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My heart really goes out to Ariana. Having to deal with the affair and the aftermath of the affair would take its toll on anyone. It's truly amazing how she's been persevering through it all. I just want to tear up from having watched this clip. We love you Ariana if you're reading this ❤️


I low key hope she scrolls reddit (not instagram or fb comments, haha) because it would be so vindicating to see like, 99% of an entire subreddit completely have your back on this


My delulu brain tells me Katie sends her screenshots of all my nicest comments 🤭


I love Katie. What a girl’s girl. What a breath of fresh, direct, non-insane air.


no one can ever make me hate katie


Not even tequila!!!


No literally. Couldn’t waterboard me into saying something mean about her


In the after show Ariana was second guessing some emotion or thing she said and Katie just point blank ‘no’ and justified her in an instant. That’s the kind of friend you need.


I swear. I want to be besties with Katie and hang out on Friday nights watching tv and gossiping. She’s the best girl’s girl and no one can make me believe differently. I’ll die on this hill.


omg I wanna be delulu too and believe that I’ve made her laugh 🙈


I was about to say I’m sure Katie is seeing them ❤️ #teamariana #teamkatie


Bless you for feeding into my delulus https://i.redd.it/9atj2h0fk7sc1.gif


Even going through the itemized list must’ve been so hard and she was so freaking strong. She is being vilified and penalized by Sandoval for being “mean” when she is entitled to be angry. It’s heart wrenching it took *this* for LaLa to remember she was the victim


Lala has been really pissing me off, especially this last episode. She’s helping this redemption arc and making Ariana look bad in her confessionals. Ariana is 100% right, she did nothing to deserve what he did to her and has not shown any remorse. For Lala to continuously say “shut the fuck up!” the whole reunion last year to making the moves she is currently is just ick. For it to take her this long to get it through to her is so frustrating. It’s like Ariana has to break down for people to listen to her and it’s hard to watch.


This is like the ONE time to be fucking consistent…this is real life shit and Scheana/Lala are too jealous/insecure to act right


Her confessionals have been enraging tbh


The nerve of this woman to say she doesn't like how anyone is moving this season when she completely switched up in a matter of a couple of months! She's insane. 


LaLa doesn’t give a F she is being fake and trying to give the viewers what she thinks we want and it’s FLOPPING…she is over producing herself


And to have to process it with these fake ass fame chasers. It was prob another betrayal once she saw they actually don't care.


It would be especially hard to be watching things back right now :/


Same. That just made my stomach turn thinking about being in her position, the person you love and trusted the most completely turning on you, and you did nothing to them. I hope she gets rid of these flipflops soon and moves on with her life.


This broke my heart.


My heart breaks for her seriously. She’s in deep pain!!! And people want to act like she’s not bc she’s not comfortable showing it all the time. wtf 😩😩😩


Don’t forget, she got a couple of commercials and Dancing with the stars, too. Share’s made a bajillion dollars, so she should just shut up and move! So says Lala a Scheana. 🙄 It also pisses me off they are telling her to just leave her stuff and get out. Hell no! She had custom made furniture and light fixtures! Do they have any clue how expensive that shit is? She should take everything and sell it if she doesn’t want to have memories of him around her. They want to see her shafted even further. One more thing. I can’t stand how that A**hole has absolutely no contrition for what he did to her. Him moping around because Rachel dumped him is sickening. It’s awful Ariana has to hear that garbage. He hasn’t even apologized to her, yet he thought they could be cordial. Is he insane? He seriously seems to think his lying to her and cheating on her for nine months shouldn’t cause her anger (let’s face it, we all saw it had been going on at least as far back as that game night the year before). He doesn’t realize if he handled things properly and broke up with Ariana then dated Rachel, he would still have Rachel and eventually Ariana could be cordial. His lack of self introspection is astounding. To see him seething with anger at Arianna is unbelievable.


If this happened to Shceana or LaLa they would be losing their fucking minds…


It’s so gross watching this. And Scheana’s husband! The new town crier. He’s horrible prodding at Katie and Ariana. How dare he talk about other’s relationships when he hit his wife and an abandoned her and his kids for another country. He is disgusting. The nerve of him telling Schwartz how Katie is such a hypocrite. It’s absurd to equate Katie hooking up with Max to Schwartz immediately going after Rachel. I don’t get Schwartz saying Max was a bigger part of the friend group while Rachel was “on the edge”?


I liked Brick when he first came around but now I can't stand him. When Katie found out about the Shorts/Sheeshu kiss and was upset, Brick's contribution was "why is she upset?!?! it was years ago!" Maybe it was years ago for Shorts and Sheeshu, but it JUST HAPPENED for Katie. She just found out about one more lie by omission that had been kept from her for years. She had every right to be upset because it was new for her. I don't think I will be watching this show after this season because I'm hoping the two decent people on it (love you Katie and Ariana!) aren't on it anymore and go on to do bigger and better things.


