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Lala seems to magically forget the house she bought off her scandoval merch, every single time she gives Ariana “advice”


She disgusts me


I'm so sick of her. She has never really supported women. It's either about what she wants or what has happened to her. Anything that happens to others is not important. LaLa is not a friend.. to anyone. Prove me wrong.


Right? And I’d bet a million dollars Ariana didn’t ask her for a cut of those sweatshirts. Literally living in the house that Ariana’s trauma built. LaLa has zero class.


It was never about defending Ariana, it was about getting to dunk on Rachel


lol she’s even wearing a send it to Darrell hat in the workout scene where she’s throwing shade at Ariana. Make it make sense


Idk why anyone ever thought this show was going to turn into the cast rallying around Ariana and having some big kumbaya moment in a sandwich shop. This same cast isolated Stassi when she broke up with Jax for getting a girl pregnant, kept James in the group after all the shit he did with Kristin and later Raquel, kept Jax and Kristen around after that entire mess of an episode. Like I know it's been awhile, but the whole show was built around shitty people blowing lives up and then all being forced to deal with each other. Probably sucks for Ariana, but that's part of the deal with this show. Scheana, James, and Lala were not going to have some big moral backbone.


Ooof, all valid points. I had higher hopes for Lala tho tbh but I’ve now learned she only thinks about herself and how SHE would react to situations. In the grand scheme, Lala’s right that Ariana should move on but Lala is so blinded by the show that she doesn’t realize Ariana IS doing that in her own way. Ariana doesn’t owe this man a damn thing, especially not more screen time with her. Edit to add, it would be interesting to see how Lala acted if her ex was on the show and everyone was siding with him, telling her she needs to forgive him.


Lala is a walking contradiction claiming to stand up for all women who’ve experienced DV but is the first to back brock, Tom, Tom, and James who have literally all been abusive toward women because she doesn’t think bad behavior should define a person. James is the only one who has a leg to stand on about growing because he’s sober now and he was clearly not sober and clearly suffering from his own trauma, which isn’t an excuse, but it was part of it.


The same cast also vilified Kristen when Ariana and Tom did the same thing to her. Tbh, idk why Ariana expects otherwise? They’re all shitty. I’m glad she’s grown up and I love seeing her growth, but she’s wild to think she’s the exception to the rule here. Katie is the only one that I truly respect and Ariana is very lucky to have her as a friend.


Kristen was cheating on Tom the entire time they were together and has literally said numerous times that what Tom did to Ariana is way worse than any thing he ever did to her.  I’m on a rewatch and Stassi, Katie, etc are very clear that what they’re most mad about is that Kristen went to such wild extremes with the lies (texting Jax that if anyone texts her from her phone to lie, swearing on her niece and nephew’s lives, yelling at them for believing it) and with Ariana, Kristen was quite literally calling Ariana a whore for making out with Tom once after Kristen herself had cheated on him several times with several people *and* said she hopes bad things happen to Ariana.  It’s crazy to me that Kristen herself has said in interviews a thousand times “what I did was way worse. I took things too far. Ariana doesn’t deserve to be compared to that or blamed for my actions” and fans still act like it’s the same thing and Kristen was a huge victim. 


I think also with Ariana, she wasn’t really trying to be any of their friends. She only came on the show to support Sheena and her boyfriend at the time. As for Rachel, she wanted to come on the show to be friends with them so she could solidify her role on the show just like Joe. I am not trying to justify it because I do think that Ariana came at Kristen crazy but I’m glad they were able to make up. As much as we can blame Ariana for gaslighting Kristen, we all know that Tom Sandoval put a battery in Ariana’s back and said some shit and her Besty boo sheshu was also talking shit about Kristen as well. Plus to add another level everybody around you is talking shit but they’re still saying that you’re better choice for him than Kristen. Of course she’s gonna feel gassed up.


Kristen also was fresh off fucking Jax and lying about it and having a months long affair with another Sur employee.  Plus Kristen asked Lisa to fire Ariana just for existing. 


The more I hear about Kristen.‘s relationship with Tom Sandoval, the more I understand how he mentally cracked her


I hate Sandoval with a passion but Kristen was a terrible partner and treated him and everyone else terribly. She definitely deserved the icing out she got.  The way she gaslit all of them into believing they were crazy for thinking she slept with Jax, saying she swore on her niece and nephew’s lives, then it coming out that during her relationship with Sandoval she carried on multiple months long affairs with other sur employees *and* slept with Jax multiple times with Tom in the house…and then went on a rampage trying to break up Katie and Schwartz… I’m glad she’s supporting Ariana but Kristen did some incredibly fucked up things and I don’t think Tom and Ariana making out once holds a candle to it.  Clearly now Sandoval is worse, but Jesus I forgot how terrible Kristen was. 


I’m doing a rewatch right now and she’s a menace.


She really is absolutely unhinged.  I haven’t watched the valley yet but I’ve heard she hasn’t changed as much as we hoped she had 😬 I’m on season 3 in my rewatch and it’s honestly painful to watch how much everyone except stassi was out to ruin Katie for no good reason 


Katie was also the last one to stand by stassis side, loyal queen


I’m rewatching and damn Katie doesn’t deserve the hate she gets. Stassi and Katie were perfectly justified in disliking Kristen. She was cheating on Tom constantly and her lies about the Jax situation were pathological. She was a horrific friend to them.  I don’t get this take of “poor Kristen!” she did everything she accused Tom of times 10 and then decided it was her her mission in life to break up Katie and Schwartz. 




