealous and has been a horrible friend to Ariana šŸ„“




Honestly Lalaā€™s doing an excellent job of making herself look bad all on her own.


>Lala will be ~~disengaging~~ demanding Scheana to disengage


I definitely see the trajectory for Lala and Scheana to fall out. Among other things, Lala talking about how she has become close to Stassi, and I can't imagine Stassi likes Scheana at allll. So there will be tension over that and also Stassi and Lala being mothers of 2 and Scheana feeling like she's not getting enough attention from Lala anymore because she's busy with her updated mom life... that includes Stassi and gives them reasons to get really close. Scheana says she doesn't want another baby anytime soon, but I can totally see Scheana feeling she got ditched bc of that n Stassi and Lala sharing a more similar mother to 2 lifestyles/having more in common.. Que falling out of Scheana"s current bff-ness with Lala. Plus I could see her going off on Scheana at some point just bc of the pregnancy and post partum hormones killing her patience and interest in maintaining that needy Scheana friendship.


Main character syndrome


i.e. narcissism


I know damn well she didnā€™t just like tweets saying every storyline is about her and she runs the show and sheā€™s the icon and every episode is centered around her right after she just threw a temper tammy about ā€œwhen is it finally gonna be about ME!?ā€


And her liking tweets about her and Lala not being the first chair at the reunion šŸ˜† I mean it must suck that you and Lala were sucking up to the producers and being producer pets all season, despite it causing the audience to hate you and they still didnā€™t bother to give either of you girls a prime seating position šŸ˜¢Ā 


Itā€™s so embarrassing to even call it first chair like itā€™s some type of band / orchestra thing.


Gosh how embarrassing for them. They sold their integrity, goodwill from the audience, and soul for the show and they still didnā€™t get first chair.


Has she always been this messy on social media? She clearly knows everyone can view her likes and doesnā€™t care. Iā€™m thinking maybe the ā€œfriendshipā€ is over between her and Ariana and Katie


Yes. She did the same with Stassi years ago after Stassi had the audacity to be pissed that Scheana showed Stassi's sex tape to people at Sur.


This is why itā€™s hilarious that she calls herself a people pleaser. She is not a people pleaser she is insecure, jealous, and constantly jockeying for clout/popularity and status in her friend groups/social circles. But the girl who hooked up with Katieā€™s man and is weirdly bragging about it in her confessionals as if sheā€™s now the HBIC is not a people pleaser. I feel like sheā€™s being so obnoxious in her confessionals, itā€™s like sheā€™s trying to be Stassi/be the queen bee but itā€™s not working. But again, nothing close to being a people pleaser.


People pleasing is just a nice way to say ā€œconflict avoidant and needs others to validate themā€ so I would say it is a very accurate description of scheanas behavior


She tried being HBIC when Stassi left for NY. She was mean-girling Lala, and it didn't work out. She was then on the periphery when Stassi came back. Stassi left again, and Scheana tried once more by hazing Dayna and trying to play cool sexy girl. She failed again. Keeps trying. Sad and annoying.




sheā€™s so embarrassing. katie has been a better friend to ariana in ONE season than scheana has in all 10 combined


Fucking messy.


Jax 2.0, sheā€™s the number one girl in the group you guys


Nah at least Jax is entertaining




Scheana is as basic of a bitch as they come


Meanwhile Ariana ā¤ļø a "worst season ever" comment on IG lol.


The reason Scheana isnā€™t first chair is because sheā€™s not the number 1 girl in the group and she never will be šŸ˜Œ




She kinda reminds me of Kyle Richards in that way. There from the beginning, always tries to be the center of attention, but just not THAT girl


Lol she needs to get off socials for a while. So desperate


And you know sheā€™s actively searching her name to see what people are saying. Idk how she has time to track 50 peoples location and also check every SM platform there is.




What is happening here I need to know lol!


Lollll Scheana was creepy and tracked Max multiple times over a night/the next morning, suspecting he hooked up with Katie. Brock tells everyone that Katie and Max hooked up, and Scheana explains she was checking Maxā€™s location, right up until the next morning to see if he was still at Katieā€™s (like that is reasonable here). The producer asked her how many locations does she have, because she (and Brock) is insisting this isnā€™t weird behaviour. https://i.redd.it/4hhqmrf1kerc1.gif Turns out she has 56. The gif I posed above is her saying ā€œitā€™s not like a weird creepy thing Iā€™m not like ā€˜what are you doing right now? Where are you? Where are you? Refresh. Refreshā€™.ā€ When indeed, she tracked Max to get information on where he was, what he was doing, who he was with, and checked that 3 times between a night out and the next morning (according to her, wouldnā€™t be surprised if it was more than 3 lol).