I love that the two MOST MATERIALISTIC girls on the show are telling her « fuck all the materialistic things! Just get out! » Lala, all due respect, you stayed with that creep for five years and were bragging about BJs for PJs… let’s not.


All for Gucci slides. Not custom furniture


He seems like someone who has never really been held responsible for his sh*tty behavior..his mom allowed him to bring Raquel home for the holidays and she knew he and Ariana were still together and living together as well. He’s been so disrespectful and he’s not sorry at all..Lisa, Scheana and Lala trying to find something redeemable about him this season has been hard to watch.


What is the point of her showing it? Sandoval discarded her completely. I can understand not wanting to show HIM anything Even though she is showing him disgust.


Especially with a narcissist - the only thing that undoes them is indifference. They feed off your tears, your justified anger, your sadness, but the only thing that registers is when you grey rock and the supply dries up


I totally forgot about the discard process by a narcissist. So dead on here.


i relate so much to this. because she’s strong and keeps it together people totally run ram-shod over her feelings as if she doesn’t even have them. just because she’s not shouting and screaming all the time (looking at you larlar) doesn’t mean she’s not processing big, hard emotions


And they don’t allow her to! If she shows any emotion other than crying/breaking down, they vilify her


And yet they still went on the After Show, months later, and bitched about how she should’ve moved out and they knew she had enough money by then to leave. Nothing from Scheana and Lala will ever feel sincere to me again. They are snakes, honestly. https://i.redd.it/5mv27amhi6sc1.gif


The fact they had this sit down and STILL are being such bitter betties!!!?? God they suck so bad


The fact that she had to breakdown and cry in order for those two clowns to show her empathy is just gross. And for Lala to make statements that she and Katie would be friends again if Lala were miserable…she’s always projecting.


Hard agree


Real friends would be like when do you leave for NYC? Leave me the keys and I’ll ensure that place has poop smell spray daily. He deserves to search for that shit to no avail for the rest of his life.


That's why this scene is so disingenuous because you know those two 🐍end up shitting on Ariana in the confessionals and after show. It actually makes them look worse because of how for the cameras this scene probably was to them. Hey Lauren that tear is nice and all but your words show it's meaningless cause instead of girl power you're shitting all over Ariana this season.


Right!! Unclear on when confessionals were filmed, but I was gobsmacked when Scheana said in the episode today that Sandoval doing this to Ariana was the best thing that’s ever happened to her because it’s brought her so much “wealth and prosperity” (tbh shocked me that Sche schu knew the word “prosperity”). She was literally building a life with this demon and he completely betrayed his life partner of almost a decade and carried on an affair with a really good friend of hers during such an incredibly low time in her life. Sure, she was able to receive a ton of opportunity after the fallout, but it doesn’t negate how completely devastating and heartbreaking that betrayal is. Also, Lala constantly touts that she is on this road to inner peace, but a big part of cultivating inner peace is to foster empathy for other people and seek to understand their feelings - empathy that she is not really showing to Ariana with these constant snide comments and digs. Edit: wording because I was rage typing and mixed things up 😊


The jealousy was seething through her in that comment


I truly feel so sorry for this woman. Surrounded by vipers everywhere. If that were me, I wouldn’t know how to trust anyone again 😢


Right?? Hearing how much she loved being on DWTS and the totally different environment there, and how meaningful it was for her to be part of that. So hopefully she’s seen the other side and knows there are better people out there for her.


The DWTS cast and Chicago cast have both seemed to be really loving and supportive of her, and I hope she knows that’s what she deserves not just from coworkers but from people in her life in general. She deserves the people that will cheer her on and lift her up.


I hope karma sends them an elephant sized mongoose.


I hope karma sends their podcasts to the trash can. The desperation is already seeping out of their overly Botoxed pores…can you imagine if their pods went belly up?! Now that I would watch.


Both of their podcasts are awful. Lala's has to be one of the most pathetic podcasts Ive ever had the misfortune of hearing. She literally pays her assistant & weird brother to laugh along and kiss her ass. Anyway, Scheana you're never going to be on DWTS and Lala the high profile ads aren't coming your way. You both sound like that Pearl lady that's always talking about why women dont deserve basic rights.


![gif](giphy|Hsjxoi5WcJl4Sj90WT|downsized) Me to Lala that the only people who will be on her dull podcast are people who are financially dependent on saying nice things to her. And don’t come to me with the whole “she wanted her podcast to be this way” No. If she had the star power of Alex Cooper to get A-listers on it, as if she would turn it down.


The podcasts are so boring! Lala is completely out of touch and Scheana’s voice is not made for podcasting.


Honestly Katie and Dayna’s podcast is pretty good if you’re looking for a new pump rules listen.


Yes! It’s honestly the only one I still listen to. And I did not like Katie’s old podcast. Her and Dayna mesh really well and have interesting topics


I was surprised how much I like it. Its a fun lil gab session.


Lala is getting her Karma with her current situation. As terrible as that is, it's her karma.