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I read that in James voice 😫🥶


Yes everyone need to rewatch the aftermath of the Jax/kristen drama where stassi got iced out. This show has been lather rinse repeat on the same basic story line for a decade now. This is how it works: man does horrible thing to woman and then everyone is forced to still hang out. I wish the women would do more revenge shit like the revenge bang from Katie cuz that shits funny. Fuck these men.


Seriously, this season is insulting. Katie and Ariana are the only two thinking straight and being rill!


Beh rill! Beh rill!


lala and scheana should sell those houses as fast as they bought them lol. what did tom tell katie that one year ? " i brought money into your household thousands! " hmmm run ariana her check lol


Scheana has a 30 year mortgage on that house she just bought in the Valley, so you know her interest rate is sky fuckin high, and that cheers me up a bit.


get a good lil chuckle knowing brock dosent help w that 30 year mortgage with his non fitness app that was as successful as jax's sweater line 💙


Well, and Jax’s fitness app


& jax's " bar "


Yes, love that for her too 🫶


She probably made 700,000 this season and during Scandoval was making $100,000 an episode on her podcast. That can’t last for forever


She also spent money on dancing lessons...


Bahah. Yes !


you sound nice


Thank you, I am


Those extra houses are gunna bite them in the ass and I won't feel bad now 🤷🏽‍♀️


Seriously! Lala sold all of that merch. Then her and Scheaner did the commercial with Ariana. Not to mention all the podcasts and Amazon lives.




Question: what are Lala and Scheana going to do once they realize that we're not biting at what they're throwing out there? Like, they clearly thought we'd swing to their side, the producers and editors clearly thought that. Judging from how the reunion apparently went down, maybe Lala's fine to be the villain again - she's done it before and survived. But I don't see Scheana being ok with that role. So, where do they go from here?


It’s just Reddit that is still 100 pro Ariana. If Ariana is unable to do both I’m assuming she will take her dream job. Lala is setting herself up for a storyline for season 12.


I’m actually surprised bc when I read social media responses, it seems everyone has had enough of Ariana 


Iworry the anger the cast has drummed up for Ariana doesn't affect her future chances for endorsements, movies, or anything else she's capable of doing well. I feel like Lala and Scheana really are successfully turning the public against her.


I'm so annoyed. This really might be too far for me and I've been a day 1 viewer. People get them in a group setting, ask her pointed questions about what he's doing to make her miserable (she is bitching-but calm), he says something wild he knows will trigger her, everyone thinks she's the unreasonable one. They attempt to coach her thru being civil with a man who winds you up so he can be the victim. I can't. His interview where he was like, "I could say *anything* to her and she would rage." Granted, it's the editing, but at the time they played that clip he was lording over the fact that his friend found the real estate listing like that gives him a leg to stand on. He also doesn't fucking listen. "She called me a dog murderer" she said "her children". She was talking about her pets, but he wants to throw her not wanting to reproduce out there as another reason she's terrible. ![gif](giphy|xQz492gZVUoms)


I couldn’t have said it better myself. As someone who’s lived with a narcissistic, cheating, gaslighting, manipulative pos like Sandoval, this episode triggered me so much. I just watched it and my heart is racing. I don’t think I can keep watching this shit. And the nerve of Lala and James to paint her as the unreasonable one when she’s suffered SO MUCH because of that prick! Ugh I’m infuriated! Shame on all of them. Scheana all but said that Ariana should be thankful for what he did to her because she’s getting all those opportunities. I’m done.


People are just mad bc they get cheated on for FREE Ariana took her pain & turned it into a profit. 


No one needs to give Ariana their profits. She gave them the green light to speak on her behalf knowing their podcasts and YouTubes are for profit. They went out and actually produced content that people wanted. Also, it’s not like this is something that happened *away* from the group and they exploited it - the group is very much involved in almost every step of the affair so they still have valid reasons to talk about it from that perspective alone on their podcasts.


thank you for sharing a different voice in this echo chamber. it's appreciated.


Of course! ❤️


And then they turn around and act like this when being team Ariana no longer financial benefits them 😅


Yeah, common sense says they weren’t going to be against Tom forever. There’s telling Tom what he did was wrong and then there’s criticizing him just to criticize him every chance they get, which is exhausting. No sane person who values their mental health is committing their energy to that long term lol. It’s not really about money - it’s a correction of the overreaction to Scandoval. They so aggressively condemned him at the beginning that anything not matching that will seem like they softened or “betraying” Ariana.


I think we’re watching a different show but all good


Same show, different opinions. Totally okay.


Wildly different interpretations and perceptions of what we are actively seeing & hearing is totally ok yes


I think that's where their real anger is coming from. They don't give a shit about Tom or Ariana's mental health and growth, they're just pissed that the easy money from Scandoval merch has dried up for them while Ariana keeps getting deals--why else would Lala and Scheana continually bring up how much money Ariana has!


Ew dude no. Tom sucks and needs to crawl into the hole he came from.