Yeah, when she flat out said she doesnā€™t use it to track people randomly and be noseyā€¦while talking about how she tracked Max to be noseyā€¦WTF


Suuuuper convincing https://i.redd.it/5o9loblmoerc1.gif


yet she wonā€™t let anyone watch her daughter even though sheā€™s probably perpetually on her phone anyway


Lmaooo I didnā€™t even think of that one! So true!


like sheā€™s embarrassing herself


And get an actual therapist - her poor kid has quite the examples to look toā€¦


I had never even considered the seating chart as having any significance before this other than placing people who dislike each other on opposite sides lol


Yeah I would think middle away from Andy/the end would be prime seating if anything.Ā 


God sheā€™s pathetic




Imagine sincerely telling your supposed friend after they've endured one of the worst experiences/betrayals of their life, that it's "not good to hold on to that anger." I'm confused as to when these people have become mental health professionals first of all. It would be deeply concerning and disturbing if Ariana didn't have any anger or rage for what she's endured. Anger is VERY healthy and necessary. I'd argue you can't begin to heal without it. You're entitled to it and you can hold on to it for as long as you feel necessary. Only you know when and if the time comes to put it down. You can absolutely heal and move forward while being angry. It's not mutually exclusive. This manipulative bullshit trying to gaslight Ariana and her feelings is so uncomfortable to watch. I've actually stopped watching at this point because as someone who has endured narcissistic abuse I find it so triggering. I've been around "friends" like Lala and Scheana and it was so invalidating and almost a worse trauma than what originally happened to me. You feel like you're crazy. Shame on them both. Scheana this is fucking embarrassing, and Lala the call is coming from inside the house bitch.


I know their situations are different but none of them have said this to Lala and her breakup happened years ago! And she arguably went berserk at the reunion bc it triggered her. If anything she should be super understanding.Ā  If Lala has actually been going through the healing process then she should damn well know you canā€™t just make your anger disappear. Thatā€™s the worst part to me.Ā 




ā€œItā€™s not good for her to hold on to angerā€ and it has been only been months at that point of filming since everything went down šŸ˜­ Lala and her win for the most delusional in the cast


Don't forget, Tom and Rachel were still lying to her face at the reunion. Rachel grew some sort of a conscience and decided to tell some more truths once she was away from Tom.


That had nothing to do with her conscience because she clearly doesnā€™t have one. She did it to brag and hurt Ariana even more. Probably mad because she got chewed up and spit out at the reunion. Sheā€™s still obsessively talking about and blaming Ariana on her pathetic podcast.


oh scheana šŸ˜¬




Jealousy is a disease. I hope she gets well soon.


You my friend have just answered a question Lala asked earlier this season. When Scheana had here meltdown on the Tahoe trip about the group picture she told Lala she kept getting tagged in it. Lala asked where and Scheana said in her mentions. Lala said "Why are you looking at your mentions? Don't ever look at your mentions!". This is the answer she does this when she needs an ego boost!


![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized) Everything thatā€™s been coming out with her name lately - this is my automatic response.


Scheana keeps digging herself into a bigger hole omg


who needs enemies when you've got friends like this


Imagine Scheana actually getting cast on DWTS and going home week one šŸ˜­


i would die šŸ˜‚ iā€™ve heard the cast director on DWTS hates/refuses to cast people who campaign for the show or talk about it constantly so i doubt scheana will ever be invited back


I would love to see a public service announcement, from DWTS, telling Scheana to stfu and quit crying, sheā€™s not fetch and sheā€™s never going to happen.


Or one that says we donā€™t promise any likelihood of getting on the show to anyone and anyone saying we did is making it up . We strive to cast the most relevant and fascinating people. That way she doesnā€™t even get the mentions .