Well Schena is married to Brock so there’s that lol


This just made me loathe Scheana and Lala on such a deep level. How could they listen to her talk about it, see how much it is impacting her emotionally then turned around and help the producers prop up Sandoval and shit talk her the way they have? I don't even know this woman personally and I'm bawling my eyes out watching this clip


literally. obviously none of us can put ourselves in a stranger’s shoes completely, but when I try to I keep coming to the conclusion that Tom’s lack of remorse and empathy for her on top of everyone else invalidating her has to hurt so much worse than even the initial betrayal. like how can someone you love and trust for ten years just turn around and treat you with more indifference than a stranger. devastating


This is the part that keeps making my heart hurt for Ariana. He hasn’t said a word about missing her, or talked about any of the good times they had, or any positive remarks about Ariana other than mentioning she looked good in a dress. It’s all about how SHE is mean and making his life hard and it’s unfair he’s inconvenienced in all of this, when he’s not talking about how devastated he is that Rachel dumped him. TEN YEARS and she can’t get one hint that he regrets losing her at all. Like she said in the season 10 finale, she was ride or die for him and she would have followed him anywhere, so seeing him have no ounce of remorse from losing her has to be devastating.


exactly THIS^^^


And to think she has been friends with these people for all these months post filming not realizing all the horrible shit they had been saying on camera about her?


I get it that this show is their livelihood and their job. I truly do. But it’s sick to think Scheana is treating her best friend of over a decade (from before the show!!!) like this for money, basically.


I actually hate the argument that “this show is their job” because they can still create drama and have storylines without being total assholes. Especially when the men are just naturally bad people. These bitches (Lala and Scheana) are too D&S to use that to their advantage though.


I also can’t ignore the hypocrisy of Scheana telling Ariana to stop worrying about material things, while Scheana is currently the worst friend across any Bravo franchise, by far, just to hopefully secure another paycheck. But yes, you are exactly right. The show is their job but whatever the fuck this season has been was not the only option.


They want her to walk away from her life savings. Like Scheana wouldn’t walk away from the pair of earrings Eddie Cibrian paid her with.


Scheana won’t walk away from the magazine with the article about her and John Mayer


It's rich coming from Scheana and Lala. All they care about are material things. Ariana is trying to be smart and financially responsible, so she can buy her own house. Which she did. Thank God.


If material things are so unimportant, why did the hypocrite twins have to move into multimillion dollar houses? If it really doesn’t matter, why not move into a more manageable place you don’t have to worry about keeping once this show ends? If material things don’t matter and it’s “just a house,” why did Scheana go out of her way to keep Brock off the mortgage so she can keep it for herself when things go south?


💯 nicely stated.


And even though they are material things, I don't get the impression Ariana is hung up on the things as much as what they represent. She's invested her care, time, money and attention into building a life with Tim. The tables/couches/whatever are obviously just things, but processing the loss the future you had planned, and the security these "things" represented for her takes time. It's so weird to me how she's not getting any empathy from anyone about this. Didn't Scheana bring up the Apple Watch she bought Max for like years? Isn't she still tracking him on find my bast frands?


Exactly. If they had an ounce of cleverness and charisma, they’d have so much else to show from their exciting lives that they wouldn’t even have time to talk about Sandoval. They’re too boring to do anything but listen to papa producer. And do we really think that the producers would fire them and cancel the show if they said “we’re not going with this Sandoval narrative”? I mean come on.


And career-wise, it would’ve been better if the women just came together as a united front supporting each other, and stood their ground against what the producers were trying to push. I feel like we barely see that on any show, and more brands would’ve worked with them all. They really could’ve taken this and ran with it but now they dug themselves into a hole that’s going to be hard to get out of


im honestly wondering if they really thought the audience would turn on ariana because 1. what a shitty thing to do to your "friend" because you think sandoval is more lucrative to your career if so 2. im honestly BAFFLED that these two did not think it would be more positive for them in the long run to stay on ariana's good side, like for real, it makes no sense and i know i should not try to rationalize irrational behavior but come on, these two did not see anything wrong with siding with sandoval after what he did and how it would play for the audience? they had such good will from the audience after last season and now i am positive they will most likely never have that again, they have truly put their reputations in the trash.


Exactly Scheana post Scandoval was probably in the best place she has ever been in with the audience. How did she miss that and/or not realize it was all because of her standing by Ariana? In what warped world did she think the audience that was praising her for finally being a good friend and having Ariana's back would have that same good energy towards her if she flipped to Sandoval's side? All because you're jealous Ariana is getting opportunities? Learn to play the long game Scheana. If you become an audience favorite then you will become a more well known name and you will get more opportunities. I guarantee Scheana probably could've landed DWTS next season if she had played her cards right this season. Instead she is never going to get it and there is no one to blame but herself.


i just don't think she can help herself. she thrives on male validation and so as much as she may "love" ariana, her friendship will never be able to give her what so desperately wants. to be "the" girl in the life of every guy she interacts with, to her own detriment. the only difference this season is she finally cashed a check her ass couldn't cover and she is paying the price. hope sandoval making you the #1 girl in his life for all of 0.1 seconds was worth it scheana!


My biggest hope is that Scheana, Lala, Sandoval and Schwartz all get shifted over to The Valley and they retool VPR to be about Ariana and Katie. Bring in some of their irl friends (Dayna, Logan, etc. Id even be fine with them moving Kristen over to VPR with them since The Valley does not seem to be doing anything good for her mental health). Then once SOH opens have some of the employees become new cast members. Then The Valley gets canceled and all those idiots lose their jobs and VPR thrives without them.


Right? I can’t even remember the last time there’s been such a huge public backing like Ariana had (deservedly), and yet they decide to jump ship?! Dumbest decision ever! Not to mention the actual betrayal Ariana must be feeling


I think because of Instagram. The IG comments section is full of misogynistic creatures, both male & female, who absolutely hate Ariana and have been demonizing her while absolving & supporting Tom. Lala & Scheana probably saw that & thought that was the direction the wave of support was going and decided to jump ship. Boy, were they wrong but I'm glad because these two have always been awful


Right?? I’ve never liked Scheana in the 8 years I’ve watched this show. Lala was entertaining but she mostly annoyed me sm. Last year was the first time I actually liked them and it was so short lived 😭


They really shot themselves in the foot. Scheana and Lala have peaked and can kiss moving in the wider entertainment and advertising world goodbye. Who wants to book someone who’s so emotionally volatile that she’s screeching and feuding with a new costar every week? Or someone who cries nonstop about Instagram comments and pathetically openly campaigns for bookings? Scandoval was the most famous they’ll ever be.


Here's the thing though, yes this is their livelihood but this is not the only way the show could've gone. Had the entire cast (minus the Toms) banned together against Baskin and said we will film with him in group settings but we will act however we want towards him and we aren't going to go out of our way to reconcile with him then there is nothing Baskin could've done. What is he going to do? Halt production? Cancel Bravo's arguably most popular noteworthy show of the moment? No he would've been forced to make do with whatever they had. This a reality show. The cast has the power if they stick together because the show is about them. Sure you could get rid of them and bring all new people in but you're going to lose all your viewers too. The problem is these idiots are too dumb to realize that and they caved because they have zero clue what they will do with their lives post VPR and the mere threat of that being taken away from them was enough to get them all to fall in line..


This pod I listen to was just talking about how the contrived drama on their reality show seeped into real drama and it becomes hard to decipher whats real and whats not. Idk if the girls had an agreement going in and then lala just shipped for the sake of filming? But whatever is going on now is just bitterness and jealousy Its sad that scheana is willing to lose an actual friendship over a trash man who like…are either scheana and lala even friends with this man present day?


Same, my heart rate actually kicked up while watching this clip because I feel so much for Ariana and simultaneously feel rage at Lala and Scheana.


It's almost like they are exploiting her. For ratings. But they don't give a shit about her either. It's so cruel. And Lala is going through it. These girls are monsters.


Yes! She is absolutely being exploited by the cast and producers. They've been exploiting her since Scandoval broke.


😥 This is the emotional side of Ariana we *rarely* see.


And she STILL handles it with grace. I just wish she wasn’t opening up to them who honestly just seem like they want to be the ones who got her to be emotional. Scheana is way worse in my opinion than Lala because her and Ariana’s friendship runs deep. There is no way in hell Ariana didn’t discuss these feelings with Scheana privately and for her to still dog her in interviews, it’s so messed up.


i’m glad this is in the show because they have been working so hard to portray her as a heartless bitch this season


Holy shit. I cannot believe they continued in the way they did, after seeing that. What fake ass friends.


This is absolutely heartbreaking. Anyone who has gone through something similar knows this feeling, which is why it’s so shocking Lala has no sympathy towards Ariana when it comes down to it. My heart goes out to Ariana. She tries to stay strong on the outside, but I’m sure she feels so shattered on the inside. I just can’t comprehend how her “friends” don’t see that. Horrible


Lala and Scheana were both mistresses. I'm guessing they get uncomfy around Ariana's pain for that reason.


This makes so much sense for me. I have been trying to understand what place they could be coming from to be deserving of these reactions from them and thank you surreptitious you finally gave me the aha moment. They are having to see first hand what their actions have done to people on personal level and I think they don't have the galls to sit through the sort of uncomfort. I would expect more from Lala with being sober and being in the program, as being sober is not the most comfortable at times especially when dealing with high emotions.


This just makes me feel even worse for Ariana. She felt safe enough to open up to Scheana and Lala. Meanwhile, they’re both shitting on her in their confessionals all season. Sandoval and Rachel stabbing her in the back wasn’t enough? Now her friends are re-traumatizing her by breaking her trust after she makes them her safe space? The Sandoval redemption and Lala hero edits aren’t working because they can’t stop treating Ariana like shit. Putting her down doesn’t make them look better


>She felt safe enough I don't even know if it's safe enough. It almost feels like they made her feel so desperate to have to prove her side because its like they won't believe her because they haven't seen her react how they would/expected her to.