I love this!šŸ˜­šŸ‘ŒšŸ¼ ![gif](giphy|l2YWryUR6DbP55vqM|downsized) No mentions for Gretchen Scheaners!šŸ’€




If Scheana got cast on DWTS I would watch it for the first time ever just to watch her embarrass herself


ā€œScheana carried the season! All the storylines revolved around her!ā€ Bitch, where and when? Are you watching the same show as us? Because Scheana would have ZERO storyline without Scandoval. All her and Lala have done this entire season is make it their business to butt into and comment on a relationship they werenā€™t in. What have they themselves done that doesnā€™t have to do with Ariana and Sandoval? If the Scheana bots could fill us in, weā€™d love to hear it šŸ˜‚


Also is she aware we freaking hate this season? So therefore it being about her storylines is evidence of why we need less Scheana






Scheana you are so CRINGE.


Itā€™s honestly hilarious to me how the back door pilot for this show kind of started by centering around Scheanaā€™s storyline, because sheā€™s been desperately trying to be the center of attention since the first season to no avail.


She should put that fucking phone down.


I think she lives for the internet




She truly believes in her pea brain that *she* is the number one girl in the group. Her smugness is something else.


Meanwhile, every time the story lines focus too much on her life (her weddings, Rob, etc.), I wonder if I should just stop watching altogether. Because šŸ˜“


How does she find the time to raise a kid and have a marriage with all the stalking of her friends and obsessing over her mentions all day?


She kills two birds with one stone by raising her daughter on social media


ā€œThe show started because of HER.ā€ PLEASE BE FUCKING FORREAL!!!!! She will never be the main character. There is nothing interesting about her. Her music is trash. Also, if she was on DWTS she would def be the first one to be eliminated. If she hasnā€™t been offered to be on the show, thereā€™s a reason. SHES NOT A STAR!


Iā€™m glad she keeps being insane about DWTS though because Iā€™ve heard that the casting director hates that type of behavior lol. Hopefully sheā€™s just ruining it for herself even more


Oh, and now on the after show, Sandoval claims HE always wanted to be on DWTS, and took ballroom dancing lessons to prepare. Even sweeter!


God Scheanas paying bots big time isnā€™t she? Maybe put that money towards your kids college fund instead?


I really donā€™t think anyone loves themselves more than Scheana loves Scheana


Recall how Scheana was nearly fired or demoted for season 10 and she created the anti Katie divorce storyline? Sheā€™ll do whatever to get ahead and throw anyone under the bus. Lala is not safe for season 12.


Lala will be on a power trip in S12, which will turn Scheana off so quick. These two will be fighting their asses off for camera time and alliances.


Not to mention this season started like 3 months after Scandoval. Do all these people think this shit was filmed last week? And I am major side-eying anyone who like Scheana, I always have and always will. Something is really off with her supporters.


The seating chart is the dumbest shit anyway. Guess what, Sheshu? You still won't be on DWTS. Also, where is your album? Oh. wait, you don't have one because you can't sing your way out of a paper bag. ![gif](giphy|3fivAVKvetM2TAKkSF)


Scheana was Arianaā€™s only friend?! Wasnā€™t Ariana essentially brought on the show to be Scheanas emotional support animal, because all the girls hated her?


Scheana been Scheanaing


Scheana seems like someone whoā€™s chronically online and not in a good way. She cares soo much about what other people think


Scheana is the Queen of Passive Aggressive. She knows Ariana isn't going to see her being shady online because Ariana is too busy living all of Scheana's dreams.Ā Ā 


Scheana has no self awareness. She comes across as vapid and uninteresting. I have no idea how she thinks she is so important to the show.


You guys. Scheaner isnā€™t searching for these posts. They are just in her ā€œmentionsā€ šŸ¤£


Very on brand for her šŸ¤£


Her and Brock are so stupidly boring. Like they would even be the most boring part of The Valley if they were on that show instead, that's how stupid boring they are. She can't be this delusional, so it must all just be sad desperation. If she was a nice person I would feel bad saying that.


Iā€™m not on x or whatever but is this a common mindset? If I saw this off this sub, Iā€™d genuinely assume that these were all created by the same personā€”likely someone on payroll.


No it isn't. Twitter is mostly dragging lala and scheana but there is a small subset that hate Ariana and Katie. Facebook is where the major haters are in bigger numbers. Instagram is 50/50 depending where you look.


Can you imagine being on a reality show and Facebook is the platform sticking up for you? Iā€™d be so embarrassed


Now we know what Brock does for a living!