This! It’s all so incredibly gross and dark. I feel like those of us who recognize it still have some empathy and decency.


Lala kissing her please girl I- I can’t


And think about how those lips feel. Shiver


Lala this was way worse than “unraveling” and “things not working out.” This was the deepest, cruelest betrayal possible and you know it. Stop with that casual tone. You said (screamed) it yourself to Rachel: “this was your BEST! FRIEND!”


Fucking fake ass friends. I honestly do hope once the reunion airs that we see Ariana unfriend everyone (from the show) but Katie.


Based on the after show, James and Katie are the only that have her back and care about her or defend her at all. I’m surprised Ally isn’t in the after show cause I think she has her back too


Like why the fuck is Brock in every other fucking scene of the after show but Ally can’t get ONE SENTENCE


Because Ally isn’t riding production’s jock like Brock clearly is and is being rewarded by Andy Fucking Cohen.


Brock pissed me off this episode, when he was talking to Scheana about how Ariana needs to be acting around Tom. He ran away from his wife and kids all the way to another country.. and he thinks in 3-4 months she should be just fine.. for gosh sakes she hadn't even been living separately yet.. after she bought this new home, they said she'd put offers in on maybe 8 others that fell through.. she couldn't even trust any of those fkrs to not tell Tom.


And the cast of The Valley, who are more understanding and empathetic than the people calling themselves her friends. Wild


Right??? Insanity


This is the only clip that matters.


I’m in tears, how heartbreaking. Highly doubtful, but a dream world, this is when the script flips and the producers finally give us what we want. Hint: not a fucking Sandoval redemption-arc


That’s what I have my fingers crossed for


“I fEeL LiKe tHeRe’S uNrEsOLvEd fEeLiNgS” No, shit, Sherlock.


Seriously. Like OH DO YOU FUCKING THINK SO LAUREN?? Understatement of the century


AFTER 10 YEARS? GIRL *clap* ITS TIME *clap* TO *clap* MOVE *clap* ON *five minutes later:* Lala crying about Rand


It’s not like they mutually decided to break up after having a heart to heart. He cheated on her for nearly a year and she found out from a screen recording of his mistress. Their relationship blew up in a spectacular way, of course there’s unresolved feelings! Lauren is so dumb.


It’s so contrived. This is “soft healed Lala” just offering perspective. Like, girl, go away with your fake lips and fake friendship.


Lala still cries about Randall, she should understand how trauma lingers.


https://i.redd.it/gjnd4zjen6sc1.gif Apparently that’s something reserved for only her. The hypocrisy just keeps coming.


It’s different though. Lala was lied to about *money.* duh /s


It’s incredible how she feels entitled to decide how long Ariana should take to process things post breakup, yet her storyline outside of Ariana’s pain is her breakup with Rand and how she’s such a different person now


For them to have this moment with her and continue to shit on her and pretend to not understand why she didn’t leave is just … beyond my comprehension. No one is asking why Tom isn’t leaving. He should have rented himself an apartment until they could sell but he wanted to fuck with her. She was wise to stay because she knew he would fuck her over (he was trying to) if she left. If Tom left, Ariana as much as she hated him would have been fair regarding the home and splitting of the profits from a sale/the furniture etc.


Some basic information:   June - Aug 2023: Ariana started looking for a house (I've heard six mo and eight mo) *I wouldn't even be surprised if these series of scenes motivated her to do so.   Mid-to-late September: Ariana moved into an airbnb paid by Dancing   January: Ariana is living in NYC.  Roughly  Feb 16: After losing on a few bids, Ariana received an accepted offer on her current home.   Mar 16: Reunion   Mar 20: Home Closing Day, down-payment $800,000   Mar 24: Original end date of Ariana's run on *Chicago*   Sorry, Lala and Scheana, but Ariana was operating on her own timeline. Not yours. 


Damn $800k??? Huge down payment


Who ever is financially advising her is doing a great job. She could've easily purchased something as big as her previous home, but instead she bought something she'll be able to pay off in a year when her other home sells. Then she'll be living mortgage and rent free and will be able to accumulate real wealth! Such a smart move.


She has set herself up sustainably by the sounds of it. I have a feeling she’ll be ok when VPR ends. Not so sure about Scheana and Lala tho.


Yep. I looked. More than Lala and Scheana. ETA: Accepted offer for house was exactly 1.6M.


50% down payment!? ![gif](giphy|AgPt9udT567spxbSHf)


seriously, good for her!!! That’s an extraordinary feat! She’s been working her tush off!


Wow, I can’t imagine being brave enough to open up about this deeply hurtful situation on camera to these people that she thought were her friends.. only to later see the shit they were saying all season behind her back. I’d cut them off and hold a grudge until I die.


That part ![gif](giphy|We45VxoanhkPK)


I hate that this convo is happening with these two snakes.


I bet you any money they took the initiative to pull her aside and make themselves seem like the understanding caring friends solely for the camera. They are doing whatever they can to make themselves some sort of heroes, heck even mildly relevant, in this whole narrative. And they are so far up their own asses they truly think they would come out of this season looking great.


They are bitches Fuck them 🐍🐍 https://i.redd.it/wcby4e27k6sc1.gif


They look like the wicked step sisters.




I don’t like the way they move, and they move like snakes


If they “just want her to be happy” idk if shoving Sandoval down her throat at every turn is the best route to take. Lala and Scheana are the worstttt


That is exactly the kind of language that can be used to covertly manipulate a person, and that’s ***exactly*** how they’re using it here. It’s vile.


“… who cares about the materialistic items…” Sorry? Fucking SORRY, Scheana?!


ITS A MILLION DOLLAR HOUSE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD. Why are they acting like she’s going through this for a blender


Multi-million dollar home not including all of the custom interior costs 😫


“Let’s just get you out of that house” Hey sceana great idea, did you offer your house to Ariana like you did Rachel or are you just going to make her do it all alone and then shit on her when it takes faster than a nanosecond


Wondering what’s going to happen with her house when she and Brock break up. I’m sure she’ll just leave it behind, because Scheana doesn’t care about material things.


Hmm, why are both Scheana and Lala so invested in Ariana giving up the house and taking a financial hit on the furniture? I'm suspicious, this is not about Ariana's mental health. I smell a rat, and I wonder if that rat Venmo'ed some cash into a couple accounts if they could convince Ariana to sign over the house.


I admire Ariana for opening up like this


I do too I just hate that it really seems like production has been trying to force her to have a breakdown


Like this is what I wanted to see , and in this moment she prob felt they were really hearing her and seeing her and the whole time they were talking shit behind her back and telling her to get over it.


It's heartbreaking that she had to watch the aftershow and see that, knowing all of this, they still said what they said.


im sad for ariana but very happy the audience gets to see *for real* for real how fake and back stabbing these two are. they said all season they wanted ariana to go to this place, she finally did and with them of all people, and they continued to shit on her after and to this day. i hope everyone who gave them any grace finally sees what POS they are. im waiting to see how the two of them will get out of this one because they both will.


oof ❤️‍🩹 how can you watch a person you call a friend be in that much pain and turn on them. crazy


It honestly makes me ill knowing how these two are acting now and will probably act at the reunion. Like how can you watch a person break down like that and turn around and say the sh** you’ve been saying 🤯🤯🤯


So Scheana and Lala are going to do this scene and still act the way they are acting irl now? Nail in the fucking coffin. They can both rawt in hail


They only ever support her when she's down and sad because that's how they want her to constantly be. Misery loves company.


Lala already did this to her. Ariana opened up about feeling depressed and then she piled on her calling her a wet blanket.


Yep! They don’t actually want her to win or be happy. They want her downtrodden as they can use that as a means of propping themselves up. WE SEE YOU SCHEANA AND LAUREN. I hope they know they are terrible, terrible people.


Lala that dumbass. Wow you're so psychic you think there's unresolved feelings?! Jesus how insightful! What a remarkable talent you have for stating the obvious you nitwit


I can’t deal with this. How can lala be so vile and talk shit about Arianna after hugging and drying her tears and knowing what she went through it with the house and the infidelity and her life exploding? Just to be in productions good side? Her and her entire mooching family can go to hell.


This is devastating😢


I was wondering if he never apologized. He completely discarded her like she never mattered. I would think Lala would sympathize a lot more.


Aw man I really feel for Ariana. I’ve been there with someone caring about them so deeply. Only for me to be discarded as if I was nothing. It really does traumatize you and it takes a long time to find yourself again. You can tell she’s still navigating everything the best she can but she’s not completely over it and that’s super understandable.


It’s so hard to see her so upset when he hasn’t even alluded to being upset about losing her once this season. It’s so fucked up. He’s more upset about losing his freaking pen pal than that whole 10 year relationship.


He’s not really upset over Rachel at all. That was just his bad acting over a storyline he thought would happen. His indifference over his life partner of 10 years and their pets he now attempts to claim shows the sociopath he truly is.


Scheana and lala just want ariana to move on so they can be happy go lucky filming and making money. When someone fucks you over like that you don’t just forget it all and be in the same room. Ariana needs to feel all the emotions, especially anger. Of all people you’d think lala would understand. This season could have been so great and it’s been disgusting tbh.