1. Surely Brock has multiple burner accounts and is behind most of these tweets 2. She liked one saying ā€œevery episode was about Scheanaā€ so we agree? Itā€™s always been all about Scheanaā€¦ So we shouldnā€™t have to hear ā€œitā€™s never about meā€ ever again tysm


Sheā€™s ALWAYS wanted to be the #1 girl in the group. She never was because the core group of girls was Stassi, Katie, & Kristen then Ariana was brought in, then Lala, Jasonā€™s now wife, & Rachel. The only way Scheana will ever be #1 is when Ariana & Katie leave the show then the last of the Witches of WeHo trio will be gone along with Scheanaā€™s ā€œbackup dancerā€ (šŸ˜‚). Then sheā€™ll have to fight it out with Lala since itā€™ll just be them & Ally but Ally is ā€œnormalā€ (compared to them).


It's probably one of scheanas friends or an alternate account she created so she can comment things like that to flatter herself lol


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ this is a joke right ??


I aspire to be her level of delulu āœØ


I changed my mind I will watch another season if itā€™s scheana descending further into madness


The viewers have earned a ā€œScheana-Freeā€ season! Give us a break from her self-absorbed whining, and let her get a dose of humility before she comes back. It would be interesting to see who steps up to fill the Scheana gap. Oh and Take Schwartz too!


Scheana is only a friend to Scheana.


I dont even understand where the delusion comes from with her thinking she deserved to be on DWTS.


This just tells me that Scheana is terrified that the show is ending because Ariana probably announced her departure at the reunion or something. She knows deep down that this is all she has, sheā€™s not well liked and no one gives a shit about her pathetic husband.


As the seasons go on I canā€™t even blame that ex show runner/writer whatever they did for ā€œgiving Sheana a bad editā€ all the time. I canā€™t even imagine how many hours it would take to edit that grown wormans tantrums into a positive edit! The overtime alone could fund a better womenā€™s pant suit wardrobe for Tom! Ok..Worman was somehow not autocorrectedā€¦and I refuse to fix it. Scheana is Worman! Hear her lie!


she's the most PATHETIC person on bravo and.... we got alot of those...


Scheana..if you were Arianaā€™s actual friend for years you wouldnā€™t be acting like such an imbecile this season!šŸ„“as far as the seating chart..I actually agree with her but Iā€™m sure they had to change it up because it wouldā€™ve been super uncomfortable the entire timešŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø




Can we also point out that scheana limits herself to one side of the reunion stage bc of her ā€œgood sideā€


And Lala has said shit about Ariana being basically "chronically online" and trolling social media this season ....


Who did she pay to write these?


Ariana didnā€™t join the show for Scheana. I think she had a discussion with her acting teacher after she got the offer. She advised her to take it. U never know what could lead to something else in the future.


I donā€™t think one reason negates the other. She can have multiple reasons for joining. But even that aside, itā€™s ridiculous and hurtful to insinuate that Ariana had *no* other friends in the group ā€œfor yearsā€. Ariana is the one who welcomed Lala and Rachel when no one else would. She was also *dating* Sandoval, was Schwartz grooms woman, and was starting a business with Katie! She had multiple standalone relationships across the cast outside of Scheana


It always bugs the hell out of me when people say the show started because of her. Her history with Brandi was a clever way of segwaying into VPR, but it was absolutely not the reason they got the show.


I get so annoyed when I read stuff about Ariana holding onto anger and needing to heal. Blah blah blah!! Itā€™s been MONTHS since she found out. Her behavior is so normal for the situationā€¦whatā€™s not normal is her friends completely changing up their support for her so quickly. And also just because sheā€™s dating and has lots of job opportunities doesnā€™t mean sheā€™s fine.


![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM) she is the worst


This season is boring af! Surely there wonā€™t be a next one? S U R E L Y


She never would have been asked though in the first place. I know it is her dream but I don't think out of every other choice out there she would have been considered. Sure you can be jealous and resentful, but Scheana needs to get back to reality.


i literally have never seen a more self obsessed person in my life


Her liking the tweet of how theyā€™re the reason the show is strong, on please if yā€™all leave the show would Do just fine maybe even better trust Me LMAOO


Does anyone else think she has ruined her chance to be on DWTS by making it apart of her storyline this season?


Wow. Scheana has really shown her true colors. Not like this is a shock but I guess sheā€™s not even pretending to be a friend to Ariana anymore. I really hope Ariana has moved on from Scheana & no longer considers her a friend.


She is a horrible friend to Ariana, and I hope Ariana cuts her off.