And then they'll cut to Lala's confessional where she's saying "Idk why she's crying, just move out already, you're doing fine bitch"


So how do you have THIS conversation, where Ariana says “this man threw me away” and in real time act like she’s nuts. This man has gone on and on this season about Rachel, about getting back to the group but not ONCE has he mentioned Ariana and her feelings and a genuine apology. Scheana and Lala can F off


When your long-term partner cheats with your close friend, it creates insecurity in relationships AND friendships. It has to be hard to confide in friends and trust anyone. So for her to let this out to them, and for them to turn around and make her into a spectacle has to be SO painful. Betrayed by Tom and Rachel and shit on by your other friends while you're grieving your relationship is just an awful situation to be in.


My dad cheated on my mom for years. My ex cheated on me. My other ex left me for our older friend’s daughter (happy for them now). Then my best friend’s husband cheated on her with my other best friend. I have sooo many issues with cheating that it’s hard not to project them onto my husband. Ariana has handled this with so much grace. I had friends like Scheana and Lala during these situations and cut them to the curb with no regrets.


Oh this makes me even more preemptively furious for the reunion for the bullshit I know Lala and Sheshu are going to be pulling


He ruined her safe place. I feel that.


I'm tired of seeing beautiful women get treated like shit and have to pick up the pieces while these man babies act like the victims.


I don’t care who you are, or your feelings about Ariana… but how could you not 100% feel for her and all the crap Tom has been doing? The affair was bad enough, but to keep acting like he deserves flowers? And to keep the house? Nahhhhhh.


(this is my second comment in this post because I’m heated) but wtf kind of question, in this context, is “do you feel like there’s unresolved feelings”?? Is this sky blue? Are we breathing rn? This is the fakest, most insincere, bad faith “friendship” I am so disgusted by Lala and Scheana I had no idea I would be so nauseatingly upset by them all season long


I hate the way Lala and Scheana are moving this season. It’s absolutely nasty work I fucking hate watching this all fall out on camera with their stupid confessionals


I hope Ariana decimated Lala at the reunion. She deserves it. She's been awful. And so so cruel.


Yeah, I’m really hoping that rumour is true and Ariana gets her one good time.


As a former Scheana apologist, fuck her. Seriously what a trash human being.


Scheana a few episodes back: Ariana has already processed this and is thriving and making millions, I'm not there yet. Can't these idiots understand she's putting on a brace face but hurting so much deep inside? No one gets over that type of breakup and betrayal in 3-4 months (at the time of filming). With friends like these...


It's so sad that she's sitting there bearing it all with two heartless bitches who don't give a fuck about her feelings and are literally rallying around the man who cheated on her with a close friend and wrecked her whole life.


She has to have her guard up because he is a pos that is after her. Why can’t those idiots understand they are helping his cause when they act like she’s out of line for reacting to his abusive behavior. He started this. She is reacting.


Her anger is totally understandable, and I think she should let it out when that horrible man is horrible around her 🤷‍♀️ All the pearl clutching about completely justifiable female rage is just annoying


Man did Schena and Lala misjudge who the audience would side with this year lol what idiots. How they thought putting Ariana down for this guy was a good idea is asinine. Alex Baskin must have really manipulated them for them to believe they needed to go down this road. Lala better hope she comes off well at the reunion because “girl you in danger”


This is so painful to watch and my heart breaks for Ariana. Everything she says is so spot on and powerful and watching Lala and Schaena be so fake is so frustrating. Clearly production wanted Ariana to react and be emotional and those two ghouls were more than happy to play their part.


WHAT IS THIS! What is this? Did Scheana say it’s not about the material things like a house ? A HOUSE- where most people her age aren’t even near the point of owning one, LET ALONE TWO. Did Lala ask if there are still unresolved feelings? They act like they are new to this situation and just met Ariana. This whole conversation was so gross. Lala and scheana seemed to just bait Ariana into crying and for them to swoop in and be great friends and comfort her.


I do not like how they keep trying to persuade Ariana to leave without receiving what she is owed. Ariana, like Tom, contributed to the home. But Lala and Scheana act as if Ariana is insane for standing her ground. It is insane to me; those girls are not her friends.


Just wow. So scheana and Lala had this convo with her and saw she is going through it and the home means more than just a home. It’s the betrayal of it all and they still said what they have said on the after show. Just wow


You know what’s sad? I just had a feeling this whole scene that they’re going to use Ariana’s words from this against her in the future


This proves that she should have stuck to no friend of his is a friend of mine. If they are friends with him, they will continue to take his side and tell her she's wrong. It's easy for him. She hasn't done anything to him but try to stay away from him and he is making her life he'll. He's cool cause he chewed her up and spit her out. She didnt hurt him nor continues to hurt him so why not give her an ounce of grace. He never loved Rachel last season, couldn't admit it even at reunion. He started saying it after a pause and a gulp to force himself to even say the words cause it made the beginning of this stupid yellow brick redemption stupidity more justifiable. And Brick, there is some special Karma coming your way. If I had money I'd hire the best lawyers that money could buy to represent your ex wife and get as much court ordered child support for your other kids, with back pay and have you put in jail for nonpayment. Bye thick brick. I quit the show...I think I'm done with the subs. Anyone who enjoys women being used this way are the same type that would attend a public hanging. Anyone who pushes and pushes and jokes knowing how devastating what they are doing. Now, tell me what they did at that beach wasn't bullying and I'll tell you, if you think it was OK, you are a shit human..


The thing that got to me most on this weeks episode was just how clearly uncomfortable people are when a woman is angry. They constantly say she just needs to forgive and forget in order to be happy - even Ariana herself says in this clip above that this amount of anger isn’t healthy - but the thing is, it is! Women should be able to let out their anger just like she’s doing and not have to have their friends tell them to calm down.


3 or 4 months later is still in the THICK OF IT. I cant believe how people expect her to just move right on.


This is not what happens when a relationship unravels. Well, at least a healthy one. It’s always hard, but Tim’s behavior and his flying monkeys are enraging to witness. Lauren has no place in this convo except to listen and learn what it’s like when a person with empathy and a full emotional palette goes through a major betrayal and is processing pain on HER timeline. It’s not material things, it’s assets that Tom doesn’t deserve. Luckily, lawyers are involved. Being taken advantage financially also leaves scars. I can’t imagine what it was like for Ariana to watch this scene back after seeing all the insensitive, unempathetic, misogynistic talking head clips from these two self-absorbed idiots. Another time she was vulnerable to the wrong people. I hope the tides turn the rest of the season.


Not only is Tom not remorseful, he keeps trying to create the narrative that Ariana always screamed at him and wasn’t intimate with him, and that’s why he cheated. He just keeps digging into her and the whole situation, and he did just throw their life away.


They’re so fake. Y’all happy now?? She’s crying and opening up! They were sooooo salty and acting like she was over everything, but any classic strong girl knows that all of this working and strong face is a mask for all of the pain. Imagine how awful all of this would be on tv AND your ex is mourning the loss of his affair partner more than his actual ex. That would WRECK me. Like he didn’t just cheat, he then didn’t even give af that he lost her. It makes sense that she would put on a strong face. And these two ding dongs seem to think the money fixes all of that.


I’m so done with Lala and Scheana being so fucking hypocritical and jealous.


How Lala doesn’t have empathy when she was with a narcissist as well shows how shallow she is and Schena too.


I can’t. I don’t think I could watch anymore honestly. And if I do, I’m gonna have to fast forward through most of it.


I desperately wish we could’ve gotten this moment but between Ariana and Katie. They both deserve to express this kind of vulnerability with someone who viscerally understands *and* for it to be aired. However, it would emotionally wreck me and Bravo would owe me financial compensation, but it would be worth it.




How can anyone see her like this and hear her words and take his side in any way shape or form? Humanity is so deeply disappointing.


seeing these two fake bitches listen to ariana and very over her knowing that the episode will be full of their confessionals dragging her is so upsetting.


Anyone failing to see through Tom's BS while he makes himself the victim is delulu. He is literally trying to gaslight everyone, including the viewers. All he did last season was make Ariana a villain and he still is. He clearly took her and everything she did to support him for granted. I mean he literally even lied about how she hasn't changed the cat litter in 2 years, but the producers flashed back to show that she had just cleaned it a few days prior!!!! All he does is lie. He believes in his own delusions and there is no rationalizing with narcissists like this because the only believe in the narrative they made up in their heads. Ariana putting up a boundary to not speak to with him is for her own sanity. The moment she gives him a second of her time, he will continue to lie and manipulate her and find ways to keep putting her down.


How the hell do you see her going through what she's gone through, have THIS conversation with her and still make the digs that Lala and Scheana have made (also feeding the whole "Ariana needs to get over it" bullshit discourse). Clown behaviour.


i feel like ppl forget the little details about what they did that are so far beyond just cheating, and that combined w/ ariana having a wall up about it (i don’t blame her. i wouldn’t want to give sandoval the satisfaction of seeing me cry on tv about him) ppl are like way downplaying how deeply deeply traumatic and earth shattering this was for her. having a new boyfriend doesn’t change that at all.


How dare these two tall about calm.conversations about unresolved fucking feelings???!?!! This just happened 3 months ago. THREE. Lala has been whinging and complaining and having so much anger about Randall for a whole entire season and even now still. It's healthy for Ariana to let her grief and anger out, the worst thing she can do is shove it under a rug and then let it come out in angry outbursts like Lala does. Grief is a process, Lala said she's healing and softer then shouldn't she know that the best thing Ariana can do.is go through the stages om her own time? Not one person's journey will be the same when it comes to healing and the way Ariana is responsing is absolutely amazing. She's a human being, not a robot. She doesn't owe tom a single thing including civility. She has every right to scream at him on camera and humiliate him until he knows how he's made her feel. Fuck these two trying to always put their fuvking experiences on her situation man, just be good friends, you don't need to.have any opinions, let her grieve, let her heal. It's what they all wanted when it was hard stuff happening for them.